12/31/2005 01:45 AM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Sorry, I don't know where most of you guys are coming from...but MKDA was a terrific game, it blew away the ideas of MK4/

MKD was an average game. End of discussion. Not very good, not very bad.

The thing is if you didn't play MKDA for at least a year, then you're probably not an MK fan.

Its like saying I really hate berrocali (sorry for the mispelling) or asparagus, I just wish they would put more effort into planting these vegetables better.

Wrong! You're better off just stop complaining about the damn vegetables and avoid them entirely. In all honest, you're gonna be disapponted when the next MK game comes out, there is just no pleasing you, so let us, the optemistic fans, have a little fun on this site without constant criticizm.

What do you say eh???

Id say with that kind of attiude MK will never be as good as it can be.

Would you care to give me you're rationalization???
12/31/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
ok listen im not saying rush it im saying if they wait to long to release it it may not meet peoples expectations got it no talk of rushing any more ok ok!!!furiousfuriousfurious
12/31/2005 02:42 AM (UTC)
this thread has nothing to do with the making of the game it is the release date!!!!
12/31/2005 02:43 AM (UTC)
Coltless calm down, despite what anyone sais on this site, the MK Crew are experts at creating games...these people claim to know everything but they don't.

12/31/2005 02:49 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
no! the tomb raider game yout hopes are up what if it sucks, if you go quick and do the job right it will be a good game and people will be blown away! Boon and Vogel Know their job

That has to be one of the dumbest statements I have ever read on these forums...and I have read quite a few! Your basically saying you want them to rush the game and everyone will be blown away? Look at MKDA and MKD they were both rushed and they both blew chunks. I was blown away alright...I was blown away by how craptacular they both were. No to mention MKD felt like Ultimate Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance.
12/31/2005 03:06 AM (UTC)
that is not what im saying butt hatfuriousfuriousfurious
12/31/2005 03:22 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Coltless calm down, despite what anyone sais on this site, the MK Crew are experts at creating games...these people claim to know everything but they don't.

I wish I was you.
12/31/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)
12/31/2005 03:26 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
that is not what im saying butt hatfuriousfuriousfurious
Way to keep your cool buddy. Heh , craptacular that is an awsome word.grin
12/31/2005 03:31 AM (UTC)
when i type swears i feel bad there are ladies on this site and children i am a gentleman now do you fianaly get it
12/31/2005 04:03 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
when i type swears i feel bad there are ladies on this site and children i am a gentleman now do you fianaly get it

I think my I.Q. just dropped 5 points. sad
12/31/2005 04:06 AM (UTC)
what ? furious
12/31/2005 04:07 AM (UTC)
Coltless don't worry about critics, the thing is The MK Crew is gonna release the game in late 2006, so you'll get it you're way.wink
12/31/2005 04:08 AM (UTC)
thank you buddygrin
12/31/2005 04:36 AM (UTC)
anyway i was talking date not making the game i think most of you are confused confused so you guys got it now not game date ok
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12/31/2005 04:46 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
this thread has nothing to do with the making of the game it is the release date!!!!

The release date is WHEN the game has to be made for; the deadline before it goes gold.
12/31/2005 05:28 AM (UTC)
somtimes the game doesent get finished in time somtimes its early any thing can happen but for the sake of the game it should be in 2006 edit tell me when you move it please
12/31/2005 05:41 AM (UTC)
who cares how long as it takes, as long as it's good.
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12/31/2005 10:27 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
somtimes the game doesent get finished in time

That's actually been a criticism of the latest wave of MK games.
They're being finished on time, at the cost of additional materials and extras.

Perhaps the most recent example would be the omission of MKII in Shaolin Monks on the PAL systems.
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12/31/2005 11:06 AM (UTC)
ErmacMaster Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink
Halo 2 took about 2 and 1/2 years and it turned out to be a amazing game. The time limit on a game doesn't matter you shouldn't want to rush a good game! Halo 2 continued to get different release dates. It's not a bright idea to rush a release date on a game or it's going to come out like MKSM. Complete shit fest.

So you want a game, that takes 2 1/2 years, and is still unfinished, but looks good and has a nice mulitplayer, but one of the most boring storylined single players ever to be released, ala halo 2.... ok...

now i don't agree with topic starter, mainly cos i don't know what he said. Now i do remember a bit back boon saying that there would be an mk each year, one would be classic fighting, one would be ala shaolin monks.

