Future of X-raymoves
posted09/11/2014 01:22 AM (UTC)by
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09/18/2003 11:39 PM (UTC)
How do you all feel about xraymoves? They sure are cool yeh?
But they also slow down the matches A LOT.
Many people seem to dislike the length of xrays.

Would it be difficult to add in a way to skip the slowmo in xrays to speed them up? Or maybe make their animations to 1-2 hits instead of 3?

Or why not have an option to turn xrays off entirely. I would like that. Especially when playing against AI.
Instead we could use the full meter for beefed up specialmoves.

An option to skip fatalities online would be good as well. They are cool to see a few times but when opponents online CONSTANTLY perform them it gets tedious.
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06/14/2014 11:00 AM (UTC)
I honestly wouldn't mind if X-rays get eventually changed into Brutalities.

I always find these X-rays, that can be pulled off in the middle of the battle, too much. You're basically performing Fatalities on the opponent, and he keeps moving on like nothing happened.

If they don't get turned into Brutalities, maybe they could change it so everyone gets to pull off 1 X-ray per battle. Just like Injustice only allows you to initiate the Clash once per battle. And maybe they could make them also real game changers, by either lowering the opponents attack or defense rate, once he suffered a devastating X-ray attack.
06/14/2014 11:24 AM (UTC)
Good points there, once per match would seem more ok than 3 per round.

But turning them into finishers would also seem sound, as you mention, the xray itself would kill most people...
06/14/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
x-Rays are there and are mostly only two hits.
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06/14/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
X-Ray's are fine the way they are. Though, I feel Scorpion's is a little bit on the long side while SZ's is the opposite.

The only change I want to see is the input commands. They should be character-specific. Also, I wouldn't mind seeing every character have 2 X-Ray moves with different priorities this time around
09/07/2014 09:38 AM (UTC)
So basically, if the supermeter has an X at the one end, once you reach it. The X starts to glow in a MK-esque way. This is when you can perform the X-ray move.
Once that's done, make the X disappear for the rest of the match. This way we only get 1 Xray per match. If the bar fills up again it can only be used for beefed up supermoves.

I've seen so many fights in MK2011 where someone throws projectiles just to fill the x-ray bar and the use it over and over.
09/07/2014 11:52 AM (UTC)
Personally I rarely used them. Especially in competitive play, why spend 3 bars of meter to do 38% damage, when you can spend 1 in a combo and do more than 40%? In some occasions you can incorporate an XRay into a combo for more damage but meh. Still doing 2 different combos with 1 bar of meter in each one could inflict way more damage than spending all 3 in one.

Plus some of the XRays in the new game look ridiculously gory. I know MK9 had some that made you wonder "How the hell is he still walking?" but Kotal's is way overboard. So since there is a way to finish off the opponent -> fatality, an XRay should be a toned down version of them; not an amplified one.

I do love the idea behind them tho, but they are mostly for rookies and casual players imo. Which means the game is good for all kinds of players so hey. Not complaining about them. I just personally never really used them.
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09/07/2014 12:06 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
How do you all feel about xraymoves? They sure are cool yeh?
But they also slow down the matches A LOT.
Many people seem to dislike the length of xrays.

Or why not have an option to turn xrays off entirely. I would like that.

I remember doing this song and dance when they introduce the X-Ray concept in Mortal Kombat 2011.

But I gotten used to it when playing the game.

I too also asked for option turn off, months later someone asked a developer and they said they will think about it. Never happen. Instead, it's a kombat code, and who the fuck is going to input it with me?

And I still hate that you can pull an X-Ray out of nowhere though. I still prefer that you must combo into it.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/07/2014 12:28 PM (UTC)
I'm kind of tired of X-Rays. I'd like to see them as essentially a round-ender, like a mini fatality. Or maybe the MK equivalent of an Ultra Combo from KI. But to me, after the initial "awesome" factor wears off, it kind of takes the sheen from fatalities
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09/07/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
X-rays are awesome and not everyone plays this game to make money of it, but for fun. My friends who can't play well use them and like them cuz they are easy to do. Nobody here from MK Team would listen to few guys who play MK tournaments. They are looking at the big picture.

