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03/10/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
I remember one time a fan asked Ed on twitter if Drahmin would have a similar cameo as Moloch, and he was like 'I wish.'

03/10/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc

Deadly alliance is the only MK game to introduce about 11-12 new characters with unique and cool personalities to them, Sure you had your Hsu Haos, but I personally thought some characters from that game are pretty unique. something MKX lacks, Outside of a few characters MKX is no where near unique in terms of character variety.

Sure Kotal Kahn is awesome, Sure D'vorah is great. Ferra/Torr was a great one in my book, Although I still think Noob/Smoke did it better grin, Erron Black who is pretty cool in my book as well.

But come on, Who else do we have? Raiden from Metal Gear Solid(That's Takeda.), Green Arrow? And not to forget Random Kickboxer chick #5931.

Oh Oh I actually almost forgot, We have a special forces girl but she is unique because of her parents.

"Okay... What does she do that's unique?"

"Well she has some of her father's moves and some of her mother's moves(Mostly looks not moves)."

"So how in the HELL is she unique?"

"I will tell you..."*Thinks deeply* "She has GUNS :D."

"You mean the thing that sets her apart is the fact that she is Stryker if he had boobs and came out of Sonya's Pandora box?"

"I guess, Bye Bye" *Runs far away*.

In DA we had Mavado, A guy who uses fucking elastic whips to kick your ass. People hated how Mavado looked. I, on the other hand thought he looked quite good, sure his design could have used some work but his early concept arts were pretty good. But still the damn guy is unique.

You have Bo' Rai Cho, A master martial artist, but he rather just beat you by farting and puking all over the place, Again unique.

Not to forget Kenshi, One of the best characters in the series introduced in MK:DA, Actually it's really not fair because Kenshi was made from the start to look like a badass and that's what he is. Blind but still able to fight and kick some ass. Again UNIQUE.

Nitara, Sure she failed as a character for some reason, but her story even though a rip-off from every other Vampire movie, still was quite, entertaining and a nice entry in the MK universe. UNIQUE.

Frost, People always just shit all over Frost because she is a "Subby Female", Not really though. If people were not soooo shallow and gave her an actual chance, they'd see that first her gameplay is different and her story is actually quite good, UNIQUE!!!!!.

We also have Drahmin, People would consider him the worst, but I personally think he is a character that could have been something, But again shallow people only saw that he has bugs flying around him and judged him based on that. Now we will never see this UNIQUE character again.

Even fucking Moloch looked... Generic as hell. But that's exactly what everybody in MKX is. They are all Moloch!


I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have no idea of the meaning of the word unique.

Mavado never used his harpoons in gameplay, if not for a single Fatality and escape. He was hated because he stole Kabal's hookswords. How clan Mavado ne "unique" if he uses other characters' weapon?

And Kenshi? He is one of my favourites, but the blind swordsman/martial artist trope was used 50 years ago with Zatoishi and Daredevil.

Frost? Female, underpowered Sub-Zero.

Li Mei/Kobra ? The talented young fighters who lack discipline. Karate kid #5931.

Bo'Rai Cho? Sammo Hung spoof with farts and burps.

The problem with 3d era characters is that they suck and noone cares for them outside mkonline, testyourmight, etc.

Umm... I'm sorry to tell you this but you have no clue what makes a character unique and what makes something unique.

I never said they were 100% original, I said they were unique. Maybe before replying you should use that thing in your skull, It's really handy because it helps you not look like a fool or a jerk.

Mavado had his flaws but when I saw him for the first time I was intrigued, I was even more intrigued after I saw his early concept art and saw what they were trying to go for. Sure he was a failed Idea like many other 3D Era characters, but at least they were trying to something unique back then.

Also he used his whips as a move in MK:A. The reason he and a lot of the other characters didn't have any cool special moves is because MK at that time was trying to go all Tekken on our ass. That doesn't mean that character was not unique.

Frost is an underpowered Subby? So I guess by your logic, Subby is an underpowered Killer Frost? Just because they both have Ice powers that doesn't mean they are the same thing, Only a small minded and shallow person would see it that way.

The idea is not to make a totally Original character, Batman is totally The Shadow, but you don't see anybody complain about it and say Batman was a rip-off from The Shadow. Because he does enough things to be unique and takes a new spin at things.

