Homosexuality/Bisexuality and established characters
posted08/11/2011 07:26 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
There are several characters who's sexual orientation is still up in the air. If any characters were revealed to be gay or bisexual, how would you react?

Here's a few characters that could potentially be gay/bi

Kabal: him and Stryker could be a couple.
Drahmin and Moloch: they'd make a very interesting couple.
Baraka: he was in a relationship with Mileena, but that doesn't rule out bisexuality.
Quan Chi
Shang Tsung

There's too many to list in one post. Few characters have been revealed to be straight, actually. Scorpion, Johnny Cage, Liu Kang, Goro (he's got seven wives), possibly Shao Kahn. Even some of these characters could be bisexual. I feel Shao Kahn's winpose in the last game should have sometimes involved a male slave, sometimes two slaves both of different genders.

I know some will say sexual orientation doesn't matter. I don't badly need any characters to be gay/bi, but I'd find it interesting if that was the case. I'm a straight guy, but I admit I find male homosexuality more fascinating than lesbianism.
06/27/2011 11:33 PM (UTC)
I would also like to see a gay character, though I would want it to matter, because there is no point in just tacking on "oh yeah, and they're gay" to the bio. There would need to be some kind of romantic entanglement or unrequited feelings that drive them to do what they do in the story. It could even be as simple as them once having a lover, and that lover happened to be the same sex, but the romantic part doesn't carry over to the story.

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06/28/2011 01:03 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:

Baraka: he was in a relationship with Mileena, but that doesn't rule out bisexuality.

Couldn't that actually apply to ALL other characters? And, really, to any person in general, given each one of us might be at least a potential bisexual, whose subconscious tendencies are often kept hidden even from himself/ herself?

Also, even if we concede that certain love interests such as Kitana-Liu Kang do have relevant material to provide some parts of the story with, how would homosexuality be of practical, or even aesthetic use to the story?

I didn't mean this post to be homophobic, I assure you, I just don't think erotica, especially the more "exotic" aspects of it, could go hand in hand with an atmosphere of a game which, with all its fantastic note, still requires crude practicality and tolerates nothing which doesn't directly add up to the sense of war.

It still doesn't imply certain MK characters, regarding the conditions they live in, don't experiment BEHIND THE SCENES, though.

06/28/2011 01:22 AM (UTC)
You're post totally contradicts itself by saying "Yes, Liu Kang and Kitana are relevant, but a gay relationship cannot be relevant"

... It isn't the sexual preference that is the plot point, it is the relationship that affects the plot. It is as simple as having two male or two female characters working together in a similar fashion as Baraka and Mileena(on again/off again/try to take over the world again), or Scorpion(vengeance for dead wife and clan). It isn't necessary to focus on their sexuality, but on their relationship itself. In that case, someone might say "Well, if the sexuality doesn't matter, then why do they have to be gay?" ... Why do they have to be straight? It's really more of a "eh, why not" type of thing in my opinion.... And really, why not? It changes nothing except shine a positive light on a certain demographic, and that is MK's gay fans, of which there are many.

Also, I 'd like to add that if you are concerned about the "practicality" of a gay character, then that concern is brought upon by your own personal preference, because there is not a single practical reason why a character can't be gay and be acknowledged for it. People can fight for love, and just because it is largely ignored by Mortal Kombat doesn't make it any less powerful. As for already existing characters that I think could be gay/bisexual, I'm going to go with Mileena. I think she's quite the sex beast, and I doubt she would really draw the line at men.... Though we don't need to go into the details of Mileena's interpretation of lesbian sex...... I think Jade could potentially be straight up lesbian, as I don't think she's ever shown an interest in a male character in the past, and to me she is very raw in her femininity, not princess-y like Kitana, but just straight up WOMAN. To me, this type of woman would be attracted to other women, whom she'd deeply appreciate while kind of disliking men. As for male characters... Well, none of them really strike me as potentially being gay. Considering their backgrounds, I think a great number of them have been with men, but I can't really point one out specifically.
06/28/2011 01:50 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't care who is what in terms of sexuality. NRS should never make it obvious, unless it has some importance to the plot of the game.

No, I shall make up my own mind about who is gay and who aren't in MK. And so I have. ;P
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

06/28/2011 02:55 AM (UTC)
Is this what Mankind goes to now? We actually have to worry about sexuality in a FICTIONAL GAME? Seriously people lets get on with our lives and just be happy with ourselves. There is no absolute reason erotica should be involved in a serious game like this one or any game for that matter.
06/28/2011 04:31 AM (UTC)
...Why does it keep getting referred to as erotica? No one said anything about having two characters engaged... Erotically.

Whether you like it or not, there are people that care about these sort of insignificant details in fictional characters, it may or may not have something to do with naughty fan fictions, etc... But it's still true. There are entire fan bases on the internet devoted to romantic pairings of characters that are not in any way romantically involved, or even attracted to that gender(I'm looking at you, iCarly fans). They spend huge amounts of time looking for clues and evidence that these characters are secretly involved... And they will spend even larger chunks of time debating it.

Again, I feel like this is another situation where a "Why not?" is necessary.
06/29/2011 04:03 AM (UTC)
Wow... Coming from a person who made two threads about religion, I have a fear this is not going to end well whatsoever.

I am not a homophobe, i support gay marriage, but because of your religious threads, I do not trust you... because religion and homosexuality aren't exactly friendly towards each other.

