10/12/2014 07:18 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
She did take WAY more damage than the other kombatants, who just died/get knocked out by a few punches or kicks.

So true.

And real heroes do not attack their parents with the intentions to kill em. Ahem. Actually, Sindel was saved by the love and sacrifice of her daughter.
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10/12/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
FT: Ugly design, lame name, and most likely hard to use. Yup, I don't care for this character at all.


Ferra/Torr is already better than Kitana...oh that's right, she is not even in MKX yet and probably won't be except for a cameo in story-mode. Even if she becomes DLC, it wouldn't matter because she won't have a role in story-mode except for a cameo as I already mentioned.

Besides, Ferra/Torr are more interesting than any of the returning.

Also, Ferra/Torr and D'Vorah are two of Boon's new favorites, so....they'll be in MKXI.

Congrats on making the dumbest post ever. Keep it up.
10/12/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
To me, the fact that we still know so little about them is making them more interesting, not less. I like the other new characters, but they've had enough exposure for now, imo. Do people really need to be spoon-fed everything in order to be interested in someone or something?

It's your problem if you're the kind of person who gets too easily distracted by comic relief to respect a character. Ferra's dialogue might end up making me laugh, but if she and Torr have a great story, then I'll still take them seriously.

Hulk is a pretty deep character, even when he's his brutish illiterate self. There have been deep characters in fiction who were mute. And I doubt Ferra's broken vocabulary will be as bad as that of the average message board member.
martin_m95 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:

She didn't even have the luxury of getting an organ ripped out or her neck snapped. She just died via...weird soul bullshit.

She did take WAY more damage than the other kombatants, who just died/get knocked out by a few punches or kicks.

Ion3008 Wrote:
C'mon let's not trash someone's favorite just because they said somethin you don't like about yours.

You have to learn to follow your own advice first.

Oh yeah and fragile Sub-zero dies from a punch. I really hope that when they do kill people off in MKX they don't do it in this weird anticlimactic way MK9 did.

I'm followin my advice just fine thanks. I don't trash someone's favorite in retaliation for them talking about mine...that's silly.

Your opinion is your opinion.

And for reference: Ashrah, Sheeva, Kintaro, Reptile, Baraka, Kabal, Mileena, Havik, Skarlet, Nitara, Kai, Drahmin, Frost and Tanya...all those winners lol

Oh and D'vorah is looking very interesting.
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10/12/2014 07:52 PM (UTC)
I honestly don't give two shits about the storyline. I gave up on that long time ago. I just care for the game play, and when it comes to that Kitana is always fun and exciting to use. If I recall correctly, she was/is the most used female fighter in MK9. And a lot of skilled players used her in tournaments. It's a testament not only to her popularity, but also to her versatile game play.

In short, Kitana shits all over Ferra/Torr.
10/12/2014 07:59 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Hulk is a pretty deep character, even when he's his brutish illiterate self.

Eh, I think Hulk's depth is all hype, all his different incarnations are just writers playing around at the surface level with the idea of multiple personality disorder without ever giving Banner consistent, set-in-stone personality traits. He acts radically differently from writer to writer and in adaptations, from actor to actor. You don't see that kind of wishy-washy vagueness of personality with, say, Batman or Spider-Man.

Also can't say I've seen a mute character with much development outside of prose where the writer can go in depth about their internal thoughts and feelings in a way that you can't do in film or animation.
10/12/2014 08:07 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
I honestly don't give two shits about the storyline. I gave up on that long time ago. I just care for the game play, and when it comes to that Kitana is always fun and exciting to use. If I recall correctly, she was/is the most used female fighter in MK9. And a lot of skilled players used her in tournaments. It's a testament not only to her popularity, but also to her versatile game play.

In short, Kitana shits all over Ferra/Torr.

We'll find that out if Kitana makes it in as a playable character. We'll go online in a match via PS4 (if you have one that is...?)
10/12/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
Well, they don't appeal to me. It might change, but as of now... don't care about them, really.
10/12/2014 08:14 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
It's your problem if you're the kind of person who gets too easily distracted by comic relief to respect a character. Ferra's dialogue might end up making me laugh, but if she and Torr have a great story, then I'll still take them seriously.

Not what I meant. I respect Cage and Stryker as the comic relief characters that they are. Style and execution are important factors; and FT, so far, is off the mark for me.
10/12/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
I mean I'll give them a try...

At some point after release.
10/12/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
ShujinkoX Wrote:
Ferra/Torr is already better than Kitana...oh that's right, she is not even in MKX yet and probably won't be except for a cameo in story-mode.

