09/18/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
I agree that Kitana's hair animation was a huge mess in MK9.

It was a huge glitchy wig. Hopefully, they can do better hair animations for the Playstation 4. If not, then they could just give Kitana an epic bun.

About Kassie... what's wrong with her being more masculine-ish? Does every woman on the planet need to twirl in a floral dress to prove she is not a man? LOL what is the problem? Kassie is a female. Period, point blank, let her be bald-headed if she wants, it changes nothing.

09/18/2014 09:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
So far, I don't see any problems. Cassie doesn't look manly. D'Vorah doesn't look manly. Ferra doesn't look manly. And their hair look fine.

The only problem with Cassie is her neck, but in one interview it was stated that she is still being worked on so obviously it'll be fixed.

However, I agree with you that neither of these characters don't look manly... But it's a recurring problem I've seen popped up from time to time.

I mean, someone decided to take their time to fix what they thought was wrong with her... I actually don't like their changes.

Although my one complaint about Cassie is that I wished they kept this hair style for her:

Not that the one she has now is horrible, no. I just liked this look a lot more.
09/18/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Maria_Linda Wrote:
All of the returning female karakters need to remain the same : tall, muscular, strong.

Sonya and Kitana, etc are all supposed to be 5'9" or 5'10", you can go check their official karakter facts/biographies.

The Mortal Kombat team can do whatever they want with the new karakters. They can make them smaller, or bigger, its all good.

But LEAVE the returning karakters alone.

This goes for the male karakters, too. They are all tall warriors. Goro, Raiden, etc, they should REMAIN COLOSSAL.

Well, if we're being introduced to aged characters then we should expect SOME change to Sonya's character. I mean, you would change when you grow older so we'd definitely see some changes to her appearance when she appears in this game.

And don't you mean "KOLOSSAL?" -_-

They can all have white hair and walk with canes... BUT don't suddenly turn Sonya into a small, petite, little woman. That's all I'm saying. DO NOT REGRESS RETURNING KARAKTERS.

How would Sonya do her KOLOSSAL leg-grab or the cartwheel? You know?
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

09/18/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
Meh, I have a thing for muscular chicks.

I didn't have a problem with any ones hair in MK9 but since a lot of people did, I'm sure they will remedy it.
09/18/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
They can all have white hair and walk with canes... BUT don't suddenly turn Sonya into a small, petite, little woman. That's all I'm saying. DO NOT REGRESS RETURNING KARAKTERS.

How would Sonya do her KOLOSSAL leg-grab or the cartwheel? You know?

I doubt they're going to make Sonya that old, and I doubt the changes I am referring is to make her completely small and weak. They clearly showed Kano aged, so I can safely say Sonya will not be as fragile as Sofia Petrillo from the Golden Girls.
09/18/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
In MK9, I only had a problem with Kitana's nose. It looked like Michael Jackson's nose. Sonya having a strong jaw wasn't a problem, because alot of women have that. She didn't look less womanly because of it.

Then there was the problem with Kitana's hair. Not very well animated, and the way it looked like it was layered... not good. Sindel had kinda the same problem.

And then there was the problem with the female characters having very broad shoulders and no hips. I found it most prominent on Kitana and Mileena, but it was a recurring problem with all the female characters.

It was ALOT better in Injustice. The only female character who looked manly was Wonder Woman, but it could be intentional since she is a strong amazon. Catwoman, Harley, Hawk Girl, Killer Frost and Zatanna all looked feminine with beautiful faces. However, something went horribly wrong with Raven's face...

In MKX, the only problem is Cassie's neck, as Icebaby said.
09/18/2014 09:58 PM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
Meh, I have a thing for muscular chicks.

I didn't have a problem with any ones hair in MK9 but since a lot of people did, I'm sure they will remedy it.

Well the problem isn't biceps and abs, it's the square jaws and weird noses.

And they got WORSE in Injustice, so I wouldn't be so sure MKX will be better.

See, to fix something, you have to know what you did wrong and HOW to do it better.

Frankly, it seems like it's either a limitation of the engine, or a lack of talent on the part of a LOT of modellers in a LOT of different companies...but most games made in Unreal have ugly women. I'm not sure there is a solution for this that isn't "make your game in a different engine".
09/18/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
It's always the goddamn noses.

As an Italian-Polish girl, I am aware about noses being a problem. (*Cough* *Cough* Kinda have a big nose myself *Cough* *Cough*)

But if you're going to design a woman (or even a male for that matter) there's way to make someone look better if they are designed to have a big nose without making the face look extremely awkward. You can just simply model the face to a point where it looks decent, but I just feel that those characters just weren't fully modeled to the fullest. And it showed.... in some characters that is.

