from ed boon, about mk9
posted02/19/2010 07:38 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
Video is captured for mk9, ready for editing, fatalities are sick, now for a relaxing 2 hour drive home in the snow. Adventure!! STS.about 3 hours ago from Twitterrificnoobde
he also wrote
Join Twitter! Capturing video of the game & it's looking SWEET! But it's snowing. :(about 7 hours ago from Twitterrificnoobde
02/10/2010 04:50 AM (UTC)
This bit of information can be found on the thread. So it's a bit of old news.
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02/10/2010 04:56 AM (UTC)
I appreciate the news, but maybe it's about time we have a stickied thread just for Ed Boon's twitter postings? We can all speculate there on his new "news" and if something of real, definitive substance comes out, like a picture or a video or some big news or something, then it can be posted as a news story?

Just a suggestion.
02/10/2010 09:59 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
I appreciate the news, but maybe it's about time we have a stickied thread just for Ed Boon's twitter postings? We can all speculate there on his new "news" and if something of real, definitive substance comes out, like a picture or a video or some big news or something, then it can be posted as a news story?

Just a suggestion.

i agree
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02/10/2010 02:19 PM (UTC)
news to me, thanks man!
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

02/10/2010 08:17 PM (UTC)
actually he did post something similar be4 but this info was posted on twitter by ed yesterday. Which means the game is more complete then b4.
02/10/2010 08:27 PM (UTC)
02/11/2010 12:48 AM (UTC)
: 02/09/2010 11:50 PM Status ::

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RE: from ed boon, about mk9

This bit of information can be found on the thread. So it's a bit of old news.
He JUst posted that comment last night
02/14/2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
@Mk_Reptile We can't announce which characters are going to be in the next MK yet. But you will find out soon enough.
about 22 hours ago from web in reply to Mk_Reptile

it's no news, but the way I interpretate, it means we won't have to wait long.
02/14/2010 01:51 AM (UTC)
FROM ED BOON Twitter page @Kingjolly87 I'm actually saying that legally we are not allowed to accept ideas. Think about the logistics of it all. about 2 hours ago from web in reply to Kingjolly87 the guy askd ed boon why they dont take ideas from forums from fans. ed said no because they basically could get sued by the fans. i mean they dont have to take our ideas, we just point them in the right direction. i guess thats why he doesnt listen to fans and each mk game is the same every year. i guess its useless coming on this forum and ranting because ed boon does not give a F#CK . hahahahahah. well capcom listens to their fans without taking ideas and getting caught up in lawsuits. sounds like ed just doesnt care about the true fans and just want your money!!!!!
02/14/2010 02:41 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
FROM ED BOON Twitter page
@Kingjolly87 I'm actually saying that legally we are not allowed to accept ideas. Think about the logistics of it all.
about 2 hours ago from web in reply to Kingjolly87

the guy askd ed boon why they dont take ideas from forums from fans. ed said no because they basically could get sued by the fans. i mean they dont have to take our ideas, we just point them in the right direction. i guess thats why he doesnt listen to fans and each mk game is the same every year. i guess its useless coming on this forum and ranting because ed boon does not give a F#CK . hahahahahah. well capcom listens to their fans without taking ideas and getting caught up in lawsuits. sounds like ed just doesnt care about the true fans and just want your money!!!!!

I see now. sad
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02/14/2010 09:52 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i guess its useless coming on this forum and ranting because ed boon does not give a F#CK . hahahahahah. well capcom listens to their fans without taking ideas and getting caught up in lawsuits. sounds like ed just doesnt care about the true fans and just want your money!!!!!

That isn't what Boon meant at all. Ideas from the fans and requests regarding quality or content are two COMPLETELY different things.

Ideas are gameplay innovations, mechanics, or new character/fatality/story concepts. Content/quality requests are suggestions for a certain character, stage, or any older content.

