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02/15/2010 06:01 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i know he cant take ideas. but im saying why cant he listen to fans that say make the gamplay better, make a clear story thats not messed up, make it 2.5d, dont make cross overs games, make sure the game does not have infinties, bring tobias back etc....

ed boon does not care and he does what wants, when he when he wants. which would be fine if the games were good, but they are not. even for mk style(fun,blood,story over technicality) games, the games have not been good. and please dont compare them to other fighters.

like i said capcom listen to their fans. after the fans said street fighter ex sucked capcom said they would never release 3d games again. fans said they wanted mvsc2, it gets released on psn. i mean they dont listen to everything they say but a least they do every once in a while. and you dont have to take our ideas ed, we just point you in the "right" direction of what the game should be like!!!

I see what you mean. I think a lot of it has to do with the way Midway functioned. Boon just isn't working with the same amount of time and freedom that Namco and Capcom provides their teams.
02/15/2010 12:01 PM (UTC)
Who cares about fans? The sames that are divided, one side claiming that the reason that the aspects of last MKs that sucks are because of hearing "too little" the fans, and the opposite that claiming that the real reason is hearing "too much".

In a less tone, isn't the same to sending a message to Ed Boon like "we want a more darker tone in next MK" that "look, you can put that, and then also that, later put that mode with that character and finally put that and that". Obviously the second can't be work, but if a LOT of fans want "a more darker tone in next MK", probably he cares about that.

Isn't the same hearing THE FANS than a fan with ideas...
02/15/2010 06:26 PM (UTC)
ed does not "hear the fans" or "take ideas". and why is mk9 coming out so soon. shoudnt they have more time now since they are with WB. i really hope this game is new and good, not just recycled material from mk vs dc..........
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02/15/2010 06:44 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon does listen to the fans as far as adding or removing things goes, or maybe even new ideas, like the Hara Kiri.

But taking ONE specific idea from someone can be a major lawsuit. For example, if I'm Ed Boon and I go into a thread about Fatalities that people would like to see and I take one of the ideas for a Fatality and put it in a game, that person can sue for royalties. A message board, whether you believe me or not, can be considered somewhat of a publishing.

Look at the game Psi-Ops that came out for the PS2 however many years ago. The only reason that Midway never made another one, for all of you who don't know, is because after the game came out, someone said that that game was their story that they created and sued Midway for however many millions. I think it was 4 or 5 million dollars.

So for all of you people who say that they want a specific Fatality or describe a character that they want in the game, it will never happen because he can't legally use an idea that is yours and you not get some type of royalty for it.
02/17/2010 12:27 AM (UTC)
well if ed boon cant take our ideas he clearly needs to fire his creative staff thats helping him. i mean all the new fighters have been lame, the stories have been lame and confusing. no cgi endings, no total change in costumes. they messed up reptile looks. the stages all kinda look the same after a while. the fatalities have been lame and short.

dead or alive 4 is what the 3d mk should have been like, just add blood,specials,and fatalities. that game has way more creativity then all the 3d mks combined. when your opponent fall off a cliff you can throw them at the same time. those people took mk idea(multiered stages) and made it better, which proves the mk team lack in creativity. they even admit sometimes that they run out of ideas. lol i wish the producer of dead or alive could do a mk, it would be tens times better, and i dont even like mk as 3d.
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
well if ed boon cant take our ideas he clearly needs to fire his creative staff thats helping him. i mean all the new fighters have been lame, the stories have been lame and confusing. no cgi endings, no total change in costumes. they messed up reptile looks. the stages all kinda look the same after a while. the fatalities have been lame and short.

dead or alive 4 is what the 3d mk should have been like, just add blood,specials,and fatalities. that game has way more creativity then all the 3d mks combined. when your opponent fall off a cliff you can throw them at the same time. those people took mk idea(multiered stages) and made it better, which proves the mk team lack in creativity. they even admit sometimes that they run out of ideas. lol i wish the producer of dead or alive could do a mk, it would be tens times better, and i dont even like mk as 3d.

And this is exactly why Ed Boon doesnt take ideas from fans because everything you just said is simply your opinion yet you act like its concrete fact.

In my opinion, Ive enjoyed some of the new fighters, the story isnt confusing and i dont give a crap about CGI endings.

Also you are a total idiot if you think the producer of Dead or Alive a total womanizing dickhead could make a good MK game.
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02/19/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
well if ed boon cant take our ideas he clearly needs to fire his creative staff thats helping him. i mean all the new fighters have been lame, the stories have been lame and confusing. no cgi endings, no total change in costumes. they messed up reptile looks. the stages all kinda look the same after a while. the fatalities have been lame and short.

dead or alive 4 is what the 3d mk should have been like, just add blood,specials,and fatalities. that game has way more creativity then all the 3d mks combined. when your opponent fall off a cliff you can throw them at the same time. those people took mk idea(multiered stages) and made it better, which proves the mk team lack in creativity. they even admit sometimes that they run out of ideas. lol i wish the producer of dead or alive could do a mk, it would be tens times better, and i dont even like mk as 3d.

And this is exactly why Ed Boon doesnt take ideas from fans because everything you just said is simply your opinion yet you act like its concrete fact.

In my opinion, Ive enjoyed some of the new fighters, the story isnt confusing and i dont give a crap about CGI endings.

Also you are a total idiot if you think the producer of Dead or Alive a total womanizing dickhead could make a good MK game.

I don't know what being a womanizing dickhead has to do with making a good MK game, but I don't think that he'd be the right conductor to lead that symphony at all, if only because his games are very "Japanese" in style and content and MK is a VERY "American" game.

