12/02/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm a bit irked that these two don't get talked a lot. I tried, but no one seemed interested. However, since the topic is back up, I'll join.

I hope these two are neutral, or if they are evil, they are kind of doing it out of survivalism. They'll work with whoever they're with just to keep alive.

I'll wait to see what their story is like when an actual bio is out. However, with their ending, I seriously hope (and I've stated this ever since) that they don't have Ferra being this all-mighty enslaver and Torr rises above her and kills her and becomes free from whatever grasp she had on him.

To be honest, I kinda hope they're siblings, it would be an interesting twist on them, and we don't really have that many siblings in this series anyways. What's the harm in having them be related?

That's all I really have to add to this.

Yeah I too hope they don't end up turned against each other or that Torr is Ferra's hulking moron slave. I think them being siblings would be pretty cool. I just want them to be close, like BFF status lol
12/02/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Thanks captain Obvious are you going to tell us next that NRS didn't include Motaro in MK9 because it would mean they'll need to reanimate every Fatality and X-ray and probably create new fatalities that will work on Motaro not to mention most combos won't work on a 4-legged half-man half-horse.

I was answering Blade's post.

I have nothing to tell you.

Except maybe if you could give your mother a message for me?

Tell her I want a refund. She promised she didn't have Herpes. I don't appreciate the false advertising.

Wow, I mean it's hard being Dumb but I didn't know that you are Dumb and Necrophiliac. Because my mom died 4 years ago. I really feel sorry for you man. on the other hand your sister was exactly as Advertised tell her I miss her.
12/02/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Because my mom died 4 years ago.

Oooh...so that's why she just lay there stiff as a board.

My bad. I still want the money back though, she's clearly not gonna use it.

In all seriousness though, EVERY SINGLE TIME you post at me, you're a rude jerk for literally zero reason, and I have been nothing but polite when I try to talk to you. I'm tired of being patient and hoping you'll realize you're the one acting like a dick and grow the fuck up. So now you get this.

Even Sumac never got me directly insulting him and he's been at it for 3 years. You've only been here acting like a child for a week. You should feel proud.
12/02/2014 10:08 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Because my mom died 4 years ago.

Oooh...so that's why she just lay there stiff as a board.

My bad. I still want the money back though, she's clearly not gonna use it.

In all seriousness though, EVERY SINGLE TIME you post at me, you're a rude jerk for literally zero reason, and I have been nothing but polite when I try to talk to you. I'm tired of being patient and hoping you'll realize you're the one acting like a dick and grow the fuck up.

I think your comeback works against you more than you think my Necrophiliac buddy and you might need to think of a better one.

I never been a jerk to you, It's just you think that because I argue a lot with you, there is difference and if you can't see that there is a difference then maybe it's you who needs to grow up, but When you say "That's just common sense, guys." like we are stupid or something and you expect me to sit there and take it? No sir just No, I mean I know your sister likes to Sit there and take but not me.

By the way if you had enough brains you'd notice that it wasn't just me who got that vibe from you @Blade4693 also got it but he didn't want to be rude.
12/02/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I never been a jerk to you, It's just you think that because I argue a lot with you, there is difference

Name a time we argued that you DIDN'T just plain insult me without provocation.

Perhaps if your mother hadn't died, she'd have taught you manners. You'd know how to debate like a mature adult without namecalling. But if you can't do it, why should I? It's only fair.

I seriously want that money back though. I mean it's only $2.50 but c'mon, I could buy a soda with that, no sense letting it go to waste.
12/02/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
Whoa , that escalated very quickly. I thought you guys were joking around at first sheeesh
12/02/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
Yeah, can we go back to talking about the actual topic please? How about you both shut the fuck up and take it to the PM?
12/02/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Whoa , that escalated very quickly. I thought you guys were joking around at first sheeesh

Jokes? This man's mother has died, and I'm out two and a half bucks! That's no time for jokes!

12/02/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I never been a jerk to you, It's just you think that because I argue a lot with you, there is difference

Name a time we argued that you DIDN'T just plain insult me without provocation.

Perhaps if your mother hadn't died, she'd have taught you manners. You'd know how to debate like a mature adult without namecalling. But if you can't do it, why should I? It's only fair.

I seriously want that money back though. I mean it's only $2.50 but c'mon, I could buy a soda with that, no sense letting it go to waste.

