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05/30/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
I'd say its a bit of a tie. MK9 had tag-team, a straightforward challenge tower, and a much bigger character and stage roster.

MKX has better gameplay (which is important) and krypt, but so much feels like a let-down. I'm new to this microtransaction crap, and it is SUCH a bummer. Why do I have to spend 5 fucking dollars on a new character, I spent 90 plus on the limited edition, and don't get me started on those crappy new "Gold" Scorpion and Sub-Zero skins that looks like ... possibly the worst MK costume designs ever. Shouldn't be worth shit. Also shouldn't have to have the mobile version to unlock costumes. The story's good...but I'd give it a 7/10 for ignoring some stuff from the comics (Erron not recognizing Cassie and Jacqui??). MK9 had a lot of 'oh snap!' moments like Kung Lao and Liu Kang dead...Sub-Zero becoming a robot...sindel killing everyone. NO ONE saw that shit coming. In MKX a lot of it was expected....also why did Ed say that the boss was surprising? ..it ended up being Shinnok anyways.

Mortal kombat Deception is still my favorite MK for many reasons
- They made risks with the roster and story and weren't afraid to ditch old favorites.
- 2 Great minigame modes that increased replay value by a lot.
- A whole adventure mode (I'll admit I love it because of nostalgia..now its a tad boring).
- The krypt unlockables weren't just 90% brutalities like in MKX, but many more things to look at (same with MKDA). Packed with Kontent.

^MK11 should learn from this, in my opinion. We are entering a day and age...where players want more than just 1vs1 fighting. We want to get our money's worth, meaning more modes, content, and make the player feel accomplished once everything's unlocked. I'll admit MKD had its shortcomings, but it gives the player more..and you don't have to buy it.

If you got the $90 edition you should have the kombat pack and not have to buy the characters.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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05/30/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
MK9 had better Secrets(Fights and Krypt) and better Stages (27 compared to 13)

But everything else is better in MKX
05/31/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
I'd say its a bit of a tie. MK9 had tag-team, a straightforward challenge tower, and a much bigger character and stage roster.

MKX has better gameplay (which is important) and krypt, but so much feels like a let-down. I'm new to this microtransaction crap, and it is SUCH a bummer. Why do I have to spend 5 fucking dollars on a new character, I spent 90 plus on the limited edition, and don't get me started on those crappy new "Gold" Scorpion and Sub-Zero skins that looks like ... possibly the worst MK costume designs ever. Shouldn't be worth shit. Also shouldn't have to have the mobile version to unlock costumes. The story's good...but I'd give it a 7/10 for ignoring some stuff from the comics (Erron not recognizing Cassie and Jacqui??). MK9 had a lot of 'oh snap!' moments like Kung Lao and Liu Kang dead...Sub-Zero becoming a robot...sindel killing everyone. NO ONE saw that shit coming. In MKX a lot of it was expected....also why did Ed say that the boss was surprising? ..it ended up being Shinnok anyways.

Mortal kombat Deception is still my favorite MK for many reasons
- They made risks with the roster and story and weren't afraid to ditch old favorites.
- 2 Great minigame modes that increased replay value by a lot.
- A whole adventure mode (I'll admit I love it because of nostalgia..now its a tad boring).
- The krypt unlockables weren't just 90% brutalities like in MKX, but many more things to look at (same with MKDA). Packed with Kontent.

^MK11 should learn from this, in my opinion. We are entering a day and age...where players want more than just 1vs1 fighting. We want to get our money's worth, meaning more modes, content, and make the player feel accomplished once everything's unlocked. I'll admit MKD had its shortcomings, but it gives the player more..and you don't have to buy it.

If you got the $90 edition you should have the kombat pack and not have to buy the characters.

That doesn't include Goro and a couple of other costumes and possibly some new additions, but still the microtransaction crap is a nuisance.
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05/31/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
lanoitarnu Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
I'd say its a bit of a tie. MK9 had tag-team, a straightforward challenge tower, and a much bigger character and stage roster.

MKX has better gameplay (which is important) and krypt, but so much feels like a let-down. I'm new to this microtransaction crap, and it is SUCH a bummer. Why do I have to spend 5 fucking dollars on a new character, I spent 90 plus on the limited edition, and don't get me started on those crappy new "Gold" Scorpion and Sub-Zero skins that looks like ... possibly the worst MK costume designs ever. Shouldn't be worth shit. Also shouldn't have to have the mobile version to unlock costumes. The story's good...but I'd give it a 7/10 for ignoring some stuff from the comics (Erron not recognizing Cassie and Jacqui??). MK9 had a lot of 'oh snap!' moments like Kung Lao and Liu Kang dead...Sub-Zero becoming a robot...sindel killing everyone. NO ONE saw that shit coming. In MKX a lot of it was expected....also why did Ed say that the boss was surprising? ..it ended up being Shinnok anyways.

