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06/05/2015 05:26 AM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:


Wow you lost me in the first paragraph.

Being from another country has nothing to do with writing abilities. So now everyone who is from a non-English speaking country can't write properly in English? Let me tell you that half of my friends are from other countries where English is not the primary language and they write better than me. Not cool man.

Einstein, he can't write accurately in English because his English is not accurate. I've spoken with him countless times, and this is the best he can do to communicate in a language that isn't Portuguese, wherein he can communicate seamlessly. He doesn't have poor writing ability, he has poor writing ability in English, which he does not fully grasp. I dunno how many ways I can put this. If you wanna attack him for being hostile to you, then go ahead, just don't belittle him for not fully knowing the language. He's doing better than most people in the world who don't know anything but their native tongue.

petrcech Wrote:"Sonya is cool, BUT here's why my character is better". Excuse me where did this come from??? We were simply predicting the females that will return in MK11.

I'll tell you precisely where this is coming from: years of being on the site and reading your posts. Eventually there's just a straw that breaks the camel's back. Now, I'm not attacking anything about you other than your choice of insult to the Brazilian user above, but I am freely speaking about my distaste for much of your ongoing mannerism when it comes to this subject. I'm really not exaggerating when I say that I am incapable of remembering a post of yours that brushes the subject of these two characters without taking a passive-aggressive jab at Sonya. And I don't usually pay that kind of thing any mind (thus why we've had plenty of amicable exchanges); but it just so happens that for the past 2 or 3 days there's been a whole band of bad-mouthers between this thread and the "Usage stats" thread, so I felt I wanted to throw in my two cents by responding to certain users involved.

petrcech Wrote:
Anyways, the point of this thread is which females are likely to return in MK11. Please stop getting so defensive and angry if we don't predict that your main character will return.

It's too easy and convenient for you to believe that everything I just said is because you "didn't predict my character will return". Why in the world would I care that much about whether or not you think what? Are you the new decision-maker at NRS? 'Cuz if not, then your assumption that I'm emotional over what you think is pretty silly.

Again, I'll reiterate, that my expressions were toward your perpetual passive-aggressive jabs at the character over the course of the years, followed by the usual "shock" that someone then reacts aggressively to them. There's been many instances. Equally, you don't have to listen to me or care about anything I'm saying; my goal was not to convince you that I'm right in my observation of your behavior, it was very simply to state what I stated, and that's it. It's stated. Overdue and stated. Take and leave what you will.

petrcech Wrote:Cassie was pretty much the main hero of MKX. I personally hate this but it is what happened in the story and I will not go into it since its another topic. In MKX, Cassie needed her parents for guidance and support. Now that she's all grown up, she no longer requires her parent's aid. Even though she doesn't play exactly like her parents, she still has something from each parent. If MK11 goes further into time, Sonya and Cage will continue to age. For those reasons, I don't see the Cage parents returning as playable characters in MK11. Maybe in MK12.

That was my original post, which has nothing to do with KITANA vs SONYA. It is my opinion, so if you don't agree that's fine. Just don't start attacking other characters and getting all emotional.

Hahawhat? THAT was your original post? Sure, yeah.

I remember it being something along the lines of "No Sonya because Cassie is here!" and "It's unlikely they'll put both Sonya and Cassie in!" (the old invalid pre-MKX wishful B.S. I was referring to earlier). Also the statement that a freshly-killed character has more chances than the perfectly-fine General of the Special Forces and Earthrealm leader. Don't now all of a sudden try your hand at reasonably writing out a valid post and pass it off as what you've been saying all along. If that had been your original post, you wouldn't have had me and three other users reacting negatively toward you. You might find yourself to be more skilled at owning up to your jabs than covering them up.

And I never attacked anyone's character. When did I say anything bad about yours? Again, you might find yourself to be more skilled at owning up to your jabs than covering them up.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

06/05/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
I'd go with:

Li Mei

Honorable Mention:

Sonya: I seen this as passing of the torch to the youngins I wouldn't mind seeing her take a break and actually be a General.

Mileena: Yeah she probably won't make it because she's dead but hey who knows?

Sheeva: With Kotal's forces weakened she might be leading the charge to put the Shokan on the throne.

Kira: Mr. Kittleson has her as one of his fave's so hey why not I wouldn't mind seeing her with a revamped style.
06/05/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)


See the difference here is that you've spoken to him and YOU know his story. I don't. Therefore, I have no idea about him not fully knowing the language. So you can't make such accusations about me attacking him for not fully knowing the language. Comprende?

Also, don't try to use that lame excuse of "there's just a straw that breaks the camel's back". All your doing is bringing back old disagreements for no reason, which has resulted in this thread losing it's focus.

My original post was brief "Sonya won't be in MK11(Cassie has arrived)" which I have elaborated on in my previous post to explain why I predict that, hoping that all these emotional Sonya fans (including yourself) would understand why I believe Sonya will not be in MK11. I don't work for NRS, it's just my opinion. Don't like it? That's fine, just control your emotions like an adult.

You didn't attack other characters, that was a general comment towards all the other Sonya fans that have attacked Mileena and Kitana fans for no reason.

Anyways, let's stop with this unnecessary drama. We're too old for this.

annilation Wrote:
I'd go with:

Li Mei

Honorable Mention:

Sonya: I seen this as passing of the torch to the youngins I wouldn't mind seeing her take a break and actually be a General.

Mileena: Yeah she probably won't make it because she's dead but hey who knows?

Sheeva: With Kotal's forces weakened she might be leading the charge to put the Shokan on the throne.