So x-rays are ultra kool, I hope they make them even more brutal and sick in the next games.
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09/07/2014 02:24 PM (UTC)
I love X-rays as they are. I like the little break within the fight. Also fatalities ARE mortal Kombat - they don't need no on/off feature. This ain't street fighter!

What you described is the tournament scene. Never see X-rays or fatalities. Even the blood is turned off in that scene. Boring, if you ask me.

Or maybe I'm just too casual for you haha; though I wouldn't have it any other way!
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09/07/2014 04:00 PM (UTC)
I always thought they were too much. Visually they were better than a lot of fatalities and like someone above said you can get more for your meter when using enhanced specials instead of wasting the whole meter on an x-ray.

They probably shouldn't brought bone breaking moves back tbh.
09/08/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)
I think once u use it,u cant use it again even if the special meter fills again or just don't let it go past the 2nd bar after u use it .
09/08/2014 01:58 AM (UTC)
X-rays are, indeed, visually overwhelming. As mentioned a dozen times already, they look like fatalities in and of themselves, and no human being should be able to walk away from them.

That being said, this is MK. People in real life don't fight like MK fighters. Fights do not resemble epic, choreographed spectacles where two people perform chain combos on one another. In real life, a single punch can be lethal, and more often than not, most fights devolve into nothing more than a grapple and Rain O' Fists.

So, I'm okay with X-rays looking like they do...because MK isn't really about realism. MK fighters are basically superheroes when it comes to strength, stamina, durability, ect.

Now, as for mechanics, yes, they do slow down the game considerably. But that isn't always and bad thing, and I honestly think they should remain (and the option to turn them off should NOT be implemented). If the pro's don't want to use them, then they don't have to (and likely won't). But the option should always be open to them, so no disable button.

As for the casual folks, let them spam their X-ray as much as they want. Odds are, if they're playing against any opponent worth their fighting game-salt, they'll be severely punished for wasting their entire meter to dish out a mere 35-45% damage (if they even land it). And it's not like the Super Meter recharges all that quickly. so you're looking at maybe 1-2 X=ray opportunities per player. And if someone is spamming projectiles to build their meter, and you're not punishing that, then that's YOU'RE fault. You're playing at a level commensurate to the spammer. tongue


-X-rays are fun to watch...pending suspension of disbelief.

-Pro's won't use X-rays. Casuals will.

-Don't like 'em? Don't use 'em. Congrats, you've just reduced in-game downtime by 50% (or 100% if your opponent is of like-mind). glasses

-If hit by an X-ray, just sit back and enjoy. Maybe have a sip of your soda?

-If hit by more than 2 X-rays per match...you're doing it wrong. grin
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09/08/2014 05:02 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Personally I rarely used them. Especially in competitive play, why spend 3 bars of meter to do 38% damage, when you can spend 1 in a combo and do more than 40%? In some occasions you can incorporate an XRay into a combo for more damage but meh. Still doing 2 different combos with 1 bar of meter in each one could inflict way more damage than spending all 3 in one.

Precisely. X-Rays become more like taunts in competitive play. Though someone in the Westcoast Warzone chat told me X-Rays won't scale anymore. He may have misheard/misread that info, but if that ends up being true, it's going to be a game changer. Combo damage is going to get insane (which is a good thing, IMO), and the breaker is going to be that much more valuable.
09/08/2014 10:06 AM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

That being said, this is MK. People in real life don't fight like MK fighters.

So, I'm okay with X-rays looking like they do...because MK isn't really about realism.

You are partially correct with that. MK indeed was never about realistic fights with all the powers and jumping around. However they are taking a step forward in the realism department with the stamina meter in MKX. In previous games you could run/jump/use specials nonstop but in MKX there will be a limit to some of those which essentially adds a touch of realism into the game. Real fighters would eventually get fatigued from a fight; that's exactly what the stamina bar will add.
So they do seem to want to take the game to a more realistic route with that. In that sense, why wouldn't they want to make XRays realistic as well? I don't think it's a matter of "realism". I think it's a matter of them thinking: "Hey how awesome would it be for Kotal to shove his sword through his opponent's neck and then twist it to break his spine? Fuck me right? Let's do it!".
09/08/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

That being said, this is MK. People in real life don't fight like MK fighters.

