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04/14/2015 01:32 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Spartages Wrote:
I respect the guy (and find him entertaining), but he tends to nit-pick A LOT. Makes me a tad nervous, I'll admit, but I haven't always seen eye-to-eye with him before so I'm not too concerned.

As someone who's seen what he's complaining about in full, I had no major issues with it. Just small things. Compared to my gripes with MK9, that's a major improvement.

That's actually nice to hear.
04/14/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
IamTheS Wrote:
Who the hell is Angry Joe? Why should I care?

If you're asking why you should care, you probably shouldn't have posted in the first. Fucking. PLACE.
04/14/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
I generally don't mind Angry Joe, though he's best when he tears into games like Ride to Hell: Retribution, Aliens: Colonial Marines, or Mindjack.

When it comes to other, better games, he can be a bit misguided in his criticisms.

I know he was upset with parts of Alien: Isolation due to the lack of autosaves or checkpoints, and unpredictable xeno AI. Modern conveniences spoil a lot of people, but autosaves do not work well with survival horror, and tricky AI is far more scary and believable than if it were a certainty the xeno wasn't going to return and tear you to shreds.

I'm annoyed with aspects of story mode, too, to be honest. Regardless of whether he hated it or not, it shouldn't be a huge detriment to scoring (I would think.)

It could be far worse like the shit-tastic story of SCV, which he tore into. MKX is Shakespeare compared to that. In the end, gameplay is most important, and I think he'll be satisfied (based on his reactions in playing with JeremyJahns.)

Don't sweat it.
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/14/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
IamTheS Wrote:
Who the hell is Angry Joe? Why should I care?

If you're asking why you should care, you probably shouldn't have posted in the first. Fucking. PLACE.
Pretty sure he want how is the dude important to Mortal Kombat? Don't be a dick.
04/14/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
IamTheS Wrote:
Who the hell is Angry Joe? Why should I care?

If you're asking why you should care, you probably shouldn't have posted in the first. Fucking. PLACE.
Pretty sure he want how is the dude important to Mortal Kombat? Don't be a dick.

*sigh* My apologies... I just got that annoying "Look at me, I don't care, which makes me edgy and totes coolio" vibe that I see so often on this site. It makes my fucking skin crawl. You know what I mean?
04/14/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
GoDisNotHereTODAY Wrote:
I don't mind Joe. Just a passionate gamer.

Not EVERYONE is gonna give MKX flying colors. There are some of us VERY passionate about the story and a 4 hour story mode is going to be disappointing to a lot of gamers.

When did MK become more about story mode than the actual fighting? It's one thing to be passionate about the lore, but once story mode is over all that's left is the actual game itself. 4 hours or not that shouldn't determine this game's fate.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

04/14/2015 02:53 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
IamTheS Wrote:
Who the hell is Angry Joe? Why should I care?

If you're asking why you should care, you probably shouldn't have posted in the first. Fucking. PLACE.
Pretty sure he want how is the dude important to Mortal Kombat? Don't be a dick.

*sigh* My apologies... I just got that annoying "Look at me, I don't care, which makes me edgy and totes coolio" vibe that I see so often on this site. It makes my fucking skin crawl.

You know what I mean?
Trust me I get it, and I feel the same way. But this time it might've been different. :)
04/14/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
Angry Joe been bitching about MKX? This honestly doesn't surprise me.
04/14/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
Watch. WATCH him say this when he starts the review
04/14/2015 03:37 AM (UTC)
I'm sure he will lol
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04/14/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
Who gives a fuck what Angry Joe thinks? He's a big fucking joke.
04/14/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Sekktor Wrote:
Who gives a fuck what Angry Joe thinks? He's a big fucking joke.

Apparently 1,994,605 people man.
04/14/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
Sekktor Wrote:
Who gives a fuck what Angry Joe thinks? He's a big fucking joke.

To be honest I agree with some stuff he says, but when I want REAL reviews I watch Previously Recorded.
04/14/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Sekktor Wrote:
Who gives a fuck what Angry Joe thinks? He's a big fucking joke.

To be honest I agree with some stuff he says, but when I want REAL reviews I watch Previously Recorded.

Previously Recorded huh? Ill check them out.
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04/14/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
This guy is a fucking idiot. Always has been.
04/14/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
He's a tool, i really can't stand him, and i also hope no one bases their choices on what he says.
04/14/2015 05:28 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
He's a tool, i really can't stand him, and i also hope no one bases their choices on what he says.

I don't care what any reviewer says, i'm playing the shit out of this game.