Mortal kombat Deception is still my favorite MK for many reasons
- They made risks with the roster and story and weren't afraid to ditch old favorites.
- 2 Great minigame modes that increased replay value by a lot.
- A whole adventure mode (I'll admit I love it because of nostalgia..now its a tad boring).
- The krypt unlockables weren't just 90% brutalities like in MKX, but many more things to look at (same with MKDA). Packed with Kontent.

^MK11 should learn from this, in my opinion. We are entering a day and age...where players want more than just 1vs1 fighting. We want to get our money's worth, meaning more modes, content, and make the player feel accomplished once everything's unlocked. I'll admit MKD had its shortcomings, but it gives the player more..and you don't have to buy it.

If you got the $90 edition you should have the kombat pack and not have to buy the characters.

That doesn't include Goro and a couple of other costumes and possibly some new additions, but still the microtransaction crap is a nuisance.

The microtransactions are just easy fatalities that are not necessary in any way
05/31/2015 02:38 AM (UTC)
That doesn't include Goro and a couple of other costumes and possibly some new additions, but still the microtransaction crap is a nuisance.

The microtransactions are just easy fatalities that are not necessary in any way

Ok well all the X-tra DLC things that still require people to pay for them, Kollectors Edition already owned or not . furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious. Several dollars more per costume? Isn't there a shit-ton of customizable things in Tekken?

I know most of my rant was directed at that, but I still think MK11 should follow in MKD's footsteps in give us new creative modes and kontent, WITHOUT having to pay extra for it. There's less in MKX than in MK9.
05/31/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
But that's ok, that's ok. The game's still good, netcode is crap, but I still enjoy the game. Props, 8/10. wink
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05/31/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
MK9's trumps this game in roster and story. I would dare to say, with improved grahics, MK9 > MKX. Also, MK9 feels more MK to me.
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
05/31/2015 09:48 PM (UTC)
MKX honestly, MK 9 was good for a reboot and a love letter for the fans who are too nostalgic for the original trilogy and wrote off every other MK game afterwards. I remember one poster in another post saying the 3d games had no soul. Take off the rose-colored glasses please, it's not 1995 anymore. The original games were flawed too. I guess I just moved on and was more open to them as I played the 3D ones a lot in college and I thought they had soul, it was just a different soul.

Why MK X? I like the fact they got out into a plot over the course of 25 years (whereas MK 1-A took place over the course of a decade) and it's essentially a retelling of MK 4. I don't hate the offspring of the fighters, but it was too focused on them. I would like to have seen more of the old and new fighters too like Sub-Zero taking back the Lin Kuei, a chapter for Ferra/Torr or D'Vorah. It seems too in some endings and intros, the original timeline kept on going and wasn't completely erased like .

I do like the little details they put in like Cassie listening to the MK 3/UMK3/MKT End Credits Theme on her music device. I liked how they put characters from the era in various cameo roles like Sareena and Bo Rai Cho in the Story Mode. I think this is the best MK graphic wise.

But MK 9 put Mortal Kombat back on the fighting game scene and showed Mortal Kombat to a new generation of gamers.
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

06/01/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
MK9 brought meaning back to a franchise that was deeply floundering. It gave us so much nostalgia and fan service and was solid all the way around. I personally like the story more in MK9 more even if it was a rehash.

Outside of the actual story( not presentation or gameplay or scale, just the actual story being told) MKX is better in every way.
06/01/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
MKX is the better game imo, but MK9 beats it for offline modes (tag, challenge) and roster variety.
08/11/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
this thread is a good example of how ppl just repeat whatever the most have said. or what the poster above him said... but than again, we all wanna make friends...

aw well, MK9 by far.
08/11/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
The only thing I miss from MK9 are all my characters. Only Kano made the cut while I used to also play with Rain, Stryker, Cyrax and Noob Saibot.
08/11/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
In all honestly I prefer MKX over MK9. I quit playing MK9 a couple of months after it released, and only played it when a new character was released.

