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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

01/05/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
February's issue could have pictures of Goro.grin

this is something i don't understand. you want to make people order the game with goro as an exclusive char, but you only show one picture of goro... no gameplay video or eveh pics..... hm...

Look to la Luna.
Isn't he pre-order content?

Oh He'll get a trailer, It just won't be the one you want.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Power to the players
01/05/2015 01:00 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Isn't he pre-order content?

Oh He'll get a trailer, It just won't be the one you want.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Power to the players

Oh god. It's gonna be like this one.

01/05/2015 02:47 AM (UTC)
I personally wouldn't waste my money if the pre-order is only limited to Goro. It's just not offering much incentive for pre-orderring. Part of the reason being that Goro is boring to me, and he had been OVER-used. I know he has the much bigger fan-base than any other boss kharacter, since he was the original sub-boss, but I got tired of seeing him, and I don't much care about him. If it was like Kintaro, or even Motaro, it would have been different. But Goro? Meh... and I am sure I am not the minority on that one, I may, but I don't care.
01/05/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
I personally wouldn't waste my money if the pre-order is only limited to Goro. It's just not offering much incentive for pre-orderring. Part of the reason being that Goro is boring to me, and he had been OVER-used. I know he has the much bigger fan-base than any other boss kharacter, since he was the original sub-boss, but I got tired of seeing him, and I don't much care about him. If it was like Kintaro, or even Motaro, it would have been different. But Goro? Meh... and I am sure I am not the minority on that one, I may, but I don't care.

You really think Goro is overused when hes only been in half the series games?
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01/05/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I'm happy with the way the reveals have been slugging along. I know most people would love to hear about their favorite returning, so I get it. But damn it makes me happy to not know much, if this is their plan then I hope no leaks happen. At this rate i'm fully ready to not know more than half the roster until I put the game in. So pumped.

Its nice to see people that still feel way. I get the people on the other side of the coin, but there is something about unknowns in a video game that takes me back and gets me even more pumped for a game.

At this point, I have no doubt the game will be great. NRS has earned my and hopefully everyone's trust with their last couple of games.

Yea I would much rather not know every little detail before I even get the game. After like two more reveals and maybe some details on extra modes/online i'm gonna just ignore any new stuff. I think back to Deadly Alliance. I loved that game and a lot of it had to do with me knowing nothing at all about the game other than it being a new mk.
01/05/2015 04:06 AM (UTC)
I'd rather have it where Netherrealm Studios don't reveal anything at all.

But of course, that's just me, and I can't get what I want unfortunately in this situation.
01/05/2015 04:40 AM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
I personally wouldn't waste my money if the pre-order is only limited to Goro. It's just not offering much incentive for pre-orderring. Part of the reason being that Goro is boring to me, and he had been OVER-used. I know he has the much bigger fan-base than any other boss kharacter, since he was the original sub-boss, but I got tired of seeing him, and I don't much care about him. If it was like Kintaro, or even Motaro, it would have been different. But Goro? Meh... and I am sure I am not the minority on that one, I may, but I don't care.

If you are getting the game anyway, how is preordering a waste of money? You're not paying more just reserving a copy of the game.
01/09/2015 12:44 AM (UTC)
February's issue is up on Google Play, nothing is mentioned about MKX on the cover. So, I doubt there is anything inside.
01/10/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
I personally wouldn't waste my money if the pre-order is only limited to Goro. It's just not offering much incentive for pre-orderring. Part of the reason being that Goro is boring to me, and he had been OVER-used. I know he has the much bigger fan-base than any other boss kharacter, since he was the original sub-boss, but I got tired of seeing him, and I don't much care about him. If it was like Kintaro, or even Motaro, it would have been different. But Goro? Meh... and I am sure I am not the minority on that one, I may, but I don't care.

If you are getting the game anyway, how is preordering a waste of money? You're not paying more just reserving a copy of the game.

I just don't like the kharacter Goro. I prefer other bosses like Kintaro, Motaro, even Onaga, who has been in FAR less games, and they need to be given a chance. I would rather WAIT until the game releases and AVOID Goro, if that's the only incentive in pre-orderring. That's my plan, since I just don't like Goro. If it has other extras that I may like, and Goro is NOT the only bonus, I may re-consider.
01/10/2015 05:03 AM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
I personally wouldn't waste my money if the pre-order is only limited to Goro. It's just not offering much incentive for pre-orderring. Part of the reason being that Goro is boring to me, and he had been OVER-used. I know he has the much bigger fan-base than any other boss kharacter, since he was the original sub-boss, but I got tired of seeing him, and I don't much care about him. If it was like Kintaro, or even Motaro, it would have been different. But Goro? Meh... and I am sure I am not the minority on that one, I may, but I don't care.

