Hair Problems And Masculine Females
posted09/24/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
I've seen on various sites about people complaining that so far, Cassie's appears to be too manly. (I don't really think she looks too masculine) But I was bugged with 2011's females, that some of them were just too manly looking, such as an unmasked Kitana and Jade. I really didn't like their faces. Some female characters, however, were fine such as Sindel and Sonya, I thought they looked good.

But what bothered me more was hair animation. I refused to play as Kitana until her Mortal Kombat 3 costume came out so her hair is up in a bun so I don't have to worry about looking at that monstrosity. (But there's Sindel, her hair wasn't that much of a problem, but it still had problems)

Did any of this bothered you back in 2011? As of right now, we cannot say anything about the hair yet since there hasn't been a character having long hair, but this is something I seriously hope they worked on a lot before revealing. With the masculine features, do you think the females had shown a lot or was it just fine with you?
09/18/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I've seen on various sites about people complaining that so far, Cassie's appears to be too manly. (I don't really think she looks too masculine) But I was bugged with 2011's females, that some of them were just too manly looking, such as an unmasked Kitana and Jade. I really didn't like their faces. Some female characters, however, were fine such as Sindel and Sonya, I thought they looked good.

But what bothered me more was hair animation. I refused to play as Kitana until her Mortal Kombat 3 costume came out so her hair is up in a bun so I don't have to worry about looking at that monstrosity. (But there's Sindel, her hair wasn't that much of a problem, but it still had problems)

Did any of this bothered you back in 2011? As of right now, we cannot say anything about the hair yet since there hasn't been a character having long hair, but this is something I seriously hope they worked on a lot before revealing. With the masculine features, do you think the females had shown a lot or was it just fine with you?

Interesting, now that you brought it up. I wonder if they purposefully revealed character's so far with no hair animations. Would explain why there hasn't been any returning females released.

I am assuming, however, that with the power of next gen, they will smooth out the hair animations.
09/18/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
Many of the women in MK9 were too beefy, and Kitana and Jade didn't look all that great without their masks. The women's hair wasn't a problem, imo. But I think Cassie and D'Vorah look convincingly feminine.

Ripped women are okay, however, if they're more like Cammy from the Street Fighter series. Unlike Sonya who in MK9 looked like her (Cammy) on steroids. All NRS needs is to get better at designing slender gals, which so far looks to be the case.
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09/18/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
Lol @ people still making a big deal about Kitana's MK2011 hair. To me it was just fine, and her primary costume was probably the best she has ever looked.

Her face though...
09/18/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
Yeah Kitana and Jade's faces were pretty jacked. Other than that I think they looked fine for the most part, I mean these women pretty much kick ass for a living, its not surprising that some of them are muscular lol

And yeah Kitana's hair in MK9 was bad, idk how to explain it but it didn't look right to me.
09/18/2014 05:19 PM (UTC)
MK9 was just a sloppy mess. Sonya's hair in MKvsDC was animated better than it was in MK9.
09/18/2014 05:31 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Lol @ people still making a big deal about Kitana's MK2011 hair. To me it was just fine

Well, to others it wasn't. But the way you're putting it, seems like it's a joke to discuss this. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not.

I want to play a fighting game where the hair animation isn't a distraction, and Kitana's was. Sure, other long-haired characters' hair was a problem as well, but Kitana's was a distraction. It's like she was wearing a black cape on her head.

Those in the animation department who's job is to work with animating it properly could have done a better job... And if that's the best they could do, then obviously that long of hair shouldn't be on characters then. You either work it out to make it look better or scrap it completely and do something different.

Heck, I wouldn't be bothered if it was just a long ponytail that had underwater effects. It would have been so much better than what she had.
09/18/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
I personally hated the way most of the MK9 females looked, anatomically. They all basically had the same (ugly) base model. They were all like 6'2 and had redonculously long legs. God that was weird looking. I think Sindel might have been the only one slightly shorter.

Luckily, NRS got over that with Injustice. There's no reason why every female (or male) has to be 6 feet + to be formidable. Look at Batgirl in Injustice. MUCH better. I don't think that's going to be a problem in MKX.
09/18/2014 05:57 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I didn't like Kitana's and Jade's unmasked faces in 2011.

But at least Kitana's exposed face matches her masked look. Jade looks like she a completely different face on her maskless model and a completely different (coarser) hair texture.

And Kitana's default costume's hair didn't look right.

Nothing huge to me, but I did wrinkle my nose the first time I saw them. Like "What were y'all thinking?"

But then again, I think that now about D'Vorah. tongue
09/18/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Sonya had the worst bone structure in MKDA out of the females. She had a "manly" looking face.
09/18/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
Cage's hair was beyond awful in MK9. It looked like a bunch of porcupine quills slicked back.
09/18/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
I somewhat agree. The females in mk9 weren't my favorite design!
They all looked beautiful in deception specially Jade & Mileena.

Kitana's best design was in Deadly Alliance.

Cassie doesn't look that bad. She simply isn't the curvy slender sexy vixen.
09/18/2014 07:13 PM (UTC)
It wasn't Jade's face that bothered me in MK9. It was Kitana and Sonya's. Sonya looked like a damn truck driver with boobs and lipstick. Her body and man face was way more distracting to me than Kitana's hair was. And Kitana's hair was bad.
09/18/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
I don't think the faces of the female characters were exactly "terrible" in MK 2011, but I do like at some of the other fighting game series (e.g. Tekken) and prefer the way the female characters are designed. I would still like to see the type of technology used by Quantic Dream for the characters' faces.

