08/06/2014 05:30 PM (UTC)
Just like with my Reiko being the son of Shao Kahn idea, this could be a son that didn't knew he was a son of Shao Kahn until his father died and his mother finally told the truth, or his mother feared Shao and now is power hungry for the legacy.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/06/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
This game gets less interesting day by day. Not happy with any of this new info.
Thanks for posting/translating
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/06/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Zwulle Wrote:
How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!

We have never heard about Bo'Rai Cho either, back in MK1 and in MKDA it was established that he trained Liu Kang for his fight in tournament.
So, it's not like it will be first time in MK, when important character brought into existence without any foreshadowing.

That's one frequent complaint I find ridiculous. When a new, important character gets introduced, and people find it weird that they're only being introduced now. I mean, were Ed Boon and co really supposed to plan a new character's introduction TWENTY+ years in advance?

Each to their own opinion right?

I came through as a complainer, I know. Sorry for that. I don't mean to be. I'm just really surprised to see Kotal is Shao's son.
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Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

08/06/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
See Ed never did say Sonya, Johnny, and Liu would be playable. They only speculated that they may be.
08/06/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
Not correct. Boon said they were playable but he didn't say how or in which Version.
08/06/2014 08:00 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
This game gets less interesting day by day. Not happy with any of this new info.
Thanks for posting/translating

Completely agree with you.... There's literally nothing keeping me going with This game at this point, they've lost me completely. But I'll be a little more patient and wait for more news and see what happens i guess, considering there may be errors with the article as some people are stating... we'll see *shrugs*....
08/06/2014 08:20 PM (UTC)
Boon himself in past interviews confirmed that some characters will be included only within the story mode. I know that there is no way of really knowing who is in and out but I really down that both Johnny & Sonya will be playable. I'm sure that we'll only see them in the story mode.

I think Sonya is going to be in command of the special forces and she is the person cassie communicates in her ops variation. Cage has a better chance because welp cassie could literally be her mother. They would only need to change her name.
08/06/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
Still not really buying it. The article could very well have printed these things, but that doesn't mean they're true. Not by a long shot. I'll wait till it comes from the Eyebrow's mouth.
08/06/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
Zwulle Wrote:
How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!

We have never heard about Bo'Rai Cho either, back in MK1 and in MKDA it was established that he trained Liu Kang for his fight in tournament.
So, it's not like it will be first time in MK, when important character brought into existence without any foreshadowing.

That's one frequent complaint I find ridiculous. When a new, important character gets introduced, and people find it weird that they're only being introduced now. I mean, were Ed Boon and co really supposed to plan a new character's introduction TWENTY+ years in advance?

No, but shoe horning them in out of no where would be horrible story telling. Especially with an already established story line. I think Kotal Kahn will come about maybe at the 25 year mark, but even that is confusing since the Mayan culture was around long before the first tournament. Like with Cassie Cage it makes sense because Sonya and Jonny having a child together fits with their natural story progression. It's believable.

Nobody is saying Boon and co needed to predict every new character 20 years down the line because that would be a stupid fucking thing to say. However they do need to explain where Kotal was during the events of MK9 otherwise his introduction would be poorly done. Like will MKX story mode start with all of Shao Kahns cronies (baraka, reptile, ermac, mileena) standing over Shao's body wondering what to do and then the camera just pans over to the left and this giant Mayan God struts in and gives everybody high fives and is all like "hey guys whats up with dad?" They could do something like that sure, people are just saying it would be confusing and lame.
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-sig by MINION

08/06/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
That's one frequent complaint I find ridiculous. When a new, important character gets introduced, and people find it weird that they're only being introduced now. I mean, were Ed Boon and co really supposed to plan a new character's introduction TWENTY+ years in advance?
Some retcons work and some don't. Bo training Liu Kang worked. Shao Kahn having a secret son, nah.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/07/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
Well, odds are Sindel's not his mom, unless they pull yet another retcon and say she had him before killing herself, and he was exiled to Earth, where he may have risen to a position of power during the Mayan age.

The Kahn family tree's a funny one.

....Mileena's still the black sheep.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/07/2014 02:00 AM (UTC)
Hopefully he turns out to be a fraud, and used the "son" claim to the throne after Kahn's death.
08/07/2014 06:29 AM (UTC)
Rain was the son of Argus, because Boon & Co. wanted to keep the prince joke going, so it would not be too much of a surprise if Kotal turns out to be Shao Kahn's son.