OF COURSE Boon cares about the fans. I don't always agree with him, but the fact that he even replies to fans on twitter or reads the overly-negative posts on this forum puts him miles ahead of other developers.
02/14/2010 11:46 AM (UTC)
If Ed Boon didn't care about the fans we wouldn't have had MKA with every single character returning.
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02/14/2010 12:29 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
If Ed Boon didn't care about the fans we wouldn't have had MKA with every single character returning.

And almost no bios sad
02/14/2010 01:09 PM (UTC)
i know he cant take ideas. but im saying why cant he listen to fans that say make the gamplay better, make a clear story thats not messed up, make it 2.5d, dont make cross overs games, make sure the game does not have infinties, bring tobias back etc....

ed boon does not care and he does what wants, when he when he wants. which would be fine if the games were good, but they are not. even for mk style(fun,blood,story over technicality) games, the games have not been good. and please dont compare them to other fighters.

like i said capcom listen to their fans. after the fans said street fighter ex sucked capcom said they would never release 3d games again. fans said they wanted mvsc2, it gets released on psn. i mean they dont listen to everything they say but a least they do every once in a while. and you dont have to take our ideas ed, we just point you in the "right" direction of what the game should be like!!!
02/14/2010 03:14 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
i know he cant take ideas. but im saying why cant he listen to fans that say make the gamplay better, make a clear story thats not messed up, make it 2.5d, dont make cross overs games, make sure the game does not have infinties, bring tobias back etc....

ed boon does not care and he does what wants, when he when he wants. which would be fine if the games were good, but they are not. even for mk style(fun,blood,story over technicality) games, the games have not been good. and please dont compare them to other fighters.

like i said capcom listen to their fans. after the fans said street fighter ex sucked capcom said they would never release 3d games again. fans said they wanted mvsc2, it gets released on psn. i mean they dont listen to everything they say but a least they do every once in a while. and you dont have to take our ideas ed, we just point you in the "right" direction of what the game should be like!!!

a lot of the reason why he does not follow through is because of the company he works for. you can not blame it on Ed Boon alone. there are some legalities i am sure but he can use fan concepts and fiction if he really wanted to. he is Ed Boon come on...and he works for the WB now. one of the biggest companies out there...if he wanted to use an idea and it is really good and it is worth it i am sure the WB would back him in court to pay the creator of the idea(s) off. as for Capcom...i think they are doing better to listen to fans but they are less innovative and creative when it comes to trying new things and therefore the only thing that changes with SF is the graphics face lift and a few little mechanics that are taken from other games. SF is just the same game with a new gen look...if you want nostalgia just play the orginals and let them take a few risks. people think SF is so great but even when MK is at its weakest the brand still sells and moves on to try new things. Capcom is just being safe and money hoarding from people that don't like change. i think if Ed did not listen to the fans he would have been going in a different direction with MK9 than he is now...there could have been a longer wait and we could have got MK vs DC 2 with a t rating again.
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02/14/2010 03:57 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion wrote:''legalities''

You obviously must be working on the next MK for the word 'legalities'' must be a new finisher.Come on man,stop teasing us.
02/14/2010 05:37 PM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
LycaniLLusion wrote:''legalities''

You obviously must be working on the next MK for the word 'legalities'' must be a new finisher.Come on man,stop teasing us.

truthfully no...but don't you like how i made you think so? lol. i wish i could have an influence on the game but who is to say i don't. i am not looking over Boons shoulder watching if he reads these forums.
from the tweets @awesome the game is playable and is supposedly amazing. is also stated that we may not have long to wait for some solid info.
i am hanging tight myself an getting excited for this game but i am trying not to in case i am disappointed. i am crossing my fingers for some solid news and maybe a little peak at some kind of pics next coming month in game informer or something...anything would be nice. some renders of arenas or characters would work for me. even though they will probably only show Scorpion and Sub-zero just because they don't want to give everything away all at once. but yeah if i was involved in making the game i would probably not post as much as i do and i would surely not post any of my ideas.
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02/14/2010 05:55 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion wrote:i am not looking over Boons shoulder watching if he reads these forums.

