08/28/2008 05:46 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm not trying to start anything here, though I must say that it's kind of foolish to be so childish over a crossover game. I've said it a thousand times... it's just a game. Though, I know how some of you dedicate your lives to Mortal Kombat, and I cannot change the fact that you do, but seriously, it's sort of humorous to read your comments about this particular game.

Though, to answer your question, I will not skip buying this game. I've bought every MK game except for Special Forces, for some odd reason I don't know why my brother and I didn't get it, and what I've seen from this game pictures on this site and the others... this game looks cool enough to get. So I won't be one of you.

I agree with you, and oh by the way they say Speacial Forces is like the worst MK game of all time haha, you can live without that MK. wink

Back to topic, NO I wont be skipping this game, the gameplay and the graphics look hella great (better than any MK to date). You see I'm not going to hate on the fact that MK wanted to do a cross-over game atleast once. Not only that but I think it would give them more time to think up more ideas for the M rated MK9 storywise, new characters ETC. Plus I see this crossover/side MK Project as a way to start new and to get a feel for the new Unreal 3 Engine and Next-Gen technology the are using. Not only do I hope this does well with the reviewers but I also hope this does well with the fans. I think the sales of this game would help determine whether or not we will even get to see an M rated MK9. I think this game deserves all of the "TRUE" fans support or atleast a chance. just a rental or something. It's hard to judge something you havn't gotten to play yet you know what I'm saying? Yeah that's all I gotta say, Ive been an MK fan since day one and will continue to be a fan until its last day. Whenever that is....But I know for sure it IS NOT NOW.
About Me
08/28/2008 12:08 PM (UTC)
"It's still MK so I'll play it".Damn, that is so untrue.
Who the hell here played MK:SF - I know I didn't.
About Me


08/30/2008 04:02 PM (UTC)
SF is like MK's bastard child or poor relative.
09/12/2008 04:11 AM (UTC)
That's pretty interesting what you said about MK2! I too just started playing the classics while killing some time (I have MAT: Extended Play for my PSP) and realized again how much I like them. I hadn't really played MK1-3 since I first bought this disc a couple of months ago, and I was playing other games just to see how they played. But I was bored and wanted to play something MK and thought of that game. WOW! I STILL TO THIS DAY found both MK1 & 2 completely fun to play. I enjoyed it so much that when I decided to take a break, it was like 2 or 3 hours later. The replayability is amazing and while I like pretty much all MK games, I don't know if ANY of the other games could equal how addicting those first two were. I mean, I can get into playing Armageddon for a long time, but that's because of the sheer size of the roster. And that's what bothers me about MK/DC: its replayability. I'm sure it'll be a fun game to play, but I don't think fans are going to keep going back to it after they complete it. I know I won't, I don't even know if I'd buy it (a first for an MK game). So as to Outworld's concern about the next MK being Part 2, I REALLY hope not. There is that possibility due to fact that fans are so excited they'll RUSH out and buy the game just to play it and get all the achievements, which might result in high sales, which would cause Midway exes to say "Let's make a sequel!" furious. But I have a feeling that the game won't do as well as they were expecting (especially with today's news of some classic faves who aren't in the game) and that might result in the team thinking about doing what they were orignally going to do. I also think that if they do this, the buzz on the game will be huge and fans might get re-interested again (which seems to be the only thing that makes any kind of entertainment make money: buzz; look at The Dark Knight! Good movie BTW). I think they'd only do a sequel if the game was HUGE, but I'm not going to say it would NEVER happen, because I've learned to never say never tongue! But it's just a concept game and once it's out of everybody's systems, then MAYBE we can go back to our good old-fashioned stand-alone fun MK!

Sorry for the long post, I tend to rant as well! grin
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