Most 3D Era characters are exactly that, They take inspirations from movies,stories and other media. But they were not an EXACT rip-off just like Batman was inspired by The Shadow but he is not an EXACT rip-off.

The idea is to bring something unique to the table in the MKU. Not something totally and 100% Original.

MKX seems to be just a compilation of rip-offs without unique qualities.

Cassie Cage? Just put boobs on Stryker and make some bullshit reason for why he has green powers and BAMM you got Cassie. Actually come to think of it, Cassie Cage seems to be more of a Johnny Cage and Stryker love child rather than Sonya and Johnny.

Kung Jin? Hey Green Arrow, Injustice is that way.

Jacqui? LOL, I guess they didn't learn from the mistake they did with Mavado by giving someone else's trademark weapons to someone else. Sure Jax still has his Metal arms but Jacqui has the same thing. except her arms are still there and she is boring. But while Mavado was at least intriguing, Jacqui, like I said is BORING as hell.

Who else... Oh Yeah Takeda. Do I really need to talk about this guy? He is taken straight from Metal Gear Solid, But I actually think Takeda could work. Only problem is, I don't think NRS are smart enough to make him work and make him interesting.

Sure he looks cool, But once people get to read and see his story, they will see how shallow and boring this character is. A good guy in the SF who is wearing a gear that is taken from Raiden(MGS). WOW What an interesting and unique character.

Instead of having him... Oh I don't know be "INTERESTING" by creating a cool story around him. we will just throw him in with Scorpion, because... everybody likes Scorpion? And if Scorpion trains him, people will like him?

Let me ask you this, why didn't any of the bad guys have kids? I reckon a bad guy having an off-spring would actually be kind of cool, But NOPE. We need more SF characters, No time to create cool and interesting characters.

So, let us summarize up, the characters you like are unique basically because you like them.
Mavado is unique but he uses Kabal's hookswords, Kung Jin is not unique because he uses a bow as a weapon. The same bow used by Green Arrow (as he was the only one, Robin Hood, Legolas and Hawkeye say Hi).

Your logic is so flawed that it doesn't even deserve an answer.

I think you lack honesty in your intentions. You are trying to justify in every way how cool character x, y and z are, but you fail to admit that the only real reason of "protecting" them is personal taste.

You like Mavado, Frost, Li Mei etc?

Nothing wrong with it, but don't try to shove into my throat the fact that they are unique, because they are not.

Ps : excluding a leaked casting call (subject to change) and few screencaps, how in hell can you tell if Kung Jin is unique or not?

As of right now the new characters don't have a interesting story so let's see what happens
03/10/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc

Deadly alliance is the only MK game to introduce about 11-12 new characters with unique and cool personalities to them, Sure you had your Hsu Haos, but I personally thought some characters from that game are pretty unique. something MKX lacks, Outside of a few characters MKX is no where near unique in terms of character variety.

Sure Kotal Kahn is awesome, Sure D'vorah is great. Ferra/Torr was a great one in my book, Although I still think Noob/Smoke did it better grin, Erron Black who is pretty cool in my book as well.

But come on, Who else do we have? Raiden from Metal Gear Solid(That's Takeda.), Green Arrow? And not to forget Random Kickboxer chick #5931.

Oh Oh I actually almost forgot, We have a special forces girl but she is unique because of her parents.

"Okay... What does she do that's unique?"

"Well she has some of her father's moves and some of her mother's moves(Mostly looks not moves)."

"So how in the HELL is she unique?"

"I will tell you..."*Thinks deeply* "She has GUNS :D."

"You mean the thing that sets her apart is the fact that she is Stryker if he had boobs and came out of Sonya's Pandora box?"

"I guess, Bye Bye" *Runs far away*.

In DA we had Mavado, A guy who uses fucking elastic whips to kick your ass. People hated how Mavado looked. I, on the other hand thought he looked quite good, sure his design could have used some work but his early concept arts were pretty good. But still the damn guy is unique.

You have Bo' Rai Cho, A master martial artist, but he rather just beat you by farting and puking all over the place, Again unique.

Not to forget Kenshi, One of the best characters in the series introduced in MK:DA, Actually it's really not fair because Kenshi was made from the start to look like a badass and that's what he is. Blind but still able to fight and kick some ass. Again UNIQUE.

Nitara, Sure she failed as a character for some reason, but her story even though a rip-off from every other Vampire movie, still was quite, entertaining and a nice entry in the MK universe. UNIQUE.