The way I see it he could either be a hidden bastard, from Kahn's MANY invasions and mergers. I mean he was a conqueror, to think he does not possible have illegitimate kids running around is a bit dumb, but I will admit this would be an overused cliche in the MK universe and a poor way to market a character for us hardcore fans.

Or he could be an experiment child like Mileena. This is a theory I just made up but it'd be more interesting than a bastard son. Say that while Quan Chi was working for Kahn he took some DNA from the Emperor. Shang Tsung was experimenting with it why not Quan Chi? This would be under Shinnok's guidance, and then we see that Shinnok creates his own Kahn as a fail-safe to torment Raiden and help him rule Outworld.

This could be explained during the part that takes place right after MK9. Shinnok would have had Quan Chi help him do his, so that after they take over Outworld Kotal rules in Shinnok's name, making Kotal the first sub-boss.

What do you guys think?
08/07/2014 06:59 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
No, but shoe horning them in out of no where would be horrible story telling. Especially with an already established story line. I think Kotal Kahn will come about maybe at the 25 year mark, but even that is confusing since the Mayan culture was around long before the first tournament. Like with Cassie Cage it makes sense because Sonya and Jonny having a child together fits with their natural story progression. It's believable.

What so unbelievable about Kahn having a son?
I think there will be a good reason for why he was not present back in the MK9 events.

oracle Wrote:
Shao Kahn having a secret son, nah.

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-sig by MINION

08/07/2014 07:41 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I just don't think it works on any level.
08/07/2014 07:48 AM (UTC)
From all information that we know so far, I think that Kotal Kahn is not the son of Shao Kahn, Ed boon never mentioned that, but he just reveal to us in his latest interview that Kotal Kahn is the new emperor of outworld, so it possibly means that whoever that rules outworld will get the title "KAHN" as a respect to their former rulers and considered to be their descendants
08/07/2014 07:52 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
No, but shoe horning them in out of no where would be horrible story telling. Especially with an already established story line. I think Kotal Kahn will come about maybe at the 25 year mark, but even that is confusing since the Mayan culture was around long before the first tournament. Like with Cassie Cage it makes sense because Sonya and Jonny having a child together fits with their natural story progression. It's believable.

What so unbelievable about Kahn having a son?
I think there will be a good reason for why he was not present back in the MK9 events.

Because there is not presently a good reason for why he did not exist during the events of MK9...

Also because there is no female in Shao's storyline that would produce a Mayan/Aztec God as a baby. Cassie Cage makes sense, she is a plausible outcome from Johnny's and Sonya's story lines. If Kotal Kahn is Shao's son then he comes out of nowhere. And since he's a Mayan/Aztec God he would have been around long before the first tournaments.

After thinking about it more though and to contradict myself a bit (lolz) I think it would be dope if Shao Kahn hooked up with some Earthrealm Goddess long ago (maybe the mystery woman from Jade's ending) and created Kotal Kahn. But sensing Kotal was much more powerful than himself he imprisoned Kotal for centuries fearing he would one day usurp his throne. Shao was so threatened by Kotal's power he kept him secret and never spoke of him to anyone. And now that Shao Kahn is gone a new more powerful badass has been freed from his prison. So yeah if Kotal is Shao's son I really hope NRS comes up with a cool background and doesn't make it sound like during the events of MK9 Kotal was just downstairs playing Xbox.
08/07/2014 08:33 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Because there is not presently a good reason for why he did not exist during the events of MK9...

From get go I can give you several reasons:
- he was imprisoned somewhere (maybe by Shao Kahn);
- he was busy waging war in some other realm;
- he was not interested in participating in Kahn's plan;
I made those reasons in like 60 seconds.
I think NRS will be able to deliver something more compelling.

Spaceman Wrote:
Also because there is no female in Shao's storyline that would produce a Mayan/Aztec God as a baby. Cassie Cage makes sense, she is a plausible outcome from Johnny's and Sonya's story lines. If Kotal Kahn is Shao's son then he comes out of nowhere. And since he's a Mayan/Aztec God he would have been around long before the first tournaments.

I don't think this is a serious reason.
References to the Earth culture appear randomly in different characters, so I don't see why his mother should be some sort of Mayan goddess or anything.

oracle Wrote:
I just don't think it works on any level.

