i have a very starteling mk conclusion! (kinda includes mka release)
posted01/19/2006 07:46 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/30/2005 08:28 AM (UTC)
Ladies and Gentlemen I have gone into the archives and combined it with some of my other knowledge of mk to some what figure out a timeline to mk armageddon now dont call me crazy quite yet mk1 and mk2 were released 1 year apart enough time to be eccited about the game not enough to get bored and raise ecspectations so mk2 beet all ecspectations but 2 years later mk3 was realeased just enough time to let ecspectations get to high and now some people were dissapionted so they made umk31 year later to make people happy with more characters 1 year later mk4,sub zero mthologies,and mk special forces were released in perfect timing 1 year later mk gold edition was released for fans who like mk4 but wanted more charecters 4 years later mkda was released way to late some fans thought mk was done and stopped caring and some didnt like the game 2 years later mk deception was released a little to late but the game made up for it 1 year later mk sm was realesed the game did well but some fans want another normal mk game not an adventure so i conclude for the sake of the next game that it should be released in 2006 and most of you are saying "well duh i al ready knew that by all the stuff o this site" well in 1997 there were ads for mk4 and it wasent suposed to be released until1998 but fans wanted it so bad they released it early another thing that may make mka worse an edventure game for the sake of the game it must be a normal mk game and it must be released in 2006!
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12/30/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
damn thats a long sentence, i went cross eyed half way through.
Anyway midway already said that a new mk game would be shipped every year, so its more than likely that MKA or another unknow mk game will ship next year. So really you wrote all of that for nothing.
12/30/2005 09:22 PM (UTC)
but there have been set backs with other games
12/30/2005 09:24 PM (UTC)
okay, that was a little difficult to read but anyway,

I want a normal MK game as soon as possible but I don't want to compromise how good the game is so I can get it more quickly. If it meant MK7 would be a success, I wouldn't mind waiting till 2007.
Many franchises have fallen into the trap where they were putting out games too quickly for e,g Tomb Raider.
When Tomb Raider Legend comes out in 2006 it will have been 4 years since the last one, Angel of Darkness and I can already say its been worth the wait just looking at legend.

So instead of making a million MK games to asap and all of them being awful (MKD and MKSM had good ideas but badly played out) I would prefer if the next MK game was done carefully. MKDA, MKD, and MKSM may have done well with critics but they didn't do that well, MK has never done that well. And its a shame because there is talent behind it, the creators are talented, they just piss out half-assed games.
12/30/2005 09:27 PM (UTC)
but how would you feel if it had crappy graphics
12/30/2005 09:30 PM (UTC)
Thats what I'm sayin. I want MK to be as good as it can and if that takes more than a year then fine, but making an mk game annually for the sake of it is just plain wrong
12/30/2005 09:34 PM (UTC)
no! the tomb raider game yout hopes are up what if it sucks, if you go quick and do the job right it will be a good game and people will be blown away! Boon and Vogel Know their job
12/30/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)
the tomb raider game, I can already confirm looks amazing so graphically I'm not worried, in terms of control, its supposed to be better than AOD so I'm over the moon, and longetivity its supposed to last 10-15 hours but there are secrets to return for which is great in comparison to MKSM's abismal 4-5.

http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/8313/screen77ni.jpg As for doing it quick, from 96-2000 tomb raider games were coming out annually and they got worse and worse until it came to 2002, when the angel of darkness was rushed out the door after a number of delays. The game wasn't finished and did very poorly, it was supposed to be the last tomb raider game, then EIDOS took the franchise from Core Design and gave it to Crystal Dynamics who are creating Legend. And FYI, graphics are only a small portion of a games greatness, a very small, the original tomb raider wasn't the prettiest game in the world but its still very playable.
12/30/2005 09:43 PM (UTC)
did you like shoulin monks ? it only took a year
12/30/2005 09:47 PM (UTC)
Nope, I hate Shaolin Monks. It lasted 3 hours before I got bored, it was nice to see the whole MK2 backgrounds in 3d but it hurt to see the MK story pissed on.
12/30/2005 09:50 PM (UTC)
how about mk2? 1 year
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12/30/2005 09:52 PM (UTC)
The thing is MKA wont have been made in year, the team that made shaolin monks is different to the one thats working on MKA and has been worked on it since MKD shipped so they have had more than a year to make the game. Boon and vogel just checked up on shoalin monks guys ever so often.
12/30/2005 09:52 PM (UTC)
That was 13 years ago, there is a huge difference in making a game now than there was back then. I did enjoy MKII (though it wasn't my favourite)
12/30/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink
12/30/2005 10:13 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink
Halo 2 took about 2 and 1/2 years and it turned out to be a amazing game. The time limit on a game doesn't matter you shouldn't want to rush a good game! Halo 2 continued to get different release dates. It's not a bright idea to rush a release date on a game or it's going to come out like MKSM. Complete shit fest.
12/30/2005 10:19 PM (UTC)
ErmacMaster Wrote:
It's not a bright idea to rush a release date on a game or it's going to come out like MKSM. Complete shit fest.

Well said. wink
12/30/2005 10:33 PM (UTC)
im not saying rush the game dont you get it its time!! the game is probably done already but somtimes they wait and do like comercials im not rushing the game
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12/30/2005 10:48 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
okay, that was a little difficult to read but anyway,

I want a normal MK game as soon as possible but I don't want to compromise how good the game is so I can get it more quickly. If it meant MK7 would be a success, I wouldn't mind waiting till 2007.
Many franchises have fallen into the trap where they were putting out games too quickly for e,g Tomb Raider.
When Tomb Raider Legend comes out in 2006 it will have been 4 years since the last one, Angel of Darkness and I can already say its been worth the wait just looking at legend.

