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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/09/2015 08:47 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
All this demon talk is just assumptions, NRS can do whatever they want with the amulet, the gods, the influence of The One, the daggers etc. We're all guessing anyway so for some1 to say, Havik or whoever cannot be it, bull.

While we're at it, let's just have Sonya or Jax murder everyone in the Special Forces then seize Outworld and Earthrealm for themselves. tongue

All I'm saying is that it doesn't make any sense for his character to be a demon that controls people. The character that NRS wrote.

But hey, if they want to reel in and re-write him, then so be it. Nothing I can do. Although I'm sure there's gonna be some pissed of Havik fans (myself included), so prepare yourself!
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/09/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
I'm surprised this thread didn't get merged with the "big bad speculation" thread yet.

What if there is another "team" that we don't see yet. Esp for this mysterious 3rd act. KotaL has his posse. Mileena has Reiko, Rain, and Goro. So I'm thinking maybe QuanChi escaped to the Chaos Realm after the NRW, enlisting the service of Havik. There's also that blood cloud shown in the story trailer. Here's a formidable team- QuanChi, NoobSaibot, Havik, and Skarlet.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/09/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I'm surprised this thread didn't get merged with the "big bad speculation" thread yet.

What if there is another "team" that we don't see yet. Esp for this mysterious 3rd act. KotaL has his posse. Mileena has Reiko, Rain, and Goro. So I'm thinking maybe QuanChi escaped to the Chaos Realm after the NRW, enlisting the service of Havik. There's also that blood cloud shown in the story trailer. Here's a formidable team- QuanChi, NoobSaibot, Havik, and Skarlet.

I have high hopes for this to happen!
03/10/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
If Havik is the final boss, maybe it has something to do with Johnny Cage being Raiden's Champion and his ending in MK9 where he went to Seido.
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03/10/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
Havik is not even important enough to be included in the initial roster, let alone to claim the final boss title.

Outside of this forum, the general public doesn't know/give a shit about Havik.
03/10/2015 09:18 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Havik is not even important enough to be included in the initial roster, let alone to claim the final boss title.

Outside of this forum, the general public doesn't know/give a shit about Havik.

Sad but true
03/10/2015 09:31 AM (UTC)
You don't know that, Havik is a returning character and could be involved since it's about Chaos. NRS can easily warm the public up to him during story mode or the comics, if he's in. It's not that much different for Onaga and Shinnok either + they have introduced new bosses all the time, so the fact that it's a returning makes it already kind of recognisable. Also, Onaga and Shinnok have been bosses so that's not really surprising whereass Liu Kang or Havik are.
About Me

Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/10/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
Right. Also, I'm pretty sure the general public had no idea who Blaze was before the 3D era, yet they amped him up.
03/10/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
The concept of a brand new final boss in sequels is used all the time in every media in existence. Doesn't matter if nobody knows Havik. I'd rather prefer Quan Chi corrupt Havik to bring chaos everywhere than to change Havik. Havik has never really been that much of a bad guy, only focusing on creating chaos by any means necessary, wether opposing Onaga's iron rule(good) or having Kabal recreate the Black Dragon(bad). He's more mischevious than evil, without being a joke character.
03/10/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Havik is not even important enough to be included in the initial roster, let alone to claim the final boss title.

Outside of this forum, the general public doesn't know/give a shit about Havik.

Blaze wasn't all that when he was first introduced, and he became the boss for MKA. If NRS wants a certain character to be the boss, they will find a way to justify it.
03/10/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
Neat idea. Actually, i COULD see Havik being behind everything.
03/10/2015 10:47 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Havik is not even important enough to be included in the initial roster, let alone to claim the final boss title.

Outside of this forum, the general public doesn't know/give a shit about Havik.

I feel that would be the beauty of it! May he wreak Havoc
03/11/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
But isn't Havik just a cleric? I would think that means he serves a higher power.
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03/11/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
He's a cleric TO Chaos itself
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/11/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
I like the idea of Havik as the boss but I do see the point people are making about how it kind of goes against his character. I like the idea of Quan Chi enlisting him after losing the Netherrealm war. That would be a good way to get Havik involved on the side of "evil" as a boss without him betraying his principles. Also, maybe Havik holds the belief that collecting all the Kamidogu will give him the power to unleash chaos throughout the realms?
03/12/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
I keep reading that people are speculating that Havik is going to be the big bad of MK, I'm here to voice my opinion on why I don't think that's the case.

The reason being is that Havik wouldn't be the type of guy to put himself out there as an authority figure. Havik to me is like the Joker from Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" the guy isn't in it to claim anything. Havik's not about title, power, status, or respect. He just wants to see the realms be as separate as possible from each other and constantly in disarray. Havik is like a morbid version of Jack Sparrow I feel. He's going to play each character against each other and work his way through the cracks of the storyline.

A character like Havik is most effective if he is not in the spot light and he's the kind of guy who works best when even the fans can't speculate on where his actions or his motives lie. I say make Havik an active playable character on the roster and leave this boss business to less interesting characters. I mean in the end ALL of us are going to have to pummel the boss any way.
Grizzle Wrote:
I keep reading that people are speculating that Havik is going to be the big bad of MK, I'm here to voice my opinion on why I don't think that's the case.

The reason being is that Havik wouldn't be the type of guy to put himself out there as an authority figure. Havik to me is like the Joker from Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" the guy isn't in it to claim anything. Havik's not about title, power, status, or respect. He just wants to see the realms be as separate as possible from each other and constantly in disarray. Havik is like a morbid version of Jack Sparrow I feel. He's going to play each character against each other and work his way through the cracks of the storyline.

A character like Havik is most effective if he is not in the spot light and he's the kind of guy who works best when even the fans can't speculate on where his actions or his motives lie. I say make Havik an active playable character on the roster and leave this boss business to less interesting characters. I mean in the end ALL of us are going to have to pummel the boss any way.

Technically Joker saying he didn't have a plan in that movie was BS, because everything he did was pretty orchestrated, but you're right, Havik's better when he's not a final boss, even if I think he would be a cool one.
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