Sure you aren't.....
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02/14/2010 08:02 PM (UTC)
Yeah, as others have said, there's a difference between listening to the fans that say "bring back Jade!" and then doing it and then say, stealing ideas from a fan about something that the fan created, like an idea for a character, an areana, a fighting system or the story etc.

I honestly think that Ed and the MK team does try to listen to the fans when it comes to general sentiments and things that they can do that the fans want. Look at MK:D, that game is a freakin LOVE LETTER to fans!

Make it darker! Check
More fatalities! Check
Bring back Jade! Check
Bring back Nightwolf! Check
Bring back Baraka! Check
Bring back Mileena! Check
Bring back Ermac! Check
Make a better konquest mode! Check
Put that Dairou concept in the game! Check

Honestly, my real impression of MK:D is that the MK team almost listened to the fans TOO MUCH. Bringing back all of these minor characters just because some of them were fan favorites and the overall look almost seemed too dark to me.

But honestly? I still loved the fact that it really seemed like the MK team was trying to please the fans.

Sure, you're not going to please everyone, but I do think the MK team is trying.

The one and only real issue that I have with the MK team is that there's no OFFICIAL way of getting feedback to the team. Yes, MKO is a great site, I've been here for years and I love it, but I have no idea if anyone on the team even checks this site.

I'd love to have an official, I dunno... or something where hey have a place to submit feedback, submit ideas (after agreeing to forfeiting your rights to said ideas), and a messag board to maybe interact with people on the MK team.

Of course, that latter part would be a logistical nightmare for PR, but they could at least have some type of forum where you ask questions and a moderator picks questions to answer, than maybe once a week, one of the members of the team answers questions in either a live chat or from a list of questions that the moderator gives him/her.

It could be a huge variety too, from the people that do the stop motion stuff, to the lead writer of the storyline, to someone that could speak to various processes along the creative path, either from a programming perspective, a creative perspective, heck even a marketing, production or PR perspective.

I honestly think that this type of environment would bring the MK team and the fans closer together and ultimately be better for the games as a whole. The team gets to test drive some ideas before implementation, they get to find out what their fans really want (and not have it filtered through a PR or production team) etc.

Again, they won't please everyone, and maybe you'll have some jerks that try to ruin it for the rest of the good fans, but I'd love to see something like this, because it can sometimes feel frustrating when you're a fan of something, you think that you have great ideas or at least some suggestions that feel insanely logical to the point of being obvious, yet you're left out in the cold, seemingly shouting to the uncaring air.

On the flip side, I really do think that these types of creative people probably want feedback. Maybe not from the stereotypical trolls of the internet, but if there's a way to police boards while allowing for constructive criticism and an exchange of thoughts and ideas, stuff like that only helps the creative process.

Until the barrier between the creators and the fans is lessened to the point where fans actually know when their message gets across, you're still going to have this disconnect and I honestly don't think it's overly good for either side.
02/14/2010 08:09 PM (UTC)
OrangatangKang Wrote:
LycaniLLusion wrote:i am not looking over Boons shoulder watching if he reads these forums.

Sure you aren't.....

too funny...your joking right lol. xD
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02/14/2010 08:13 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion wrote:too funny...your joking right lol. xD

Does this sound like a joke!? Peoples lives are at stake! furiousfurious
02/14/2010 08:41 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Yeah, as others have said, there's a difference between listening to the fans that say "bring back Jade!" and then doing it and then say, stealing ideas from a fan about something that the fan created, like an idea for a character, an areana, a fighting system or the story etc.

I honestly think that Ed and the MK team does try to listen to the fans when it comes to general sentiments and things that they can do that the fans want. Look at MK:D, that game is a freakin LOVE LETTER to fans!