Now with MKX I'm on at least once or twice a day and I have yet to bored with anything.
Sonya since 92
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08/11/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
MKX for me.
I feel it's a better package overall and I still play it almost every day online.
08/11/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
I prefer mk9 but mkx is better
08/12/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
Overall, I enjoyed MK9 more, and it's still one of my favorite MK's ever made just because of the nostalgia factor and how it brought my interest back into the franchise. MKX is the better game by far in terms of balance and character variety, although I get bored quickly playing it and really need some new characters to keep me interested. I'll keep playing it for sure but I just don't have the feeling I had when I played MK9, and I don't think I ever will again. That's life though lol
08/12/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Overall, I enjoyed MK9 more, and it's still one of my favorite MK's ever made just because of the nostalgia factor and how it brought my interest back into the franchise. MKX is the better game by far in terms of balance and character variety, although I get bored quickly playing it and really need some new characters to keep me interested. I'll keep playing it for sure but I just don't have the feeling I had when I played MK9, and I don't think I ever will again. That's life though lol

Dude I am in the same fucking boat. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know how I feel about MKX, I like the game but its no where near as good as it should have been (especially the online) and I straight up cannot play this game for long periods of time like I could MK9. I dunno if my patience with the shitty online has run out or if I blame the variation system. I feel like the second I learn a new character's variation i start to get bored of it. Like the gameplay just feels so flat and linear, I do the same thing and the same set ups over and over. I mean in MK9 and Injustice I had my bnb's and somewhat go to set ups too, but in MKX i just feel so limited in each variation. Maybe its all in my head and I just get so use to having certain tools with one character in one variation that when I switch variations it makes me feel like I'm missing something OR nrs just kinda spread each character too thin across 3 variations and now very few if any characters feel complete.
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08/12/2015 02:56 PM (UTC)
MKD was my fave up until MK9 and Since MKX came out that is my fave.
I just love how it plays in such a way that I can play as any character and learn them pretty quickly, whereas in MK9 there are still characters that I just can't get the hang of.
I hope they keep up the trend of improving as each game comes out.
08/12/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
This is still tough for me. I absolutely adore MK9 because it did feel like a love letter to the fans, it felt like classic MK just modernized, the roster, stages, and music were perfect, I love it.

MKX doesn't feel as MKish in terms of stages and music, maybe its just me but a lot of the Asian influences don't seem to be there anymore, or at least not as much as they were. I also feel the roster is missing something? Idk how to explain this part, but I feel like somebody/something is missing lol

In terms of the actual gameplay though, MKX is way better IMO.
08/12/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
The only real advantage MK9 has over MKX for me is Tag. If MKX had Tag it would be my favorite MK ever. Maybe they'll do a UMKX and add it but who knows?

Every MK should have fucking Tag. Especially when you have family members in the same game.
08/13/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Overall, I enjoyed MK9 more, and it's still one of my favorite MK's ever made just because of the nostalgia factor and how it brought my interest back into the franchise. MKX is the better game by far in terms of balance and character variety, although I get bored quickly playing it and really need some new characters to keep me interested. I'll keep playing it for sure but I just don't have the feeling I had when I played MK9, and I don't think I ever will again. That's life though lol

Dude I am in the same fucking boat. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know how I feel about MKX, I like the game but its no where near as good as it should have been (especially the online) and I straight up cannot play this game for long periods of time like I could MK9. I dunno if my patience with the shitty online has run out or if I blame the variation system. I feel like the second I learn a new character's variation i start to get bored of it. Like the gameplay just feels so flat and linear, I do the same thing and the same set ups over and over. I mean in MK9 and Injustice I had my bnb's and somewhat go to set ups too, but in MKX i just feel so limited in each variation. Maybe its all in my head and I just get so use to having certain tools with one character in one variation that when I switch variations it makes me feel like I'm missing something OR nrs just kinda spread each character too thin across 3 variations and now very few if any characters feel complete.

Hahaa I agree hahagrin
08/13/2015 09:05 PM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Overall, I enjoyed MK9 more, and it's still one of my favorite MK's ever made just because of the nostalgia factor and how it brought my interest back into the franchise. MKX is the better game by far in terms of balance and character variety, although I get bored quickly playing it and really need some new characters to keep me interested. I'll keep playing it for sure but I just don't have the feeling I had when I played MK9, and I don't think I ever will again. That's life though lol

Dude I am in the same fucking boat. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know how I feel about MKX, I like the game but its no where near as good as it should have been (especially the online) and I straight up cannot play this game for long periods of time like I could MK9. I dunno if my patience with the shitty online has run out or if I blame the variation system. I feel like the second I learn a new character's variation i start to get bored of it. Like the gameplay just feels so flat and linear, I do the same thing and the same set ups over and over. I mean in MK9 and Injustice I had my bnb's and somewhat go to set ups too, but in MKX i just feel so limited in each variation. Maybe its all in my head and I just get so use to having certain tools with one character in one variation that when I switch variations it makes me feel like I'm missing something OR nrs just kinda spread each character too thin across 3 variations and now very few if any characters feel complete.

