I dont care how many times its been said...
posted12/16/2006 01:43 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/13/2006 12:36 AM (UTC)
...I'm not going to play the next MK game if it kills off the current characters. If they do that, MK is dead.
12/09/2006 06:42 PM (UTC)
well, then you probably won't like the next MK; they said almost all, if not all, of the old characters will not be in next one, only ones that have been announced to be in the next one are Subby and Scorp.

I think its a good thing...... i loved playing each Mk game, because i loved seeign the new characters and saw how good or bad they are.

If all but two are new, then it will probably have high replay value.

That's why they made MKA..... so you could have all the old characters in a one game, and they say on the old previews that they are in for one final battle....so they're probably saying you won't be able to play as them in another game.smile
12/09/2006 06:47 PM (UTC)
don't agree at all!
there's a lot of chaacters like kenshi and Cage,for example that deserves more detailed stoyline.
I agree with everyone thinks that the current character should not die...
12/09/2006 06:48 PM (UTC)
That's an extremely ignorant thing to say.

Have you seen any of the new character designs? No.

Have you learned how many characters are going on and how many are retiring? No.

Have we heard anything about MK8 so far? No.

I'm personally excited that MK is starting fresh. I loved the new characters/storylines from MKDA-MKA. Much more than I did MK1-MK4. I'm eager to see what Ed Boon and the MK Team can do.

MK7 just came out. Give it a couple years.
12/09/2006 08:56 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
I loved the new characters/storylines from MKDA-MKA. I'm eager to see what Ed Boon and the MK Team can do.

Me too. I am pretty interested about MK8 as well.
12/09/2006 09:40 PM (UTC)
thse characters should not die!
I really hope for new characters,but with this inspiration-crisis i realy doubt that Vogel can make a original character and a original storyline.
i want my favouirte characters also in next game.
Maybe i'll like more character but my childhood it's tied with mk frst chapter from mk till mkarageddon.
Armageddon wil be the last game i'll buy,but however i''l keep on folowing the saga and take part on this forum because i love mk,but i want to protest agains boon/vogel because they'll kill a lot f characters that are in my heart.
12/10/2006 12:01 AM (UTC)
As long as they have a new tarkartan ruler i dont care baraka being my favorite i would love to see him in the next gen but i doubt it i dont know why they wouldnt put him in the next gen maybe have a alliance with mileena but for some reason i doubt it.
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12/10/2006 01:12 AM (UTC)
If you ask me I bet the characters won't die. In a video I saw interviewing midway. It said for anyone that dies in mk be sure that you'll see them again. If they do kill off the characters they will probably lose sells to though
12/10/2006 01:21 AM (UTC)
I suppose I'm the only one who thinks tons of characters from this generation have tons of potential?

I'd love to see what Midway can do with Mavado, Kenshi, Drahmin, Havik, Hotaru, Kira and Ashrah... though I have a feeling that most of them are doomed to die in Armageddon...
12/10/2006 01:53 AM (UTC)
Scorpion & Sub-Zero are going to be in it? Well, I may consider it, but the character designs better be great. I don't wanna see a whole bunch of Kobra-ish characters.
12/10/2006 03:45 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
i realy doubt that Vogel can make a original character and a original storyline.

Kenshi, Havik, Darrius, Hotaru, Ashrah, the entire Deadly Alliance/Dragon King/Kamidogu thing... What are you talking about?

ZakkMan Wrote:
I don't wanna see a whole bunch of Kobra-ish characters.

Kobra was one out of 22 new characters. Everyone else was great.
12/10/2006 09:08 PM (UTC)
please ninja mime think carefully before speaking:
do you really think that ashrah,darrius,hotaru and the Dragon King are original(repeat:ORIGINAL) characters...
ASHRAH:the classic angelic female character she looks like Jun of tekken series with a strange hat and some few differences.She have a very crappy storyline taken form fables and fantasy stories.
DARRIUS:mix between Jax and Johnny Cage ...one of the worst/unoriginal characters ever made,and this is a sure thing,i'm not ony the one that says so...
HOTARU:strange armor and a very identical look to Fujin.Just copy and paste....
DRAGON KING: just two words.....TRUE OGRE!
Bye bye ninja mime...smile
12/10/2006 09:50 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
don't agree at all!
there's a lot of chaacters like kenshi and Cage,for example that deserves more detailed stoyline.
I agree with everyone thinks that the current character should not die...

