02/02/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
Excluding Sareena, quando chi,shinnok, kenshi and Havik, nethererealm studios should kill and forget for eternity every character coming from the 3d era.

There is no redeeming quality in frost, nitara, hotaru, li mei, bo Rai cho, mavado and company.
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J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/02/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
Comic filler most likely
02/02/2015 01:51 PM (UTC)
It was great to see her return in the comic, but I don't think we need to see her return as a playable character ever again.
02/02/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
I'd rather have her sit this one out. Though I'd LOVE for her to eventually be in a game over Sub-Zero in the future, but that'll more than likely never happen.

That said, if she was in, I wouldn't really feel raw about it IF she was made entirely different from Sub-Zero. Less about freezing and moreso about using ice in creative ways. Ice stalagmites and stalactites, throwing ice knives, a reverse ice slide (for evasion and quick distancing), summoning a small ice wall, dat ice teleport from MKvsDC....if she were in and they differentiated her greatly from SZ, I'd give NRS' gameplay design guys a lot of credit for ingenuity even though I'd rather a different character.
02/02/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
Frost has as much of a chance as any unannounced female, for the exception of Mileena because she is highest priority right now.

There is no saying Frost can't be in playable. NRS can differ her from Sub-Zero, which wouldn't be a hard thing to do.

If for some reason she's not on the main roster, DLC is just as good.

Icebaby Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Hopefully she is excluded from the roster.

She is only a character because of her gender.

We already have a cryomancer. We do not need another.

thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you what I just explained in my post as to why Frost can't come back.

I guess any other character that comes into this game that wields fire should be excluded because we have Scorpion, eh?

That means, *gasps* no Liu Kang!!!

Seriously, she'll obviously play differently.

That also means, no Shang Tsung!?! confused
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02/02/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
I'd love more females in game, but not frost. I don't think we, need another ice, welder this turn. Maybe next game
02/02/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
I'd love more females in game, but not frost. I don't think we, need another ice, welder this turn. Maybe next game

Are you saying, that it's fine we have two ice wielders in the next game, but not this one confused
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/02/2015 05:08 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
I'd love more females in game, but not frost. I don't think we, need another ice, welder this turn. Maybe next game

Are you saying, that it's fine we have two ice wielders in the next game, but not this one confused

What do you expect from this Shirai Ryu dog? Of course he is against another noble Lin Kuei warrior in MKX.
02/02/2015 05:12 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Excluding Sareena, quando chi,shinnok, kenshi and Havik, nethererealm studios should kill and forget for eternity every character coming from the 3d era.

There is no redeeming quality in frost, nitara, hotaru, li mei, bo Rai cho, mavado and company.

Because 2D era are so tridimensional and awesome characters, right? Bleargh.
02/02/2015 06:16 PM (UTC)
02/02/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
I'd love more females in game, but not frost. I don't think we, need another ice, welder this turn. Maybe next game

Are you saying, that it's fine we have two ice wielders in the next game, but not this one confused

What do you expect from this Shirai Ryu dog? Of course he is against another noble Lin Kuei warrior in MKX.

Lmao, most-likely. It'd be the same if there was another Shirai Ryu in the game besides Scorpion, in the view of another person.
02/02/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
Personally I would like to have Frost in the game since she is one of my favs. If she doesn't make it into the final roster, I hope she makes it as DLC.
02/02/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
jimmykricket Wrote:
Comic filler most likely

Pretty much this.

People are like "She's alive so she HAS to be in the game." No, just because she's alive that doesn't mean she's in the game. Shawn Kittleson has access to a HUGE catalog of characters, so yeah there's going to be some 3D era characters showing up. But that doesn't really mean anything. It was most likely a nice nod to Frost fans.

The only thing I liked was that Cassie spared her. I'd love to see them team up someday or something.
About Me

02/02/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Oh so now that you have your punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing in the game, you want to sit high on a throne throwing down "derp derps" at other people and their yet to be included favorites.

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

He didn't even say anything about playing favorites, how the fuck does that tie in to your post? You're basically doing the same thing to him calling his favorite character a "punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing" which seriously grow the fuck up. You saw one fucking trailer and know nothing about the characters story, you're just going by what you saw last game and a MINUTE LONG trailer. Don't you think game developers can look at fan-base criticism and try to improve the faults? You don't know he's going to be a punching bag/lapdog and he's not a "green creature thing" he's a fucking Reptile, hence the name. I don't think that's too hard to understand.

