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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/19/2014 08:03 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
A necromancer shouldn't be able to create zombies or raise dead either.

At least, he's by definition limited to communication with the dead.

Raising the dead is part of the Necromancy. It isn't limit to talking to the dead.
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07/19/2014 10:36 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
A necromancer shouldn't be able to create zombies or raise dead either.

At least, he's by definition limited to communication with the dead.

Raising the dead is part of the Necromancy. It isn't limit to talking to the dead.

In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps. In real life historical necromancy, not really. I personally think that historical and real life equivalents are far more richer than anything an isolated and diluted part of the population can come up with. Guess why game of Thrones is popular? It teems with analogies from the War of Roses.

Though there are a few cases where the dead actually come back as an image, such as in the Bible when Saul consorted the witch at Endor. Oh, and Jesus was a necromancer then. Especially when he was crucified... at least in literature.
07/19/2014 11:22 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:


Hahah OMG I laughed so freaking hard at that I almost died. (too bad for ya'll I didn't tho) lol
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-sig by MINION

07/19/2014 11:26 AM (UTC)
Um, from Wikipedia;
Necromancy /ˈnɛkrɵˌmænsi/ or nigromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft

So yeah. A Necromancer would be able to summon and or control the dead.
07/19/2014 11:31 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps. In real life historical necromancy, not really.

You do realize that Mortal Kombat isn't real life, right?
07/19/2014 11:37 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
martin_m95 Wrote:
dengoline Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Who else agrees that there are too many fire-using characters in Mortal Kombat?

I mean look at this list:

Kintaro - Shoots Fireballs
Liu Kang - Has many fire moves
Kai - Uses fireballs ala Liu.
Tanya - Shoots fireballs, while they are purple they are still fire-like to me
Blaze - Is made from fire
Shang Tsung - Also shoots fireball-like objects
Goro - Has some fireballs moves in the later games.
Sektor - Uses many fire moves
Scorpion - Firebreath and hell moves
Sonya Blade - Fire kiss fatality
Smoke - A product released from Fire
Sheeva - Shoots fireballs

I probably forget someone.

Who should use the fire, and who should back down and find another hobby?

In my opinion the fire-uses should be: Scorpion (hellfire), Liu Kang (hopefully he's dead tho), Kintaro (the quick fireballs) and Sektor (but only the flamethrower)

- Shang Tsung should use souls that don't look like fire at all.

- Kai should change into a tiger/athletic character without fireballs.

- Tanya should use magic, not fire magic.

- Sheeva doesn't return so I don't care.

- Smoke = more like smoke so he's cool.

- Goro, Blaze and Sonya Blade should kill themselves for all I care.

I really hope there are only few (Scorpion and Sektor) fire-users in MKX, and I really hope we won't see new characters with fire based moves!

Fire is really the Wolverine/Scorpion of the elemental-family... Poor wind, earth and water...

Again Sir (or maybe Madame?) you are absolutely right! You should work for NRS.

heheheh, nice one bro. haven't read a good joke in days.

P.S.: hes a guy

Martin, are you jealous because someone might like my topics/ideas?

That is SO cute! (and I never said i'm a guy, maybe I have changed gender? lol)

Heheh I see where you going. I'm actually happy that your finally being liked by people here. If anything, I'm a bit proud. Theres no reason for me to be jealous (I'm not that guy)

I just took the "you should work for NRS" as a joke.

No sarcasm involved in my post. I'm just a nice guy grin
07/19/2014 02:25 PM (UTC)
InfiniteAmmo Wrote:
Yeah! Lets have them all shoot skittles and cotton candy!!

Fruit loop.
That was rude and totally uncalled for. You should be ashamed. Although I'd love a character that shot out candy. Lol
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07/19/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps. In real life historical necromancy, not really.

You do realize that Mortal Kombat isn't real life, right?

I know. It bothers me that people rather think they know something, when infact they only know what pop culture has diluted.

I just think that the genuine thing should not be dumbed down or simplified, I find that insulting perhaps on the behalf of anyone who has the capacity. it is sad, that today people do not bother with something they cannot instantly take in or cope with.

And also I have a beef with Midway's/NRS'shalf-assed approach to research.

07/19/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
I'm just going off of Dungeons and Dragons' necromancy. grin

Evil mo'fos.
07/19/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps. In real life historical necromancy, not really.

You do realize that Mortal Kombat isn't real life, right?

I know. It bothers me that people rather think they know something, when infact they only know what pop culture has diluted.

I just think that the genuine thing should not be dumbed down or simplified, I find that insulting perhaps on the behalf of anyone who has the capacity. it is sad, that today people do not bother with something they cannot instantly take in or cope with.

And also I have a beef with Midway's/NRS'shalf-assed approach to research.

If they would, NRS could give a character the ability to summon chickens and call it for necromancy, and it would be fully within their right to do so, because it is their world, and if necromancy is summoning chickens in their world, then that's up to NRS to decide.