As for everything else you said, I agree whole heartedly. There are a lot of people on here that have similar opinions on things, whether it be a desire for improved gameplay or the desire for a more cohesive story or CG endings etc... But as you've clearly illustrated, not everyone wants the same things.

I know going in to the next MK game that there will be some things that I'll absolutely love and some things that I'll absolutely hate. Do I wish that Ed Boon would do things like make each character a more unique fighter instead of simply a collection of basic moves that most other characters have some form of, separated only by four or five special moves? Absolutely.

That doesn't mean everyone else wants that.

I hear a lot of people on here saying that MK should go 2D again. I couldn't disagree more. I think the past 2D MK games still stand on their own as fun experiences and that MK should push forward and try to perfect it's formula in the 3D space.

My point here is that while I'd LOVE to have some type of official forum where Ed and other members of the MK team can somehow interact to an extent with the fans, I seriously doubt we'd ever see that happen. There will always be this soundproof wall between fans and game designers. Why? I'm not entirely sure. Some can be accessible, but most aren't.

Until that day, I can only hope that some of those guys jump on MKO every now and then and maybe read a few posts on a few topics. Maybe it'll help them get a better sense of what the fans want. At the end of the day though, we have what they give us and while I might like stuff and hate other stuff, I'll mainly be happy that MK's still around. I'll always want MK to be better, of course, but I guess all we can really do is work within the system we're given?
Baraka407 Wrote:
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
well if ed boon cant take our ideas he clearly needs to fire his creative staff thats helping him. i mean all the new fighters have been lame, the stories have been lame and confusing. no cgi endings, no total change in costumes. they messed up reptile looks. the stages all kinda look the same after a while. the fatalities have been lame and short.

dead or alive 4 is what the 3d mk should have been like, just add blood,specials,and fatalities. that game has way more creativity then all the 3d mks combined. when your opponent fall off a cliff you can throw them at the same time. those people took mk idea(multiered stages) and made it better, which proves the mk team lack in creativity. they even admit sometimes that they run out of ideas. lol i wish the producer of dead or alive could do a mk, it would be tens times better, and i dont even like mk as 3d.

And this is exactly why Ed Boon doesnt take ideas from fans because everything you just said is simply your opinion yet you act like its concrete fact.

In my opinion, Ive enjoyed some of the new fighters, the story isnt confusing and i dont give a crap about CGI endings.

Also you are a total idiot if you think the producer of Dead or Alive a total womanizing dickhead could make a good MK game.

I don't know what being a womanizing dickhead has to do with making a good MK game, but I don't think that he'd be the right conductor to lead that symphony at all, if only because his games are very "Japanese" in style and content and MK is a VERY "American" game.

Have you ever played a Dead or Alive game before? They are more about Tits and Ass than fighting, story and good gameplay.
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02/19/2010 05:24 AM (UTC)
TheManWithTheGoldenGun Wrote:

And this is exactly why Ed Boon doesnt take ideas from fans because everything you just said is simply your opinion yet you act like its concrete fact.

In my opinion, Ive enjoyed some of the new fighters, the story isnt confusing and i dont give a crap about CGI endings.

Also you are a total idiot if you think the producer of Dead or Alive a total womanizing dickhead could make a good MK game.

Yes, it is simply his opinion... but not all opinions are created equally. An opinion gets is value from how much it reflects truth. For example, the opinion "Many characters in MKA played too similarly" is more valuable than the opinion, "Scorpion is a more developed character than Subzero." The reason is obvious: the first one is true, the second clearly is not. Opinions are true and false like any other statements.

And also, Dead or Alive 4 is an amazing game. Yes, it displays tits and ass shamelessly, but that doesn't change that the fighting system is absolutely stellar. Granted, I would never want MK to play like DOA, as DOA is a completely different fighting game. I think an advanced overly-reliant parry system would kill the spirit of MK.
Mortal Kombat > Street Fighter > Tekken > Soul Calibur > Dead Or Alive

But thats simply my opinion haha
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02/19/2010 02:30 PM (UTC)
Capcom DOES NOT listen to their fans.

Ive only seen it clearly with Megaman9 and SF4. The fans got everything they want.

As a Resident Evil Fan. RE5 was the single most dissapointing piece of crappy storytelling and atmosphere I have ever experienced. Coming from a franchise fan who went far enough as a tattoo.

Partly because Shinji Mikami left, RE5 is a RE4 clone with new named on the same character types. And they turn wesker into a moron and finish off the wesker/chris story with a big pile of...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

What a joke... Thanks Capcom.

02/19/2010 07:38 PM (UTC)
yeah well what im saying is the street fighter producers will listen sometimes, idk know about capcom as a whole.

the reason i chose doa as an example is because they mix style and substance to a certain level well. mk should not have the same gamplay system but it should be more advanced than what it is. mk tried to evovle the movement of the game(3d) and NEVER EVOLVED THE GAMEPLAY. you cant have good 3d game without decent(deep) gameplay. but with 2d you can make a gimmicky game and get away with it a bit. thats why i want mk to return to 2d.

think about it, you never really heard complaints FROM MK FANS. about mk not having this deep, technical fighting system while in 2d. because its was still FUN and FAST to play. 3d is slower, more realistic.

2d fighting games that have crossed over to 3d never did aswell as their 2d counterparts. streetfighter failed, gulity gear failed and kof failed. and those games are way more technical(deep) than mk.

i just dont think 2d games cross over to 3d well.(well its kinda a fact)lol
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