Genuine Question: Why no 3D era characters?
posted03/10/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)by
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06/07/2014 01:20 AM (UTC)
I know this topic has been openly been discussed to death, but I still wonder. NRS knew how strongly their fans wanted a few revamped 3D era characters. Would it *really* have killed them to add 2/3 in addition to the current roster? There were many fans complaining about this even before the reveal of Quan Chi months ago who sussed the direction NRS were taking. The majority of posters told us to pipe down because these "3D era characters were on the way" (they weren't). I think the general fan base would have made a lot more noise if they'd known then what we know now (as they are doing now - but, it's probably too late).

Did NRS just presume there was a general "the 3D characters suck" sort of consensus? Could they not be bothered putting the effort into making some of those 3D characters function in a 2D plane? - Kenshi plays entirely different to his 3D counterpart. I guess it's much less effort to take the outlines of an MK9 character and jazz it into 3 varaiations.

It makes me so sad to think what they could have done with Havik, Tanya, Fujin, Bo Rai. Seriously, I think just 2 of the 3D era characters re-imagined and there wouldn't be a fraction of the "this roster sucks" which is dividing the community more than I've ever seen.
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc
03/10/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
Yeah I agree with you I really saw this game (especially with the ending of MK9) as a way to introduce some new characters and to re-introduce some of the better 3D characters but alas it looks like that won't be happening and it makes me a mix of sad and angry. If this leaked roster that everyone keeps banging on about is the true roster then I think NRS has made a big mistake and wasted a prime opportunity to reinvent some 3d characters and take the game franchise in a exciting new direction instead we seem to be getting MK special forces 2; geriatric edition!!!

I still hold hope that the leaked roster is either wrong or incomplete but it looks less and less likely each passing day with no word from NRS and no new hints/character reveals from ed boon I take their silence to mean that the roster is true which is very sad.
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03/10/2015 02:58 AM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I know this topic has been openly been discussed to death
03/10/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc

Let's be real the variations maybe something new but the other things not so much. I think they will just disapoint again. Also here come the people complaining about complaining
03/10/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc

Deadly alliance is the only MK game to introduce about 11-12 new characters with unique and cool personalities to them, Sure you had your Hsu Haos, but I personally thought some characters from that game are pretty unique. something MKX lacks, Outside of a few characters MKX is no where near unique in terms of character variety.

Sure Kotal Kahn is awesome, Sure D'vorah is great. Ferra/Torr was a great one in my book, Although I still think Noob/Smoke did it better grin, Erron Black who is pretty cool in my book as well.

But come on, Who else do we have? Raiden from Metal Gear Solid(That's Takeda.), Green Arrow? And not to forget Random Kickboxer chick #5931.

Oh Oh I actually almost forgot, We have a special forces girl but she is unique because of her parents.

"Okay... What does she do that's unique?"

"Well she has some of her father's moves and some of her mother's moves(Mostly looks not moves)."

"So how in the HELL is she unique?"

"I will tell you..."*Thinks deeply* "She has GUNS :D."

"You mean the thing that sets her apart is the fact that she is Stryker if he had boobs and came out of Sonya's Pandora box?"

"I guess, Bye Bye" *Runs far away*.

In DA we had Mavado, A guy who uses fucking elastic whips to kick your ass. People hated how Mavado looked. I, on the other hand thought he looked quite good, sure his design could have used some work but his early concept arts were pretty good. But still the damn guy is unique.

You have Bo' Rai Cho, A master martial artist, but he rather just beat you by farting and puking all over the place, Again unique.

Not to forget Kenshi, One of the best characters in the series introduced in MK:DA, Actually it's really not fair because Kenshi was made from the start to look like a badass and that's what he is. Blind but still able to fight and kick some ass. Again UNIQUE.

Nitara, Sure she failed as a character for some reason, but her story even though a rip-off from every other Vampire movie, still was quite, entertaining and a nice entry in the MK universe. UNIQUE.

Frost, People always just shit all over Frost because she is a "Subby Female", Not really though. If people were not soooo shallow and gave her an actual chance, they'd see that first her gameplay is different and her story is actually quite good, UNIQUE!!!!!.

We also have Drahmin, People would consider him the worst, but I personally think he is a character that could have been something, But again shallow people only saw that he has bugs flying around him and judged him based on that. Now we will never see this UNIQUE character again.

Even fucking Moloch looked... Generic as hell. But that's exactly what everybody in MKX is. They are all Moloch!

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03/10/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
Stop making the same thread with a different title

No 3D characters. Move on.
03/10/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
TigerStyle Wrote:
I still think it's because they wanted to try out a new gameplay system on next gen technology and wanted to use tried and true characters with a few 3D characters to make sure they could really hammer out good ideas for them within the new system.

Sort of like Deadly Alliance having mostly MK1/2 characters and some new ones in addition to Quan Chi.

