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01/16/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
Sorry, im reading the U.K edition. smile
01/16/2015 07:35 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote: Page 31 has what I posted in my first post page 86 the full page of Goro advertising next months issue with all the MKX coverage.

First it was Feb's issue, now it's March's. Are you sure this time?

Can you post/upload Goro advertising the issue?
01/16/2015 07:37 PM (UTC)
lol @onlytanyafan your reasoning is seriously pretty terrible. It seems you want to ignore the character in general and act like he doesn't even exist. What did you do for the characters you didn't like in MK9? And you say you don't care for the story, but don't even want to try the character out for his playstyle? I mean come the fuck on you even admit Kintaro has very similar specials and you apparently love him but just because of a different appearance you won't give Goro a second thought?

Also, they try and cater to the majority of the fan base. The majority loves Goro and it's been awhile since he's looked this fucking good. I agree with what vigo said, this is his first time to ACTUALLY be a really good, fully playable character.

He was total fucking garbage in Deception, and was by far the worst rendition of Goro. He played literally nothing how I felt Goro should actually be played, he was slow, clunky, and was very rushed. Atleast in MK4 he was actually pretty tough to beat if you played on the higher difficulties, and he was broken as fuck. His grab alone did like 40% damage. He wasn't as fun to play, but as a sub-boss he definitely held his own.

You wanting Tanya as pre-order is irrelevant. Any fan of any character would obviously love it if their favorite character was the pre-order bonus. If Fujin was a bonus I would be fucking psyched. But I can't argue with the logic around Goro being the bonus, it is what it is and that is totally fine to me. It makes SENSE. I just don't understand your thought process. Sorry.
01/16/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Goro is kind of special, he is more iconic than Kintaro, Motaro or any of the other sub-bosses in the MK games, IMO. Even from a story perspective he seems more special (MK champ for a long time, winning 9 tournaments and was undefeated for 500 years) but I know you don't care about story in fighting games and think they should focus strictly on fighting so that point is kind of moot I guess.

I may get flamed, or attacked for saying this, but I am the only one who want MK to go to same route where it's like Soul Calibur V, or Virtua Fighter. which have NO STORY at all to begin with. I can care less about the character's bio, nor Ending(I don't even read them, nor care...) and I want the MK team to focus ONLY ON KHARACTER MOVES, and PLAYABILITY. NO SINGLE STORY, NOR LAME STORY MODE, JUST LIKE in the ARCADE days where there were NO story modes, better yet, they should NOT have ANY UNLOCKABLEs in the story mode, for, I do NOT want to be FORCED into playing that garbage to unlock anything, like they did in MKD. I want MK to be FIGHTING GAME ONLY, with no side game craps, nor story mode junk. They don't even carry on to the next game anyway, so what good of having it. If I wanted a story, I would spend my money on a lame RPGs, or Adventures, where story is REQUIRED. For this reason, Goro to me, is just another character who is NOT important NOR special, and should NOT be considered as a pre-order special. He should be treated as just another REGULAR character no matter what, or just have him as DLC, so I don't have to waste my money on, for I do NOT want him on the roster.

So, unless Tanya is also the bonus(to me, that will be the BEST bonus ever) along with Goro, that will be the only reason to pre-order for me, since I know the chance of Tanya being in as one of the regular roster is pretty slim, for there are more haters than lovers for her, all due to her lame STORY.

I remember back when Tekken had 2 versions. The one with story, and the one that is tournament only(I think), that only had versus, and the 1P mode without story. If MK can make these 2 versions, you KNOW which one I am going to get.

My favorites and least favorite list drastically differs from most of you since I only care about the characters's moves, and play style, along with ease of learn, part of the reason, I love the characters that most people hate due to story aspect. Tanya, and Daegon for example, and hate the characters most people love.

I know, this may sound harsh, arogant, selfish, stubborn whatever, or you may even call it childish, but that's how I see for the story in a fighting games, and I don't care if I get attacked or name calling or what ever.

I will shut up now on this topic. So, attack me, or flame me whatever, since that's my point of view, and I am proud for it. I promise I won't reply on this again, for, I know, I have made some new enemies by posting this.

Mortal Kombat has endured because of all things you hate. People love the lore of Mortal Kombat. Your opinion is your opinion, but for most of us, it makes no sense. You would prefer Mortal Kombat be stripped of everything that makes it unique. Soul Calibur and Virtua Fighter aren't nearly as successful as MK and it because of its lack of pop culture icon status.

Mortal Kombat has been Movies, Tv shows, Web shows, cartoons, toys, clothing, music, live stage tours and comic books ...... It makes no sense for WB or Netherrealm to ignore all of that , just to turn it I to another boring high execution competitive fighter for the Evo crowd. If that is your interest there are already plenty of games out there that fit your taste, why turn MK into another snooze fest ?
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