I buyed Gamepro - massive HUGE new Infos: Hollywood version, Jungle Stage, Kotal Kahn...
posted08/08/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/05/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
I buyed the gamepro Magazin. The article contains an interview with Ed Boon and 8 sides full of Infos. Some of them we already knew, some not! I promise you we gonna have much to talk about. Let's get it on.

To make it morew transparent i post the original part of the text in german to make it easier for me to translate and some of you guys with knowlegde about the german language can correct me :)

Part 1 Cassie Cage

Cassies Hollywoodversion orientiet sich an Papa Johnny - allerdings nicht durch dessen moves, sondern durch ihre attitüde. Wie ein Actionheld kann sie beidhändig mit ihren Automatikpistolen ballernd durch die Luft springen und trägt standesgemäß eine Sonnenbrille.

Ohne besondere Anleihen bei den Kampfstilen ihrer Eltern ist Brawler-Cassie die eigenständigste Variante dieser Figur.


Cassies Hollywoodversion orientated at Father Johnny - certainly not because of his moves, but rather on his attitude. Cassie jumps in the air like an actionhero with her dual wide pistols shooting and wears a sunglasses.

Without Imitate to much of the fighting styles from their parents the brawler Variation is the Independent Variation of her.

He (Kai Schmidt Editor) mentioned also the x-ray and the spec-ops Variation. But These are things we already knew.

Part 2 Kotal Kahn (HUGE SPOILER!)

Kotal Kahn, der sich im Storymodus des Spiels als Shao Kahn Sohn erweisen wird, entpuppt sich als dämonischer Mayakrieger mit gebündelten Sonnenstrahlen und einem gezackten Schwert für den Nahkampf.

Auch seine "Heimatstage" orientiert sich am Mayathema, handelt es sich dabei doch um eine Lichtung inmitten eines undurchdringlichen Dschungels.


Kotal Kahn, who will prove as the son of Shao Kahn in Storymode, is a demonic mayawarrior with focussed sunrays and a jagged egde for melee fights.

Also his "native stage" orientated on the Maya theme, involving a glade among an inpenetrable jungle.

Kai also mentioned Kotal feels a Little bit sluggish (like Ferra/Torr) but his Combos and Specials seems overpowered at the Moment.

Part 3 D'Vorah

Besonders widerlich: Sie kann sich einen dicken Käfer aus dem Bauch ziehen und so zerquetschen, dass dem Gegner ein Schwall grüner Suppe entgegen spritzt.


especially disgusting: she can pull a big bug out of her stomach and crush it which splashes a green gust of "soup" against the enemy.

08/06/2014 11:10 AM (UTC)
Part 4 Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade and Liu Kang Im Gespräch verriet uns Ed Boon, dass es tatsächlich mehrere Versionen von Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade and Liu Kang geben wird... ...die gealterten Recken werden sich laut Boon nicht nur in ihrem Aussehen von den jüngeren Varianten unterscheiden, sondern sich auch etwas anders spielen und moves beherrschen, die keine der anderen Inkarnationen einsetzen kann. Obwohl Boon dazu schweigt, wie genau die unterschiedlich alten Kämpfer ins Spiel eingebunden werden, gehen wir stark davon aus, dass es sich nicht um separate Charaktere, sondern um jeweils eine der drei Versionen im Auswahlmenü handeln wird. Ist der Story-Modus genau so inszeniert wie der Vorgänger, gibt uns das Spiel für jedes Kapitel einen Kämpfer vor - verschieden alte Charakter sind hier also das kleinste Problem und werden nach dem Durchspielen sicher im VS Modus als Auswahlmöglichkeit bei den Styles freigeschaltet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [In the conversation bespoke Ed Boon that it's gonna be really several Versions of Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade and Liu Kang. the aged kombatants wouldn't only dustinguished with their look from the younger variation, but also playing different and have moves, which no other incarnation could use.] althroughBoon keeps silence how exactly the characters in different Ages implement in the game, we assume that it doesn't mean to have separate characters, but instead one of the three Version could be involve this in the select Screen. Is the Story mode staged like in the past game (MK2011) - the game pretend a fighter for every chapter. different old characters are the smallest Problem to implement and could be activated after the playthrough in versusmode to be another Version of the three almost existend Versions. Part 5 General Infos about the article Kai could only Play with the six characters from the E3 demo Version. Raiden and Kano weren't playable. He talked with Ed Boon and give a first Impression about the gameplay Feeling. His surface Impression was "GENIUS!!". The highest rate for a preview. There are also some speculation about Sub Zero and the final roster. Which Sub Zero do we Play in MKX and so on. But nothing we wouldn't suggest anyway. The article has some nice Images. most of them we already saw but some are new. Raidens Torpedo Special against Cassie in the snow forest stage and Kano throws a knife against Raiden in the outworld market stage. You also see a fatality Picture from Sub Zero where he breaks the spine.
08/06/2014 11:12 AM (UTC)
08/06/2014 11:12 AM (UTC)
So Kotal Kahn is a Mayan warrior... but the son of Shao Kahn. So Kotal is an Earthrealmer, as the Mayan culture comes from Earth, yet his father is from Outworld...

