12/15/2006 01:24 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
for subzero7th:
i've never said that Liu Kang and Ashrah have the SAME-IDENTICAL sword,but i've only said that also Liu Kang uses the same TYPE of sword,so the idea of magical-sword isn't so original.What i mean is:why just ashrah found that sword and not moloch or drahmin or other nheterealm demons?
I really doubt that Liu Kang in mk4 uses a different sword from Kriss,and if so,you're right,but her's a lot of people that believe that Kriss and Kang mk4's weapon are the same.
For me Darrius is a mix between Cage and Jax,and this i man only pshysical appearance (same face of Jax),sunglasses,etc.
I've NEVER talk about plagiarism but only of UN-ORIGINALITY.
It's really different.
He wears also a outift same as a martial arts movie of 70's (i forgot the name of that movie) so there is no sign of originality in him.
however we're both off-topic,in fact the thread is referring only on current characters dying,and for now noone is dead.
for your information i'm Catholic and without offense man,but i really know my religion,if you don't know anything about yours is your problem,clear?
I also study a lot of religions because i like theology,and the fight between opposite is the base of tons and tons of religions form past and present.
and,btw,i repeat:i've never any kind of "attitude" or simply nothing.
I just try to explain my point of view,the only thing you can do is say:"I agree"
or "I don't agree and here's why...".
I really don't see any sign of "attitude" in my words,but only disappointening by people,i really believed that i'll find a lot of sociable people.
Sociable people is sooooo much outnumbered....
And don't forget that when i was wrong(example:i don't know that Hotaru's model was created before fujin's one so i say to ninja-mime that he was right) i've always recognize my mistakes.
bye bye...

Again, you didn't read what I said carefully.

The Kris is a Javanese DAGGER. Liu Kang's MK4/MKG weapon is a Dragon SWORD. SWORD =/= DAGGER.

Darrius and Jax don't have the same face. That's just totally wrong. Darrius' alternate costume in MKD and MKA is a TRIBUTE to Jim Kelly, who played alongside Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon.

Yeah, you're Catholic and like to study lots of religions. Good for you. I know a thing or two about my religion so don't make assumptions about me not knowing anything about it.

There isn't much originality in MK as lots of things from it are derived/inspired by TV shows, movies, etc. etc.

Also, please use paragraphs. I HATE it when someone clusters up things together like that.

About Me

-Courtesy of TheCypher-

12/15/2006 05:29 AM (UTC)
4)Darrius is a mix between Cage and jax because he wears sunglasses,is black,he REAlly looks like both of them,and no matters about storyline and Moves8if midway uses the same that was a REAL plagiarism,don't you think?Do you know differences between Plagiarism and un-originality?

All black ppl look the same?
Do all asians or whites look the same?
Liu Kang = Kung Lao?
12/15/2006 11:36 AM (UTC)
i just talked about Darrius,never speak about asian people.
I really think that Darrius looks similar to jax and have same attitude and behaviuor as Cage(even tough we haven't proof that Darrius is some kind of "cocky-hero" again it's just my opinion,and i'm really convinced abou this)
Please answer me with same example and caracters,my post have noting to do with kung Lao and Liu Kang.
And about the homage/plagiarism thing,i understand your point of view:when you like something(ex:Darrius or storyline) it's "Homage",when i talk about something you don't like it's Plagiarism.
I'v never talk about plagiarims inMK saga,otherwise i'll don't likeMK,don't you think?
My posts are:
1)Ashrah sword isn't so original as you can think,and really there's a lot of characters with better storyline(never talk about Cage or scorpion)
2)For me Darrius and Hotaru and Dairou isn't that original as other characters,and the characters of first two characters are a lot more original and fresh.And tell the truth,the MK franchise deserves a lot of his potential and succes just for characters and storyline,why killing them off?
3)i really don't see the need to end this chapter of MK for starting a new.
If i'll never see again my fav characters i'll never play MK8 or more.
4) originality it's very rare in this times...so don't be so "sure" about the next gen mk games:they can be masterpiece,but also(and i hope not) flops.

so really your protest or offense,o worst,inappropiate sarcasm isn't necessary.
Agin i just tell you my opinions,nothing worng,really...
bye bye...
12/15/2006 02:39 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I really think that Darrius looks similar to jax and have same attitude and behaviuor as Cage(even tough we haven't proof that Darrius is some kind of "cocky-hero" again it's just my opinion,and i'm really convinced abou this)


Jax started out with wearing tight spandex, and nothing else. That was his "look". Then he came in MKDA with his beret, sunglasses, and cameo pants.

Darrius wears some type of armor, with a loincloth, and an emblem on his belt. He's bald. Yes, he has sunglasses, but small round ones, not huge badly modeled goggles. And yes, his alternate is an homage to kung fu stars of the 70's. But I cannot see any relationship in look between Jax and Darrius besides the fact that they're both black, and they both use the arm rip, but that's just for lack of ideas Fatality wise.

As for his attitude, Darrius is the opposite of Cage. He's noble, and knows exactly what he's doing. He seems to have more sense than Havik and Hotaru combined.
12/15/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I never said that Drahmin or Moloch or every single demon in the Nheterrealm CAN'T be purified,but what i mean is"why just Ashrah,the demon that looks like a chick?(or better she is a chick).
Why Drahimn and moloch didn't find that.

Because Ashrah found it first and Moloch & Drahmin were in the 5th Plane of the Netheream. How can they find it if they're nowhere near it?

lastfighter89 Wrote:
And if you forgot we don't know if the sword was created for purify demons for eternity,even tough it can be possible or uncaoniical(however NOT confirmed) in one of secondary Shujino's task you have to find Ashrah kriss sword.So as slated in her ending,can't be true,or in contrary case what Konquest said it's uncanonical.

The side missions of Konquest aren't canon. Moving on...

lastfighter89 Wrote:
And about the homage/plagiarism thing,i understand your point of view:when you like something(ex:Darrius or storyline) it's "Homage",when i talk about something you don't like it's Plagiarism.

Who said anything was plagiarism? And when did I say I liked Darrius?
That comment just shot whatever credibility you had left. I'm not even going to bother anymore.
Back on topic, I don't see Midway dropping all the current characters. We know Scorpion & Sub-Zero will be back no matter what. I have a feeling Raiden will always be there too. The only other "classics" I think should return are Mileena, Ermac, & Jade. Most of the other have either run their course or are just boring & stale. Beyond that, any returning characters should be ones from Deadly Alliance & Deception.
At the end of the day, as long as Sareena makes it, I'll be happy.
12/15/2006 08:36 PM (UTC)
it's better if we stop it now,we were off-topic too much...
however most of my phrases were to Subzerothe7th no for you xiandhou.
just one thing about mkKonquest side missions:it's NOT confirmed that the secondary missions aren't canon.
I really agree with you about the thing:sub-missions aren't canon,but it's not confirmed.So it can be canon,even tough i really think that are not.
12/16/2006 05:49 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I really agree with you about the thing:sub-missions aren't canon,but it's not confirmed.So it can be canon,even tough i really think that are not.

Then why did you say they were?

I really wish there was an eyerolling emoticon.
12/16/2006 01:43 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I really agree with you about the thing:sub-missions aren't canon,but it's not confirmed.So it can be canon,even tough i really think that are not.

Then why did you say they were?

I really wish there was an eyerolling emoticon.

1) i really don't see the need of another emoticon..
2) as before i stated that i agree with Xian in thinking that aren't canon,but this not means that sub missions aren't SURELY canon.
We really don't know...
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