The next game will have your Smokes, Jades, Fujins, Reikos, Haviks, Ashrah's, etc

Deadly alliance is the only MK game to introduce about 11-12 new characters with unique and cool personalities to them, Sure you had your Hsu Haos, but I personally thought some characters from that game are pretty unique. something MKX lacks, Outside of a few characters MKX is no where near unique in terms of character variety.

Sure Kotal Kahn is awesome, Sure D'vorah is great. Ferra/Torr was a great one in my book, Although I still think Noob/Smoke did it better grin, Erron Black who is pretty cool in my book as well.

But come on, Who else do we have? Raiden from Metal Gear Solid(That's Takeda.), Green Arrow? And not to forget Random Kickboxer chick #5931.

Oh Oh I actually almost forgot, We have a special forces girl but she is unique because of her parents.

"Okay... What does she do that's unique?"

"Well she has some of her father's moves and some of her mother's moves(Mostly looks not moves)."

"So how in the HELL is she unique?"

"I will tell you..."*Thinks deeply* "She has GUNS :D."

"You mean the thing that sets her apart is the fact that she is Stryker if he had boobs and came out of Sonya's Pandora box?"

"I guess, Bye Bye" *Runs far away*.

In DA we had Mavado, A guy who uses fucking elastic whips to kick your ass. People hated how Mavado looked. I, on the other hand thought he looked quite good, sure his design could have used some work but his early concept arts were pretty good. But still the damn guy is unique.

You have Bo' Rai Cho, A master martial artist, but he rather just beat you by farting and puking all over the place, Again unique.

Not to forget Kenshi, One of the best characters in the series introduced in MK:DA, Actually it's really not fair because Kenshi was made from the started to look like a badass and that's what he is. Blind but still able to fight and kick some ass. Again UNIQUE.

Nitara, Sure she failed as a character for some reason, but her story even though a rip-off from every other Vampire movie, still was quite, entertaining and a nice entry in the MK universe. UNIQUE.

Frost, People always just shit all over Frost because she is a "Subby Female", Not really though. If people were not soooo shallow and gave her an actual chance, they'd see that first her gameplay is different and her story is actually quite good, UNIQUE!!!!!.

We also have Drahmin, People would consider him the worst, but I personally think he is a character that could have been something, But again shallow people only saw that he has bugs flying around him and judged him based on that. Now we will never see this UNIQUE character again.

Even fucking Moloch looked... Generic as hell. But that's exactly what everybody in MKX is. They are all Moloch!


Mavado would have been so much better if they made his ropes look better and gave him another weapon. I know he stole the hook swords but that was kinda Kabals thing. They totally could make him awesome but takeda could end up fight like him if he was improved
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/10/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Also here come the people complaining about complaining

If you're referring to me, then truth be told, I'm starting to make my peace with the complaining. I think the level of complaining is way out of proportion, but it can't be helped, so whatever.

What I am taking issue with is that this exact same question has come up multiple times in each of the previously existing complaint threads, and OP is clearly aware of that, so I'm not sure why this warrants a whole new thread that will inevitably cover all of the same arguments from every side.

It's redundant to the point of being self-parody.
03/10/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
Mavado had a great look and moveset. The number one reason he didn't work out was because of those damn hook swords. In the comic he carries a Katana now, so hopefully if he doesn't die in the comics they put him in MK 11.
03/10/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Also here come the people complaining about complaining

If you're referring to me, then truth be told, I'm starting to make my peace with the complaining. I think the level of complaining is way out of proportion, but it can't be helped, so whatever.

What I am taking issue with is that this exact same question has come up multiple times in each of the previously existing complaint threads, and OP is clearly aware of that, so I'm not sure why this warrants a whole new thread that will inevitably cover all of the same arguments from every side.

It's redundant to the point of being self-parody.

I actually agree with u let's stop making new threads. Also no I wasn't talking about u directly.
03/10/2015 03:47 AM (UTC)
Love people that come on threads just to complain about the thread itself!!! If you don't like the topic ie: more roster complaining or more questions about 3d characters it is very simple if you don't have anything to add to the thread then don't bother. Just because some are happy with the roster doesn't mean we all are and we all have a right to complain and air our grievances on this forum if you don't like it don't come back!

Now onto my disappointment for lack of 3d characters! I can understand how NRS may be concerned about the new variation system and apparent new direction they are heading with this game being responsible for so called "safe" roster choices but then why take a chance on new characters? There is a fine line between safe and boring and I think NRS crossed that line here into boring. Even if they didn't want to bring to many 3d characters back they could have made some better trilogy character choices such as Noob, smoke, Cyrax, sektor, Shang, kabal any would have been better then the same re-treaded special forces characters we keep getting
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03/10/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
Honestly, I hope there are some 3D era characters in MKX. I've learned over the past few weeks that there is a strong fanbase for these characters, and damn they should be happy.