Oh, and I still think Cassie Cage's face ruins Christmas spirit. tongue
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09/18/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
The majority of people who constantly bitched about the "man-face" were obviously infatuated by how the Japanese developed fighting games designed the models for the females & said fanboys want to apply that upon every game in sight. But here's the problem. They give male characters a feminine facial features as well. But wait! that's okay since Japan is the master race when it comes to game developing. *smacks head* How foolish of me...

BUT!! that does not give them the excuse to deliberately dodge the hair issue.
09/18/2014 08:03 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
The majority of people who constantly bitched about the "man-face" were obviously infatuated by how the Japanese developed fighting games designed the models for the females & said fanboys want to apply that upon every game in sight. But here's the problem. They give male characters a feminine facial features as well. But wait! that's okay since Japan is the master race when it comes to game developing. *smacks head* How foolish of me...

BUT!! that does not give them the excuse to deliberately dodge the hair issue.

This. I thought the females had fine faces a little odd looking but definitely feminine. And I cannot believe people are saying the females had manly bodies!

09/18/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
The bodies really isn't that much of a bothersome, they're fighters. I don't expect to see so many small women in the roster. (One, maybe, for diversity sake)

And as stated, the only characters' faces I had a problem with were Jade and Kitana. They just had really odd looking faces. Everyone else though, I didn't have a problem with. Which is weird because I was actually expecting a lot of people complain about Sonya's face... I remember clearly when her versus screen got revealed, how so many people complained that she looked so ugly and that she needed to close her mouth. (No joke)

And yet, there's not that much complaints going against Sonya in here. Surprising.

But still, I really don't have a problem with the body structure they give the females and not too many faces bother me as well. I've always figured this is just their style.

And like above, I do expect them to fix the hair issue. There's no reason why we can't have at least some decent looking hair flow with the technology we have today.
09/18/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
When I first saw Cassie I definitely felt as though something was off with her stance and posture. Her face isn't terrible which is good.

As for the hair mechanics, I just think if they can't animate it properly they should have the hair in a shorter cut or pulled back into a ponytail. Kitanas hair was unnecessarily long and it did animate terribly. Now with Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider and Lili from Tekken, bad hair graphics shouldn't be a issue with today's graphic technology. I don't know why Netherrealm has such issues with these things.
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09/18/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
The problem is that most of you subconciously compare them to the media polluted etalons of beauty.

Namely photoshopped, artificially femnine and symmetrical faces.
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-sig by MINION

09/18/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
NRS are just bad at rendering faces. Men and women but with men it goes a bit more unnoticed because for most they're not the object of affection.

Kitana's alt face was weird around the mouth, like they forgot it was maskless and just threw some stuff together. Someone already mentioned Jade's alt looking like it has a completely different face model (ala Smoke) etc etc.

They also haven't worked out how to animate hair properly. It's not just Kitana either, all the hair behaves oddly except for maybe Sindel although her's might have gotten a little more TLC to make sure the hair attacks worked correctly.

09/18/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The problem is that most of you subconciously compare them to the media polluted etalons of beauty.

Namely photoshopped, artificially femnine and symmetrical faces.

Comparing anything to pictures of women on magazines, posters, billboards, etc. is the last thing I would ever do if I have to make a point about facial designs for women, or body designs as well. It would be an insult to do so especially after years of designing various characters to compare how they should look like to non-existing creatures on covers who are supposed to be a living person.

After seeing terrible design flaws for people, (a poster a friend of mine has shows a woman in a pose that clearly looks like she's missing half of her rib cage) there's no way I'll ever compare something to these photoshopped monstrosities.

Such a brilliant program used for all the wrong reasons. But that's not the issue here. So that's enough from me.
09/18/2014 09:24 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I personally hated the way most of the MK9 females looked, anatomically. They all basically had the same (ugly) base model. They were all like 6'2 and had redonculously long legs. God that was weird looking. I think Sindel might have been the only one slightly shorter.

Luckily, NRS got over that with Injustice. There's no reason why every female (or male) has to be 6 feet + to be formidable. Look at Batgirl in Injustice. MUCH better. I don't think that's going to be a problem in MKX.

All of the returning female karakters need to remain the same : tall, muscular, strong.

Sonya and Kitana, etc are all supposed to be 5'9" or 5'10", you can go check their official karakter facts/biographies.

The Mortal Kombat team can do whatever they want with the new karakters. They can make them smaller, or bigger, its all good.

But LEAVE the returning karakters alone.

This goes for the male karakters, too. They are all tall warriors. Goro, Raiden, etc, they should REMAIN COLOSSAL.
09/18/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
All of the returning female karakters need to remain the same : tall, muscular, strong.

Sonya and Kitana, etc are all supposed to be 5'9" or 5'10", you can go check their official karakter facts/biographies.

The Mortal Kombat team can do whatever they want with the new karakters. They can make them smaller, or bigger, its all good.

But LEAVE the returning karakters alone.

This goes for the male karakters, too. They are all tall warriors. Goro, Raiden, etc, they should REMAIN COLOSSAL.

Well, if we're being introduced to aged characters then we should expect SOME change to Sonya's character. I mean, you would change when you grow older so we'd definitely see some changes to her appearance when she appears in this game.

And don't you mean "KOLOSSAL?" -_-
09/18/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
So far, I don't see any problems. Cassie doesn't look manly. D'Vorah doesn't look manly. Ferra doesn't look manly. And their hair look fine.
09/18/2014 09:42 PM (UTC)
I agree that Kitana's hair animation was a huge mess in MK9.

It was a huge glitchy wig. Hopefully, they can do better hair animations for the Playstation 4. If not, then they could just give Kitana an epic bun.

About Kassie... what's wrong with her being more masculine-ish? Does every woman on the planet need to twirl in a floral dress to prove she is not a man? LOL what is the problem? Kassie is a female. Period, point blank, let her be bald-headed if she wants, it changes nothing.
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