Yeah, sure.
Kahn being advisor of ancient ruler of the Outworld and possibly god, like Raiden...
Noob being Bi-Han / original Sub-Zero...
Liu being trained by Outworlder...
I don't see how you can say this, when tere were already so many retcons / additions to the story over the years.
It's like turning the blind eye and saying "this doesn't work" because...I feel like it. Which is not a good reasoning.
08/07/2014 09:14 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
This game gets less interesting day by day. Not happy with any of this new info.
Thanks for posting/translating

Don't be so quick to judge. We might get Mileena soon and I promise it will restore the hypewink
I too was disappointed with the consecutive reveals/leaks of Raiden, Kano, Sonya, Cage, Liu because none interest me but there are a lot more spots left. Plus I wouldn't even take those for granted. Yes there is a good chance all 3 are gonna be in the game but there's still a chance mama and papa Cage are gonna be narrators of the story without being playable.
At least, until I get confirmation from the team I ain't believing anything.
About Me

'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

08/07/2014 09:26 AM (UTC)
maybe he is a descendant but not biological son.
08/07/2014 09:39 AM (UTC)
Ravenbez Wrote:
maybe he is a descendant but not biological son.

Well, we have yet to hear it from an official source, so hopefully we will get some clarification on it as we learn more about the game. ^^
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/07/2014 09:45 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
This game gets less interesting day by day. Not happy with any of this new info.
Thanks for posting/translating

Don't be so quick to judge. We might get Mileena soon and I promise it will restore the hypewink
I too was disappointed with the consecutive reveals/leaks of Raiden, Kano, Sonya, Cage, Liu because none interest me but there are a lot more spots left. Plus I wouldn't even take those for granted. Yes there is a good chance all 3 are gonna be in the game but there's still a chance mama and papa Cage are gonna be narrators of the story without being playable.
At least, until I get confirmation from the team I ain't believing anything.

Just don't get you're hopes up to high for Mileena. Kotal Kahn being the emperor of outworld (which mileena should be) isn't good news for her. Both Sonya and Cassie's spots on the roster, as well as (presumably based on boons twitter trolling) kitana's, and likely Tanya's, I wouldn't place money that mileena is a certain thing this game with all the new characters.

08/07/2014 09:49 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
This game gets less interesting day by day. Not happy with any of this new info.
Thanks for posting/translating

Don't be so quick to judge. We might get Mileena soon and I promise it will restore the hypewink
I too was disappointed with the consecutive reveals/leaks of Raiden, Kano, Sonya, Cage, Liu because none interest me but there are a lot more spots left. Plus I wouldn't even take those for granted. Yes there is a good chance all 3 are gonna be in the game but there's still a chance mama and papa Cage are gonna be narrators of the story without being playable.
At least, until I get confirmation from the team I ain't believing anything.

Just don't get you're hopes up to high for Mileena. Kotal Kahn being the emperor of outworld (which mileena should be) isn't good news for her. Both Sonya and Cassie's spots on the roster, as well as (presumably based on boons twitter trolling) kitana's, and likely Tanya's, I wouldn't place money that mileena is a certain thing this game with all the new characters.

Another guy swooping in and taking the throne gives ALOT of opportunities for Mileena! She could ally herself with him, she could go against him, maybe try and decieve him or be his queen until she finds the right moment to kill him and take the throne for herself, maybe ally herself with others who'd also like for Kotal to get off the throne, like Tanya and Reiko, maybe even Rain, or maybe Mileena and Baraka will be Kotal's most viscious servants and hunt down and kill all his enemies before they can reach him...

So what if Mileena didn't get the throne... it's not like that was her ONLY option anyways.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/07/2014 09:59 AM (UTC)
I'm just speaking in terms as the last game left off. The story ended with mileena being the first heir to the throne, basically a guaranteed invitation to MKX.

Now that Kotal is emperor, it is just less of a guarantee. Though I would prefer her story this way if the throne was snatched from her, and hope we get a glimpse of deception mileena plotting to regain it.

08/07/2014 10:03 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:

Just don't get you're hopes up to high for Mileena. Kotal Kahn being the emperor of outworld (which mileena should be) isn't good news for her. Both Sonya and Cassie's spots on the roster, as well as (presumably based on boons twitter trolling) kitana's, and likely Tanya's, I wouldn't place money that mileena is a certain thing this game with all the new characters.

I'm not getting my hopes up for anyone. However, the fact that Kotal is the new emperor doesn't mean Mileena won't be in the game. There are plenty of options for her story with or without Kotal Kahn. I know with so many new faces there is a good chance she might not be in the game but all we can do is wait. It's a bit too soon to get disappointed. I'll be honest in the fact that my heart will sink a bit if she doesn't make it (drama queen lol) but I'll still buy the game and find myself a new main.
Crossing my fingers for Rain, Tanya and Fujin if Mileena doesn't make it.
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