Now ok not everyone likes DA and Decp (lets ignore dec and take DA as it's the stronger of the two) DA was the grounds for something good, but it's more than likely that, that is gone, now news surfaced ages ago that midway had secured the epic 3.0 engine, now lets hope ed and co are using that, cos thats a great graphical start, but the gameplay still needs not an entire overhal, but more than just tweaking.

As for shaolin monks, please remember it is the first crack, and although not brilliant, did have it's fun moments.

We will see MK:A this year. But remember it's been in devlopment for 13 months already. minus of course break and rest for after deception was finished.

12/31/2005 07:35 PM (UTC)
no no no! ok say you wait 2 years for a new mk game and when it comes out it isnt half as good as your expectations expectations grow faster than gamesif it isnt released in that period some people may be dissapointed got it got it ok im not saying rush the game im saying rush th release and all of you have thought that like oh i cant wait for that game i wish it was out now also dont start advertisising until it is finished if the game isnt done yet and we know about it may be criticle
12/31/2005 09:59 PM (UTC)
I think what most people seem to be forgetting here is that MK is a game and its supposed to be fun. Surely the people who are nit-picking it for its various flaws, rather than playing it for fun because its entertaining, are the ones who are going to suffer in the long run? I mean, how does your inability to be satisfied make it a worse game for those of us who can play MKDA and MKD as a way to pass the time?

I say that the game will get here when it gets here, and that there'll be something at least to love about it, whatever that something is. So you might as well just shut up and enjoy the ride. Suggest improvements by all means, but no need to take everything so seriously. Life has enough drama as it is, without the things we do for leisure turning into life-or-death situations at every turn.
01/01/2006 12:57 AM (UTC)
Weskerian Wrote:
I think what most people seem to be forgetting here is that MK is a game and its supposed to be fun. Surely the people who are nit-picking it for its various flaws, rather than playing it for fun because its entertaining, are the ones who are going to suffer in the long run? I mean, how does your inability to be satisfied make it a worse game for those of us who can play MKDA and MKD as a way to pass the time?

I say that the game will get here when it gets here, and that there'll be something at least to love about it, whatever that something is. So you might as well just shut up and enjoy the ride. Suggest improvements by all means, but no need to take everything so seriously. Life has enough drama as it is, without the things we do for leisure turning into life-or-death situations at every turn.

Brilliantly spoken, I couldn’t had said that better myself. I agree with you 100%.
01/01/2006 01:16 AM (UTC)
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Oh, I know. It's another idiotic thread from none other than coltess. Surprise...surprise...NOT!

They need to spend a lot of time on their games and make sure the quality is very good and I'm talking about fighting engine first and then things like characters, storyline, and ambience next followed by audio and graphics and any extras they can fit in.

Whenever MK7 comes out, it comes out, though in my opinion, they should spend lots of time and hard work trying to do a good job with it. Regarding the so-called people who "nit-pick" on things, well, I think it's important to point out a game's flaws, especially if those flaws are in dire need of being fixed such as MK's fighting engine. Yes, I have fun with MKDA and MKD, but I don't ignore the fact that those games have flaws that definitely need to be fixed in upcoming MK fighting games. Storyline is another thing. We can't have stupid retcons that screw up certain storylines. Some of the various retcons in the past MK games were fine, because they actually added something good to the story. I guess that continuity is a problem of Vogel's and/or some of the other storywriters.

I'm a big fan of the series obviously and I care about it and all, but there's not so much you can really do overall.
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01/01/2006 01:25 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
Weskerian Wrote:
I think what most people seem to be forgetting here is that MK is a game and its supposed to be fun. Surely the people who are nit-picking it for its various flaws, rather than playing it for fun because its entertaining, are the ones who are going to suffer in the long run? I mean, how does your inability to be satisfied make it a worse game for those of us who can play MKDA and MKD as a way to pass the time?

I say that the game will get here when it gets here, and that there'll be something at least to love about it, whatever that something is. So you might as well just shut up and enjoy the ride. Suggest improvements by all means, but no need to take everything so seriously. Life has enough drama as it is, without the things we do for leisure turning into life-or-death situations at every turn.

Brilliantly spoken, I couldn’t had said that better myself. I agree with you 100%.

I do agree, But i gotta add that for the guys who are picky, maybe its just because they dont want to see MK fall short of other games.
After all, if games are supposed to be fun, why limit the amount of fun you can have with them .
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