Johnny Cage's story has long been dead. He's a joke, nothing more. Look at Bo' Rai Cho. He's a comic relief character like Johnny Cage, and there are lots of people who complain about him being fat and doing things like farting, burping, and drinking. However, he's an archetypal character with a storyline that has far more substance than Johnny Cage's whole story. It's a shame that a character who has only been in 3 games has a superior story to someone who has been in MK since the first game.
12/10/2006 10:04 PM (UTC)
"Kobra was one out of 22 new characters. Everyone else was great."

I'm not so sure about Ashra, Darrius, Kira, Hsu Hao and some of the other characters. There were some great ones though, like Hotaru and Drahmin. I'll hope the next ones will be as good as them.
12/11/2006 02:13 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
please ninja mime think carefully before speaking:
do you really think that ashrah,darrius,hotaru and the Dragon King are original(repeat:ORIGINAL) characters...
ASHRAH:the classic angelic female character she looks like Jun of tekken series with a strange hat and some few differences.She have a very crappy storyline taken form fables and fantasy stories.
DARRIUS:mix between Jax and Johnny Cage ...one of the worst/unoriginal characters ever made,and this is a sure thing,i'm not ony the one that says so...
HOTARU:strange armor and a very identical look to Fujin.Just copy and paste....
DRAGON KING: just two words.....TRUE OGRE!
Bye bye ninja mime...smile

Yes, I do think that Ashrah, Darrius, Hotaru are orignal characters. And you would know that if you actually bothered to learn about them. I never said Onaga was original, I said the whole return of the Dragon King's Army thing was a good story.

Ashrah has a crappy story? Could you give me an example of a good story? Scorpion? Johnny Cage? Ha.

I don't see how Darrius is a mix between Jax and Cage at all. Yeah, he's black, and yes, he knows martial arts. But is he a member of the special forces, or an actor? Does he use guns, or do shadow kicks? No. He's got a great storyline, too. The entire Order/Chaos thing was a breath of fresh air for the series. Especially since they brought back a rainbow of ninjas and Liu Kang.

So you hate Hotaru because he has strange armour and he looks like Fujin? How does that mean he's any less original? They made Hotaru's model before they made Fujin's, so it obviously isn't a copy and paste job.

I like your failed attempt at being cool near the end there.
12/11/2006 04:58 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
please ninja mime think carefully before speaking:
do you really think that ashrah,darrius,hotaru and the Dragon King are original(repeat:ORIGINAL) characters...
ASHRAH:the classic angelic female character she looks like Jun of tekken series with a strange hat and some few differences.She have a very crappy storyline taken form fables and fantasy stories.
DARRIUS:mix between Jax and Johnny Cage ...one of the worst/unoriginal characters ever made,and this is a sure thing,i'm not ony the one that says so...
HOTARU:strange armor and a very identical look to Fujin.Just copy and paste....
DRAGON KING: just two words.....TRUE OGRE!
Bye bye ninja mime...smile

So by your definition, how original are the "classics" then?

Liu Kang- Bruce Lee with Superman's personality.
Johnny Cage- Jean-Claude Van Damme with the average "cocky hero" personality.
Sonya Blade- Standard issue "tough chick."
Scorpion- A pastiche of every "bad ass loner" cliche in the book.
Raiden- The guy from Big Trouble in Little China, later given the archtetypical "mentor" role.

The original Mortal Kombat storyline in itself is Enter the Dragon with elements of Star Wars and Big Trouble in LIttle China thrown in.