Waited about 11 months for this bad boy and no one is stopping me
04/14/2015 05:54 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
IamTheS Wrote:
Who the hell is Angry Joe? Why should I care?

If you're asking why you should care, you probably shouldn't have posted in the first. Fucking. PLACE.
Pretty sure he want how is the dude important to Mortal Kombat? Don't be a dick.

*sigh* My apologies... I just got that annoying "Look at me, I don't care, which makes me edgy and totes coolio" vibe that I see so often on this site. It makes my fucking skin crawl.

You know what I mean?

Oh yeah. I'm edgy. That's me. sleep

I'm just trying to find out why I've never heard of this bloke and suddenly his name is on every board that's discussing MK.

(Seriously though in what alternate universe is not knowing who some guy is "edgy"?)
Historical Favorite
04/14/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
IamTheS Wrote:

I'm just trying to find out why I've never heard of this bloke and suddenly his name is on every board that's discussing MK.

Basically, Joe's a game critic / comedian. For reasons that elude me, people take his content far more seriously than he does.

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-sig by MINION

04/14/2015 11:03 AM (UTC)
MK fans take everyone that doesn't absolutely love the games with every fiber of their beings too seriously.
04/14/2015 11:29 AM (UTC)
LordSkarlet Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Sekktor Wrote:
Who gives a fuck what Angry Joe thinks? He's a big fucking joke.

To be honest I agree with some stuff he says, but when I want REAL reviews I watch Previously Recorded.

Previously Recorded huh? Ill check them out.

They're basically the gaming section of Red Letter Media, and it's in its infancy, but they've already cracked down on certain games Angry Joe reviewed. Check out AJ's review of Alien: Isolation and then check out Previously Recorded's review of Alien: Isolation. You'll get what I mean.
04/14/2015 12:02 PM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote: Check out AJ's review of Alien: Isolation and then check out Previously Recorded's review of Alien: Isolation. You'll get what I mean.

I love RLM to death, but that review of Alien: Isolation is pedantic and probably based off of poor gameplay. I wonder if Rich and Jack were in a bad mood that week.

If you go slow as shit in A:I and hide in every goddamn locker when being chased (instead of pressing on,) the game will seem tedious. Going slow only increases your chances of getting killed and having to reload. If you stop screwing around and play smart, it's not nearly as slow (and dull) as they make it out to be. It seems like they were playing with glitchy AI, too (which does happen occasionally.)

I don't know what the fuck they were expecting with a game based on the first Alien movie, but set on a huge derelict space station that's on lockdown. Why is it surprising that you'll have to get past barricades and door locks when people have tried to hide in certain wards? It's not like Resident Evil games where it makes no goddamn sense that every third door is locked and the key is placed in an attic behind another locked door, with that key placed in a trap, behind another locked door whose key is stuck on a book.

Alien: Isolation is by no means perfect, but they make it out to be a complete pile of shit (when I guarantee you their poor gameplay ruined the experience.)
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

04/14/2015 04:38 PM (UTC)
Angry Joe has never steered me wrong. Every game that I played and then I managed to see that he did a review on, we end up having the same opinions.
Unlike him, I can find more flaws to said games than him. So if you guys hate negative nancies, then you'll definitely hate him, but he speaks the truth and doesn't sugarcoat bullshit and that's someone you want. Otherwise you're better off asking a Gamestop employee if a Barbie game is good and watch them say yes as they hype it up just to snag a few bucks off of you.

He's one of my go to people when it comes to whether I want to buy a game or not. One of the downsides I see from him is that when it comes to fighting games, it's hard to take him seriously. After his light review of Skull Girls, he's playing the game as if he never played Marvel vs Capcom 2 before, so clearly he's not a Fighting game enthusiast.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

04/14/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Angry Joe has never steered me wrong. Every game that I played and then I managed to see that he did a review on, we end up having the same opinions.
Unlike him, I can find more flaws to said games than him. So if you guys hate negative nancies, then you'll definitely hate him, but he speaks the truth and doesn't sugarcoat bullshit and that's someone you want. Otherwise you're better off asking a Gamestop employee if a Barbie game is good and watch them say yes as they hype it up just to snag a few bucks off of you.

He's one of my go to people when it comes to whether I want to buy a game or not. One of the downsides I see from him is that when it comes to fighting games, it's hard to take him seriously. After his light review of Skull Girls, he's playing the game as if he never played Marvel vs Capcom 2 before, so clearly he's not a Fighting game enthusiast.

I agree.
There's no better reviewer for you than yourself.
If you decide based on someone else's opinion you might be missing out a lot.

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