04/29/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
trynax Wrote:
Working at a place where we get video game returns for various reasons surprises me when I see more of this game coming in than any other newer game that has been released. .

This kind of bums me out :/
04/29/2015 03:02 AM (UTC)
I like MKX, I like having a new MK game to play, however this is completely NOT what I expected. MKX has not blown my hair back by any means.

I swear had they focused on MK being MK it would be an entirely different game. I mean honestly, limiting individuals to certain move sets for characters does not even make sense. This is not call of duty.
04/29/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
yeah I know playing with no variations leaves you at a disadvantage and it's quite limited,but still,it's worth mentioning. not the same thing as MK9,but eh whatever.
I haven't played MKX yet,but I can say that the roster is worse than MK9,not because the old characters didn't return,it's rather the fact that MK9 had much more variety,MKX feels more limited and a little repetitive at times(cmon,as much as I like Jax,was there any need to add Jacqui in?). Not to mention,too many SF related characters,and at least 4 of them have a military motif,namely,Jax,Sonya,Jacqui and Cassie. Jax and Cassie at least have both gameplay and story going for them,as well as some pretty good designs(Rev. Jax is the best Jax design ever,IMO) but Sonya comes across as unlikable in the story mode,understandably due to her stressful work,but still,it really reminds me of MK9 Scorpion(who also came across as unintentionally unsympathetic).Her designs,while a lot better than 9,aren't as unique as the MK1-3 or MK4 days,honestly. As for Jacqui,she's wasted potential,and in the end,feels like they forced her in,just because they needed another descendant. She feels more like a plot point so that Jax and Takeda get a little more character development,but that's about it. And gameplay wise,she really comes across as Jax-lite + Erron Black. It's a weird mix. Also,Jacqui's costumes are incredibly bland. You are telling me you can give Cassie a unique military outfit,but Jacqui's outfits are as common and as boring as possible? I'm not asking for a ninja outfit,but at least something along the lines of Sonya,at the very least,something that feels unique or at least somewhat memorable.
As for the story,it thankfully doesn't pull off any dumb stuff like the Sindel massacre or the retcons,for the most part,but it does have some seriously bizarre moments(Sektor,anyone?). However,MK9 felt like it gave it's roster,even the jobbers,better treatment than X did(I'm looking at you,Ferra/Torr)
I will say that MK9 had the better arenas,as well as far more arenas than X,and honestly,I think anyone can agree on this,at least.
The kontent present in MKX is a lot more than 9(Krypt in particular) and the amount of kombat modifiers is amazing.
Won't say anything on the gameplay till I get the game,but at least I have to say,this isn't like what MK2 was to MK1,in other words,a vastly superior sequel. This game feels more like what MK3 is to MK2,in other words,still pretty good,but there are things the predecessor(MK9 in this case,obviously) did better, but there are other things MKX did better(Kombat modifiers,the amount of kontent in general)
Those are my feelings on this game,for now. Eventually,once MKX is released for PS3,I'll get it and decide which game is the better MK game.
04/29/2015 04:00 AM (UTC)
I really like mkx, but I do like mk9 better. The gameplay is the main reason. Mk9 just felt right to me. I've put in an okay amount of time in mkx, and I'm not trash, but the gameplay just feels off.
04/29/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
futuretime23 Wrote:
yeah I know playing with no variations leaves you at a disadvantage and it's quite limited,but still,it's worth mentioning. not the same thing as MK9,but eh whatever.
I haven't played MKX yet,but I can say that the roster is worse than MK9,not because the old characters didn't return,it's rather the fact that MK9 had much more variety,MKX feels more limited and a little repetitive at times(cmon,as much as I like Jax,was there any need to add Jacqui in?). Not to mention,too many SF related characters,and at least 4 of them have a military motif,namely,Jax,Sonya,Jacqui and Cassie. Jax and Cassie at least have both gameplay and story going for them,as well as some pretty good designs(Rev. Jax is the best Jax design ever,IMO) but Sonya comes across as unlikable in the story mode,understandably due to her stressful work,but still,it really reminds me of MK9 Scorpion(who also came across as unintentionally unsympathetic).Her designs,while a lot better than 9,aren't as unique as the MK1-3 or MK4 days,honestly. As for Jacqui,she's wasted potential,and in the end,feels like they forced her in,just because they needed another descendant. She feels more like a plot point so that Jax and Takeda get a little more character development,but that's about it. And gameplay wise,she really comes across as Jax-lite + Erron Black. It's a weird mix. Also,Jacqui's costumes are incredibly bland. You are telling me you can give Cassie a unique military outfit,but Jacqui's outfits are as common and as boring as possible? I'm not asking for a ninja outfit,but at least something along the lines of Sonya,at the very least,something that feels unique or at least somewhat memorable.
As for the story,it thankfully doesn't pull off any dumb stuff like the Sindel massacre or the retcons,for the most part,but it does have some seriously bizarre moments(Sektor,anyone?). However,MK9 felt like it gave it's roster,even the jobbers,better treatment than X did(I'm looking at you,Ferra/Torr)
I will say that MK9 had the better arenas,as well as far more arenas than X,and honestly,I think anyone can agree on this,at least.
The kontent present in MKX is a lot more than 9(Krypt in particular) and the amount of kombat modifiers is amazing.
Won't say anything on the gameplay till I get the game,but at least I have to say,this isn't like what MK2 was to MK1,in other words,a vastly superior sequel. This game feels more like what MK3 is to MK2,in other words,still pretty good,but there are things the predecessor(MK9 in this case,obviously) did better, but there are other things MKX did better(Kombat modifiers,the amount of kontent in general)
Those are my feelings on this game,for now. Eventually,once MKX is released for PS3,I'll get it and decide which game is the better MK game.

