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06/02/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
The Mighty Queen Sindel <3<3<3
06/02/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)

Jataaka ?


If Sareena and/or Ashrah have a chance, why not them?
06/03/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
From MKX, we have...


Cassie was essentially the game's main protagonist and vital the ending, and Kitana is being set up to be one of the main antagonists alongside Liu Kang, so they both are locks.

That leaves us with


Mileena has the ability to shift her soul into some of her other clones. I could see that happening and coming back with a vengeance. She has the potential to be a dark horse with Earthrealm having to potentially worry about Kitana/the Netherrealm and Kotal Kahn. I would love to see her join Earthrealm's gang as a means of desperation.

Tanya's ending also implies that there could be a continuation of her story after this game. Of course, I see her betraying someone at the end, but I can't see her rotting in prison. I could see her killing D'Vorah under Kotal's orders.

Sonya is too popular to be left out.

That leaves


Ferra/Torr was an excellent character in terms of concept, but the execution was bad. If Ferra returns, it will be without Torr, and she will likely be manipulated by Shang Tsung in order to preserve her youth, i.e. Erron Black. Without her youth (and annoying voice) Ferra is nothing.

D'Vorah serves no purpose in the next game. Who knows where her character will go?

Jacqui could serve as a cameo. I would love to see Sonya have to rescue Jacqui. I could see Jacqui trying to get revenge for her dad's death, only to be captured i.e. Sonya and Kano from MKII. This allows Sonya, the more popular character to return and have another motive. That's how I think things will be set up, anyway.
06/03/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
Mileena and Kitana are definitely going to return, that's all I can say.
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06/03/2015 04:23 AM (UTC)
Kitana in. Jacqui out.

That's all.
06/03/2015 11:39 AM (UTC)
They really screwed up with Jaquie's final design, she had so many awesome sketches in her character artwork, why go for the dullest outfits imaginable?

06/03/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
What I think;
Definite returns-
Cassie - new main heroine.
Kitana - new main villainess.

Could go either way-
D'Vorah - well received, but not much story relevance without Shinnok.
Mileena - popular but dead. Could easily find a way to bring her back if they want.
Sonya - popular but could do with sitting out for a game or two, especially now Cassie is on the scene.

Jacqui - not well received or popular online, I don't think they'll waste a slot on her as playable but will probably make some sort of cameo due to story relevance.

3D era -
Tanya - very likely but depends on how popular she is in MKX
Li Mei - possible - well received in her MKX cameo, and one of the more popular 3D era characters.
Sareena - unsure - she is well liked but always seems to be on the bench.
Frost - see Li Mei.
Kira - very unlikely. She would need an overhaul and NRS would probably rather focus on new characters.
Nitara - unlikely - I'm not sure NRS likes her very much.
Ashrah - unsure - lots of fans think she has potential, but do NRS agree?

Other -
Jade - possible - she is inexplicably missing from this game entirely (not even as a revenant cameo) surely there will be some explanation for this?
Sindel - unsure- somewhat iconic but not hugely popular, I really don't know about her.
Sheeva - unlikely - poor Sheeva doesn't have that many fans.
Skarlet - unlikely - I think she was a one time thing, as much as I enjoyed her.

So in short I think we might have something along the lines of: Cassie, Kitana, D'Vorah, Tanya, Jade, Li Mei/Frost and a newbie for MK11.
06/03/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
I agree with everyone regarding Kitana's and Cassie's almost 100% chance returning in MK11.

The other two females who I see returning are Mileena and Jade. Mileena is very popular and they can easily bring her back. Jade is not as popular but will play a major role in the story saving Kitana's soul.

As for the other females, their chances aren't good at all specially for Jacqui (not popular at all) and Sonya (Cassie has arrived).
06/03/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
How are stupid some fans of these female ninjas...

The chances for Sonya are not good? Oh I forgot...again..Cassie go replace her....keep dreaming this will happen......

Who is the only female character who have chapters in the last 3 games? Who is the old female character MOST USED in mk9 and MKX?

I dont need say more nothing.....
06/03/2015 08:16 PM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
I would riot if they leave out Sonya, she's Mk's original dame and General of the special forces.