Truth is, a lot of the newer characters are no more unoriginal than most of the classics.
The problem is people don't want to play the last 3 MK's because they aren't that good. People want to see their favorites in a great MK game.
12/13/2006 07:15 PM (UTC)
1)i've never tried to be cool!
2) i just said that Cage and Kenshi needs to improve their storyline,not that they have a GREAT storyline.
3)i really don't know that Hotaru was maden before Fujin,if it's true i really think you're right.
4)Darrius is a mix between Cage and jax because he wears sunglasses,is black,he REAlly looks like both of them,and no matters about storyline and Moves8if midway uses the same that was a REAL plagiarism,don't you think?Do you know differences between Plagiarism and un-originality?
5)ashrah good storyline'are you kidding?Slaying demons for purification?
With a sword used before by Liu kang in MK4 without the same effect?
Ashrah's storyline is really poor(as the majority of MK characters) and she isn't so great.Why?
Let me explain(and please no refers to Cage and Scorpy's storyplot):she's a demon and she want purification.
a9a demon can't be purificated(can you try to image Drahmin and Moloch,do the same?No,and Why? arent' Ashrah and both them demons?Ahhh Drahmin and Moloch are ugly monster,ashrah it's achick,excuse,i really don't know that only nice girl-demon can be puificated)
6)the first seven character from MK aren't original?sad
are you crazy?
if they looks un-original is because a lot of games copy or make character look alike them.But Ed Boon and Tobias(and maybe also Vogel) with the first two MK games maden a lot of original characters.
Sorry to discussion here.
7) the whole f ' ing story between chaos and order isn't that "original" because is used a lot of time:example?Greek Mythology,but at least every religion(except maybe Catholic and Islamic) is based on the fight between oppsite8good&evil,Black&white,Order&chaos,etc) so are you sure that Midway have the brilliant idea for first?
8)MOST IMPORTANT:why a lot of people offending and insulting me?
Even if my theories and ideas aren't shared by everyone,why you just treat me in this bad way with a lot of sarcasm and ironics phrases?
I just said that if they kils off my favourite characters i never buy other Mk games.
what your problem?
12/14/2006 02:17 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
1)i've never tried to be cool!
2) i just said that Cage and Kenshi needs to improve their storyline,not that they have a GREAT storyline.
3)i really don't know that Hotaru was maden before Fujin,if it's true i really think you're right.
4)Darrius is a mix between Cage and jax because he wears sunglasses,is black,he REAlly looks like both of them,and no matters about storyline and Moves8if midway uses the same that was a REAL plagiarism,don't you think?Do you know differences between Plagiarism and un-originality?
5)ashrah good storyline'are you kidding?Slaying demons for purification?
With a sword used before by Liu kang in MK4 without the same effect?
Ashrah's storyline is really poor(as the majority of MK characters) and she isn't so great.Why?
Let me explain(and please no refers to Cage and Scorpy's storyplot):she's a demon and she want purification.
a9a demon can't be purificated(can you try to image Drahmin and Moloch,do the same?No,and Why? arent' Ashrah and both them demons?Ahhh Drahmin and Moloch are ugly monster,ashrah it's achick,excuse,i really don't know that only nice girl-demon can be puificated)
6)the first seven character from MK aren't original?sad
are you crazy?
if they looks un-original is because a lot of games copy or make character look alike them.But Ed Boon and Tobias(and maybe also Vogel) with the first two MK games maden a lot of original characters.
Sorry to discussion here.
7) the whole f ' ing story between chaos and order isn't that "original" because is used a lot of time:example?Greek Mythology,but at least every religion(except maybe Catholic and Islamic) is based on the fight between oppsite8good&evil;,Black&white;,Order&chaos;,etc) so are you sure that Midway have the brilliant idea for first?
8)MOST IMPORTANT:why a lot of people offending and insulting me?
Even if my theories and ideas aren't shared by everyone,why you just treat me in this bad way with a lot of sarcasm and ironics phrases?
I just said that if they kils off my favourite characters i never buy other Mk games.
what your problem?