I don't think my mother went wrong with teaching me how to debate like a mature adult but you can kind of understand where I am coming from, I mean I am arguing with a Necrophiliac so it's hard to keep my cool.

And Now it seems that you are not only Dumb and Necrophiliac but also you have bad memory because the one who started with the "Namecalling" is you my Necrophiliac buddy.

By the way, Thanks for all those comments you make about my mom it makes my case even stronger, not only it proves that you are indeed a Necrophiliac but it clearly shows that you are Dumb as well because you think those lame comebacks actually work in your favor, I mean seriously I know your sister is lame but it doesn't mean you should be aswell. maybe try better next time. wink
12/02/2014 10:25 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
maybe try better next time.

12/02/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
maybe try better next time.

Are you trying to tell me that you can't do better because you are currently sucking a penis? well no need I kind of figured you suck Penises I mean you are a Necrophiliac so I wouldn't be surprised you are into that aswell, it's just a shame you do it better than your sister though sad.
12/02/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Yeah I too hope they don't end up turned against each other or that Torr is Ferra's hulking moron slave. I think them being siblings would be pretty cool. I just want them to be close, like BFF status lol

Yeah, I like what we've seen so far with the interactions and how Ferra talks to Torr. It's... adorable.

However, adorable and Mortal Kombat should not mix. But they managed to make it work in this game.

I am still awaiting for when they encounter Sub-Zero.
12/02/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
Double Post
12/02/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
They're actually the only new characters I really want to play as badly as my main.

Kotal, I still need to see some more game play footage of his totems stuff before I can actually appreciate him more. (Lately, his gameplay stuff just seems, blah)

D'Vorah is cool, she's the second new character I like.

Cassie is meh.

But Ferra Torr, I like them and I liked them even more when people continued to say "they don't belong in Mortal Kombat because they don't fit." I disapprove greatly and their complaints made me like them more.

It's just like Freddy.

... Trying to get the thread to go back to topic.
12/02/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Yeah I too hope they don't end up turned against each other or that Torr is Ferra's hulking moron slave. I think them being siblings would be pretty cool. I just want them to be close, like BFF status lol

Yeah, I like what we've seen so far with the interactions and how Ferra talks to Torr. It's... adorable.

However, adorable and Mortal Kombat should not mix. But they managed to make it work in this game.

I am still awaiting for when they encounter Sub-Zero.

My thoughts exactly. Normally I would say no to cute things in MK but like you said NRS made it work with Ferra , especially the victory poses and stuff those are pretty cute lol

That will be interesting haha im looking forward to all of what Ferra has to say throughout MKX tbh EDIT Lmao I just erased my older on topic comment because I saw you replied to my other comment and I didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them so I edited the other one as a double post then I saw you replied to that one too lol and if you have no idea what im talking about just ignore this partgrin
12/02/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
Hey next time you baby's start fighting with eachother, take that shit to the PM.
12/02/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Are you trying to tell me that you can't do better because you are currently sucking a penis?

I probably should've let you know I was doing impressions before I posted that one. Let me try again...

12/02/2014 10:53 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Hey next time you baby's start fighting with eachother, take that shit to the PM.

But public fights are more exciting :(
12/02/2014 10:55 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Are you trying to tell me that you can't do better because you are currently sucking a penis?

I probably should've let you know I was doing impressions before I posted that one. Let me try again...

So this Picture you are pointing out that you are in fact a necrophiliac, like we needed more proof man. you are really making this too easy.
12/02/2014 10:56 PM (UTC)
I just want my money's worth, man.
About Me

12/02/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
They don't seem like the most eloquent of fellas, I don't know how much of a development they can get with limited dialogue options.
12/02/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I just want my money's worth, man.

Don't think Necrophiliac people pay for those sort of stuff but maybe a dumb Necrophiliac like you would pay. Uhhh this is just way too easy, it's like you are insulting yourself to the point where I am starting to think maybe you are dumber than I thought.
12/02/2014 11:03 PM (UTC)
Y'know, you should really be thanking me, that money probably helped put you through school.
12/02/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know, you should really be thanking me, that money probably helped put you through school.

Maybe from you come from the schools only cost "$2.50" It would certainly explain you being this dumb.
12/02/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
Oh I was just assuming that's what English courses cost in your homeland because I saw one of your videos, couldn't understand a word you said, and never watched another.
It was rather nice of you to mention me by name in the thread when you posted that second one though, even though there wasn't a snowball's chance in Hell of me checking it out.
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