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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

04/14/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I really can't stand him. He's just too obnoxious. Way worse than most the guys from IGN.

The guy calls himself Angry Joe and he's a guy who considers himself a Feminist. Ofcourse he's obnoxious [and a douchebag to boot]
04/14/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
Yeah I don't go by reviews all that much since most of the time I know if im going to get a game or not regardless of reviews (MKX) but on games im on the fence about ill read reviews just to kind of get an idea of what its like, but I never read just one, I will read at least 4 or 5 different ones to see if their is any consistency in what is being said, maybe watch a video or two, then decide if its worth it or not.

Most of the time I already know if im getting a game or not though lol
04/14/2015 05:56 PM (UTC)
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I really can't stand him. He's just too obnoxious. Way worse than most the guys from IGN.

The guy calls himself Angry Joe and he's a guy who considers himself a Feminist. Ofcourse he's obnoxious [and a douchebag to boot]

What's wrong with feminists?
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote: Check out AJ's review of Alien: Isolation and then check out Previously Recorded's review of Alien: Isolation. You'll get what I mean.

I love RLM to death, but that review of Alien: Isolation is pedantic and probably based off of poor gameplay. I wonder if Rich and Jack were in a bad mood that week.

If you go slow as shit in A:I and hide in every goddamn locker when being chased (instead of pressing on,) the game will seem tedious. Going slow only increases your chances of getting killed and having to reload. If you stop screwing around and play smart, it's not nearly as slow (and dull) as they make it out to be. It seems like they were playing with glitchy AI, too (which does happen occasionally.)

I don't know what the fuck they were expecting with a game based on the first Alien movie, but set on a huge derelict space station that's on lockdown. Why is it surprising that you'll have to get past barricades and door locks when people have tried to hide in certain wards? It's not like Resident Evil games where it makes no goddamn sense that every third door is locked and the key is placed in an attic behind another locked door, with that key placed in a trap, behind another locked door whose key is stuck on a book.

Alien: Isolation is by no means perfect, but they make it out to be a complete pile of shit (when I guarantee you their poor gameplay ruined the experience.)

I've always found Red Letter Media to be bitter and trying much too hard to find flaws and reasons to dislike things while at the same time attempting too hard to be funny.
Historical Favorite
04/14/2015 08:58 PM (UTC)
lanadelrey Wrote:

What's wrong with feminists?

There's nothing wrong whatsoever with real feminists who tackle the important issues of our day. There's a significant problem with the rise of the armchair feminist who, lacking the drive or ability to contribute anything of use to their movement or to society as a whole, have zeroed in on the supposed evils of pop culture as their cause.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

04/15/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
I like Angry Joe. He is extremely passionate and that can lead to people being overly critical. For example his Rome II review he just exclusively talked at length about the problems of the game. He still gave it a 5/10 though. I think he will be able to see past the percieved negative elements of the story mode.

At the end of the day I could not care any less about arbitary scores that other people give games. When I play the game I never think of them or anything actually that anyone said. If you enjoy MKX then it does not matter what ANYONE says.

I am certainly throughly enjoying it so far.
04/15/2015 02:24 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
lanadelrey Wrote:

What's wrong with feminists?

There's nothing wrong whatsoever with real feminists who tackle the important issues of our day. There's a significant problem with the rise of the armchair feminist who, lacking the drive or ability to contribute anything of use to their movement or to society as a whole, have zeroed in on the supposed evils of pop culture as their cause.

Couldn't agree more.
About Me

Why couldn't this ending have happened?

04/15/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
lanadelrey Wrote:
Human-Smoke-4-ever Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I really can't stand him. He's just too obnoxious. Way worse than most the guys from IGN.

The guy calls himself Angry Joe and he's a guy who considers himself a Feminist. Ofcourse he's obnoxious [and a douchebag to boot]

What's wrong with feminists?

Modern Feminists are batshit insane. In their mind a guy glancing in a Woman's is automatically rape. And apparently clapping is a no-no because it "triggers" them.
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