They don't have to be 100% in-line with how it is described in real-life mythos. If that bothers you, then that is your own problem, not NRS' or anyone else's.

It's the same with my gripe about MK ninjas and the real-life definition of ninjas. That I don't like that they call everything with a mask for ninjas is MY problem. Just like it is YOUR problem that you don't like how NRS defines necromancy and other things.
About Me

07/19/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps. In real life historical necromancy, not really.

You do realize that Mortal Kombat isn't real life, right?

I know. It bothers me that people rather think they know something, when infact they only know what pop culture has diluted.

I just think that the genuine thing should not be dumbed down or simplified, I find that insulting perhaps on the behalf of anyone who has the capacity. it is sad, that today people do not bother with something they cannot instantly take in or cope with.

And also I have a beef with Midway's/NRS'shalf-assed approach to research.

If they would, NRS could give a character the ability to summon chickens and call it for necromancy, and it would be fully within their right to do so, because it is their world, and if necromancy is summoning chickens in their world, then that's up to NRS to decide.

They don't have to be 100% in-line with how it is described in real-life mythos. If that bothers you, then that is your own problem, not NRS' or anyone else's.

It's the same with my gripe about MK ninjas and the real-life definition of ninjas. That I don't like that they call everything with a mask for ninjas is MY problem. Just like it is YOUR problem that you don't like how NRS defines necromancy and other things.

If the chicken is dead and possesses critical intelligence, then of course, you must consult that chicken, even in death.

Which is fine, it's more of a nitpick of mine, except when some glaring stuff comes up, like how two MK males are given female names. Sorry, it just burrows into your skull and then it won't get out.

I think of these things as a missed opportunity. I perfectly understand if they do not want to go that deep (they tried most with MKDA), but most of the time it's a bit sketchy. And also I udnerstand the thing that MK is not a literary work, and most of the fluff and story is basically just easz-hearted bullshit to justify X and Y trying to lick out the others eye.

To really nurse these problems away would require someone who's similar to me or perhaps some rare maniac who spends his time absorbing cultural minisculities on such level. As I said, nitpicks.

If it were a problem between fixing Sub-Zero's ice blast frames and adding the proper Chinese third name to his characterm, then obviously the framerate comes first.

07/19/2014 05:38 PM (UTC)
I do understand where you're coming from. As said, I'm in the same situation with the whole ninja thing. It does irk me still.
07/20/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Which is fine, it's more of a nitpick of mine, except when some glaring stuff comes up, like how two MK males are given female names.

I know Reiko is one, but who's the other?
07/20/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Which is fine, it's more of a nitpick of mine, except when some glaring stuff comes up, like how two MK males are given female names.

I know Reiko is one, but who's the other?

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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

07/20/2014 06:13 PM (UTC)
I agree on there are too many characters relying on fire power. It ́s okay to have multiple characters having some sort of fire based moves but MK has too many guys/girls using it.

I remember during MKA being disappointed the only 2 new characters had fire powers. I was like: come on man!

It's also why I'm excited about MKX till thus far!. D'vorah en Ferra/Torr really add something fresh to the roster, and I like the look of Kotal Kahn as well. It has gotten me really curious what more of the new characters will look like and what powers they will have.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/20/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
A necromancer shouldn't be able to create zombies or raise dead either.

At least, he's by definition limited to communication with the dead.

Raising the dead is part of the Necromancy. It isn't limit to talking to the dead.

In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps...

So what's with the debate about a fictional video game character then?

I admit, my knowledge of Necromancy is based on lots of various fictional media, or what you like to call "Pop Culture", but since we are on a subject of a video game with fictional content, it's not like I'm wrong now am I?
I read and understand your pet peeve, but remember where you are at.
If we were talking about the subject of Necromancy on a serious matter and doesn't have a thing to do with fictional media, THEN feel free to educate and go "Well, actually..."

And God it must suck for you feeling this way since the "fictional" part of Necromancy has been going on way before we were even born.

If it makes you happy, whenever I now have a discussion about Necromancy in the real world. I'll be sure to be clear of the "original definition".
07/20/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Um, from Wikipedia;
Necromancy /ˈnɛkrɵˌmænsi/ or nigromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft

So yeah. A Necromancer would be able to summon and or control the dead.

Wikipedia's wrong here. Necromancy comes from the Greek word "Νεκρομαντεια" (nekro=dead & mandia=divination/communication) which literally means "able to communicate with the dead". It stops there though. The person can technically just use that ability to collect information and memories from the deceased but not resurrect them or control their body. So realistically he shouldn't be able to do it but hey. It's MK we're talking about and it's a cool ability :P
07/20/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
I agree on there are too many characters relying on fire power. It ́s okay to have multiple characters having some sort of fire based moves but MK has too many guys/girls using it.

I remember during MKA being disappointed the only 2 new characters had fire powers. I was like: come on man!