Another post about the roster sucking.

You're right and I agree that the roster sucks but look at the bright side, next game we will have Kabal,Smoke,Noob,Sektor/Cyrax or both,Shang Tsung and much more awesome characters(Hopefully)

04/29/2015 07:31 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
trynax Wrote:
Working at a place where we get video game returns for various reasons surprises me when I see more of this game coming in than any other newer game that has been released. .

This kind of bums me out :/

I noticed this today in EB Games and Jb hi fi ( I didn't go to work today hehe) there was about 5 copies in each store! I think the last time saw that it was Pro Evo 12
04/29/2015 02:04 PM (UTC)
MKX all the way!
About Me

04/29/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
I love MK9, but this is now the best Mortal Kombat game. Feels super tight to me, I want to play as every character.
04/29/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
futuretime23 Wrote:
yeah I know playing with no variations leaves you at a disadvantage and it's quite limited,but still,it's worth mentioning. not the same thing as MK9,but eh whatever.
I haven't played MKX yet,but I can say that the roster is worse than MK9,not because the old characters didn't return,it's rather the fact that MK9 had much more variety,MKX feels more limited and a little repetitive at times(cmon,as much as I like Jax,was there any need to add Jacqui in?). Not to mention,too many SF related characters,and at least 4 of them have a military motif,namely,Jax,Sonya,Jacqui and Cassie. Jax and Cassie at least have both gameplay and story going for them,as well as some pretty good designs(Rev. Jax is the best Jax design ever,IMO) but Sonya comes across as unlikable in the story mode,understandably due to her stressful work,but still,it really reminds me of MK9 Scorpion(who also came across as unintentionally unsympathetic).Her designs,while a lot better than 9,aren't as unique as the MK1-3 or MK4 days,honestly. As for Jacqui,she's wasted potential,and in the end,feels like they forced her in,just because they needed another descendant. She feels more like a plot point so that Jax and Takeda get a little more character development,but that's about it. And gameplay wise,she really comes across as Jax-lite + Erron Black. It's a weird mix. Also,Jacqui's costumes are incredibly bland. You are telling me you can give Cassie a unique military outfit,but Jacqui's outfits are as common and as boring as possible? I'm not asking for a ninja outfit,but at least something along the lines of Sonya,at the very least,something that feels unique or at least somewhat memorable.
As for the story,it thankfully doesn't pull off any dumb stuff like the Sindel massacre or the retcons,for the most part,but it does have some seriously bizarre moments(Sektor,anyone?). However,MK9 felt like it gave it's roster,even the jobbers,better treatment than X did(I'm looking at you,Ferra/Torr)
I will say that MK9 had the better arenas,as well as far more arenas than X,and honestly,I think anyone can agree on this,at least.
The kontent present in MKX is a lot more than 9(Krypt in particular) and the amount of kombat modifiers is amazing.
Won't say anything on the gameplay till I get the game,but at least I have to say,this isn't like what MK2 was to MK1,in other words,a vastly superior sequel. This game feels more like what MK3 is to MK2,in other words,still pretty good,but there are things the predecessor(MK9 in this case,obviously) did better, but there are other things MKX did better(Kombat modifiers,the amount of kontent in general)
Those are my feelings on this game,for now. Eventually,once MKX is released for PS3,I'll get it and decide which game is the better MK game.

