How upset will you be if Jarek, Mavado, Daegon, Tasia return?
posted02/11/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
So, MK fans have been pretty vocal and clear in the post-MK trilogy characters they've been waiting to return, narrowing down (mostly) to Fujin, Tanya, Havik, Bo Rai...

How do you feel if after all this time, they bring back (the now frighteningly rumoured) Jarek, Mavado, Daegon and Tasia instead?

Keeping it real - I'll be outright PISSED to see these no-marks in the roster. Almost enough to skip MKX in disgust. I literally don't care how much work they put in to making them 'cool' and 'redeemed'. It barely worked for Stryker in 9. These characters are outright garbage to me.

Boon - if this happens - YOU DISGUST US HIDEOUS ONE!!
02/02/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
in that case, i really hope all 4 will be in just so you won't buy the game.
02/02/2015 12:30 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't be upset at all because they would find a way to make them interesting, give them great designs and make them flashy as fuck.

infact, due to Tasia's inclusion in the comic I came up with this fatality

Tasia takes her two katanas and makes 2 cuts on the top and bottom of their belly. Then she kicks the severed belly away, making the upper torso top down onto the waist line, then they fall over.

Also this

DarkKard4 Wrote:
in that case, i really hope all 4 will be in just so you won't buy the game.
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Props to MINION
02/02/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
So, MK fans have been pretty vocal and clear in the post-MK trilogy characters they've been waiting to return, narrowing down (mostly) to Fujin, Tanya, Havik, Bo Rai...

How do you feel if after all this time, they bring back (the now frighteningly rumoured) Jarek, Mavado, Daegon and Tasia instead?

Keeping it real - I'll be outright PISSED to see these no-marks in the roster. Almost enough to skip MKX in disgust. I literally don't care how much work they put in to making them 'cool' and 'redeemed'. It barely worked for Stryker in 9. These characters are outright garbage to me.

Boon - if this happens - YOU DISGUST US HIDEOUS ONE!!

Then your not a true Mortal Kombat fan

No one cares about your whiny hissy fit, this isn't worthy of a thread.
02/02/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't be upset because I would love to see how they look and their fighting styles are in the game
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I will rock you.

02/02/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Daegon and Tasia will be fine with me but the other two is meh.
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02/02/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
Watch, they'll all get the Hsu Hao treatment in issue #4.
02/02/2015 12:40 AM (UTC)
I'd actually be really happy with Tasia being in the game. I always thought she could make a cool character in the game....more interesting than Tremor in my opinion.

Seeing Jarek return would actually be pretty cool. I played him quite a bit in Armageddon. I like the new look, his axe, and we have the same facial hair, so...

Daegon could actually become a really cool antagonist if he moves away from the whole Armageddon thing. I'd be interested in seeing him in MKX!

Mavado would depend entirely on how they re-design him. He was essentially Kabal's clone. If he came back, he would have to have the original Spanish inspired costume he had in his original design, and a new moveset to reflect that.

Overall, no, they aren't the 4 that are on top of my list. But if they were to be included, I'd be all for it!
02/02/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
Can we keep this thread open so everyone can laugh at how stupid this man's opinion is?
02/02/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
Also agree with this

DarkKard4 Wrote:
in that case, i really hope all 4 will be in just so you won't buy the game.
About Me
02/02/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
#NoMoreNinjas #FuckTremor

Side note: I despise all talk of a 'true fan' of something
02/02/2015 12:51 AM (UTC)
I think Mavado and Daegon would fit this game. I think Jarek needs to be in a game like this so he can actually have a persona and not always be remembered as a Kano clone. A improvement to these characters could be what NRS is planning for MKX.
02/02/2015 12:52 AM (UTC)
Even if those 4 made it we could still see Fujin, Bo'RaiCho, Havik, Shinnok and Tanya in with one being DLC; if the leak from last year is right then there's 7-8 MK4-Armageddon characters planned to return for MKX.

Jarek has been acknowledged by Boon before and it could mean he's in if Boon wasn't just trolling.

RT @redslewnninja @noobdeI cana39;t wait to see what they do with Jarek this time!! ... EB: Oh man, u may have to wait 11 years for that...

