How about a happy/Positive thread?
posted04/04/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)by
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

Member Since
05/05/2011 03:08 AM (UTC)
Since everyone just hates the entire world and there is actually maybe like 10 people who know of the emotion of happiness why not have a positive thread since there isn't that much on here cause for everyone OMG TANYA FANS UNITE thread there is about 5 I HATE TANYA THREADS, THIS ROSTER SUCKS etc etc etc

so for those who like the roster, are hyped about the game why not talk on here and hopefully your day can be a good one.

i'll start im quite happy with the roster my only some what complain not enough females, but oh well atleast they look like fighters and not working the streets and i see the girls that are in the game are the powerful ones.

My fav is Kitana so i'm happy to see her back and i'm loving her moves, it is sad Jade is 'dead' but i'm sure she will pop up in the next MK so it be cool to have fans, a staff and a whatever Jade's boomerang thing is called sorry, for one character kind of makes her a little more powerful against the big guys

also its coming out in 11-10 days i can not wait to sit down and play it for hours most likely will start off with the storymode, unlock whatever you unlock, get coins after every fight, see who the big boss is and then go play one on one or whatever next.

so anyways let's see what you all have to say, and PLEASE I ASK YOU don't be rude (even though i know some people will be) just think positive

thank you
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/03/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
Fuck Off......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................JK I'm pumped for this game!
04/03/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
I am so freaking excited for this game. I don't know how you can't be, it looks AMAZING!

There is SO MUCH to do in this game I plan on playing it for a long time which will be even better if they continue to support it down the line!

I have never taken time off of work for a game, that is until now. And I SUCK big time at fighting games. I just havent been this hyped for a game in a long time!
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

04/03/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
Lol, a topic of positivity? This is MKO... some are critiial users and backing their story up, others are downright bitching and whining fans.

Let's not go there. I, for myself, am really looking forward to play MKX in about 11 days. Always a fan of the legacy and it seems to become the best MK yet. So many content, so many different finshers. The variation system, the living towers, the factions...

I'm also looking forward to quite all the newcomers. They really seem to add to the diversity and that was realldy needed. MK went back to their original form a few times now, the step forward is truly needed. Let it come!
04/03/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
Jacqui rocks.

Sonya's Covert ops variant is her best one, imo. I like how they turned another fatality of hers into a special move. That X-Ray followed by a brutality was awesome.

I like all the new characters.

Yay for Shinnok finally returning.

Jason Voorhees and the Predator finally making their first official guest appearance in a fighting game, even better that it's in the same game, and one as violent as MK, to boot.

Some of the Revenant designs like Jax's and Kung Lao's are superb. Kitana's grown on me.

There's more, but it'd be too long.
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/03/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
i am hype too for the past months all i can think of is MKX, my brothers are getting annoyed with me and don't understand why their baby sis is excited for a game where people fight and rip each other into pieces, but at the same time i grow up with them playing the old snes and after seeing Kitana in mk2 i was happy a Princess Warrior with fans i got hooked.

i've played every game they have made except for MK Gold i never had a dreamcast nor knew anyone who had one, but alot of people say it sucked badly so i am not crying over it.

this game has got me hyped cause i'm excited to try everyone out even the guys they look hella fun and fast now i did not like how they looked so slow in th other games. erron black, kung jin and takeda i can't wait to try them out, oh and Kotal Kahn,

but i'll be trying out everyone and seeing/doing everyones fatalities and what ever else alities they will have

and i too hope they add dlc alot and continue with this game cause they are taking their time and creating the best outfits/looks for this i'm excited i also want all their action figures i hope they are just as amazing as the prototypes or even better
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/03/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
oh yeah i also forgot

the dlc i can't wait to see what fatalities and moves they give Tremor, Jason and Predator

Tanya i feel she will have updates of her old moves and new so i also can't wai to see her gameplay

i also hope the dlc gets skins none did in Injustice or Mk9 for the console which was a bit sad, so i hope NRS adds it in either free or make us pay whatever i just want alot of skins so i can see what looks good in gameplay and i will keep it as my fav or go to in fighting

also happy they get alot of skins i hope the newcomers get more then just primary and alternate

About Me

Thanks for the sig MINION!

04/03/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
I'm super hyped for this game, and those Mileena vs Kenshi fights in the last stream brought the hype up quite a bit for me. So glad we got to see a truly competitive match between 2 players who knew their characters well. And that new arena... man this GAME!!!!
04/03/2015 03:51 PM (UTC)
I'm extremely excited about the story mode. I love how NRS is never afraid to not bring back characters or go in a new direction. This game is taking us in the future, right in the middle of a civil war that's spewing out of its realm and will necessitate new blood.

The roster is great. The new characters are some of the best we've ever had. There is indeed a lot of Special Forces and aside from Takeda and Kung Jin, the group of Sonya, Cassie, Jax and Jacqui aren't wearing anything more than standard special forces military uniforms, but I'm more interested on how they play and the alternate attires that they're going to get.

The menus looks great, the faction thing is an interesting add-on, the dynamic ever changing living towers, along with planned events, will make the game last a long time even if you don't like playing online.

Like everyone I prefer MK DLC to Guest Characters but I think they made some great choices. Jason and Predator will fit right in while Tremor finally gets a makeover and the cunning Tanya is back.

I'm VERY excited.
04/03/2015 04:01 PM (UTC)
Game looks good. Good game. Good game.
04/03/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
Mileena all-around seems amazing.

Jacqui seems so fun, can't wait to see gameplay.

Shinnok is so badass.

Kenshi's fatality is my favorite.

I'm excited WE ONLY HAVE 11 DAYS LEFT.