Kira: Mr. Kittleson has her as one of his fave's so hey why not I wouldn't mind seeing her with a revamped style.

That would be a great cast of females! However, I would remove Jacqui for Jade or/& Mileena.

Li Mei is probably my favorite female from the 3D era of MK games. I can't wait to see how they design her and where she will go in this new and crazy MK universe.
06/05/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
The fact of the matter is that we're 25 years into the series and Sonya is still played/used more than Kitana and Mileena, is still alive unlike Kitana and Mileena, and still has an important role unlike Mileena, so i don't see why she is so likely to be cut while the "female Scorpion and Sub-Zero" but with 1/4 the usage are "locks" or shoe-ins.
@petrcech At least some of us do make the effort to communicate in a foreign language. Mistakes or not, that should be admirable, not nitpicked. How many languages do you speak, besides your own?
Cause we would be more than happy to take a switch and use our own, if you're up for it.

Anyway, I doubt there will be any "replacing" going on anytime soon. It's a recipe that just doesn't work. SF3 and SCV tried...and failed.

On a side note, you don't see Tekken fans whining that the whole Mishima family is in the game. Jin was intended to be a replacement for Kazuya, and yet we know how that worked out. You also don't see Capcom fans putting SF's first lady "on a bench". Respekt!

06/05/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
@petrcech At least some of us do make the effort to communicate in a foreign language. Mistakes or not, that should be admirable, not nitpicked. How many languages do you speak, besides your own?
Cause we would be more than happy to take a switch and use our own, if you're up for it?

Again, I don't know that person. Therefore, I have no idea about him not fully knowing the language. So you can't make such accusations about me attacking him for not fully knowing the language.

English is actually my 2nd language. My first language is Spanish. I'm working on learning French which is a slow process. I admire anyone who tries to learn a new language. Some people I know don't have great English. Would I attack them for that? Of course not because I would be attacking myself as a child learning English.

I did attack that guy back since he insulted me but I did not know that he didn't fully know the language.

Anyways, lets not get sidetracked and move forward with the topic.
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-sig by MINION

06/05/2015 11:30 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:

On a side note, you don't see Tekken fans whining that the whole Mishima family is in the game. Jin was intended to be a replacement for Kazuya, and yet we know how that worked out.
You also don't see Capcom fans putting SF's first lady "on a bench". Respekt!
In all fairness Tekken only had two Mishimas at a time until T4. After that they definitely went overboard and really the only reason it isn't a complaint is because Tekken tends to hold on to their characters more often than MK. In fact both Tekken and Street Fighter successfully reintroduced characters they'd taken out. If someone disappears from MK we never even know if we'll see them again.

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06/06/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:Also, don't try to use that lame excuse of "there's just a straw that breaks the camel's back". All your doing is bringing back old disagreements for no reason, which has resulted in this thread losing it's focus.

No reason? I didn't make a list and post it, I elaborated; therefore there was a reason, which I laid out for you. You can feel insulted by it and/or dismiss it as having no reason if it makes you feel better, that doesn't matter. Like I said, I'm not trying to convince you of anything or change your mind or behavior, you keep being you. My goal was just to make that statement, and I did that. Take it or leave it, but don't keep challenging it, or I'll keep breaking it down for you.

petrcech Wrote:My original post was brief "Sonya won't be in MK11(Cassie has arrived)" which I have elaborated on in my previous post to explain why I predict that, hoping that all these emotional Sonya fans (including yourself) would understand why I believe Sonya will not be in MK11. I don't work for NRS, it's just my opinion. Don't like it? That's fine, just control your emotions like an adult.

As an adult, I've carefully constructed my posts and elaborated on every thought and comment included therein, without insulting you pettily. I was straightforward and expressive.

If I wasn't an adult, I would've probably made a childish post about how I don't think Kitana will be in MK11 because she was of terribly little relevance in MKX, has low usage among the fanbase, and has been sidelined (again) by NRS in favor of certain others. Or, I'd just say she "sux".

Again, you can take what I've said or leave it, and I won't bother you again either way; but don't keep challenging what I've said and throwing out more of your characteristic passive-aggressive jabs like "be an adult", or I'll keep breaking things down for you, cuz you're asking me to.

petrcech Wrote:...have attacked Mileena and Kitana fans for no reason.

I'm not excusing what anyone on either side of this ridiculous war has said in terms of "attacking", but there have certainly been plenty of reasons. You're not the only one giving reasons, but you're one giving reasons nonetheless. So while they're not right in being aggressive toward you, they're certainly not crazy or baseless in their actions. There's plenty of justification going around, now as always before.

diirecthit Wrote:
The fact of the matter is that we're 25 years into the series and Sonya is still played/used more than Kitana and Mileena, is still alive unlike Kitana and Mileena, and still has an important role unlike Mileena, so i don't see why she is so likely to be cut while the "female Scorpion and Sub-Zero" but with 1/4 the usage are "locks" or shoe-ins.

People who oust her so readily, including those who don't have some personal embitterment driving their conclusions, always tend to default to Cassie's existence. There wasn't an excuse before to make any such allegations, but now apparently there is. They don't realize (until someone tells them) how nonsensical and redundant this supposed "reasoning" is, even now with MKX out and seeing for themselves how Cassie is as a standalone character, not dependent on her parents in order to exist, and vice-versa.

It's becoming increasingly obvious, however, that certain people will believe this fantastical "replacement" deal with all their hearts no matter how many times it's dismissed.
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Why couldn't this ending have happened?

06/08/2015 05:28 PM (UTC)
As long as Kano is around they'll always have an excuse to thrown Sonya in.
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