How does Darrius look like BOTH Jax and Johnny Cage? That doesn't make any fucking sense. Yes, Darrius and Jax are both dark skinned and use certain Asian martial arts styles. Why are you bringing plagiarism into this? Again, there doesn't seem to be much or any logic into what you're saying.

Ashrah is trying to slay demons to purify herself so that SHE CAN GET OUT OF THE NETHERREALM!!!!! Why be trapped in eternal hell when you can be free? The weapon she uses (Kris/Keris/Kriss) is NOT the weapon that Liu Kang used in MK4/MKG. The Kris is a type of Javanese dagger while Liu Kang used a Dragon SWORD.

Kris: http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Medieval_Daggers_Kriss_9_Dagger_2204_112.jpg

Dragon Sword: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Galaxy/2153/images/liukangw.jpg

See the difference?

What do you know about Catholicism and Islam?

About being offended and insulted, it seems pretty clear to me that the attitude towards you is caused by your attitude towards others.

12/14/2006 04:13 AM (UTC)
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12/14/2006 04:46 AM (UTC)
ZakkMan Wrote:
...I'm not going to play the next MK game if it kills off the current characters. If they do that, MK is dead.
And we care how?
12/14/2006 02:32 PM (UTC)
for subzero7th:
i've never said that Liu Kang and Ashrah have the SAME-IDENTICAL sword,but i've only said that also Liu Kang uses the same TYPE of sword,so the idea of magical-sword isn't so original.What i mean is:why just ashrah found that sword and not moloch or drahmin or other nheterealm demons?
I really doubt that Liu Kang in mk4 uses a different sword from Kriss,and if so,you're right,but her's a lot of people that believe that Kriss and Kang mk4's weapon are the same.
For me Darrius is a mix between Cage and Jax,and this i man only pshysical appearance (same face of Jax),sunglasses,etc.
I've NEVER talk about plagiarism but only of UN-ORIGINALITY.
It's really different.
He wears also a outift same as a martial arts movie of 70's (i forgot the name of that movie) so there is no sign of originality in him.
however we're both off-topic,in fact the thread is referring only on current characters dying,and for now noone is dead. for your information i'm Catholic and without offense man,but i really know my religion,if you don't know anything about yours is your problem,clear? I also study a lot of religions because i like theology,and the fight between opposite is the base of tons and tons of religions form past and present. and,btw,i repeat:i've never any kind of "attitude" or simply nothing. I just try to explain my point of view,the only thing you can do is say:"I agree" or "I don't agree and here's why...". I really don't see any sign of "attitude" in my words,but only disappointening by people,i really believed that i'll find a lot of sociable people. Sociable people is sooooo much outnumbered.... And don't forget that when i was wrong(example:i don't know that Hotaru's model was created before fujin's one so i say to ninja-mime that he was right) i've always recognize my mistakes.
bye bye...
12/14/2006 05:33 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ashrah good storyline'are you kidding?Slaying demons for purification?
With a sword used before by Liu kang in MK4 without the same effect?

Liu Kang's sword in MK4 wasn't magical. They never gave any indication that it was. It was called the "Dragon Sword." Ashrah uses the Kriss which, according to the storyline, can purify her. The two blades looked similar...beyond that they have no connection. You're complaing about nothing.
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I really doubt that Liu Kang in mk4 uses a different sword from Kriss,and if so,you're right,but her's a lot of people that believe that Kriss and Kang mk4's weapon are the same.

Well, you...and "a lot of other people"....are incorrect.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
a9a demon can't be purificated(can you try to image Drahmin and Moloch,do the same?No,and Why? arent' Ashrah and both them demons?Ahhh Drahmin and Moloch are ugly monster,ashrah it's achick,excuse,i really don't know that only nice girl-demon can be puificated)

Why not? Who says? How do you know Drahmin and Moloch can't be prurified? Drahmin was once human. If he found the sword and wanted to, he could probably purify himself. There's no reason Moloch couldn't do the same.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
What i mean is:why just ashrah found that sword and not moloch or drahmin or other nheterealm demons?