04/03/2015 05:06 PM (UTC)
Yep im really excited for the game, I cant believe its almost finally here!
04/03/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I'm extremely excited about the story mode. I love how NRS is never afraid to not bring back characters or go in a new direction. This game is taking us in the future, right in the middle of a civil war that's spewing out of its realm and will necessitate new blood.

The roster is great. The new characters are some of the best we've ever had. There is indeed a lot of Special Forces and aside from Takeda and Kung Jin, the group of Sonya, Cassie, Jax and Jacqui aren't wearing anything more than standard special forces military uniforms, but I'm more interested on how they play and the alternate attires that they're going to get.

The menus looks great, the faction thing is an interesting add-on, the dynamic ever changing living towers, along with planned events, will make the game last a long time even if you don't like playing online.

Like everyone I prefer MK DLC to Guest Characters but I think they made some great choices. Jason and Predator will fit right in while Tremor finally gets a makeover and the cunning Tanya is back.

I'm VERY excited.


You have destroyed the poor bastards body, lol.

Game is awesome and can't wait to get my hands on it.
04/03/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
This will probably be the only game I am going to play until June glasses

MKX best fighter 2015
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/03/2015 05:25 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
This will probably be the only game I am going to play until June glasses

MKX best fighter 2015

^ This lol
04/03/2015 05:46 PM (UTC)
Damn good shit, 11 days from now greatness will grace us with it's presence
About Me

04/03/2015 06:12 PM (UTC)
You are definitely right my friend .People are being unbelievably rude and tactless ,unfortunately...I'm really sorry for their rudeness! Hope they find some happiness,peace and hobby to spend their time!

Back to topic I also have some conplaints about the choices if the characters,let me be clear for example Reiko and Havik appears in the current comic series and have a great potential to have variation system more than some others in the roster but I respect the work and struggle that Ed boon and his crew have done for the game and overall the gameplay and the other features in game look fantastic and wondrous..glasses
Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/03/2015 06:20 PM (UTC)
alican_zero Wrote:
You are definitely right my friend .People are being unbelievably rude and tactless ,unfortunately...I'm really sorry for their rudeness! Hope they find some happiness,peace and hobby to spend their time!

Back to topic I also have some conplaints about the choices if the characters,let me be clear for example Reiko and Havik appears in the current comic series and have a great potential to have variation system more than some others in the roster but I respect the work and struggle that Ed boon and his crew have done for the game and overall the gameplay and the other features in game look fantastic and wondrous..glasses

that's ok i get it i totally get everyone is entitled to their own opinion believe me but just be happy (i'm talking in general to all those rude/hateful people) just be happy that Nrs/Ed is creating another MK game after all the hate for their other previous games NRS is not giving up. yes they are money grabbers but let's be completely honest all game companies are they made so many Call of Duties, God of War and others and let's face it those games are not OMG WOW different for the most part they are very similar to the last one

but MK every game they have made they add different stuff to every game from kombat motor, challenge modes, two on two even four on four or 8 on 8 (in the older games)

but like i've said this is the first MK game where other then my favorites being in it i want to try everyone out. just from what i see in design, moves/gameplay

i'm just hyped even with all the hate going on in all forums i go to
04/03/2015 06:47 PM (UTC)
Love Jacqui and Jax in this game. I like how because Jax has straight up artificual arms this time around it looks as if Jacqui is following in her alternate time line fathers footsteps! I think it's really cool and I hope NRS keep her around and develops her in the future.

I sure hope NRS doesn't listen to this incredibly petty and strangely malicious and toxic(at times) forum and side line her like most of the 3D era characters.

I'm happy for the Tremor fans that have been pining for the big guy to be included in the roster since...what was it Armageddon? That's when i first started hearing about him and seeing demand fro him to be put on the official roster.

Overall I think this is probably the most impressive looking MK yet. Sure I have some qualms about the roster but so what. Unless the roster was going to be approached like most fighting games(Street Fighter, DOA, Tekken, Soul Calibur) then no one is ever going to be 100% satisfied.

Doe sit count as positivity if I still want to rub every Kuai Liang doubters nose in it and go "HAHAHAAA! I WAS RIGHT AND YOU WERE CRAZY! AAAAALLL ALONG!!" No? A bit douchey? Whew well alright then I won't say it... wink
04/03/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
I agree with you, and is very hyped for this game too. I'm a Kitana fan also and is looking forward to the story mode and the backstory of all the characters. Johnny Cage's story had me on the edge of my seat
04/03/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
Suffice to say that mKX is the first, one and only game I've preordered.

The roster is great, the new characters are great, the returning characters are in their best incarnation both gameplay and visually.
There is plenty of single player off linea content, ad well multiplayer .
The stages are great ad well and 90% of them are new.

Shinnok is back.

Johnny cage is more badass than ever.
Kitana is the best ever, ad well redesigned Mileena.
For the first time I care for Jax, Liu Kang and Kung Lao.

Kotal Kahn forced me to totally change opinioni on him.
Kung jin, Takeda, Cassie and Jacqui are excellent.
Erron Black is going to kick serious ass.

And still, there are a lot of unrevealed secrets to discover.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/03/2015 07:53 PM (UTC)
I'm stoked. So stoked my friends wish they weren't my friends and that I'd just shut the fuck up about MKX.

11 effing days. I remember when Icebaby started that countdown at around 188 days.
04/03/2015 07:59 PM (UTC)
Love the Krossroads, but there isn't a stage fatality.
04/03/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
Can't wait to start up this game and enjoy all they beauty netherrealm has created for us
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/03/2015 08:48 PM (UTC)
I've been following this games development since it's announcement in June. The wait is almost over! I'm super hyped for this game!

So who's excited about that stream tomorrow? I'll probably catch an hour of it before I have to go to work so I'll watch the rest later. But man! Goro finally!!!

Now we'll finally get to see what #punchwalk is all about.
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