Now that they've decided in aging her there is alot of potential there, they've already given her a garrote wire to help her fight, they'd probably better off further aging her in.the next game, sort of like metal gear's big mama (Eva), only go all out with being general of the special forces. Of course having an unlockable classic young.Sonya skin handy would be nice too.

This was the game where I started liking Sonya, but I'd be more than okay with her taking the bench. She's been in so many games that a break would do her some good. Nothing wrong with her taking an NPC role.

Not sure what Skarlet's chances are, but I'd like her to return someday. Every bad guy needs a pocket ninja, and Skarlet is the girl for that.
06/03/2015 08:20 PM (UTC)
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:
How are stupid some fans of these female ninjas...

The chances for Sonya are not good? Oh I forgot...again..Cassie go replace her....keep dreaming this will happen......

Who is the only female character who have chapters in the last 3 games? Who is the old female character MOST USED in mk9 and MKX?

I dont need say more nothing.....

You sound pretty ignorant yourself calling people out when you can't even write correctly. confused

It wasn't likely that Cassie and Sonya would both make it into MKX. So how likely do you think this will happen again for a second time in MK11? Sonya is cool but I don't see her returning in the next MK game's roster.

For the record, Kitana was the most used female in MK9. Check your stats before you make such statements. glasses
06/03/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
Sonya and Cassie comparisons are absurd, they

A: Look nothing alike

B: Play nothing alike

C: Act nothing alike

by your rationale Cassie will take daddy's place because they share the same moves, Sonya is MK's original Dame and her popularity has been consistent since MK3!

Why should Sonya get benched? there is plenty of room in the cast, and MK definitely needs its female characters, Furthermore Sonya is one of the rare cases where a female character has actually aged in a fighting game, she is and always has been a trailblazer ever since She and Chun-li were the only female characters selectable in fighting games.

I would hope for the team to take advantage of that not bench her in favor of appeasing threatened power rangers fans.
06/03/2015 08:43 PM (UTC)
How do people know who was "well received"?

I wouldn't say that even 20% of people that play Mortal Kombat are on forums talking about it.
06/03/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
I'm going to love seeing people getting pissed when Cassie, Johnny and Sonya are all revealed as playable in the next MK.

Sorry guys, but they are going to get in the game before Rain, Fujin, Havik, Daegon, Li Mei and nearly all 3D characters. The only characters that I don't see returning from X are Shinnok, Kano, Reptile, Ermac, Jacqui Ferra/Torr and Quan Chi.

They play nothing alike, are all popular, the 3 have story importance, they are casual favorites, hardcore favorites, tournament favorites and developer favorites. I can give you guys a link that leads to an interview with Ed Boon in the oficial MK3 guide in which he says that Sonya is his favorite character and even compares her to Chun Li.

Also, if they weren't going to return, why have hints in game saying otherwise? Things like Johnny finding the secret to edenian life, and Sonya laughing at the throught of retirement.
06/03/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Why should Sonya get benched? there is plenty of room in the cast, and MK definitely needs its female characters, Furthermore Sonya is one of the rare cases where a female character has actually aged in a fighting game, she is and always has been a trailblazer ever since She and Chun-li were the only female characters selectable in fighting games.

I would hope for the team to take advantage of that not bench her in favor of appeasing threatened power rangers fans.

You're acting like if Sonya misses a game that the female cast suffers from a lack of females. There are plenty of other females in MK. Another thing, Sonya is a General now. To me it makes more sense if she stays on the sidelines and gives orders to the SF, like a General does.

She can still be aged as an NPC, so I'm not sure why or how that matters. Being playable has no effect on her age.

And what's so bad about her missing a game? I'm not saying she should never be in another game, I think taking a game off benefits characters. It makes their appearance in later games much more special.
06/03/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Why should Sonya get benched? there is plenty of room in the cast, and MK definitely needs its female characters, Furthermore Sonya is one of the rare cases where a female character has actually aged in a fighting game, she is and always has been a trailblazer ever since She and Chun-li were the only female characters selectable in fighting games.

I would hope for the team to take advantage of that not bench her in favor of appeasing threatened power rangers fans.