— Ed Boon (@noobde) July 1, 2014 Afterall the MKX storyline in the game spans 25 years; it doesn't just jump forwards to 25 years in the future, skipping everything after MK9. It starts directly after MK9 and it has been said that MK4 events play a part.
02/02/2015 12:56 AM (UTC)
Frost, Jarek, Tasia, Bo and Havik would be best overall.
02/02/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I literally don't care how much work they put in to making them 'cool' and 'redeemed'.

This is where your opinion was tossed into the garbage.
02/02/2015 01:07 AM (UTC)
I could accept Tasia. She looks pretty cool and a dual swordsperson hasnt been done yet. I could maybe accept Jarek and Daegon. But i hate Mavado so no.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/02/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
I don't give a shit.
As long as their gameplay is good.

Who the fuck is Tasia?
02/02/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Not at all. Reptile is in. I'm no longer concerned about the roster...
02/02/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
I literally don't care how much work they put in to making them 'cool' and 'redeemed'.

This is where your opinion was tossed into the garbage.

Yeah I agree with Smokeman14 here.

Consider these things:

1) In MK4's story Jarek was believed to be the only remaining Black Dragon member left, due to Kano being missing & presumed dead.

2) Sonya's MK9 arcade ending spoke of her going off to hunt down the remaining Black Dragon.

3) Kabal was dead by the end of MK9, that's one less straightaway.

4) There's a faction system integrated in MKX, one of which is Black Dragon with Kano as leader.

In terms of the faction system when it comes to the Black Dragon clan; who would be the members? Kano and...?

If Jarek is killed off in the comic, Tasia (who hasn't ever appeared in the main-series of games) is killed off (also in the comic), Kabal stays dead, No Face doesn't appear at all (which is likely), Kobra isn't brought back because he's the most disliked BD member, Kira isn't brought back because she's as equally disliked as Kobra, and Tremor isn't included in the roster or as DLC... That means the Black Dragon faction in game would just be Kano, one member is not a faction.

Sure NRS could introduce 1, 2, 3 new characters who are all Black Dragon members, which then prompts cries of "Why make THREE new Black Dragon members?! They're pretty much identical storywise! Wahhhhhhhh..."; or NRS could bring back 2 known characters who always have been Black Dragon, give their look a bit of polish and an improved moveset and increase their popularity as they did with Nightwolf & Stryker in MK9 and they have done with Kano, Quan Chi, Goro, Kung Lao and Kitana (to name a few) in MKX, I know which makes more sense to me personally.
T-rex Wrote:
Watch, they'll all get the Hsu Hao treatment in issue #4.

The Great Dragon purge of 2015
02/02/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
Id be fine with Kira, Tasia and Tremor being playable. But Kobra is awful and Jarek is meh.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/02/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
in that case, i really hope all 4 will be in just so you won't buy the game.
About Me

"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/02/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
I would be somewhat dissapointed.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/02/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
It would seem the Black and Red Dragon clans will have more to do with the story this time, so I'm not completely against it.

Jarek and Tasia are pretty bland. Based on the fact that they seem to be sporting their old looks in the comics, I doubt they're gonna make it.

Mavado's specials are tailor made for a 2-d fighter and a rivalry with Kabal could still be exploited.

Daegon, unless I'm misinterpreting the comic, sounds like he's being reimagined as some type of cult leader, and that sounds pretty interesting to me. There was a time when I was very against any characters or story elements introduced in Armageddon making their way back into the series. Honestly I still swing back that way sometimes. Such a low point, but NRS has earned faith in my mind, so if they were to take another crack at Daegon, I wouldn't be against it.
02/02/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
smokeman14 Wrote:
friendshipagain Wrote:
I literally don't care how much work they put in to making them 'cool' and 'redeemed'.

This is where your opinion was tossed into the garbage.

Baloney SIR!!

For argument's sake, they cut your favourite character and take up a roster position with a re-imagined Mokap. You'd be happy? Anybody here who would be?

Seriously, why re-tool and put all that effort into dressing up a turd? It will always be at the expense of another character that would have been more appreciated by a more significant proportion of the fan community.

As for the "Kano needs other members" for his faction rubbish - why exactly does the BD need their own faction? How about Kano joins the baddies because his faction is kaput? Or several other more requested post-trilogy characters create their own faction?

I think the prospect of having ANY post-MKT characters back at this stage is short-circuiting the memories of some forum members. Mavado, Darrius, Kira, Daegon etc were all fucking terrible characters and a total roster waste. And Jarek - wow, that dude was/is pretty much unanimously detested as a Kano rip. Please give me a break.
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