You really think Goro is overused when hes only been in half the series games?

He's been on Far more games than, Kintaro, Motaro, Molloch, or Onaga has ever been on. Heck, I was actually hoping for Kintaro to make it on the home port of MK4, but Goro went in instead, and to me, he looked and felt AWFUL in that game. Yeah, MK4 was a bad game to begin with, and my best kharacter couldn't have chosen a worse game to debut on, but, Goro need to rest.... Well, that's how I see it. Sorry Goro Fans.
smokeman14 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Isn't he pre-order content?

Oh He'll get a trailer, It just won't be the one you want.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Power to the players

Oh god. It's gonna be like this one.


damn that's a hilarious commercial
01/10/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
Your take on Goro makes no sense to me. The only other game he was in besides Kintaro was MK4, and Deception on psp and GameCube....and both td was added in last minute which don't really count as much. And what the other guy said is true also, your getting the game, why not preorder and get a free character. I'm not a huge Goro fan, but your reasons don't make sense to me. It's ok not to like him, but I dunno why for that.
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01/10/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
7 of 10 games. That's how many games is Goro in. I don't count SM. But he's kool. I prefer him to be in every game instead of stupid onya, mileena sheeva, liu kang, rayden, kitana and many more bs characters ;)
01/10/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
Chameleon Wrote:
Your take on Goro makes no sense to me. The only other game he was in besides Kintaro was MK4, and Deception on psp and GameCube....and both td was added in last minute which don't really count as much. And what the other guy said is true also, your getting the game, why not preorder and get a free character. I'm not a huge Goro fan, but your reasons don't make sense to me. It's ok not to like him, but I dunno why for that.

Sorry. I just don't like the kharacter, and don't like the fact that the team throws him as a bonus as if he is THAT special. well, not to me. in MK9, there was ONE kharacter and ONE skin that I boycotted in buying. Rain(since I hate him), and Sub's skin(since I also hate the kharacter), since I NEVER want to see their face nor fight against them. Same thing goes to Goro. While I don't actually HATE goro like I do sub or rain or Stryker, If he is the only reason the pre-order is different, I would rather wait and AVOID him Free kharacter you say? it doesn't really matter for I won't even touch that FREE kharacter, and if he is there, I would probably use him as a target practice for my Fatality, which I have done to Sub, Stryker, and Rain in the previous games. So. No thanx. I don't mind him in, but I don't want him regarded as something special, because to me, he ISN'T. MK Team seems to act as him as something VERY special like they did in MK4/Gold, though he wasn't, OVER-RATING the kharacter who really isn't that special. I prefer, Kintaro over him 1000/1 even though they are BOTH shokans and share similar special moves. Though, I do respect him as being the ORIGINAL Shokan boss in MK1, and that's about it. To me, Kintaro was far bigger, and stronger, and much cooler looking and tougher to beat at first than Goro ever was.

Sorry if this is any offensive any of you Goro fans, but I don't like the kharacter and that's my opinions.
01/10/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
7 of 10 games. That's how many games is Goro in. I don't count SM. But he's kool. I prefer him to be in every game instead of stupid onya, mileena sheeva, liu kang, rayden, kitana and many more bs characters ;)

7 of 10 games is still way more chances if you compare the later bosses that are far cooler and stronger who barely been given next to NO chance at all, Well, I will just stop on this since this is going nowhere. We all have different taste and opinion, and that's mine. Just don't like Goro and don't want the character, so I will wait for the game to release so I don't have to bother looking at his face nor play against him. Period.
01/10/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
Goro is kind of special, he is more iconic than Kintaro, Motaro or any of the other sub-bosses in the MK games, IMO. Even from a story perspective he seems more special (MK champ for a long time, winning 9 tournaments and was undefeated for 500 years) but I know you don't care about story in fighting games and think they should focus strictly on fighting so that point is kind of moot I guess.

01/10/2015 04:34 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'd rather have it where Netherrealm Studios don't reveal anything at all.

But of course, that's just me, and I can't get what I want unfortunately in this situation.


We're (all of us) Mortal Kombat fans. We WILL buy the latest installments regardless on how we feel on the direction. Having absolutely no info will NOT make you not buy it.

Why must people feel they need to know 100% of a game's content and surprises months in advance, only to spend money on the game anyway? Why bother paying for a product when you know what awaits you?

