High Hopes? No... Im not
posted02/13/2007 02:16 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/13/2006 09:35 PM (UTC)
Seriously, the real reason why Armageddon sucked towards all of you is because we had so much information posted out towads us from people who can get the scoop so easily. Showing us pictures and eight second video clips of the actual game. But come on, we had such high hopes about Armageddon and it sucked, it totally, totally sucked because everyone wanted to know what really happened to every character in their endings, there were no bios and now they are sending out the bios! Uhh... its been like five months since the game released and now they are sending out the bios.

creating the fatality sucked as well as KAK, i don't care who you are, you can't shut me up for stating my opinion.

But getting back, I really don't think we should be having so much information posted when they start making the game. Thats what probably caused much of us to hate the last MK game for the old generation.

As well as telling us who is going to be in the game and who's not. i know i know other game websites are going to post pictures of what characters are going to be in the game, but let those websites tell us more then everyone else.

and please, if you are going to tell me "Then don't come on to this website if you don't want to see anything" don't post it on here... i'm serious. this is totally my opinion and there is nothing you guys say to me to make me change my mind, don't post crap like telling me to shut the fuck up because i don't care. i dont like to be bossy here... but i would rather not hear anything like that, ive been having rough days lately and i have to go to the hopsital on valentines days. so NO BAD POSTS!
02/03/2007 03:58 AM (UTC)
I personally liked Armageddon
02/03/2007 07:57 AM (UTC)
M-kay, the reason is armageddon sucked is not because they showed us a few videos about it, the reason it sucks is because it is a bad and unenjoyable game to play.

Nobody understands how to use KAK

Combos are too short. And please dont tell me its an improvment over MKD.

KAF not too creative.

Mini game is not good as well.

That's it. And oh yes, I am a big Ed Boon fan. That is all.
02/03/2007 08:56 AM (UTC)
nastynate Wrote:
I personally liked Armageddon

I agree

Ok so there are some flaws with the game. They are not that big a problem, you can work your way around them.

KAK isn't good? Well it is Midway's first attempt at it after all. If MK8 has KAK it should be better with all the next gen stuff, giving you more costumes, editing moves etc.

Yes the endings are horrible and there are no bios. But MK is slowing giving us the bios cause they weren't in the game or whatever. MK8 will hopefully fix things up.

What's wrong with Motor Kombat? I find it hilarious. It's the best mini game so far. All they needed was a few more levels and a couple more characters. Also cause of the rumors/hype they should have made Reptile and Sektor hidden characters.

Yes the KAF thing could have been better. Less organ pulling and more character specific finishers. Have the fatality look more realistic. Also try and think of 2 fatalities for all 64 characters. Not easy. I'll assume they'll go back to normal fatalities for MK8 with a smaller roster.

I've noticed that there was tons of hype for MK:A and MK:D and they failed. Maybe we should keep MK8 as secret as possible. Let there be absolutely no spoilers when the game is closer to coming out to stores. Remove spoiler threads. Let's make the game unkown and a total surprise to everyone. I know it won't be perfectly done but it might help lower the "had high hopes only to see a shit game" response.

This is just my opinion.
02/11/2007 12:02 PM (UTC)
kak was the best part of armageddon!

even if the next game turns out to be great
you seem to be so negitive u probly just shit all over it!
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02/11/2007 01:40 PM (UTC)
I have "reasonably high" expectations for this next game....Everything seems laid out for success based on the info we have now....Which isn't much, but I like the odds anyway...

Why not? Everything will be new again. As long as they don't Mk4//MkGold again we should be peachy.

On the note you guys bring up about spoilers, vids and all that before release.
Those things commonly boost fan morale about the new game and actually help sales, so I don't see a problem with them continuing to do that....now. Besides that, how will you stop it? We are internationally in the Information age now..

Before, I did have a similar view about this as you do though. But that was before I "knew what I was getting". I understand now, the makings of the game better since coming to this site. Being exposed to the vids and spoilers and MoreOver, those techniclly inclined users on this site kinda took the blind-fold off. Once you understand things like "gameplay mechanics" better, the faults in the game slap you right in the face during play.

It's like trying to perform combos using the 1stgen Mario Brothers gaming engine at times....You can just see sacrifices of substance for "more things to do on the disc". Your favorite minigame for instance. Other stuff you can tell they "couldn't get to because of deadlines....it becomes just that obvious in-game once you understand the business behind it and complexities of making the game even as good//bad as it is.

The up-Roar about the bios isn't really about "they were'nt on the disc, but now we're getting them." It's more of a "How the Hell Could You Leave That Out!?!" Especially considering shit like "MotorKombat" made the cut onto the disc. That seems like a priority malfunction more than anything at first rekon. I mean come on...."The stories of what is going on with the characters"? OR "MarioKart Knock-Off....minigame"??? It's MINI! lol!!
It's not a whole game to begin with which makes it a type of distraction from the fault, but there is absolutley 0% relavance to the core characters or fighting game..... None. Note: This game sells BE-CAUSE....IT'S-A-FIGHT-ING-GAME DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHERS.

