Getting to the Heart & Soul of whether Shang Tsung could be in MKX.
posted03/17/2015 11:18 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
09/12/2014 10:30 PM (UTC)
So Boon posted this still from the movie Big:


Some have voiced guesses of him hinting at Mileena, Motaro, and Shang Tsung. A couple have (weirdly) even guessed at Nightwolf...

It's certainly a hint for someone, and I'll give you a hint- it's not Nightwolf!

This is Zoltar (as seen in Big):

Here is Shang Tsung (as seen in MK9)

Hmm there’s some similarities between the two of them; facial hair, colouring of clothing, an amulet. Is that it though?

No. We all know Boon, he likes to have us guessing at hints (and even when there actually isn’t a hint at all); some are obvious like the image of a moon hinting at Reptile, and others need a bit of thinking beyond what’s in sight. So with the latter in mind- let’s look at the bigger picture here...

This is part of the plot taken from the Big wiki:

Josh runs into the company's owner, Mr. MacMillan, at FAO Schwarz, and impresses him with his insight into current toys and his happy-go-lucky, childlike enthusiasm. The two play a duet on a foot-operated electronic keyboard, performing "Heart and Soul" and "Chopsticks." This earns Josh a promotion to a dream job: getting paid to test toys.

BIG Wiki

Should we look even more outside of the box...? Yes of course we should!

“Heart and soul” this is obvious actually- Shang steals souls, and in MK9 we saw his soul put into Sindel by Shao Kahn, and where on Sindel does his soul show as it’s transferred? Her heart!

Keeping with the song thing for a moment... “Chopsticks” chopsticks are from China, and what does China have to do with Shang Tsung, other than his outfits looking Chinese?

“Shang Tsung (originally named "Shang Lao") was based on the Chinese sorcerer Lo Pan from the film Big Trouble in Little China. A character named "Kitsune", which was later developed into Kitana, was going to fit into the story as Shang Lao’s (Tsung) princess daughter - the spoil of victory for winning the tournament, who would betray her father after she fell for Liu Kang. Mortal Kombat art director Herman Sanchez said that as the series progressed he decided to emphasize Tsung's air of "sinister regality."

Shang wiki

Then there's also the fact that an ally of his, Reptile, is confirmed; Liu Kang is very likely to return, and Goro, Shang’s protégé is already known to be Pre-order (DLC) for the game.

But wait... Do we even need Shang Tsung?

Isn’t Quan Chi replacing him now? Oh and Shinnok, remember he’ll probably be a big part of the games story (even though Quan Chi is clearly using his skull as an accessory on his armour!); so between Quan Chi & Shinnok we don’t really need Shang Tsung.

Well what if I told you that although we may not need Shang, it’s increasingly more likely he’s going to be in MKX and that it’s possibly him who’s the surprise returning boss:

“According to GamePro magazine in 1993, the MKII version of Shang Tsung was nineteen years old, and an article about the game also included a rough sketch by Mortal Kombat co-creator John Tobias of Tsung's "true form," a twisted demon, which has never actually appeared in the video games”.

Now alright, the Wiki is wrong because it wasn’t 1993, the magazine was published in 1994, but still... The demon form shown in this scan of the actual page from that same Gamepro magazine (from 1994, get your facts straight Wiki!):

Plus let’s not forget the GameStop instore ad for MKX which started running in January and mentions Shang Tsung.

Gamestop ad

Oh and the tweet from December 11th where Boon actually sneakily confirmed him:


Now let's sit back and wait for ol' Shang to be revealed; soon, soon.
01/28/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
“Heart and soul” this is obvious actually- Shang steals souls, and in MK9 we saw his soul put into Sindel by Shao Kahn, and where on Sindel does his soul show as it’s transferred? Her heart!

heart and soul could mean liu kang who is litarry the heart and soul of every mortal kombat game
01/28/2015 02:31 AM (UTC)
I think that's great speculation and I agree with you.

Shang will most likely be in mortal kombat x but I don't think he will be the final boss.

I really think you did a great job and that's some good detective work right there.

If I ever need a detective I'll hire you for you bro.

Real awesome job :D.
01/28/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
That's a good point, although the same could be said for a few characters.
01/28/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
I think he's just hinting at Mileena 'cuz of the M.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/28/2015 02:36 AM (UTC)
That's a good guess. I honestly didn't put together the whole age manipulation theme(I r dumb). Makes me (cautiously)optimistic.
01/28/2015 02:40 AM (UTC)
god damn that is a long read but im just gonna guess you're on to something based on the pictures

tldr sorry
01/28/2015 02:43 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I think that's great speculation and I agree with you.

Shang will most likely be in mortal kombat x but I don't think he will be the final boss.

I really think you did a great job and that's some good detective work right there.

If I ever need a detective I'll hire you for you bro.

Real awesome job :D.

Yeah, final boss is widely believed to be;
Or even, even Liu Kang

But thought I may as well throw the possibility out there though; because well... You just said yourself you don't think it would be him, I haven't expected it to be him & others have said if Shang does feature it'll be as an anti-hero. So if no one is expecting it, wouldn't he being the boss make him a "surprise returning boss".

Thanks guy, appreciate it. grin
01/28/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
Nice post, interesting theory.

