Frosts Cameo
posted03/04/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
So, I thought I'd make a thread where we could talk about Frost's cameo in the comics. She had a relatively prominent role and managed to avoid death, so it seems to me like she could be one of the characters that shows up in MKX.

What would you think about her inclusion? I could see her really taking a completely different approach to ice powers, much like Killer Frost vs. Sub Zero, or potentially even snow powers. She could even have a special move centering around placing snow balls around the stage, much like Raiden's traps, and then kicking them at the opponent. Or, she could focus on damaging ice projectiles as opposed to freezing, and cooling the opponent to cause damage.

How do you feel about her chances?
02/02/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Very hopeful, She deserves more development.
02/02/2015 03:58 AM (UTC)
As much as I would love to see her return, I doubt it. Sure she has made various cameos in 2011, and having her whip Cassie's ass for a bit in the latest comic was great to see, I just don't see her coming to X, and you're reading this from a die hard Frost fan.

But I would like for her to come in.

Of course there's the whole complaint that she'll act just like Sub-Zero and we apparently can't have two characters who wields the same abilities in the game. Except, we can, and there's more to ice than just freezing the opponent.

I'm kinda indifferent with the story change for her. I like that she's not another Lin Kuei student, so there goes my theory on how she could possibly fit in with X. But I would definitely love to see a wardrobe change with her if she is in.
02/02/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
I'd love a montage at the end of MKX showing a sort of 'here are some things to come' and we get Sub-Zero as Grandmaster training new LK recruits, Frost among them.

That shit would be awesome.
02/02/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Very hopeful, She deserves more development.

02/02/2015 04:22 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I'd love a montage at the end of MKX showing a sort of 'here are some things to come' and we get Sub-Zero as Grandmaster training new LK recruits, Frost among them.

That shit would be awesome.


@icebaby Hold out some hope, she deserves to be in!
02/02/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
Frost being in the comics isn't a cameo. She played a big part in the latest issue. A cameo is a brief appearance, usually with no speaking lines. Kind of like how Skarlet was in story mode for 2 seconds.
02/02/2015 04:45 AM (UTC)
Hopefully she is excluded from the roster.

She is only a character because of her gender.

We already have a cryomancer. We do not need another.
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Props to MINION
02/02/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
She'll be in MKX
02/02/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
Personally i want her in the Game. I believe her chances are rather good for getting a slot or at the very least keep her alive to have a part in story mode and maybe for future games.

I like the fact that she was dominant in the Komic, but got careless and let Cassie get the upper hand and was save from the Final blow in the nick of time. So give her a new look and different moves from Sub Zero and im sure she'd be loved!
02/02/2015 05:06 AM (UTC)
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp
02/02/2015 05:09 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Hopefully she is excluded from the roster.

She is only a character because of her gender.

We already have a cryomancer. We do not need another.

thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you what I just explained in my post as to why Frost can't come back.

I guess any other character that comes into this game that wields fire should be excluded because we have Scorpion, eh?

That means, *gasps* no Liu Kang!!!

Seriously, she'll obviously play differently.
02/02/2015 05:11 AM (UTC)
Meh... There are better and more fitting characters that should be in the game besides her.
02/02/2015 05:19 AM (UTC)
If she's in the........IF...I would love for her X-ray to incorporate the "knee-stab" from her Ice Daggers style.
02/02/2015 05:19 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Hopefully she is excluded from the roster.

She is only a character because of her gender.

We already have a cryomancer. We do not need another.

thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you what I just explained in my post as to why Frost can't come back.

I guess any other character that comes into this game that wields fire should be excluded because we have Scorpion, eh?

That means, *gasps* no Liu Kang!!!

Seriously, she'll obviously play differently.

All i can say is thank god redsumac is gone. He would just start.

anyway any ideas for her variations and story you'd like to see Icebaby?
02/02/2015 05:54 AM (UTC)
Yes to Frost, and yes to more girls, too many sausages
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

02/02/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
I'd be all for Frost being in.
02/02/2015 06:17 AM (UTC)
Frost isn't necessarily on my list, but I would love to see her fleshed out. She needs something more to work with than "Hi, I'm Girl Sub-Zero and I have a bad attitude because I never learned humility."

I would love to see her character fleshed out a bit more. Where did she get her powers from? Why is she living in California with frozen hair? Why is she partaking in death matches? How will her rivalry with Cassie play out?

My only problem with Frost is that I really want to see a few other 3d era characters before her. Once Tanya, Reiko, Havik, and Fujin are in, then yeah! Throw her in the mix!
About Me
Props to MINION
02/02/2015 06:33 AM (UTC)
My opinion on why Frost will be in MKX that i posted on a previous thread

Frost was in mk9 in a story flashback (mk:da campfire scene), when cyber sub scanned kabal she was shown on his HUD, and in the background of the pit II she was seen.

Now she's in the comic in a deatmatch and is spared, also given a look that wasn't an MK:A outfit like everyone else shown (Reiko, Fujin, Jarek, Hsu Hao, ect.)

I have no doubt she will be in MKX
02/02/2015 06:42 AM (UTC)
Saying Frost is a waste because of Sub Zero is like saying Batgirl is a waste because of Batman. Batgirl ruled in Injustice, and Im pretty sure she won last year's Evo.
02/02/2015 06:55 AM (UTC)
Mark my words. Frost will be the one post-MK4 character to get in.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/02/2015 07:46 AM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Oh so now that you have your punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing in the game, you want to sit high on a throne throwing down "derp derps" at other people and their yet to be included favorites.

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".
02/02/2015 12:04 PM (UTC)
Rather see Frost + Sub-Zero than Cassie + Sonya.

Really, Frost can be the EVIL ice-user and Sub the GOOD ice-user.

Sonya and Cassie will both be good, normal humans.

So, yes please Frost, be in the game and leave SOnya or Takeda in the dust by doing so.!
02/02/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
She would be a waste.

Hey! Does anyone want to have a female who is comprised of souls part of the roster?!! Oh.. no? That'd be f**kin stupid.

Hey anyone want a male on the roster who can control bugs and have crazy bug arms that comes out of his back? No, because that would be f**kin stoopid, derp derp

Oh so now that you have your punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing in the game, you want to sit high on a throne throwing down "derp derps" at other people and their yet to be included favorites.

Classic case of "I've got mine so fuck you!".

He didn't even say anything about playing favorites, how the fuck does that tie in to your post? You're basically doing the same thing to him calling his favorite character a "punching bag lapdog awkward green creature-thing" which seriously grow the fuck up. You saw one fucking trailer and know nothing about the characters story, you're just going by what you saw last game and a MINUTE LONG trailer. Don't you think game developers can look at fan-base criticism and try to improve the faults? You don't know he's going to be a punching bag/lapdog and he's not a "green creature thing" he's a fucking Reptile, hence the name. I don't think that's too hard to understand.

02/02/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
Well if Frost made an appearance in the comic and didn't die...might as well include Jarek, Tasia, and Fujin...I mean, they were referenced and didn't die.

No seriously though, I doubt Frost is going to make an appearance in the game.
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