DG1OA Wrote:
There are several characters who's sexual orientation is still up in the air.

How? Character's sexual preferences are not that shown throughout the game at all. There's light flirting, but that's about it. Other than that, there's really none at all.

DG1OA Wrote:
If any characters were revealed to be gay or bisexual, how would you react?

To be honest, perfectly fine.

DG1OA Wrote:
Here's a few characters that could potentially be gay/bi



DG1OA Wrote:
Kabal: him and Stryker could be a couple.

Why, because they're partners in the game? Is that how? Yeah, every male cop who has a male partner could make a perfect couple... Nice...

DG1OA Wrote:
Drahmin and Moloch: they'd make a very interesting couple.

No they wouldn't.

DG1OA Wrote:
Baraka: he was in a relationship with Mileena, but that doesn't rule out bisexuality.

And that was a non-canon ending, so the relationship never existed. Though Tarkatan are cannibal freaks, nothing mentioning anything about them being horny sonsofbitches.

DG1OA Wrote:


DG1OA Wrote:

Funny how you have a cop and an Indian... YMCA much?

DG1OA Wrote:
Quan Chi

And the assassins didn't prove anything?

DG1OA Wrote:
Shang Tsung

Certainly showed his interest towards Sonya in the movie...

Yeah, i don't trust where this thread is going. As much as I don't have an issue with it whe someone else makes a thread like this... but coming from a guy who made two religious threads... I'm not buying one minute of this.
06/30/2011 01:50 AM (UTC)
Sexuality isn't really something that should be delved into a series like Mortal Kombat. This isn't to say that you can't have certain details here and there, but don't go so far into it where it takes away from the overall themes of the series and what the characters are all about.
06/30/2011 07:15 PM (UTC)
Goro and Kintaro always seemed a little fruity. EDIT: Shokan would dominate Whack-A-Mole
07/02/2011 10:24 AM (UTC)
TheBigMistake Wrote:

EDIT: Shokan would dominate Whack-A-Mole


This is a very good point.
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

07/02/2011 09:45 PM (UTC)
Can this thread be closed now? I think we have the answer that was already given.
07/02/2011 10:08 PM (UTC)
DeadmanWalking Wrote:
Can this thread be closed now? I think we have the answer that was already given.

Better yet, you could just fuck off this thread if it doesn't interest you. Nah, that'd probably be too smart for your pea brain.
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07/02/2011 10:36 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
DeadmanWalking Wrote:
Can this thread be closed now? I think we have the answer that was already given.

Better yet, you could just fuck off this thread if it doesn't interest you. Nah, that'd probably be too smart for your pea brain.

Uncalled for.
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07/02/2011 11:04 PM (UTC)
I don't care for the notion of clarifying sexuality of characters. It's something I think is conveniently *inserted* into enough of my waking life already.

A traditional love interest plot isn't terrible or unwanted really, but I'd much rather they stay focused on ways to make the game fun to experience. Fear, Danger, Colorful language, better story and story mode, drama, the intensity of the aforementioned...etc.
07/03/2011 04:49 AM (UTC)
If MK could pull off a good romantic story line(which I don't believe it can) it would greatly enhance things, in my opinion. I think it's silly that none of these characters ever act on their natural inclination to get busy except for Baraka... And all of Baraka's love is non-canon. A shame really.
07/13/2011 09:16 AM (UTC)
Really? Who cares? This is a fighting game. It's not The Sims or something.
07/13/2011 07:04 PM (UTC)
TotalReject Wrote:
Really? Who cares? This is a fighting game. It's not The Sims or something.

Sure, it's a fighting game, and we all no one is allowed to care for a fighting game's story, right?
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07/15/2011 12:36 AM (UTC)
I consider every single Mortal Kombat character to be asexual.

Except Johnny Cage, but god bless him for trying.
07/15/2011 11:11 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
TotalReject Wrote:
Really? Who cares? This is a fighting game. It's not The Sims or something.

Sure, it's a fighting game, and we all no one is allowed to care for a fighting game's story, right?

The characters' sexual preference has nothing to do with Mortal Kombat's storyline.
Wanna know the story of MK? Play the storymode.
I have nothing against character's sexuality being revealed in games, I just don't care and it doesn't matter.
Why are some people so obsessed with this subject anyway?
Mortal Kombat is a violent fighting game. People who want a game about sex and romance should just go play the Sims or some game like that.
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07/17/2011 01:03 AM (UTC)
This thread is gay.
07/17/2011 01:20 AM (UTC)
Keep sex and romance out of the official MK. Besides, if you want to see two characters loving up on each other, write a fanfic or something. I play MK because I enjoy the gore and fighting, not to find out of Kitana wised up and got that dreamy Kung Lao over Liu Kang!
07/17/2011 11:13 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung is 100% homosexual.

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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07/17/2011 11:17 PM (UTC)
smoke and rain should be a couple.
07/18/2011 07:45 PM (UTC)
ServantToMileena Wrote:
Keep sex and romance out of the official MK. Besides, if you want to see two characters loving up on each other, write a fanfic or something. I play MK because I enjoy the gore and fighting, not to find out of Kitana wised up and got that dreamy Kung Lao over Liu Kang!

And we all know how much of an impact the relationship of Liu Kang and Kitana had on the gameplay. Clearly, if any characters were in relationships (gay and otherwise), the gore and the fatalities would disappear just like that, right?
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