Id also like to point out that in MKMSZ Shinnok had a demon form as well. When MKX was first announced I was thinking Shinnok would probably be the boss but then remembered that in Shinnok's bio card video Boon said he probably should not have been the boss of MK4 because they traditionally used bigger characters as the boss. Then I thought maybe they could do a Tekken 3 thing, where Shinnok would be the sub-boss, then when you defeat him he would turn into his true, much larger demon form as the final boss (It would need a massive redesign though lol)

I don't think this will be the case though, its just something I came up with a while back while daydreaming about MKX when it was first announced lol
01/28/2015 02:46 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
god damn that is a long read but im just gonna guess you're on to something based on the pictures

tldr sorry

Sorry about the length; but that was why I tried using as many pictures as possible.

In hindsight maybe I should've included a TL;DR summary right at the bottom. Will keep that in mind for future.
01/28/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)
Born-To-Be-Hero Wrote:
redman Wrote:
god damn that is a long read but im just gonna guess you're on to something based on the pictures

tldr sorry

Sorry about the length; but that was why I tried using as many pictures as possible.

In hindsight maybe I should've included a TL;DR summary right at the bottom. Will keep that in mind for future.

looking over it again it's not even that long, the pictures are quite big so I guess it just made it seem longer. Read it and I definitely agree with you, good shit man. Length wasn't even a problem really, i'm just lazy. lol
01/28/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
Also Icebaby has been thinking Shang will be the boss for quite awhile now as well, I think she probably has a lot to say about this too. Just a heads up :)
01/28/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Nice post, interesting theory.

Id also like to point out that in MKMSZ Shinnok had a demon form as well. When MKX was first announced I was thinking Shinnok would probably be the boss but then remembered that in Shinnok's bio card video Boon said he probably should not have been the boss of MK4 because they traditionally used bigger characters as the boss. Then I thought maybe they could do a Tekken 3 thing, where Shinnok would be the sub-boss, then when you defeat him he would turn into his true, much larger demon form as the final boss (It would need a massive redesign though lol)

I don't think this will be the case though, its just something I came up with a while back while daydreaming about MKX when it was first announced lol


That's a great idea for a sub-boss/final boss; I'd be happy if that were done.
01/28/2015 02:54 AM (UTC)
Good theory, but I think it's all about the "M", 'bout the "M".

Mileena is my guess.

On another note: Everyone probably forgot about this character...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
even though he wasn't playable before or was he? Not trying to be funny or serious about this, just a thought.

If it's indeed Shang in a whole, he is certainly accepted with open arms grin
01/28/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Also Icebaby has been thinking Shang will be the boss for quite awhile now as well, I think she probably has a lot to say about this too. Just a heads up :)

Thanks for the follow up comments; and no worries man.

Those pics ARE really TOO BIG!

Haha well I'll look forward to hearing her speculation and thoughts on it.
01/28/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
Very good plausible theory but I hope you're wrong I have no reason to suggest he won't be in but I just hope not I am sick of Shang tsung and really would like to see him ditched I just don't see him having a place in the story new earthrea warriors forming, quan chi leading the nether realm and kotal and mileena fighting for outworld I really don't see a place for him but alas he will probably return much to my disappointment!
01/28/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
Yeah I doubt it will happen since I don't remember Shinnok's demon form ever being referenced outside of the game, but I enjoy coming up with theories and stuff lol

I would definitely like to see Shang's demon form in a game too though, his is certainly much better looking than Shinnok's lol
01/28/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Very good plausible theory but I hope you're wrong I have no reason to suggest he won't be in but I just hope not I am sick of Shang tsung and really would like to see him ditched I just don't see him having a place in the story new earthrea warriors forming, quan chi leading the nether realm and kotal and mileena fighting for outworld I really don't see a place for him but alas he will probably return much to my disappointment!

He'll be in; I really didn't like him in MK9, didn't care for him in Deception; I think I've only genuinely had any time for Shang was in DA and that was mainly because of him snapping Liu Kang's neck.

Good times.
01/28/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)

Hahaha couldn't agree more that was a good one when he killed Liu kang! You're right though it's likely he will be in which really sucks balls as in my opinion it is a wasted slot but we shall see what they do with him!
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/28/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
Bring on Shang Tsung! I am kind of hoping to see him become an anti-hero.
01/28/2015 05:42 AM (UTC)
quan chi didnt replace shang. he's a necromancer which is a different flavor lol. in other words he doesnt steal souls, he just reanimates them. i know shamg is in but i hope hes the way i picture him.
01/28/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
Just saw a theory on another site the two peoples legs in the pic boon posted join making a very clear M!!! M for Mileena maybe? It would make sense to reveal Mileena on Thursday as they are also meant to be revealing Kitanas variation so perhaps they will showcase the two sisters fighting it out? She is not one of my picks but would definitely be better then Shang plus I want to see her and Kotal fight it out for the outworld throne as per the comic storyline!
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

01/28/2015 09:53 AM (UTC)
I hope to god it's Shang or at least for him to be in the game.

With a soul steal fatality.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

01/28/2015 09:59 AM (UTC)
Shang will cause a massive backlash if he's revealed due to the slew of MKT characters revealed. But as he's my favourite character, I'll take Shang by hook or by crook
01/28/2015 11:59 AM (UTC)
I dig Shang but I really hope that he isn't in the game this time around.
This is really starting to look like mk9 2.0 with all the same fighters making it in.
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