If they aren't in MKX, I just hope those fans accept it and come to terms with it.Post-MKX release, I hope those people still enjoy the game. There's always DLC and I know there's going to be at least a few 3D era characters DLC.
03/10/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
I think if they ever decide to bring back Mavado, they should make him like a gentleman villain and give him a sword like Raphael in Soul Calibur.
03/10/2015 04:03 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Love people that come on threads just to complain about the thread itself!!! If you don't like the topic ie: more roster complaining or more questions about 3d characters it is very simple if you don't have anything to add to the thread then don't bother. Just because some are happy with the roster doesn't mean we all are and we all have a right to complain and air our grievances on this forum if you don't like it don't come back!

Now onto my disappointment for lack of 3d characters! I can understand how NRS may be concerned about the new variation system and apparent new direction they are heading with this game being responsible for so called "safe" roster choices but then why take a chance on new characters? There is a fine line between safe and boring and I think NRS crossed that line here into boring. Even if they didn't want to bring to many 3d characters back they could have made some better trilogy character choices such as Noob, smoke, Cyrax, sektor, Shang, kabal any would have been better then the same re-treaded special forces characters we keep getting

I was just saying that threads should be combined or u should post in the old ones. I just prefer things to be organized.
Does anyone else get the feeling the next gen motif is only gonna be around for this game?

I don't mean it in a negative "WOW THE DEVS ARE RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS THEY'LL GET RID OF THEM AND BRING EVERYONE ELSE BACK NEXT GAME", I mean as in, this is just a story idea they feel like telling for a game before exploring something else?

This is a series that's tried a lot of new stuff each game and it's usually for one installment. Again, not in a bad way, they just thought that the children of some characters would be a fun idea for a game and then try something else next time around. MK's devs have always just kinda done whatever they felt like, and that's brought us a lot of cool things throughout the history of the series and kept it fresh.
03/10/2015 04:13 AM (UTC)
Why is everyone so convinced it's all over? The roster leak is not official. Until a final roster is provided by NRS, or the game is released, we do not know who is truly on the roster. Hang in there guys! Don't buy into speculation and rumors that have yet to be proven

Also, I chuckled at the user who dumped on Cassie for being Cage/Sonya/Stryker with boobs and then a paragraph later went on a rant about how unique Frost is tongue
Well you see the clear difference there is that Frost makes her own hairgel.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/10/2015 04:18 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
it is very simple if you don't have anything to add to the thread then don't bother.

This whole thread has nothing to add. If we're going to advocate people's right to complain, well, I'm exercising mine.

If you're still pissed about the roster, keep on piling up the hate in the Official Roster Rage Thread until it racks up like 200 pages or something. Then tweet it to NRS. That would send a real message.

But how can you really expect people to "ignore it if we don't like it" when the hate keeps getting rubbed in our faces, over and over again? There is almost no refuge on this forum for people who actually want to enjoy the game, or even just to enjoy talking about it. Talking about this game in any capacity is just too damn frustrating anymore, because even threads that weren't created to talk about the roster end up getting hijacked.

And that's not a problem the studio created. We did, as a community. That's kind of sad, isn't it?
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03/10/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
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03/10/2015 04:27 AM (UTC)
Oh come on. I'm beginning to think everyone of these 3d era topic authors are spam robots. (Or cyborgs if you want to play that game). Enough alreadyyy
03/10/2015 04:29 AM (UTC)
Does anyone remember if it was like this with mk9 I was not here at that time.
03/10/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
Probably not like this because with MK9 you pretty much knew what you were gonna be getting
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03/10/2015 04:51 AM (UTC)
There is a flood coming and im offering you place on the ark...

The 3Dgates will open soon, RainGate will look like a puddle compared to what's coming...
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03/10/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
it is very simple if you don't have anything to add to the thread then don't bother.

This whole thread has nothing to add. If we're going to advocate people's right to complain, well, I'm exercising mine.

If you're still pissed about the roster, keep on piling up the hate in the Official Roster Rage Thread until it racks up like 200 pages or something. Then tweet it to NRS. That would send a real message.

But how can you really expect people to "ignore it if we don't like it" when the hate keeps getting rubbed in our faces, over and over again? There is almost no refuge on this forum for people who actually want to enjoy the game, or even just to enjoy talking about it. Talking about this game in any capacity is just too damn frustrating anymore, because even threads that weren't created to talk about the roster end up getting hijacked.

And that's not a problem the studio created. We did, as a community. That's kind of sad, isn't it?

It's getting to that point where it might be better to just leave altogether until the game comes out and some more interesting category of complaining takes over.

Let us also note that no one here knows the roster for sure. Even if the leak is true, they continued to work on the game from that moment on, and the possibility stands that there were 1 or 2 characters added; maybe even that the leaked roster was from an incomplete build.

It would be pretty hilarious to have this forum flooded with a bunch of retaliating "HAHA!" threads once the final build is revealed to have more post-Trilogy characters than just Shinnok.
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