It's not that hard to really work around a big nosed character. Even though modeling a character in Maya or any other modeling program is a lot different than pulling a nose in The Sims 4.

I mean my nose isn't THAT huge, but it is big
09/18/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)
A big nose is better than an imploded one.

Whatever happened to making Kitana look like Talisa Soto, anyway? She looked great in Gold and Deadly Alliance. Her lips were a little cartoonishly proportioned, perhaps, but that was the artstyle in general, it fucking worked.
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09/18/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
You know, I prefer the macho ladies in MK over the weak looking dolls we see in every single other fighting game....So, whatever.
09/18/2014 10:47 PM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
You know, I prefer the macho ladies in MK over the weak looking dolls we see in every single other fighting game....So, whatever.

But there's always room for improvement.
09/18/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, to others it wasn't. But the way you're putting it, seems like it's a joke to discuss this. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not.

No, it is.

While I can find certain things unapealing in the game, it should be something enourmously big to force me not to play as certain character or create topic about such stuff. Somebody is really...just totally squeamish.

FROID Wrote:
The majority of people who constantly bitched about the "man-face" were obviously infatuated by how the Japanese developed fighting games designed the models for the females & said fanboys want to apply that upon every game in sight.

Bunch o'hilarious bulldang.

The problem with female faces in MK9 was not because of the fanboys of japanese games, but because their faces look...not very feminine. What with their manjaws and general width.

I personally don't like female faces in modern japanese 3D fighting games, since all of them look pretty much the same - vaguely asian with little to no difference.

Chrome Wrote:
The problem is that most of you subconciously compare them to the media polluted etalons of beauty.

Polluted. Yeah, sure. LOL.
You and you choice of words...

Kitana and Jade faces looked like somebody without much experience was tasked to create female face in 3D editor. The result were wide faces with small lips and beady eyes.

My preferences are quite liberal when it comes to female faces. Very liberal. But I can't call Kitana and Jade faces attractive. There is something off about them. Uncanny valley.

Sindel and Sheeva had the best faces in the game. Sheeva had very indian-like face in her concept art. Though it was somewhat lost in her model, she still was not really ugly.
09/18/2014 11:14 PM (UTC)

Alright when you looked at Kitana/Mileena/Jade, I think actually all of the females, in Nekropolis, the all were way too beefy and slightly ripped too much as well. They also had really small heads. You can notice it the most on Jade's alternate costume. Their bodies are all too beefy and they have small heads.

My second point is, I really liked Kitana's hair in MK 2011/MK9. I think it fits her very well. Yeah the animations and design could have been better, but it still looked really good. It's been that long since MKDA. But it hasn't been worn down since MK2.

09/18/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
No, it is.

While I can find certain things unapealing in the game, it should be something enourmously big to force me not to play as certain character or create topic about such stuff. Somebody is really...just totally squeamish.

I'm not going to deny that I was annoyed seeing that horrendous animation because I shouldn't have to see something like that for the final product. It greatly distracted me because all I kept seeing was black, black, blue, black. That was just something that really aggravated me and I couldn't play as Kitana anymore.

Surely, you don't have that much of a problem with it, but to others, it is. And granted that technology has improved in the last three years, I'm still hoping that they have managed to animate hair properly, or to a point where it's not going to be that much of a bothersome... Same goes with loin cloth and other flowing articles of clothing.

Like someone said before, if animating hair proves to be that difficult for Netherrealm Studios' animators, then characters shouldn't have that long of hair. And this isn't referring to just Kitana, another character's hair that irritated me was Nightwolf's.

This thread though, was made just to see how everyone still feels after a few years passed from 2011's game about this matter. smile
09/19/2014 01:00 AM (UTC)
I like big noses... on men though. It's a thing...
09/19/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm not going to deny that I was annoyed seeing that horrendous animation because I shouldn't have to see something like that for the final product. It greatly distracted me because all I kept seeing was black, black, blue, black. That was just something that really aggravated me and I couldn't play as Kitana anymore.

I, temporarily) played MK9 on very old TV, which I bought in 1991. And...everything was perfect. I din't see black-black-black, instead of Kitana.
Her hair wasn't perfect, but they was far from distracting disaster.
I think such things are really-really small and unisginificant for the big picture.