There's no journey. No discovery. No moments that you will treasure. Nothing. Just an open book with a single page that lists a rough summary of the plot in footnotes.

I just don't get the mentality of some gamers.
01/10/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I'd rather have it where Netherrealm Studios don't reveal anything at all.

But of course, that's just me, and I can't get what I want unfortunately in this situation.


We're (all of us) Mortal Kombat fans. We WILL buy the latest installments regardless on how we feel on the direction. Having absolutely no info will NOT make you not buy it.

Why must people feel they need to know 100% of a game's content and surprises months in advance, only to spend money on the game anyway? Why bother paying for a product when you know what awaits you?

There's no journey. No discovery. No moments that you will treasure. Nothing. Just an open book with a single page that lists a rough summary of the plot in footnotes.

I just don't get the mentality of some gamers.

Exactly, this is kind of my take on it. I don't mind some reveals but I don't need to or want to know everything the entire game has to offer, I enjoy finding stuff out on my own.
01/10/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Goro is kind of special, he is more iconic than Kintaro, Motaro or any of the other sub-bosses in the MK games, IMO. Even from a story perspective he seems more special (MK champ for a long time, winning 9 tournaments and was undefeated for 500 years) but I know you don't care about story in fighting games and think they should focus strictly on fighting so that point is kind of moot I guess.

I may get flamed, or attacked for saying this, but I am the only one who want MK to go to same route where it's like Soul Calibur V, or Virtua Fighter. which have NO STORY at all to begin with. I can care less about the character's bio, nor Ending(I don't even read them, nor care...) and I want the MK team to focus ONLY ON KHARACTER MOVES, and PLAYABILITY. NO SINGLE STORY, NOR LAME STORY MODE, JUST LIKE in the ARCADE days where there were NO story modes, better yet, they should NOT have ANY UNLOCKABLEs in the story mode, for, I do NOT want to be FORCED into playing that garbage to unlock anything, like they did in MKD. I want MK to be FIGHTING GAME ONLY, with no side game craps, nor story mode junk. They don't even carry on to the next game anyway, so what good of having it. If I wanted a story, I would spend my money on a lame RPGs, or Adventures, where story is REQUIRED. For this reason, Goro to me, is just another character who is NOT important NOR special, and should NOT be considered as a pre-order special. He should be treated as just another REGULAR character no matter what, or just have him as DLC, so I don't have to waste my money on, for I do NOT want him on the roster. So, unless Tanya is also the bonus(to me, that will be the BEST bonus ever) along with Goro, that will be the only reason to pre-order for me, since I know the chance of Tanya being in as one of the regular roster is pretty slim, for there are more haters than lovers for her, all due to her lame STORY. I remember back when Tekken had 2 versions. The one with story, and the one that is tournament only(I think), that only had versus, and the 1P mode without story. If MK can make these 2 versions, you KNOW which one I am going to get. My favorites and least favorite list drastically differs from most of you since I only care about the characters's moves, and play style, along with ease of learn, part of the reason, I love the characters that most people hate due to story aspect. Tanya, and Daegon for example, and hate the characters most people love.

I know, this may sound harsh, arogant, selfish, stubborn whatever, or you may even call it childish, but that's how I see for the story in a fighting games, and I don't care if I get attacked or name calling or what ever. I will shut up now on this topic. So, attack me, or flame me whatever, since that's my point of view, and I am proud for it. I promise I won't reply on this again, for, I know, I have made some new enemies by posting this.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/16/2015 09:16 AM (UTC)
Did anyone get there issue yet? I usually get mine today
01/16/2015 12:42 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Did anyone get there issue yet? I usually get mine today

I doubt there is anything on MKX in the magazine. It was up on Google Play for over a week and nothing is mentioned on the cover. Unless it won't be the same, idk then.
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

01/16/2015 12:45 PM (UTC)
Got the mag, there is a tiny little article on MKX on page 35. Not even half a page, no new info and screens we've seen before.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/16/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
Page 31 has what I posted in my first post page 86 the full page of Goro advertising next months issue with all the MKX coverage.

Read my first post. The Magazine releases in February for March.
SlickRick82 Wrote:
Got the mag, there is a tiny little article on MKX on page 35. Not even half a page, no new info and screens we've seen before.
01/16/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
Getting to play as any of the big sub-boss characters with this new-gen, new system is special. That to me is special and im Injustice fighting system makes it possible (along with variations) to have a big sub-boss balancex enough for fair play. Goro being the most iconic of those sub-boss characters, it only makes sense for him to get first crack at being completely playable.
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