It's also why I'm excited about MKX till thus far!. D'vorah en Ferra/Torr really add something fresh to the roster, and I like the look of Kotal Kahn as well. It has gotten me really curious what more of the new characters will look like and what powers they will have.

Ehhh another soul from my country! Welcome!

I agree with you, the newbies in MKx are really doing it for me personally, D'vorah, Kotal and Ferra/Torr are already among my favorites, and I don't even know what their stories are about, their looks won me over already!

And yes Taven and Daegon were a very bad excuse for new blood in that game... But Taven was kinda hot tho wink
07/20/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Um, from Wikipedia;
Necromancy /ˈnɛkrɵˌmænsi/ or nigromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge, or to use the deceased as a weapon, as the term may sometimes be used in a more general sense to refer to black magic or witchcraft

So yeah. A Necromancer would be able to summon and or control the dead.

Wikipedia's wrong here. Necromancy comes from the Greek word "Νεκρομαντεια" (nekro=dead & mandia=divination/communication) which literally means "able to communicate with the dead". It stops there though. The person can technically just use that ability to collect information and memories from the deceased but not resurrect them or control their body. So realistically he shouldn't be able to do it but hey. It's MK we're talking about and it's a cool ability :P

Lol, well Lycanthrope means wolf-human, and guess what D&D does, naming cat-humans and boar-humans lycanthropes.

Also Pyromancers in games and movies are able to control fire, not speak with it.

It just changed, ALL necromancers in games and movies from modern times are like Quan Chi, they raise the dead, they can probably also speak with them, but that is one of the many things a Necromancer can do with corpses.
About Me

07/20/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
A necromancer shouldn't be able to create zombies or raise dead either.

At least, he's by definition limited to communication with the dead.

Raising the dead is part of the Necromancy. It isn't limit to talking to the dead.

In video games, novels and pop culture, perhaps...

So what's with the debate about a fictional video game character then?

I admit, my knowledge of Necromancy is based on lots of various fictional media, or what you like to call "Pop Culture", but since we are on a subject of a video game with fictional content, it's not like I'm wrong now am I?
I read and understand your pet peeve, but remember where you are at.
If we were talking about the subject of Necromancy on a serious matter and doesn't have a thing to do with fictional media, THEN feel free to educate and go "Well, actually..."

And God it must suck for you feeling this way since the "fictional" part of Necromancy has been going on way before we were even born.

If it makes you happy, whenever I now have a discussion about Necromancy in the real world. I'll be sure to be clear of the "original definition".

I am a sucker for historical relevance. Also, as always, fictional creations can only come from the perceptions of reality and the context of everyday existence. There is literally no work of art that does not have a basis in real life in at least one way.

In truth, I just find the genuine things mostly more compelling and richer than the stuff they usually put out. I understand that not everyone is, or should be a scholar, but applying this stuff into entertainment requires exactly the same amount of effort.

Also, there was a trial in my hometown around the 1700's that dealt with witchcraft and blck magic. We had it as an exercise text in uni. and one more thing, I do not give a damn about where I am. i present the information, if anyone finds interest in it, fine. If not, skip it.

Also it is quite irritating that I am continuously let down by the so-called free creativity of entertainment. So far there has been barely enough material that managed to surpass the genuine articles. I have a vision of people calling orange-clad teenagers genuinely as ninjas, whereas we are already at the point that most of us consider the black pajama-clad assassin to be a historical fact. Which it isn't as much as we would think. See where I am going with this?

About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/21/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I am a sucker for historical relevance. Also, as always, fictional creations can only come from the perceptions of reality and the context of everyday existence. There is literally no work of art that does not have a basis in real life in at least one way.

Because it's impossible?

Every idea no matter real life or fictional is nothing but a manipulation of what is already created in life, what's already given to us. This could be traced back all the way to just rocks and dirt.
Seriously, even the new ideas/things that get created can be nitpicked and broken down as an "oh it's just an advance version of *this*".
You really shouldn't see this as a bad thing. I personally appreciate the fact that someone thought of a way to creatively advance "something". To advance an idea takes creativity as it is, how could anyone hate on that?

For example.

We are used to swords and guns and whatever the fuck you can grab can be turned into a weapon.

Now we are use to Earth elements being manipulated to be used as a weapon.

But who the fuck would had thought to make Blood a weapon?

We started with nothing but what the planet supplied us, and we took rocks and mud and made a fucking house. Probably because someone slept under a cave and thought, "What if I made my own cave to my liking at a different locat-holyshit it worked! Then man thought of other methods and made new resource materials, it's the same concept as using the mud, but it's an improvement.

Your eyes see everything, and from this vision, you were able to remember what you seen.
What if we can make a device that acts like human eyes and has a "brain" to capture those memories for everyone to see?

There's creatures that can fly....I want to fly...I will build my own wings.

See where I'm going with this?
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