Icebaby Wrote:
This thread though, was made just to see how everyone still feels after a few years passed from 2011's game about this matter. smile

I think this topic should have been queitly swept under the floor until we'll see some proof, that NRS still can't handle long hair well. If there will be character with long hair in MKX, of course.

wdm6789 Wrote:
Alright when you looked at Kitana/Mileena/Jade, I think actually all of the females, in Nekropolis, the all were way too beefy and slightly ripped too much as well. They also had really small heads. You can notice it the most on Jade's alternate costume. Their bodies are all too beefy and they have small heads.

My problem with female bodies in MK9 was that all of them looked the same, like top-models. Like, almost the same model for everyone. It was odd. Personally, I am all for the muscular build of females in MKX. And no high-heels!!
09/19/2014 01:17 AM (UTC)
The face where ok to me.
The costumes too.
The body proportion also.

BUT THE HAIR! Unacceptable. If they can't make it the best they can, change the concept... GThey should have gived Kitana a bun, Ãa la MK3, Thay mind-of-it's-own-huge-ass-wig should never have been shown to us! Never.
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-sig by MINION

09/19/2014 02:20 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Like someone said before, if animating hair proves to be that difficult for Netherrealm Studios' animators, then characters shouldn't have that long of hair. And this isn't referring to just Kitana, another character's hair that irritated me was Nightwolf's.
I've been saying this for years lol. NRS frequently have things that don't quite behave correctly on their models and they just kind of go on with it like it's fine lol.
09/19/2014 02:30 AM (UTC)
Female bodies were loco in MK9.

And that screen of Cassie looks soooo low poly. Wow.
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09/19/2014 02:32 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
You know, I prefer the macho ladies in MK over the weak looking dolls we see in every single other fighting game....So, whatever.

*high five*
09/19/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
I think they improved a little bit with injustice females. I really didn't even have a problem with the MK9 females bodies, just Kitana's hair looked stiff and crunchy, and her and jade has some less than attractive faces.

In injustice I thought most of the females looked fine. As Jaded pointed out WW was a little "manly" but she is an amazon warrior, she is supposed to be a strong women so no issue there.

Raven was fine, but her face was pretty hideous, it looked like she had a dent in her head or something.

So other than them, I thought the Injustice females had good faces and bodies, which to me shows improvement from NRS.

D;vorah doesn't look manly to me, she looks like a female bug lady.

Cassie looks good too. My only thing with her is the half shaven head, but that's actually a style right now. Even if I don't like it, its not really a big deal to me.

I have no complaints about Ferra, she looks like a miniature lady, I think that is what she is supposed to be so once again, no complaints there.

In conclusion, I think NRS has shown improvement when designing the females. The new ladies don't have manly bodies, they don't have manly faces imo and they don't look like awesome fantasy strippers so I have faith that NRS will work on the common complaints of the MK9 females and ultimately deliver some new and improved female designs smile

09/19/2014 04:10 AM (UTC)
JAX007 Wrote:
You know, I prefer the macho ladies in MK over the weak looking dolls we see in every single other fighting game....So, whatever.

Exageration much, eh?

Chun Li or Juri Han are weak looking dolls? Ha-ha. And MK ladies are macho ladies? LOL. They are more like Playboy ladies. They proportions are odd for the fighters, and they are odd in general. I am all OK for the buff looking women, but most women in MK9 were nor here nor there, more leaning towards "top model" side. I don't think they can be favouribly compared to the women in other fighting games. At least, they are not much better.
And let's not start about faces...
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09/19/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
JAX007 Wrote:
You know, I prefer the macho ladies in MK over the weak looking dolls we see in every single other fighting game....So, whatever.

Exageration much, eh?

Chun Li or Juri Han are weak looking dolls? Ha-ha. And MK ladies are macho ladies? LOL. They are more like Playboy ladies. They proportions are odd for the fighters, and they are odd in general. I am all OK for the buff looking women, but most women in MK9 were nor here nor there, more leaning towards "top model" side. I don't think they can be favouribly compared to the women in other fighting games. At least, they are not much better.
And let's not start about faces...

I think you really love arguing.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/19/2014 05:51 AM (UTC)
WOW the lack of new info is causing people to make some crazy threads. I blame Ed and his team for the lack of content to discuss. I've accepted the fact the most of the NRS team has not been close enough to a women to know how to detail there faces.

Kitana's hair animation should have been fix when testers were just starting to play the game.
09/19/2014 09:01 AM (UTC)
the only female whos face looked good to me was Sheeva (and maybe Sindel since she had a reason to look old). I really hope they fix Kitana's and Jade's faces if they were to appear in MKX.
AgentK Wrote:
Lol @ people still making a big deal about Kitana's MK2011 hair. To me it was just fine, and her primary costume was probably the best she has ever looked.

Her face though...
I agree with all of that.
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