So instead of making a million MK games to asap and all of them being awful (MKD and MKSM had good ideas but badly played out) I would prefer if the next MK game was done carefully. MKDA, MKD, and MKSM may have done well with critics but they didn't do that well, MK has never done that well. And its a shame because there is talent behind it, the creators are talented, they just piss out half-assed games.

I second that.
For me I would rather a longer wait resulting in a better game, Apposed to a shorter wait with a crappier game.

12/30/2005 10:52 PM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
okay, that was a little difficult to read but anyway,

I want a normal MK game as soon as possible but I don't want to compromise how good the game is so I can get it more quickly. If it meant MK7 would be a success, I wouldn't mind waiting till 2007.
Many franchises have fallen into the trap where they were putting out games too quickly for e,g Tomb Raider.
When Tomb Raider Legend comes out in 2006 it will have been 4 years since the last one, Angel of Darkness and I can already say its been worth the wait just looking at legend.

So instead of making a million MK games to asap and all of them being awful (MKD and MKSM had good ideas but badly played out) I would prefer if the next MK game was done carefully. MKDA, MKD, and MKSM may have done well with critics but they didn't do that well, MK has never done that well. And its a shame because there is talent behind it, the creators are talented, they just piss out half-assed games.

I second that.
For me I would rather a longer wait resulting in a better game, Apposed to a shorter wait with a crappier game.

Yeah I mean, whats the point in loads of awful games you don't want to play?
12/30/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink

Its fans like you that makes Midway create crappy games now.

MK Team:We promise the moon and the stars in the next MK game

*2 months pass*

MK Fans:Where is the damn game I want it now!!!!!
MK Team: We are still working on all the extras
MK Fans: NOW DAMNIT!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
MK Team: Ok here you go

And there you have it, a half assed game because people are impatient. I'd really like to get back into MK but MKDA and MKD were just horrible attempts at trying something new.
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<img src="http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/3329/tommywithtool2tz.jpg"
12/30/2005 11:05 PM (UTC)
Yeah, plus they promise things that are never fulfilled, most of the time anyway.

Fans: Okay, give us something new!
Midway Team: Well, in Deception, we're going to let you create your own character. It's gonna be cool.

(when the game's released)

Fans: Hey! Where the hell is the custom character feature?
Midway Team: It's...uhhh....it's not, like, there. Have fun.

It's amazing MK is still running without anything new these days.
12/30/2005 11:07 PM (UTC)
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink

Its fans like you that makes Midway create crappy games now.

MK Team:We promise the moon and the stars in the next MK game

*2 months pass*

MK Fans:Where is the damn game I want it now!!!!!
MK Team: We are still working on all the extras
MK Fans: NOW DAMNIT!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
MK Team: Ok here you go

And there you have it, a half assed game because people are impatient. I'd really like to get back into MK but MKDA and MKD were just horrible attempts at trying something new.
Well put and that's could also be one of the reason Tabois (bad spelling) left. Ever since MK4, MK has gone waaaaay down hill.
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12/31/2005 12:41 AM (UTC)
ErmacMaster Wrote:
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
coltess Wrote:
they work on more than 1 game at a time im saying a 1 year gap is the best time between games they probably worked on deception at the same time as thiswink

Its fans like you that makes Midway create crappy games now.

MK Team:We promise the moon and the stars in the next MK game

*2 months pass*

MK Fans:Where is the damn game I want it now!!!!!
MK Team: We are still working on all the extras
MK Fans: NOW DAMNIT!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
MK Team: Ok here you go

And there you have it, a half assed game because people are impatient. I'd really like to get back into MK but MKDA and MKD were just horrible attempts at trying something new.
Well put and that's could also be one of the reason Tabois (bad spelling) left. Ever since MK4, MK has gone waaaaay down hill.

Ill admit MK da and d wernt the most enjoyable and fluid fighting games, but they wernt horrible.

All they need to do , is step back. look at games like doa4, tekken etc etc take the good from those games, take the ideas from these forums, chill the fuck out and release a game that is worthy of the title game of the year.

that should be their goal.
It shouldnt be to create the best MK ever, it should be to create the best game ever!!
12/31/2005 12:55 AM (UTC)
Sorry, I don't know where most of you guys are coming from...but MKDA was a terrific game, it blew away the ideas of MK4/

MKD was an average game. End of discussion. Not very good, not very bad.

The thing is if you didn't play MKDA for at least a year, then you're probably not an MK fan.

Its like saying I really hate berrocali (sorry for the mispelling) or asparagus, I just wish they would put more effort into planting these vegetables better.

Wrong! You're better off just stop complaining about the damn vegetables and avoid them entirely. In all honest, you're gonna be disapponted when the next MK game comes out, there is just no pleasing you, so let us, the optemistic fans, have a little fun on this site without constant criticizm.

What do you say eh???
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12/31/2005 01:03 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Sorry, I don't know where most of you guys are coming from...but MKDA was a terrific game, it blew away the ideas of MK4/

MKD was an average game. End of discussion. Not very good, not very bad.

The thing is if you didn't play MKDA for at least a year, then you're probably not an MK fan.

Its like saying I really hate berrocali (sorry for the mispelling) or asparagus, I just wish they would put more effort into planting these vegetables better.

Wrong! You're better off just stop complaining about the damn vegetables and avoid them entirely. In all honest, you're gonna be disapponted when the next MK game comes out, there is just no pleasing you, so let us, the optemistic fans, have a little fun on this site without constant criticizm.

What do you say eh???

Id say with that kind of attiude MK will never be as good as it can be.
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