The Netherealm is a huge place. And Ashrah just stumbled onto it. How do you know she was the first or only Demon to ever use it? According to her in Deception ending, when she finishes purifying herself, the sword stays behind so someone else could use it.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Darrius is a mix between Cage and jax because he wears sunglasses,is black,he REAlly looks like both of them

That's like me saying any character who wears a cape is a rip of Superman.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
the whole f ' ing story between chaos and order isn't that "original" because is used a lot of time:example?Greek Mythology,but at least every religion(except maybe Catholic and Islamic) is based on the fight between oppsite8good&evil,Black&white,Order&chaos,etc) so are you sure that Midway have the brilliant idea for first?

So then how is anything in Mortal Kombat original?

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Darrius wears also a outift same as a martial arts movie of 70's (i forgot the name of that movie) so there is no sign of originality in him.

Ever heard of "homage" or "tribute?"

People don't have an attitidue with you, it's just that your definition of what makes something "original" is very selective, biased, and short-sighted.
You condemn things like Ashrah and the Seido storyline for simply being archetypical while defending things like Johnny Cage and Liu Kang, that are even more archetypical.

You can't criticize the Seido storyline for having similar themes of Greek mythology and other religeons and blame newer characters for being inspired by movies, TV shows, & comics while at the same time saying:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
the first seven character from MK aren't original?
are you crazy?
if they looks un-original is because a lot of games copy or make character look alike them.But Ed Boon and Tobias(and maybe also Vogel) with the first two MK games maden a lot of original characters.

You're contradicting yourself.

If this discussion is to go on, I suggest you study things like "archetype," "pastiche," and "cliche" and realize that the MK team, since day 1, has gotten most of their ideas from other things (and often made no secret about it).

As I said before: truth is, a lot of the newer characters are no more unoriginal than most of the classics.
12/14/2006 07:45 PM (UTC)
xian even if you'll don't believe,you'll confirm exactly what I(repeat:I first person singular) mean.
Thanks a lot.
I never said that Drahmin or Moloch or every single demon in the Nheterrealm CAN'T be purified,but what i mean is"why just Ashrah,the demon that looks like a chick?(or better she is a chick).
Why Drahimn and moloch didn't find that.
And if you forgot we don't know if the sword was created for purify demons for eternity,even tough it can be possible or uncaoniical(however NOT confirmed) in one of secondary Shujino's task you have to find Ashrah kriss sword.So as slated in her ending,can't be true,or in contrary case what Konquest said it's uncanonical.
For now we can leave apart the "kriss" thread and talk about killing off characters.
I want to ask you or any other people against me just a very simple question:
can you try to image a Street Fighter without Ryu or Ken?
No,because they are very cool characters.
Now,can you image Mk without his signature characters(i mean main characters).
In SF series the ppl loved always the same characters,in MK saga,instead ppl have multiple choices(tell the truth almost noone likes Subby or scorpy,soo...let you guess?!?).
And for the last time:Liu kang and Asharah have a very similar weapon,maybe(i don't know) same type of weapon,but not the SAME-EXACLTY-USED weapon.
I just say that the two sword in a way or other realy looks like each other.
For me,if you want to know,a lot of people like Mavado,Hsu Hao(even tough i don't like him at all),Kenshi(one of my favourite character),drahimn,Moloch,Havik(the only guy that i want to save from the chaos/order storyline) are original.
I just said that with the crisis of recent times we'll be hard for Vogel & co make some new and FRESH characters.
A single character can be Original,but if he smell of DÃ ̈jÃavÃ1 (it can be a countersense) he'll never be FRESH.
Now i think that i was pretty clear.
bye bye...
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12/15/2006 12:28 AM (UTC)
Well, I was gonna offer a logical opinion....but it doesn't seem to be working so far.
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