Frost, People always just shit all over Frost because she is a "Subby Female", Not really though. If people were not soooo shallow and gave her an actual chance, they'd see that first her gameplay is different and her story is actually quite good, UNIQUE!!!!!.

We also have Drahmin, People would consider him the worst, but I personally think he is a character that could have been something, But again shallow people only saw that he has bugs flying around him and judged him based on that. Now we will never see this UNIQUE character again.

Even fucking Moloch looked... Generic as hell. But that's exactly what everybody in MKX is. They are all Moloch!


I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have no idea of the meaning of the word unique.

Mavado never used his harpoons in gameplay, if not for a single Fatality and escape. He was hated because he stole Kabal's hookswords. How clan Mavado ne "unique" if he uses other characters' weapon?

And Kenshi? He is one of my favourites, but the blind swordsman/martial artist trope was used 50 years ago with Zatoishi and Daredevil.

Frost? Female, underpowered Sub-Zero.

Li Mei/Kobra ? The talented young fighters who lack discipline. Karate kid #5931.

Bo'Rai Cho? Sammo Hung spoof with farts and burps.

The problem with 3d era characters is that they suck and noone cares for them outside mkonline, testyourmight, etc.

Umm... I'm sorry to tell you this but you have no clue what makes a character unique and what makes something unique.

I never said they were 100% original, I said they were unique. Maybe before replying you should use that thing in your skull, It's really handy because it helps you not look like a fool or a jerk.

Mavado had his flaws but when I saw him for the first time I was intrigued, I was even more intrigued after I saw his early concept art and saw what they were trying to go for. Sure he was a failed Idea like many other 3D Era characters, but at least they were trying to something unique back then.

Also he used his whips as a move in MK:A. The reason he and a lot of the other characters didn't have any cool special moves is because MK at that time was trying to go all Tekken on our ass. That doesn't mean that character was not unique.

Frost is an underpowered Subby? So I guess by your logic, Subby is an underpowered Killer Frost? Just because they both have Ice powers that doesn't mean they are the same thing, Only a small minded and shallow person would see it that way.

The idea is not to make a totally Original character, Batman is totally The Shadow, but you don't see anybody complain about it and say Batman was a rip-off from The Shadow. Because he does enough things to be unique and takes a new spin at things.

Most 3D Era characters are exactly that, They take inspirations from movies,stories and other media. But they were not an EXACT rip-off just like Batman was inspired by The Shadow but he is not an EXACT rip-off.

The idea is to bring something unique to the table in the MKU. Not something totally and 100% Original.

MKX seems to be just a compilation of rip-offs without unique qualities.

Cassie Cage? Just put boobs on Stryker and make some bullshit reason for why he has green powers and BAMM you got Cassie. Actually come to think of it, Cassie Cage seems to be more of a Johnny Cage and Stryker love child rather than Sonya and Johnny.

Kung Jin? Hey Green Arrow, Injustice is that way.

Jacqui? LOL, I guess they didn't learn from the mistake they did with Mavado by giving someone else's trademark weapons to someone else. Sure Jax still has his Metal arms but Jacqui has the same thing. except her arms are still there and she is boring. But while Mavado was at least intriguing, Jacqui, like I said is BORING as hell.

Who else... Oh Yeah Takeda. Do I really need to talk about this guy? He is taken straight from Metal Gear Solid, But I actually think Takeda could work. Only problem is, I don't think NRS are smart enough to make him work and make him interesting.

Sure he looks cool, But once people get to read and see his story, they will see how shallow and boring this character is. A good guy in the SF who is wearing a gear that is taken from Raiden(MGS). WOW What an interesting and unique character.

Instead of having him... Oh I don't know be "INTERESTING" by creating a cool story around him. we will just throw him in with Scorpion, because... everybody likes Scorpion? And if Scorpion trains him, people will like him?

Let me ask you this, why didn't any of the bad guys have kids? I reckon a bad guy having an off-spring would actually be kind of cool, But NOPE. We need more SF characters, No time to create cool and interesting characters.

So, let us summarize up, the characters you like are unique basically because you like them.
Mavado is unique but he uses Kabal's hookswords, Kung Jin is not unique because he uses a bow as a weapon. The same bow used by Green Arrow (as he was the only one, Robin Hood, Legolas and Hawkeye say Hi).