You're acting like if Sonya misses a game that the female cast suffers from a lack of females. There are plenty of other females in MK. Another thing, Sonya is a General now. To me it makes more sense if she stays on the sidelines and gives orders to the SF, like a General does.

She can still be aged as an NPC, so I'm not sure why or how that matters. Being playable has no effect on her age.

And what's so bad about her missing a game? I'm not saying she should never be in another game, I think taking a game off benefits characters. It makes their appearance in later games much more special.

Seriously. The way MKX ended Sonya and Johnny can retire. Then in MK12 they can find a way to de-age themselves or something idc. But I want so many other girls than Sonya.
06/03/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Why should Sonya get benched? there is plenty of room in the cast, and MK definitely needs its female characters, Furthermore Sonya is one of the rare cases where a female character has actually aged in a fighting game, she is and always has been a trailblazer ever since She and Chun-li were the only female characters selectable in fighting games.

I would hope for the team to take advantage of that not bench her in favor of appeasing threatened power rangers fans.

You're acting like if Sonya misses a game that the female cast suffers from a lack of females. There are plenty of other females in MK. Another thing, Sonya is a General now. To me it makes more sense if she stays on the sidelines and gives orders to the SF, like a General does.

She can still be aged as an NPC, so I'm not sure why or how that matters. Being playable has no effect on her age.

And what's so bad about her missing a game? I'm not saying she should never be in another game, I think taking a game off benefits characters. It makes their appearance in later games much more special.

Yes I believe the female cast in.MK is sparse with MkX employing 7 out 27 (25%)including the latest dlc MK9 had what three more?,

naturally I don't want my main to be benched , why should she be? There is no need for it, she's heavily involved in the plot she wants to rescue liu Kang and Co., it doesn't make sense for her to just sit around while her family and friends are in danger.

So it doesn't work from a story standpoint and from a gameplay standpoint well I.don't play any one apart from Sonya so that will have an impact on me.

06/03/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Darkmage41 Wrote:
Why should Sonya get benched? there is plenty of room in the cast, and MK definitely needs its female characters, Furthermore Sonya is one of the rare cases where a female character has actually aged in a fighting game, she is and always has been a trailblazer ever since She and Chun-li were the only female characters selectable in fighting games.

I would hope for the team to take advantage of that not bench her in favor of appeasing threatened power rangers fans.

You're acting like if Sonya misses a game that the female cast suffers from a lack of females. There are plenty of other females in MK. Another thing, Sonya is a General now. To me it makes more sense if she stays on the sidelines and gives orders to the SF, like a General does.

She can still be aged as an NPC, so I'm not sure why or how that matters. Being playable has no effect on her age.

And what's so bad about her missing a game? I'm not saying she should never be in another game, I think taking a game off benefits characters. It makes their appearance in later games much more special.

Yes I believe the female cast in.MK is sparse with MkX employing 7 out 27 (25%)including the latest dlc MK9 had what three more?,

naturally I don't want my main to be benched , why should she be? There is no need for it, she's heavily involved in the plot she wants to rescue liu Kang and Co., it doesn't make sense for her to just sit around while her family and friends are in danger.

So it doesn't work from a story standpoint and from a gameplay standpoint well I.don't play any one apart from Sonya so that will have an impact on me.

You dont want your main to be benched? Oh well in that case we must obey your commands! What a selfish comment lmao. None of my mains returned in MKX, not Sindel, Kabal, Li Mei, Jade, Nightwolf nope. I learned Shinnok, Cassie, Tanya and Kung Jin.

Sonya is too old and other characters should get a chance to shine
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

06/03/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
I think Cassie will definately be playable in the next game. Kitana, Sonya, Jacqui are also extremely possible. All the rest I think have minimal outside chance of being playable. The best they can hope for is be playable but more realistic for them is a cameo role. Mortal Kombat has low percentage of female characters so I see not many being playable. Also in the new game there will be very likely new female characters. For these reasons I see only Cassie being a definate with Kitana, Sonya and Jacqui being possiblities. All the rest, very low chance.
06/04/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
I am hoping Johnny his ending Will be canon and that he and Sonya wont age any further.