So, I'm okay with X-rays looking like they do...because MK isn't really about realism.

You are partially correct with that. MK indeed was never about realistic fights with all the powers and jumping around. However they are taking a step forward in the realism department with the stamina meter in MKX. In previous games you could run/jump/use specials nonstop but in MKX there will be a limit to some of those which essentially adds a touch of realism into the game. Real fighters would eventually get fatigued from a fight; that's exactly what the stamina bar will add.
So they do seem to want to take the game to a more realistic route with that. In that sense, why wouldn't they want to make XRays realistic as well? I don't think it's a matter of "realism". I think it's a matter of them thinking: "Hey how awesome would it be for Kotal to shove his sword through his opponent's neck and then twist it to break his spine? Fuck me right? Let's do it!".

True. They do seem to be moving in a more realistic direction with MKX. I will definitely grant you that.

BUT, even so, how can you make X-rays realistic? Granted, a sword through the neck is most definitely fatal and a little over the top (even if Kotal's is my favorite x-ray so far lol). But X-rays by their very nature are supposed to be brutal special moves. Even if they were toned down, you'd still likely be doing damage to your opponent that no ordinary person could ever hope to walk away from.

So, no matter how realistic MK becomes, it'll never come close to reality. They can add all the fatigue, stamina bars, and after-action doctor reports that they want. It's still ninja spectres fighting Thunder Gods and Ki-channeling monks vs four-armed half dragons. Thus, since MK will never be inherently realisitic, X-rays probably shouldn't be either, tbh. They are bring performed by supernatural folks, afterall. lol

In short, they're more spectacle than anything else. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy the brutality! wink

Or, don't execute them. grin
09/08/2014 12:10 PM (UTC)
I would be/am happy to see X-Rays become a permanent fixture of MK gameplay along with the super meter and EX moves in general.

Not only are they basically a more elaborate version of MK4's Bone Breaker throws, a mechanic I loved and wanted to see more of, all fighting games have Super Moves now, it's only fitting that MK's version, instead of being a giant laser beam, incorporate some kind of gore and the X-Ray effect is a clever way to do so, not to mention it fits the MK theme of having all the important stuff be an homage to a famous kung fu movie, i.e. Romeo Must Die.
09/08/2014 01:58 PM (UTC)
Specialmoves are lethal as well. Stryker goes blam blam with guns. That would kill someone.

I play MK2011 against AI most of the time. They seem to enjoy using x-rays a bit to much.
+ When you've seen them 10+ times you get tired of them.
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09/08/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
I am all for X-rays not scaling after comboing into them. This will make them viable in high level play with potential damage up to 60-70%, giving huge comebacks as rewards better chances
09/08/2014 05:49 PM (UTC)
Watching someone's face break in slo-mo is cool and all but I think it would be even more brutal if it was in real time.

It seems like NRS is like "hey check out how awesome our character model's are! yeah, lets slow it down so you can see it better, every character is unique guys"

I feel as though if it were in real time you would have people scrambling to do the x-ray move again because of little nuances they may have missed.

My point is pretty much "less is more". NRS might be trying too hard
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09/08/2014 07:26 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Watching someone's face break in slo-mo is cool and all but I think it would be even more brutal if it was in real time.

It seems like NRS is like "hey check out how awesome our character model's are! yeah, lets slow it down so you can see it better, every character is unique guys"

I feel as though if it were in real time you would have people scrambling to do the x-ray move again because of little nuances they may have missed.

My point is pretty much "less is more". NRS might be trying too hard

That could be a way of keeping them fresh for MK11.
09/08/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
NRS should implement an option to turn off X-rays, as we were able to turn off the "clash" in IGAU.
09/09/2014 09:07 AM (UTC)
Oh yes, someone please make a sped up version video of all the xrays from mk2011!
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

09/09/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
Jhonny Wrote:
Oh yes, someone please make a sped up version video of all the xrays from mk2011!

Go to Youtube.
Search for keywords that will take you to Mortal Kombat 9 All X-Rays.
Bottom right corner of video player. Settings. Toggle the Speed options.
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