This same notion applies towards the constant Raiden hate as well.

I seriously wish they have an evil side of the story mode.
02/02/2015 11:20 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Oh so now that you have your punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing in the game, you want to sit high on a throne throwing down "derp derps" at other people and their yet to be included favorites.

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

I have been saying no to frost for many many months now. It's not a new argument for me.

I would not want any character that mimics another characters abilities. It's just plain stupid and a waste. That's my opinion, I'd rather see diversity in ability not diversity in gender. If frost came first then I wouldn't want subzero. Plain and simple.

And @Icebaby

I think fire abilities in mkx are pretty overarching, there are many characters that wield it. I do not like it, but it is what it is. And besides blaze the characters that use fire are not defined by that ability; rather it is a counterpart to their movesets.

(Although they are trying their best to make scorpion a fire ninja) but that's not my fault.

I think you both are being extremely narrowminded. Frost's redundancy speaks for itself, I shouldnot have to preach about it.

oh and BTW thanks for the back up @redman
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

02/03/2015 12:39 AM (UTC)
I really want her to be in the main roster or to be DLC. Frost has more potential than SZ and I could see her replacing the SZs entirely.
Frost is like the Ivy from Soul Calibur... she deserves to be in MKX. Glad she was spared by Cassie in the comic. Can't wait to see her back in her ninja garb. *fingerscrossed*
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

02/03/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Frost is like the Ivy from Soul Calibur... she deserves to be in MKX. Glad she was spared by Cassie in the comic. Can't wait to see her back in her ninja garb. *fingerscrossed*

Frost is not Ivy-status lol.
02/03/2015 01:38 AM (UTC)
Imo, Tanya and Li Mei do have priority over any other 3D era character, but Frost should get her chance to shine the most out of all the other 3D era characters a long with Ashrah.
02/03/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Yeah it's Frost's time to shine in MKX, the fact that they didn't show her costume yet, gives me a glimmer of hope that she'll appear in the game as a playable character.
02/03/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Imo, Tanya and Li Mei do have priority over any other 3D era character, but Frost should get her chance to shine the most out of all the other 3D era characters a long with Ashrah.

Why does Li Mei have priority over other 3D characters?
02/03/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Honestly... I don't see Frost being in MK9 as playable. At best she'll get a cameo, or a little story nod, where she's mentioned in the bios of other characters or something...

And I'm basing all of that on her comic book character design.

I'm actually an illustrator. I'm not insanely talented. I'm in no way famous. The coolest thing I ever got to work on was concepts for some Skyrim toys, some of which got made. That said, nobody knows my name, and I have exactly no ties to the development of Skyrim the video game, nor any type of inside track on info, lol. I'm not trying to sound cool or blow smoke up anyone's butt here...

BUT... as an illustrator, I can pretty much eyeball the characters in the comic book that were developed with care, and the characters just stuck in there as cameos and throw aways. It's really not all that hard.

You can tell just looking at Erron Black that he's going to be playable. A great deal of detail and care obviously went into his costuming and design. He has decorative elements on his GUNS. If he were just some throw-away villain, he would not have custom decorations on his guns. This is something the comic book artists were given reference for, and told to treat well, because it's going to be significant to the game.

Frost on the other hand... looks exactly the same as she always did from the neck up, and is wearing generic sweats from the neck down. With no special details or costuming to speak of whatsoever. I saw someone say she was all-but confirmed because she had a new look in the comic? Are you kidding? That's not a look... that's the bare minimum outfit the comic book artist put her in to convey the idea she was a street fighter, and not a lin kuei ninja.

Cut off Erron's head and from the neck down he's still a completely distinct and identifiable character. Cut off Frost's head, and she's just a generic female body.

Now... the same could be said for Cassie and Takeda for most of the comic, I admit. But I think we're dealing with a different ball of wax for them. These two are obviously new protagonists. They're the focus of their stories. The heroes. Now the reason they have generic costuming, is because we have yet to see either of them evolve to the full-fledged fighter persona they're going to be in MK9. I have no doubt we'll see their final looks before the comic ends, but for the moment, they're dressed just as generic as the background players, because it's their journey we're watching unfold... so they're allowed a few costume changes before the big reveal.

I do not however, think Frost, Jacqui, or Fox, can be afforded the same leeway, and I personally don't think any of them will be playable. Frost is a cameo from an old character, no more important than Jarek or Hsu Hao. But the team at least likely sees enough value in her to not outright kill her, which is good for us Frost Fans.