Another post about the roster sucking.

You're right and I agree that the roster sucks but look at the bright side, next game we will have Kabal,Smoke,Noob,Sektor/Cyrax or both,Shang Tsung and much more awesome characters(Hopefully)

i didn't state the roster sucks,I stated it wasn't as varied as MK9 was. MKX's roster is solid,but the returning characters feel a bit too safe(more MK3 characters and maybe 2 or 3 post trilogy characters could have helped. hell,where are the cyber ninjas?) some of the new ones are duds(Jacqui and Ferra/Torr,in particular)
04/29/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
MKX all the way!
04/29/2015 02:30 PM (UTC)
MK9 has 2 things it did better imo

1. The stages, ill admit this is bias on my part, MK9 stages are pretty much modern versions of the original trilogy stages (Which are my favorite in the series) so I have to give MK9 an edge for that.

2. The variety in the roster. I like MKX's roster so im not saying its bad, but like many others have said, there are too many SF or "regular" people (I know they aren't regular people but you probably get what im saying) idk I kind of wish we had a few more unique characters, but I have a feeling (for me) that the 4 DLC characters will grant that wish and make the roster feel more complete, even if 2 of them aren't MK characters lol
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04/29/2015 06:22 PM (UTC)
Well, I'm mostly interested in the story.
MK X >>>>>>>>>>MK9 (which story I had already seen many times with the first games, the movies, the Legacy series, Shaolin Monks, The Journey Begins and other stuff)

MK X should have used a lot more 3D characters though and I hated the 4 kids (ok, Takeda is ok, but Cassie sucks big time).

Still better than MK9 though!grin
04/30/2015 11:37 AM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
Well, I'm mostly interested in the story.
MK X >>>>>>>>>>MK9 (which story I had already seen many times with the first games, the movies, the Legacy series, Shaolin Monks, The Journey Begins and other stuff)

MK X should have used a lot more 3D characters though and I hated the 4 kids (ok, Takeda is ok, but Cassie sucks big time).

Still better than MK9 though!grin

Are you saying the story was good, but you hated the hero?
04/30/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
MK9 - better characters
MK9 - better stages
MK9 - better single player modes
MK9 - tag team
MK9 - better story mode

MKX - better graphics
MKX - better fatalities
MKX - brutalities
MKX - better gameplay

for me personally i'd say I enjoyed MK9 more because of the klassic characters, stages and tag team, but MKX is really good too
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art by blacksaibot

05/29/2015 12:58 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
MKX is better in every single way
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05/29/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)
MK9 >>> MKX

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05/29/2015 01:50 AM (UTC)
MKX has better gameplay and that's what's going to keep me playing. I think the roster could be better but I still like it more overall than MK9. The only thing MK9 did better imo was the challenge tower.
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art by blacksaibot

05/29/2015 01:52 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
MK9 >>> MKX


Got anything to back up your opinion? Because as it seems the majority find MKX superior.
05/29/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
I just watched the first few minutes of MK 9 story just to remember what that Johnny Cage sounded like. He fucking cracked me up as soon as he started talking. I cannot get used to this damn MKX Johnny Cage voice.

Anywho, I think I probably have to go with MKX by a hair for these reasons:

Vastly better graphics
My new main Kotal Kahn
Much better female designs
Sheer level of detail

I do have to say though that I find combos a lot harder to pull off now, controls felt more fluid in MK 9. Also there is no real medium mode! Medium is easy and hard is broken.

