02/13/2015 07:27 PM (UTC)
We cannot judge if we dont know how fatalities are made. So lets get some more interviews that asks them "how do you come up with these fatalities?"

If you take a look at mk9's fatalities you will see that each character generally had one simpile fatality and one complex

Shao kahn

I think they did things like this so there would be less to animate and that they couldnt drop it down to 1 fatality unless they wanted the mkda rage again.
02/13/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
I actually like this guys ideas. Only a few of the fatalities in X have really wow-ed me so far.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/13/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
Some narrow minded opinions from some. So only people who work at NRS are good at creating fatality's, right? Only game-developers/game-designers are the ones who can create a good game?
Because you don't work in that industry, it doesn't mean somebody isn't able to be creative in those ways.
And no, Ed Boon isn't the only one who could come up with a game such as this.

This person did a good effort in creating some. You can always improve it here or there, but that doesn't mean these aren't good fatality's.


Those two people are acting like OP is bashing on the company's computer programming.
"omg no, der should b two 0s not five 0s fukn noobie ass company cant program 4 dick"
02/13/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
I'm kind of torn about Reptiles Fatality..

On one hand, it is kind of dumb and anticlimatic because of how perfect the cut is, and it would've been better if he ate the brain or something.

On the other hand, I like it because it has a sense of that humor fatalitys had back in the MKII-3 days, and for that I think it fits.

If they can change it, great! If not, oh well. It's still better than his MK9 Fatalitys.
02/13/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
I liked Reptile's fatality.
It's pretty fucked up and cool at the same time.

Talk about a splitting head ache
*Ba dum tiss*
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

02/13/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
Sooo....no one else cringed at Reptile's Fatality?
I fucking cringed when he ripped the head apart, and the sight of poor Kitana just lying dead there actually set me unease. Maybe because it's a woman, because that's the first time for me about Mortal Kombat where I sat there and went..."wow, someone got fucking murdered". I mean, the look on her face and the damaged graphics on her face...wow.

*searches for video*
02/13/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
I love that Reptile one!
02/14/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
"Sooo....no one else cringed at Reptile's Fatality?
I fucking cringed when he ripped the head apart, and the sight of poor Kitana just lying dead there actually set me unease. Maybe because it's a woman, because that's the first time for me about Mortal Kombat where I sat there and went..."wow, someone got fucking murdered". I mean, the look on her face and the damaged graphics on her face...wow.

Yah I cringed at how fucking dumb it looked, I actually felt embarrassed, it looked to retarded....It was such a simple an brutal concept, completely ruined...if reptile crushed the head it would have looked amazing, and been one of the better ones...

02/14/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
Misleading title. There were no links.
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02/14/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
I can't take this seriously simply because of the pretentious approach versus the lack of innovation.

Honestly, this is just someone thinking of something brutal, complex, and "shocking" which is the same shit people have been doing for the last 40 years.

Your ideas aren't bad, you just assume they are revolutionary. They aren't, and NRS will do just fine without them.

You know what would make fatalities more disturbing? If they were made more personal.

Like, what if Quan Chi does his knife swallow fatality on Cassie Cage, and in the background we see Johnny running in to try and give his daughter backup, all too late. If they could accurately portray an illusion of despair as we watch one of our heroes turn into a broken man after witnessing the gruesome death of his daughter, then that is what would really fuck with some people. Hell, maybe this could trigger a bonus match so many people like to play. Maybe they can fight standing over her mutilated corpse.

We're all used to watching people die without any real connection. Violence is no longer disturbing. Humanizing it is.

Still, I wouldn't go as far to tell NRS to take notes, because they are doing just fine.
02/14/2015 06:39 AM (UTC)
Im goin to say this politely as possible, even though you scorned me, your ideas is totally retarded....I never said mine were revolutionary, its in the execution....Take my Kano one for example, it makes a simple decap, and makes it 100 times more brutal, confronting and menacing...Does it end up with a head cut off like others yes, but its how the head was cut off...

NRS fatalties are sucking because, they are not executed well, and are delivering the same results, it lacks imagination and inventiveness...

Scorpions for example is great, and I dont think I could have come up with that, however everyone else seems to be getting these quick, and shitty slicepoint fatalities....Its lazy, looks rushed, and adds no replay or impact... Reptiles being the worst by far....and as a fan of the game, I expect more, sorry if ya'll are butthurt I dont like their terrible ideas in some of the fatalities....

I remember when we first saw kung loas teases, I said eh bet he just slices em down the middle again in reverse, and he did... now we have quanchi, reptile, kung loas, and ferra doing down the middle slices... it looks crap, and it not inventive..
02/14/2015 06:46 AM (UTC)
Your first two fatalities are awesome and better than the ones we currently have for Reptile and Ferra/Torr, but...
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Did you ever see a guy being beheaded? I saw a real Video and wished i never saw anything of it again. Just no. No and No again! You know why i like Mortal Kombat? Because his violence is way over the top and not realistic. And this is good the way it is. I don't want an ISIS style of beheading someone. Pls no.

Yeah, I've seen stuff like this too. Kano's fatality here reminded me of that and I wouldn't want to see something so realistic. It becomes disturbing at that point.
02/14/2015 07:52 AM (UTC)
yes, I have seen a person be beheaded many times, and yes it would be disturbing, and thats the point, mk used to shock, now its aim is to make people laugh....I would prefer them to take the disturbing route....and again its just a game, I think having kano do that would be fucking amazing, the controversy it would gain would make sales an intrigue go through the roof...like manhunt did.... like mk used to do...
About Me

02/14/2015 08:52 AM (UTC)
the brutality in MK is not capable to carry the title on it's own like back in the days. It can no more be the SOLE factor of the game.

the brutality in MK for the most part is horror movie excess. And horror movie excess does not /can not titillate or excite people anymore.

resorting to real-life violence is indeed in bad taste. HOWEVER, if you want MK to make people cringe it is one of the only two ways it can be done.

The other being moving away from the bloodshed and actually making people, well, cringe.

02/14/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
Unfortunately, it's not as easy to actually make fatalities that are so different. I believe they created some fatality system that has a lot of emphasis on splitting or cutting off body parts.

And ISIS aren't the first people to ever behead anyone in that way, it's been done a million times throughout history, and if the picture didn't say "ISIS style" no one would think of it. Also why is everyone acting like netherrealm designer fatality ideas are infinitely better than anything a fan could come up with, and that if you don't work their your ideas are bad?

Anyway, I personally think the fatalities shown so far are all great, but more varied ones like you posted would also be nice. I'm sure we'll have some, but as I said earlier, their tech is probably focused on certain types of fatalities only.
02/14/2015 09:34 AM (UTC)
I said that earlier, beheading is not isis exclusive, is islam and muslims didnt exist, and that fatality was done you would all love it, its just the PC taboo with isis makes people think its in bad taste...

I think the fataliteis so far are good, save quanchis, kung loas, reptiles, and ferras, why?

coz its all involves slice points down the middle...CRAP
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