My hopes and guesses on feature females are

Sonya - she is THE mortal Kombat female. Fuck Kitana. Fuck Mileena. Sonya Blade is the ORIGINAL Mortal Kombat female since mk1 and one of the most popular.

Tanya - Tanya is epic in this game and i see her return. Fuck Kitana. She is THE new edenian.

Cassie - like most said she is the new Hero... So guess she Will be important next game.

Jade - Jade is also a great edenian. Let her kill her childhood friend Kitana and her former queen Sindel.

Mileena - don't care much for her as a character but she is important to the story but seeing she is dead i don't know what to expect from her in the future but my feeling says she is in.

Frost - I can see her return and wanting to become grandmaster.

Li Mei - Li Mei is the new outworld Hero in the next one i think she looks great. To great not to be used.

Sareena - just a feeling we have not seen the last of her

As NPC :

Kitana - let her be the villain and be killed by jade.

Sindel - let her join her daughter and let jade or Tanya kill her.

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06/04/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
petrcech Wrote:
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:
How are stupid some fans of these female ninjas...

The chances for Sonya are not good? Oh I forgot...again..Cassie go replace her....keep dreaming this will happen......

Who is the only female character who have chapters in the last 3 games? Who is the old female character MOST USED in mk9 and MKX?

I dont need say more nothing.....

You sound pretty ignorant yourself calling people out when you can't even write correctly. confused

It wasn't likely that Cassie and Sonya would both make it into MKX. So how likely do you think this will happen again for a second time in MK11? Sonya is cool but I don't see her returning in the next MK game's roster.

For the record, Kitana was the most used female in MK9. Check your stats before you make such statements. glasses

It's called being from another country. You might show a little more respect for someone who doesn't fully speak the language. Evidently you're just trying to attack him, admittedly for attacking you first---however, how do you expect not to be called out with hostility when all of your posts are passive-aggressive jabs at his favorite character?

When all you do is say "Sonya is cool, BUT here's why my character is better", eventually people are gonna stop pretending they're not noticing your embitterment veiled in false reasonability. At least people like AgentK and mkmileena embrace their distaste. You actually feign a sense of friendship and community in your not-very-secret agenda of putting down our character. If the day comes when you actually do act with a sense of friendship and community, you won't see anyone coming at you wrong, even when they disagree with something you say.

Having said that, the "Cassie = Sonya/Sonya's Replacement" argument was moot and redundant way before Sonya was revealed in MKX. It then became evidently asinine as she came to be confirmed through multiple outlets. Yet here we are---or rather, here YOU are---a year later, using the same old wishful "reason" why she won't make it next game. I bet that 5 years from now, after MK11 comes out, someone is gonna post "Sonya won't be in MK12, Cassie's here". A decade from now, "Sonya won't be in MK13, Cassie's in". Utterly ridiculous and I sincerely don't understand how people don't feel embarrassed parroting the same nonsense for such a long amount of time. If she sits next game out (which I personally doubt, just as I always doubted she'd sit MKX out), it won't be because of Cassie. It will never be because of Cassie.

My opinion? NRS isn't purposively setting up anything for the future with MKX. It is a standalone game, not a basis for the next one or a "hint" at what to expect. They didn't make MKX thinking about MK11 (by the way, Boon said this multiple times when asked about the descendants and the relative "future" of the franchise).

They're not plotting to "replace" characters with decades-worth of fans for new ones; how stupid a move would this be? "Oh here's Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage with over twenty years of accumulated fans, let's totally replace them with this one new girl I thought of! She has a bad-ass gun, a very complex personality, and half of Johnny's green thing!" Have some goddamned sense, for Christ's sake. Think from a practical point of view, not a "FUCK I HATE THIS CHARACTER, wouldn't it be cool if..." point of view.

