07/09/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Well I probably read more Facebook-pages and other forums than you, mostly the scorp and sub-fans (They must be with a Scorp or Sub avatar) think Smoke looks gay with hair and they want the scorpion-clone smoke or the cyborg-smoke(also with scorpions abilities) back.

Yes I hated smoke before, but only because most of his fans wanted a Smoke with Scorpions abilities or a cyborg. I would NEVER have thought that they actually did something interesting of that level with Smoke.

I've never seen people on this forum, and other forums I go on (you're not the only one who reads up on other stuff) hoping that they give him back his very first move set that he had in the second game. I don't know what you're reading, certainly nothing from here, but I have never seen anyone state, "Oh man, Mortal Kombat 2's Smoke was the bomb! I wish he went back like that!" If anything, maybe the appearance, but never the moves.

In fact, a lot of people actually liked his whole character in 2011 because he's like what, the second most played character? So if anything, I'd say they'd rather see that entire moveset make a return rather than his copycat moves from his debut.

And what's wrong with wanting him to be a cyborg again? Many people remember Smoke as a cyborg more than him being human, there is nothing wrong in his fans asking for Netherrealm Studios to make him a cyborg again.

I'm a Smoke fan and his main design in MK9 was fine. Although, I would rather him in his MK9 alt or as a cyborg. I found that he was much more interesting as a cyborg. I disliked his enera form in MKD and that...that mask was so stupid.
So if he were to be in MKX, I would like him to have these designs...

Alt 1-Masked
Alt 2-Demon

And....please do not bring any of his past moves back, including the ones from MK9. Well, he can bring back his Smokey Cut, but, this time make it come out of his mouth.
07/09/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
1. I like Human Reptile, Human Smoke, Daegon, and Cyber Sub-zero.

2. I hate every ps2 MK game because the gameplay was horrible.

3. That subzero mythologies game was pretty sweet.
07/09/2014 12:46 AM (UTC)
Disowning Kitana as a character in MK9.
I played arcade mode with Quan Chi earlier and got to Shang Tsung. He beat me so I picked another character, then another and two others. I finally got fed up and picked Kitana for kicks. I beat Shang with her. She got me out of the rut I was in. Kudos to Kitana!
07/09/2014 12:11 PM (UTC)
I hate Kitana because of MK9, never hated her before.

1: I hate it she fucked up Jade and Mileena.
2: I hate her fans, they suck in 9.
3: I hate her attitude in 9.
4: I Dislike her 2 designs.
5: I FREAKING get sick looking at that HORRIBLE hair.
6: You will learn respect is SUCH an annoying intro, I really cant stand it, and her voice is SO bad.

Really I LOVED Kitana in MK2 and 3, from there she became worse and worse. I don't want Kitana to become a clone or palette swap, but her designs are always horrible.
07/09/2014 12:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate Kitana because of MK9, never hated her before.

1: I hate it she fucked up Jade and Mileena.
2: I hate her fans, they suck in 9.
3: I hate her attitude in 9.
4: I Dislike her 2 designs.
5: I FREAKING get sick looking at that HORRIBLE hair.
6: You will learn respect is SUCH an annoying intro, I really cant stand it, and her voice is SO bad.

Really I LOVED Kitana in MK2 and 3, from there she became worse and worse. I don't want Kitana to become a clone or palette swap, but her designs are always horrible.

Kitana had the best costume designs and combat styles in MK9. And the title of worst female voice belongs to Sindel and Scarlet (and maybe Jade).

If you hate her that much just pretend she doesn't exist. It's as simple as that.
07/09/2014 12:27 PM (UTC)
A princess that dresses like a slut and tells others to learn respect.

Something just seems wrong here...

In MKX, I hope they revamp her again 100%, more properly dressed this time and less slutty-ness on her, that doesn't really suit her character. Mileena is fine as my favorite slutty character.

Jade was my favorite character once, MK9 didn't do her much good as well in my opinion. Don't really like her design as well.
07/09/2014 12:51 PM (UTC)
I'm all up for a new costume for Kitana, just hope it doesn't look like mkvsdc's one, that one was horrible. And they should keep her long hair
07/09/2014 02:44 PM (UTC)
I am guilty off liking all the ninjas more than every other character. so shoot me, they have the coolest abilities and in recent entries my favorite costumes.
07/09/2014 04:58 PM (UTC)
Wanting Kira and or Kobra to return.
07/10/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I hate Kitana because of MK9, never hated her before.

1: I hate it she fucked up Jade and Mileena.
2: I hate her fans, they suck in 9.
3: I hate her attitude in 9.
4: I Dislike her 2 designs.
5: I FREAKING get sick looking at that HORRIBLE hair.
6: You will learn respect is SUCH an annoying intro, I really cant stand it, and her voice is SO bad.

Really I LOVED Kitana in MK2 and 3, from there she became worse and worse. I don't want Kitana to become a clone or palette swap, but her designs are always horrible.

Her look was definitely terrible. Her outfits and hair looked terrible but you can't deny that her moveset was brilliant. It was like she was dancing with the fans and she was deadly at the same time. I find her boring generally but she was boss to play as come on!
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