And they did it twice (MkD and MkA)....It makes Mortal Kombat seem "pleasant", "delightful", "wonderful".....aka...."a Joke" as some have stated many times on these very forums. Especially in comparison to what Mk started out as...Lol

Now, this doesn't take away from the possibility of the mini game being fun or whatever....but can it at least have some relavance to the core of the game//fighting or story? MkChess got the closest being a strategic assault game...but even still the space used on that could've, should've.....made the game better in it's core elements.

And as far as using disc space differently to improve the core elements....Why not all those glitches?....Why are they there if we have Tetris? Hahahahah!! *like a lunatic*...

Anyway man, it's not because information is shared before release..AT ALL.
Previous games didn't do so well with the fans because we know enough to know better..hahaha..And so does the MkTeam. I trust since we saw adjustments to the game as a result of their willingness to hear the fans that, We will see a memorable game next go round.

I think they know what we want and for the first time in a REALLY long time, They are able to make the game they imagined. And I think they're capable to consider some of the most prominent conserns of the fans in the game....like they used to.

Hahahahaa! These are always funny.
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"because real men throw eggs"

02/11/2007 02:46 PM (UTC)
I belive that with all the tralers and pictures, fans wanted MK:A to come out as soon as possible so they could play it. This led to the MK team rushing, this leads to a bad game. Just my thoughts
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/11/2007 06:45 PM (UTC)
Set your bar low so if the game sucks you won't be completely bummed out. Likewise if it turns out to be good you'll be nicely surprised.

I have very little faith that the MK Team can pull through with the next game. I've already gotten two and a half (Shaolin Monks was only half bad) subpar efforts from them since DA's release, and I personally have little reason to believe the next MK game will be any better/different.

If by some miracle the next MK game doesn't suck complete ass they might reaffirm my faith.
02/12/2007 02:03 PM (UTC)
nastynate Wrote:
I personally liked Armageddon

Only the gameplay for me, The whol;e everything else sucked ass
02/12/2007 03:57 PM (UTC)
Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
nastynate Wrote:
I personally liked Armageddon

I agree

Ok so there are some flaws with the game. They are not that big a problem, you can work your way around them.

KAK isn't good? Well it is Midway's first attempt at it after all. If MK8 has KAK it should be better with all the next gen stuff, giving you more costumes, editing moves etc.

Yes the endings are horrible and there are no bios. But MK is slowing giving us the bios cause they weren't in the game or whatever. MK8 will hopefully fix things up.

What's wrong with Motor Kombat? I find it hilarious. It's the best mini game so far. All they needed was a few more levels and a couple more characters. Also cause of the rumors/hype they should have made Reptile and Sektor hidden characters.

Yes the KAF thing could have been better. Less organ pulling and more character specific finishers. Have the fatality look more realistic. Also try and think of 2 fatalities for all 64 characters. Not easy. I'll assume they'll go back to normal fatalities for MK8 with a smaller roster.

I've noticed that there was tons of hype for MK:A and MK:D and they failed. Maybe we should keep MK8 as secret as possible. Let there be absolutely no spoilers when the game is closer to coming out to stores. Remove spoiler threads. Let's make the game unkown and a total surprise to everyone. I know it won't be perfectly done but it might help lower the "had high hopes only to see a shit game" response.

This is just my opinion.

I agree 100 % there
02/12/2007 04:16 PM (UTC)
im 50/50 on the faith departement when it comes to the next game...but then again ive grew up with mk since the start and ive bought everyone so even if it sucks i will probably gets it.
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Seriously, the real reason why Armageddon sucked towards all of you is because we had so much information posted out towads us from people who can get the scoop so easily. Showing us pictures and eight second video clips of the actual game. But come on, we had such high hopes about Armageddon and it sucked, it totally, totally sucked because everyone wanted to know what really happened to every character in their endings, there were no bios and now they are sending out the bios! Uhh... its been like five months since the game released and now they are sending out the bios.

creating the fatality sucked as well as KAK, i don't care who you are, you can't shut me up for stating my opinion.

But getting back, I really don't think we should be having so much information posted when they start making the game. Thats what probably caused much of us to hate the last MK game for the old generation.

As well as telling us who is going to be in the game and who's not. i know i know other game websites are going to post pictures of what characters are going to be in the game, but let those websites tell us more then everyone else.

and please, if you are going to tell me "Then don't come on to this website if you don't want to see anything" don't post it on here... i'm serious. this is totally my opinion and there is nothing you guys say to me to make me change my mind, don't post crap like telling me to shut the fuck up because i don't care. i dont like to be bossy here... but i would rather not hear anything like that, ive been having rough days lately and i have to go to the hopsital on valentines days. so NO BAD POSTS!

You never learn, do you?

On the subject: Armageddon was not a bad game. People charged in expecting the world out of it, and technical reality slapped them in the face. There was a new Fatality system(and I still believe it was done due to disk space. Prove me wrong). Some liked it, some burnt houses down to curse its name. KAK, although lame at times, created a new world of online play for the MK community. That is fact against your opinion.

The MK team sort of had to post who would be in Armageddon due to that being the entire catch of the game - everyone returns for the supposed final battle. I'm sorry that annoys you, but they aren't going to derail their marketing campaign because someone is annoyed.
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02/13/2007 02:16 AM (UTC)
I can't wait until the next MK because of the new Unreal 3 engine.As Ed said,the game will be more gritty just like Gears Of War.I hope this game turns out to be the most involved MK yet.
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