My point being, they thought it would be cool to create descendants and relatives of certain fan favorites for this game, and that's it. Period. Boom. Done. They did that, it was cool, and we're enjoying it, generally speaking. Great! Mission accomplished! Game done! Now, WHEN they start planning MK12, THAT'S when the gears will start turning again and decisions will be made about where the story will go and who will take it there. I don't think that just because Cassie was the last chapter of MKX, she is Mortal Kombat's new hero (she was used as "Full circle" thing, narratively speaking. It worked for MKX's story). I don't think that just because Kitana and Liu Kang are rulers of the Netherrealm, they're gonna be the next game's villains (ANOTHER game where Netherrealm is the enemy? Unlikely). Interviews with NRS and the flow of the story itself lead me to ascertain that they weren't thinking that far ahead---and why should they? The way to tackle a project like this is to focus on it solely, make it the best it can be, with the best features and gimmicks it can have, and that's it. They did that. All speculation in this thread and its mirror threads are ridiculous, practically speaking...but hey, if you guys are having fun with it...

P.S.: directhiit, I appreciate you as a Sonya fan, but a thread like this is total troll-bait for over-devoted, overly-embittered fans to do the only thing they can do to attack their supposed "opposition". Obviously this thread was gonna derail to "I HATE YOUR CHARACTER, here's why she won't be in the game, I'm so right" comments.
06/04/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)

Whatever the bitter Mileena or Kitana fans say is of no consequence. They keep saying they're the "female Scorpion/Sub-Zero" but the character usage plays list speaks for itself. So let's this thread going.
06/05/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)


Wow you lost me in the first paragraph.

Being from another country has nothing to do with writing abilities. So now everyone who is from a non-English speaking country can't write properly in English? Let me tell you that half of my friends are from other countries where English is not the primary language and they write better than me. Not cool man.

"Sonya is cool, BUT here's why my character is better". Excuse me where did this come from??? We were simply predicting the females that will return in MK11. This has nothing to do with who's better than who. If MK games always had the BEST/Most Popular females then Kitana, Mileena, Sonya and Jade would always be in every game. FYI Sonya is not my favorite female in MK but she is one of my favorite MK females.

I did make a correction that Kitana was the most popular female in MK9 because an emotional Sonya fan was falsely trying to claim that it was Sonya in order to strengthen his mediocre argument.

Anyways, the point of this thread is which females are likely to return in MK11. Please stop getting so defensive and angry if we don't predict that your main character will return.

Cassie was pretty much the main hero of MKX. I personally hate this but it is what happened in the story and I will not go into it since its another topic. In MKX, Cassie needed her parents for guidance and support. Now that she's all grown up, she no longer requires her parent's aid. Even though she doesn't play exactly like her parents, she still has something from each parent. If MK11 goes further into time, Sonya and Cage will continue to age. For those reasons, I don't see the Cage parents returning as playable characters in MK11. Maybe in MK12.

That was my original post, which has nothing to do with KITANA vs SONYA. It is my opinion, so if you don't agree that's fine. Just don't start attacking other characters and getting all emotional.
06/05/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)

It will be interesting to see what happens with Liu Kang and Kitana. I still think Sindel should have been next in line after Shinnok and Quan Chi, but I don't think Sindel needs to be the big boss guy. Maybe the next game won't even be about the Netherrealm again, although the ending of MK9 was direct foreshadowing for this game. So it could be possible that is what they were doing when they revealed Liu and Kitana as the new king and queen.
I'm a fan of both of both characters so I wouldn't mind them being in the next game. I just hope they don't dress Kitana in a Catwoman costume again.

Sindel - if Kitana is the queen of the Netherrealm, I could see Sindel as an advisor or something, she hangs out around the throne room.

Jade - There would be a lot of angry fans if Jade is gone for good. They need to bring her back and give her a cool new storyline.

Mileena - I do not see her being dead forever, she'll be back somehow. I wonder it she will just have a skull head now.

Sonya - Unless they have another back to the future story Sonya is going to keep getting older, she has to retire at some point, I mean she's in her mid fifties in MKX right? I hope to see her in the future, cameos in story modes and stuff maybe even being part of the story, just not fighting as much in story mode, but it would be cool to have her playable in arcade mode.

Tanya - It would be nice to see Tanya back with a new storyline, maybe trying to get Edenia back, that would be something different than her also betraying it. Maybe she has good intentions, maybe they're evil, either way it could be good.

Sheeva - I would like to see Sheeva back too sometime.
06/05/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
oh look people getting worked up over fictional characters.... Must be thursday!.... lol

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