Some theories:
- Kotal was born in Outworld, but was somehow taken to Earthrealm and raised there.
- Kotal has a human mother from the Mayan culture who was somehow impregnated by Shao Kahn.
- The Mayans originally comes from Outworld, but came to Earthrealm with Kotal amongst them.
- NRS just wanted a Mayan looking warrior and doesn't care how Shao Kahn is linked to the Mayan culture, but just made Kotal his son.
08/06/2014 11:17 AM (UTC)
The only thing we didn't know so far was that Kotal is Shao Kahn's son. It doesn't really make much sense to me but we'll see.
08/06/2014 11:35 AM (UTC)
I thought it was (sort of)confirmed that "son" was meant to be "heir". During the interview ed's words were mistaken for "son" when he only meant "successor"

I'd would much rather like to think it was a lost in translation kind of moment, Kotal being related to Shao would just be too generic. And it seems like he its a stretch to connect the dots (as Jaded laid out), but who knows right?
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/06/2014 12:10 PM (UTC)
Glad to see my translation was correct from a native German
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/06/2014 12:43 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I thought it was (sort of)confirmed that "son" was meant to be "heir". During the interview ed's words were mistaken for "son" when he only meant "successor"

I'd would much rather like to think it was a lost in translation kind of moment, Kotal being related to Shao would just be too generic. And it seems like he its a stretch to connect the dots (as Jaded laid out), but who knows right?

I thought that this was the explanation for the word descendant. Not for the word "son".

Anyways... Kotal ends up being Shao Kahn's son. How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/06/2014 01:00 PM (UTC)
I don't think they would have a big problem explaining Kotal's birth. It's not like Shao has to have knowledge of or be present of a child's birth. While I hope it's wrong, I will hold my reservations about the game until I actually play the story mode and make the assessment for myself.
08/06/2014 01:05 PM (UTC)
So two old characters have children. Cassie and Kotal are both children of old characters.

Hope these are the only 2.

And multiple versions of both Liu Kang / Sonya and Johnny Cage? What does that mean? They have multiple models in the roster? Or in their variations?

I really wouldn't survive having more than one Sonya in the roster.

Don't like this news at all.

What does it say about MK2011 storymode? Is that crap again in MKX? Or didn't I really fully understand it right?
08/06/2014 01:19 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
So two old characters have children. Cassie and Kotal are both children of old characters.

Hope these are the only 2.

And multiple versions of both Liu Kang / Sonya and Johnny Cage? What does that mean? They have multiple models in the roster? Or in their variations?

I really wouldn't survive having more than one Sonya in the roster.

Don't like this news at all.

What does it say about MK2011 storymode? Is that crap again in MKX? Or didn't I really fully understand it right?

There will only be one Sonya D'Vorah .... Not to worry. Each variation of Sonya will be a different age. For explanations sake, variation 1 will be Sonya at age 30, variation 2 at 45 and variation 3 at 55. Same would go for Liu and Johnny. Brilliant idea if I may say so.
08/06/2014 01:27 PM (UTC)
The aged versions are probably variations, instead of adding frosty arms, the character gets gray hair and something from his new training, probably nothing else.

I think the "son" thing propbably is meant to be "succesor" or "heir". And the "mayan" part probably is just about his looks, not about him being an actual mayan.
08/06/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
"Is the Story mode staged like in the past game (MK2011) - the game pretend a fighter for every chapter. different old characters are the smallest Problem to implement and could be activated after the playthrough in versusmode to be another Version of the three almost existend Versions."