Make it darker! Check
More fatalities! Check
Bring back Jade! Check
Bring back Nightwolf! Check
Bring back Baraka! Check
Bring back Mileena! Check
Bring back Ermac! Check
Make a better konquest mode! Check
Put that Dairou concept in the game! Check

Honestly, my real impression of MK:D is that the MK team almost listened to the fans TOO MUCH. Bringing back all of these minor characters just because some of them were fan favorites and the overall look almost seemed too dark to me.

But honestly? I still loved the fact that it really seemed like the MK team was trying to please the fans.

Sure, you're not going to please everyone, but I do think the MK team is trying.

The one and only real issue that I have with the MK team is that there's no OFFICIAL way of getting feedback to the team. Yes, MKO is a great site, I've been here for years and I love it, but I have no idea if anyone on the team even checks this site.

I'd love to have an official, I dunno... or something where hey have a place to submit feedback, submit ideas (after agreeing to forfeiting your rights to said ideas), and a messag board to maybe interact with people on the MK team.

Of course, that latter part would be a logistical nightmare for PR, but they could at least have some type of forum where you ask questions and a moderator picks questions to answer, than maybe once a week, one of the members of the team answers questions in either a live chat or from a list of questions that the moderator gives him/her.

It could be a huge variety too, from the people that do the stop motion stuff, to the lead writer of the storyline, to someone that could speak to various processes along the creative path, either from a programming perspective, a creative perspective, heck even a marketing, production or PR perspective.

I honestly think that this type of environment would bring the MK team and the fans closer together and ultimately be better for the games as a whole. The team gets to test drive some ideas before implementation, they get to find out what their fans really want (and not have it filtered through a PR or production team) etc.

Again, they won't please everyone, and maybe you'll have some jerks that try to ruin it for the rest of the good fans, but I'd love to see something like this, because it can sometimes feel frustrating when you're a fan of something, you think that you have great ideas or at least some suggestions that feel insanely logical to the point of being obvious, yet you're left out in the cold, seemingly shouting to the uncaring air.

On the flip side, I really do think that these types of creative people probably want feedback. Maybe not from the stereotypical trolls of the internet, but if there's a way to police boards while allowing for constructive criticism and an exchange of thoughts and ideas, stuff like that only helps the creative process.

Until the barrier between the creators and the fans is lessened to the point where fans actually know when their message gets across, you're still going to have this disconnect and I honestly don't think it's overly good for either side.

like i said before in another thread...a good example is Harmonix/Mtv games...they have a song request feature,merchandising,game profile interactions,in game linking and the dev team is active...they cater to fans at times and they even address fans when reasonable questions are asked. they have e-zines,promotional dlc,contests and all the good stuff that MK should have. MK really does need an official site for the whole franchise. in the past they just made a little site for each game and than it goes down after awhile. i really think they should look at sites like and take notes and follow them. this site could do it if it had the funding and people to make it a priority job.
02/15/2010 01:36 AM (UTC)
they could put up polls on noob web site, and take votes. and like someone else said, the mk team will listen to little things, but they sure wont enhanced the gameplay. if you claim that you are evolving the series by making it 3d(which is a HUGE STEP), but you cant evolve and make better gameplay?????hhmmmmm, they only like to just patch up things, sounds kinda lazy to me!!!!! they never fix the games cause mk sells are decent, which could prove they only want money or think they are doing a wonderful job in making the games or people trash the game then go buy it anyway.
02/15/2010 02:56 AM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
He JUst posted that comment last night

Um, no duh he made that post last night, but here's the thing, that information was already posted in the thread by:

Kal1138 Wrote:
I didn't know where to post it, so I thought I'd do it here.

From Ed's twitter: Capturing video of the game & it's looking SWEET! But it's snowing. :(

It would be awesome if they were capturing the footage for a reveal trailer, although I don't think they'll show gameplay footage the day they'll announce the game. I think.

So in the case of this, yes, it is old news if someone posted it before and posted once again... Not trying to start anything, but yeah, just showing you why I said it's old.
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