Totally agreed. I think it might be because frame data is present in MKX, but it seems like there's a lot less ways to discover and make the character your own. I don't know if that's because of variations but I don't really care for them honestly. I really think if they are to return for the next game there should only be two, there's always one for almost every character that feels out of place.

It really wasn't as good as it could have been, but I hope for the next MK that they really do try and improve every little thing no matter how small. I really want them to build the game from scratch and for online to be a 90% priority. It cannot be the same as it was in MKX for the next game, it just can't.
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08/14/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Spaceman Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Overall, I enjoyed MK9 more, and it's still one of my favorite MK's ever made just because of the nostalgia factor and how it brought my interest back into the franchise. MKX is the better game by far in terms of balance and character variety, although I get bored quickly playing it and really need some new characters to keep me interested. I'll keep playing it for sure but I just don't have the feeling I had when I played MK9, and I don't think I ever will again. That's life though lol

Dude I am in the same fucking boat. You hit the nail on the head. I don't know how I feel about MKX, I like the game but its no where near as good as it should have been (especially the online) and I straight up cannot play this game for long periods of time like I could MK9. I dunno if my patience with the shitty online has run out or if I blame the variation system. I feel like the second I learn a new character's variation i start to get bored of it. Like the gameplay just feels so flat and linear, I do the same thing and the same set ups over and over. I mean in MK9 and Injustice I had my bnb's and somewhat go to set ups too, but in MKX i just feel so limited in each variation. Maybe its all in my head and I just get so use to having certain tools with one character in one variation that when I switch variations it makes me feel like I'm missing something OR nrs just kinda spread each character too thin across 3 variations and now very few if any characters feel complete.

Totally agreed. I think it might be because frame data is present in MKX, but it seems like there's a lot less ways to discover and make the character your own. I don't know if that's because of variations but I don't really care for them honestly. I really think if they are to return for the next game there should only be two, there's always one for almost every character that feels out of place.

It really wasn't as good as it could have been, but I hope for the next MK that they really do try and improve every little thing no matter how small. I really want them to build the game from scratch and for online to be a 90% priority. It cannot be the same as it was in MKX for the next game, it just can't.

What system are you playing on? The online on PS4 has been fine for the last like two months.
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-sig by MINION

08/14/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
lanoitarnu Wrote:
What system are you playing on? The online on PS4 has been fine for the last like two months.
I really need to play this game on the PS4 or maybe in my front room so I have access to an ethernet cable because button latency is kicking my ass, I mean it's still playable but it doesn't play like I think it should lol.
08/17/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
I feel like it's an unfair comparison because MK9 was a reboot, at a time where the franchise was in dire need of one. Add the fact that it was on a new console with a new engine and it was going to gel with any MK fan no matter what. Everything they added to it was just another cherry on top of it. Hell, they didn't even need to so much to write a story, just tie in events together that we already all knew and it was still considered super epic.

MKX not only has none of the advantages going for it but it also has the unrealistic added pressure of filling MK9's shoes and expanding on it. But game technology hasn't advanced that much in the last 4 years so they had no choice but go with a copy/paste with slightly better graphics. It was an uphill battle from the start and despite a questionable roster and variation system, I still think they did the best they could. But ultimately everything that wowed us in MK9 just feels hollow now (X-rays for one)

However, for me it all boils down to the on-line experience since that's what gives a game its longevity and unfortunately so far, MK9's online blows X's out of the water. There's something just ''off'' about MKX on-line. For one thing, I find the special moves ridiculously unresponsive and it's seriously killing any ounce of enjoyment for me. You can only have so much fun when you spend your time yelling ''I said.......down, forward, SQUARE!!!! WHY THE F**** ARE YOU JUMPING INSTEAD OF DOING A F******** FIREBALL!!!!!!!''

Or maybe after 3 years of intensive MK9 online, I just unknowingly got tired of it.
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