Your logic is so flawed that it doesn't even deserve an answer.

I think you lack honesty in your intentions. You are trying to justify in every way how cool character x, y and z are, but you fail to admit that the only real reason of "protecting" them is personal taste.

You like Mavado, Frost, Li Mei etc?

Nothing wrong with it, but don't try to shove into my throat the fact that they are unique, because they are not.

Ps : excluding a leaked casting call (subject to change) and few screencaps, how in hell can you tell if Kung Jin is unique or not?

Well either you can't read or you have the wrong address, I said that Mavado had his flaws when he first appeared but what they were trying to do with him is unique and cool. Of course it's a subjective thing, Let me give an example. You like to eat... Bananas and I don't. Nothing wrong with that, it's all preference. I never tried forcing anything down your throat, you already put a lot of things there so I can't even do that.

I explained why I think, again I'll repeat that because you seem to have a short attention span, I, meaning ME. Think those characters are unique and what made them unique. Whether it's story wise or design wise.

Sure you might think they are not unique but you also might think that birds can't fly. You might be wrong and I might be wrong.

And also you think the 3D Era characters are not unique because you hate them. You see how stupid that sounds, I sure hope you do because when you said it, it sounded stupid as hell and obvious as hell. Of course some of the things I say are going to be subjective, Just like some the things you say are subjective. We are at the end of the day humans and we are different.

You hate them, Good for you. I like some of them and think they are unique in their own way.

I need to also point out that you said, And I quote "Your logic is so flawed that it doesn't even deserve an answer." Yet you answered. So I guess that make you a more illogical person, doesn't it.
About Me

03/10/2015 05:45 PM (UTC)
The point of uniqueness is not that much of a problem:

- all MK characters are essentially borrowed from popular culture. ESPECIALLY trilogy ones.

- newcomers post MK4 are also borrowed, however -in fact- use such underused archetypes that are barely used in gaming, popular culture overall.

So if you decry Mavado as not unique, you also must decry all other characters.
So what if Mavado uses Kabalite hookswords? Kano uses the terminators looks. Tanya uses Liu Kang's fireball, etc. etc.

There is not one singular character that cannot be traced back to one or more popular archetype or pop culture phenom in MK1-3. Not one.
03/10/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
The point of uniqueness is not that much of a problem:

- all MK characters are essentially borrowed from popular culture. ESPECIALLY trilogy ones.

- newcomers post MK4 are also borrowed, however -in fact- use such underused archetypes that are barely used in gaming, popular culture overall.

So if you decry Mavado as not unique, you also must decry all other characters.
So what if Mavado uses Kabalite hookswords? Kano uses the terminators looks. Tanya uses Liu Kang's fireball, etc. etc.

There is not one singular character that cannot be traced back to one or more popular archetype or pop culture phenom in MK1-3. Not one.

Tanya's use to be pink energy :( but I totally agree
About Me

03/10/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
The point of uniqueness is not that much of a problem:

- all MK characters are essentially borrowed from popular culture. ESPECIALLY trilogy ones.

- newcomers post MK4 are also borrowed, however -in fact- use such underused archetypes that are barely used in gaming, popular culture overall.

So if you decry Mavado as not unique, you also must decry all other characters.
So what if Mavado uses Kabalite hookswords? Kano uses the terminators looks. Tanya uses Liu Kang's fireball, etc. etc.

There is not one singular character that cannot be traced back to one or more popular archetype or pop culture phenom in MK1-3. Not one.

Tanya's use to be pink energy :( but I totally agree

Then Sonya. Same thing.
03/10/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
The point of uniqueness is not that much of a problem:

- all MK characters are essentially borrowed from popular culture. ESPECIALLY trilogy ones.

- newcomers post MK4 are also borrowed, however -in fact- use such underused archetypes that are barely used in gaming, popular culture overall.

So if you decry Mavado as not unique, you also must decry all other characters.
So what if Mavado uses Kabalite hookswords? Kano uses the terminators looks. Tanya uses Liu Kang's fireball, etc. etc.

There is not one singular character that cannot be traced back to one or more popular archetype or pop culture phenom in MK1-3. Not one.

Tanya's use to be pink energy :( but I totally agree

Point still stands, I understand what he means. The problem with 3D Era characters is not that they are "Rip-offs" from popular archetypes, because Trilogy characters are the same thing.
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