Fox was just there to move the plot along, and died just as quickly. I think people who assume he'll be playable are over-inflating his importance severely.

I see Jacqui as the new Hydro. A character of fair importance in the comic book, who serves as a neat and identifiable side-kick to one of the game's new protagonists... but not someone who was ever supposed to shine on her own, and while we fans will likely ask about her for years to come (if she survives the comic)... she'll most likely be forgotten by Netherealm Studios and the world at large, same as Hydro was... that or she'll die. To further the plots of her friends and loves ones (namely Cassie)...

PS. Back to the outfit thing, all that stuff I just said is also why I think Sonya stands a good chance of being a yet-to-be-reveled playable character. Her comic book look appears to have a lot more design effort put into it than the likes of Frost or Jacqui. I'm guessing Sonya and Cage will likely play a bigger role in the early story chapters, which might briefly sum up the Netherealm wars and the time before the 25 year jump... and that after the 25 year jump is when the young new cast like Cassie and Takeda will have their time to shine. So while Cage and Sonya may not be a huge part of the present plot... they'll likely still be playable and have unique new looks designed.
02/03/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
And @Icebaby

I think fire abilities in mkx are pretty overarching, there are many characters that wield it. I do not like it, but it is what it is. And besides blaze the characters that use fire are not defined by that ability; rather it is a counterpart to their movesets.

(Although they are trying their best to make scorpion a fire ninja) but that's not my fault.

I think you both are being extremely narrowminded. Frost's redundancy speaks for itself, I shouldnot have to preach about it.

How is defending a character that I'd like to see return, whenever that is, narrow-minded while the opposing side is clearly sitting here and saying she shouldn't return because she'll just be a female Sub-Zero and WON'T be any different?

I'd say that is pretty much more narrow-minded than anything else.

We clearly can have two characters who wields the same ability and play completely far apart from one another. Especially seeing how she's designed as an underground fighter instead of a Lin Kuei student, we don't know if she uses her abilities the same way she used in previous games that she's been in.

But I'm going back to my original stance and arguing with you that if we can't have two characters that wields ice, than anyone that wields fire shouldn't be in. Hell, what happens if Kenshi is in the same game as well? Wouldn't he and Ermac be so similar towards each other? Clearly we can't have two characters that possesses telekinetics...

It's seriously not that difficult to think outside the box for once to come up with different moves. We're going to have every character play so differently from one another, is it really that much of a problem having two characters out of twenty-something characters wield similar abilities?

Seeing how you're not the only user I've seen complained about two characters having similar abilities, I guess two characters is so much for us fans to handle.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/03/2015 06:34 AM (UTC)
i would love to see her return and get an update/rehaul.. but unfortunately there are about twenty other characters i would love to see more before her.

maybe mk12?
02/03/2015 07:32 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
And @Icebaby

I think fire abilities in mkx are pretty overarching, there are many characters that wield it. I do not like it, but it is what it is. And besides blaze the characters that use fire are not defined by that ability; rather it is a counterpart to their movesets.

(Although they are trying their best to make scorpion a fire ninja) but that's not my fault.

I think you both are being extremely narrowminded. Frost's redundancy speaks for itself, I shouldnot have to preach about it.

How is defending a character that I'd like to see return, whenever that is, narrow-minded while the opposing side is clearly sitting here and saying she shouldn't return because she'll just be a female Sub-Zero and WON'T be any different?

I'd say that is pretty much more narrow-minded than anything else.

We clearly can have two characters who wields the same ability and play completely far apart from one another. Especially seeing how she's designed as an underground fighter instead of a Lin Kuei student, we don't know if she uses her abilities the same way she used in previous games that she's been in.

But I'm going back to my original stance and arguing with you that if we can't have two characters that wields ice, than anyone that wields fire shouldn't be in. Hell, what happens if Kenshi is in the same game as well? Wouldn't he and Ermac be so similar towards each other? Clearly we can't have two characters that possesses telekinetics...

It's seriously not that difficult to think outside the box for once to come up with different moves. We're going to have every character play so differently from one another, is it really that much of a problem having two characters out of twenty-something characters wield similar abilities?

Seeing how you're not the only user I've seen complained about two characters having similar abilities, I guess two characters is so much for us fans to handle.

They should just listen to your opinions on Frost from the Netherkast.

I loved your ideas for her.
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