What does this mean? That it will be again 4 fights with each good character? But that the age-differences of Sonya and Liu Kang will be a problem then? Didn't they learn from their MK2011 mistakes?
08/06/2014 01:53 PM (UTC)
I really doubt they literally mean Kotal Khan is an actual Mayan.

But so far, I'm liking what I've read here.
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

08/06/2014 02:03 PM (UTC)
Any hints of stage fatalities yet? I'm curious to how they will be taken on in this.
08/06/2014 02:11 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Any hints of stage fatalities yet? I'm curious to how they will be taken on in this.

Yes, Boon confirmed there are stage fatalities. It was also mentioned in the article and speculated for a stage fatality in the jungle stage
08/06/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
"Is the Story mode staged like in the past game (MK2011) - the game pretend a fighter for every chapter. different old characters are the smallest Problem to implement and could be activated after the playthrough in versusmode to be another Version of the three almost existend Versions."

What does this mean? That it will be again 4 fights with each good character? But that the age-differences of Sonya and Liu Kang will be a problem then? Didn't they learn from their MK2011 mistakes?

The author of the article is just speculating in this part. because boon Keep silence how they implement Sonya, Johnny and co.. But Boon confirmed them in the game and also kinda playable.
08/06/2014 02:15 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!

We have never heard about Bo'Rai Cho either, back in MK1 and in MKDA it was established that he trained Liu Kang for his fight in tournament.
So, it's not like it will be first time in MK, when important character brought into existence without any foreshadowing.
08/06/2014 04:11 PM (UTC)
I almost had a heart attack when I read KAI, but then I realized is the author ́s name =(
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08/06/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
To me Kotal Kahn does not look Mayan. He looks like an Aztec. His variations are a reference to the Aztec sun god Huitzilopochtli who was the the patron god of war. His design also look Aztec incorporating the macuahuitl in the War God variation.

I really hope we see a pyramid in Kotal Kahn's stage. I hope to see a pyramid based on Temple Mayor or it could be Kulkukan of Chichen Itza of the Maya. Maybe Kotal Kahn is based from designs from both civilizations.

I personally do not like Kotal Kahn being the son of Shao Kahn. I hope that is a mistranslation. Also do not like Kotal Kahn being demonic. That could imply he is from the Netherrealm. Maybe that explains how Kotal came to power with Shinnok's help. I would rather Kotal Kahn being a god like Raiden not a demon.
08/06/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
I want to see pictures of Hollywood version, Jungle Stage, characters from Mortal Kombat X.
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08/06/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
Kano is back. Consider me happy about that! As far as being the son. Not surprised at all. I knew this for 2 reasons. 'Kahn' and he looks barbarian-esque as well. So definitely no surprise there.

I like the idea of the Father Son relationship. Reminds me of Hulk and Skaar:

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08/06/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
To me Kotal Kahn does not look Mayan. He looks like an Aztec. His variations are a reference to the Aztec sun god Huitzilopochtli who was the the patron god of war. His design also look Aztec incorporating the macuahuitl in the War God variation.
Yeah I think there are some mistranslations and assumptions going on as far as character description goes.
About Me

When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

08/06/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Zwulle Wrote:
How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!

We have never heard about Bo'Rai Cho either, back in MK1 and in MKDA it was established that he trained Liu Kang for his fight in tournament.
So, it's not like it will be first time in MK, when important character brought into existence without any foreshadowing.

You ́re unmistakenly right about that. I just did not expect that Shao would have a son. Certainly now he proves to be powerful enough to claim Outworld, I would like to know where he ́s been all this time. Such a strong family member to Shao could have been used in earlier battles between Earth and Outworld.

That ́s all I ́m interested in.
08/06/2014 05:28 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Zwulle Wrote:
How the F are they gonna explain that? We never heard of the guy ever before. So that's something which we really wanna know!

We have never heard about Bo'Rai Cho either, back in MK1 and in MKDA it was established that he trained Liu Kang for his fight in tournament.
So, it's not like it will be first time in MK, when important character brought into existence without any foreshadowing.

That's one frequent complaint I find ridiculous. When a new, important character gets introduced, and people find it weird that they're only being introduced now. I mean, were Ed Boon and co really supposed to plan a new character's introduction TWENTY+ years in advance?
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