Both games have elements that piss me off, but I still love them.
05/29/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
MK9 >>> MKX


Do you mean story wise its better? Cause I find the graphics in MK X way better than MK 9
About Me

05/29/2015 07:54 AM (UTC)
MKX is an improvement over MK9 in all aspects except story.
05/29/2015 08:59 AM (UTC)
@ps40000 - 'Medium is easy and hard is broken'. Absolutely. FIX THIS PLEASE.
This is my only real bugbear of MKX.
Medium -
Opponents stand over you, waiting to get uppercut.
Gets a little tougher when you win a string of matches. This is where it should start in difficulty.

Hard is relentless. Opponents stand over you whilst you block, chip, chip, chip away at your ankles, massive combo, dead.

I haven't bothered to look at easier or harder levels. I know some super-human gamers will find Hard a walk in the park, but I think they're in the minority. Although I've completed hard towers with my better kombatants, it wasn't an overly enjoyable experience.

MKX V MK9 - they're both great, X geting fleshed out over time. X cost me 4x as much though, and we ain't finished yet.wow
05/29/2015 09:01 AM (UTC)
@ps40000 - 'Medium is easy and hard is broken'. Absolutely. FIX THIS PLEASE.
This is my only real bugbear of MKX.
Medium -
Opponents stand over you, waiting to get uppercut.
Gets a little tougher when you win a string of matches. This is where it should start in difficulty.

Hard is relentless. Opponents stand over you whilst you block, chip, chip, chip away at your ankles, massive combo, dead.

I haven't bothered to look at easier or harder levels. I know some super-human gamers will find Hard a walk in the park, but I think they're in the minority. Although I've completed hard towers with my better kombatants, it wasn't an overly enjoyable experience.

MKX V MK9 - they're both great, X geting fleshed out over time. X cost me 4x as much though, and we ain't finished yet.wow
05/29/2015 09:25 AM (UTC)
MKX has its problems but this its the first MK game that has me hooked to playing both offline and competitively online. If I lose I want to get better I want to learn, I go into practice not to earn a trophy but to actually improve to find a solution to an opponent etc.

So MKX wins this by a large margin, MK9 had the bells and whistles the bigger cast and backgrounds, but it was basically a rehash, re-imagined reboot of the series.

MKX actually had the balls to go leaps forward and the best things about all this is that the game has ample space to improve because its not perfect.
05/30/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
I'd say its a bit of a tie. MK9 had tag-team, a straightforward challenge tower, and a much bigger character and stage roster.

MKX has better gameplay (which is important) and krypt, but so much feels like a let-down. I'm new to this microtransaction crap, and it is SUCH a bummer. Why do I have to spend 5 fucking dollars on a new character, I spent 90 plus on the limited edition, and don't get me started on those crappy new "Gold" Scorpion and Sub-Zero skins that looks like ... possibly the worst MK costume designs ever. Shouldn't be worth shit. Also shouldn't have to have the mobile version to unlock costumes. The story's good...but I'd give it a 7/10 for ignoring some stuff from the comics (Erron not recognizing Cassie and Jacqui??). MK9 had a lot of 'oh snap!' moments like Kung Lao and Liu Kang dead...Sub-Zero becoming a robot...sindel killing everyone. NO ONE saw that shit coming. In MKX a lot of it was expected....also why did Ed say that the boss was surprising? ..it ended up being Shinnok anyways.

Mortal kombat Deception is still my favorite MK for many reasons
- They made risks with the roster and story and weren't afraid to ditch old favorites.
- 2 Great minigame modes that increased replay value by a lot.
- A whole adventure mode (I'll admit I love it because of nostalgia..now its a tad boring).
- The krypt unlockables weren't just 90% brutalities like in MKX, but many more things to look at (same with MKDA). Packed with Kontent.

^MK11 should learn from this, in my opinion. We are entering a day and age...where players want more than just 1vs1 fighting. We want to get our money's worth, meaning more modes, content, and make the player feel accomplished once everything's unlocked. I'll admit MKD had its shortcomings, but it gives the player more..and you don't have to buy it.
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