I pray to God you're being facetious. Otherwise, this post gets the Nutburger of the Week award.
As for the thread itself, no, they're not underrated. The damn game isn't even out yet.
10/13/2014 03:48 AM (UTC)
I actually like how Ferra talks lol its fitting since she looks like (Or is?) a child, I thought it was kind of cute :/ And like somebody else said, the lack of information on them makes me more interested in them.
10/13/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I actually like how Ferra talks lol its fitting since she looks like (Or is?) a child, I thought it was kind of cute :/

Ferra has been confirmed as not being a little girl since E3. The devs consistently call her "little lady" for that reason. The stilted speech is likely just to indicate her primitive (so-to-speak) upbringing.

As for the pair, I'm still intrigued. They interest me far more already than a number of goons and mooks present in the series.
Darkhound74 Wrote: I'm very curious about Torr..According to the Kombat Tether, his mask purposely stayed on when Scorpion performed his fatality on him. I feel like there is something NRS is hiding with that.

I, too, am curious to see what lies beneath his mask. Either they're trying to keep his face a secret, or they haven't integrated the animation of the burlap cloth falling off his face properly (maybe.) I dunno.
10/13/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I actually like how Ferra talks lol its fitting since she looks like (Or is?) a child, I thought it was kind of cute :/

Ferra has been confirmed as not being a little girl since E3. The devs consistently call her "little lady" for that reason. The stilted speech is likely just to indicate her primitive (so-to-speak) upbringing.

As for the pair, I'm still intrigued. They interest me far more already than a number of goons and mooks present in the series.

I'm very curious about Torr..According to the Kombat Tether, his mask purposely stayed on when Scorpion performed his fatality on him. I feel like there is something NRS is hiding with that.
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10/13/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I'm probably most intrigued by F/T and Kotal Kahn, but I'm psyched for all of the new characters. If F/T has more grappling going on, that'd be even better. Love grapplers in fighting games.

Only thing I worry about at this admittedly early stage is that due to Ferra sounding kinda primitive and Torr not talking at all, I can't see this character being overly unique in terms if how the story plays out. Totally speculating, and I hope I'm wrong, bug this character seems to have "monster punching bag" written all over him/her/it/that, which I'm really sick of seeing in MK.

If it's just a case another case of "a fallen Outworld race getting promised something by someone evil and they become a minion" line, then they need to take that shizz back to the drawing board and come up with something better, because we've seen that enough as it is.

Regardless, I like this character design. Sure, it's a borrowed / heavily inspired idea, but the design works for me and they look like a lot of fun, even if they should really reconsider the Hulk-speak.
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10/13/2014 06:27 AM (UTC)
I'm all about Mad Max, so Ferra & Torr are intriguing to me, and it pisses me off that they haven't received plot details or in-depth style breakdowns in the way that Raiden, Sub-Zero etc. have had. Even Kotal Khan got a display of his three different styles.

I mean, we've seen then in a few gameplay vids and we've received a loading screen render. There's just not much to go on yet.

I don't buy the "They don't look like MK characters" garbage, because this series has had everything from lizardmen to centaurs to terminators to samurai to half-dragons. There are no defining traits as to "what makes an MK character." People said the same shit about Cyrax and Sektor nearly twenty years ago, not to mention Stryker.

We just need more info on them. For now, they're my most eagerly anticipated of the new cast members we've seen.

Darkhound74 Wrote:
.According to the Kombat Tether, his mask purposely stayed on when Scorpion performed his fatality on him. I feel like there is something NRS is hiding with that.

Allow me to be the first to insanely speculate that Torr is somehow the deformed reformed reincarnation of Shao Kahn's body. It's the eye, man, I'm calling it now. grin
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10/13/2014 08:57 AM (UTC)
I kinda like them.

I am not a fan of the more magic charactres, save perhaps Shang Tsung. MK has a problem with magic stuff, mostly because they cannot really come up with creative stuff. Mostly fireballs, skulls, teleports etc... I kinda dig Quan Chi's bat, for the same exact reason.

There is a certain aesthetic to physicality, hell, Hsu Hao was a good example of that.

10/13/2014 11:33 AM (UTC)
Probably the ones I like the least from the new guys. D'Vorah aesthetic and moveset looks really interesting and dynamic, Kotal Kahn seems to have a lot going on and I like his moves aswell. Cassie looked a bit bland at first but I'm liking his dialogues and her moves, while some of them are borrowed from multiple characters (ironically I think he borrows more moves from other characters than from her parents), I like them too.

Ferra/Torr... when they were revealed I liked them, but they've fallen, they have this aura that screams "I'm a goon and I'm not really interesting" that others had before them. In a game where all characters have 3 different playstyles, Ferra/Torr doesn't look too dynamic on the moveset department, at all.

And I don't even find Ferra funny, it's annoying and has her own personality, but I don't like it too much to be honest.

But you know what really made them completly uninteresting for me? Goro's reveal. Just thinking about how Goro could physically destroy someone that relies on physical strength but doesn't look as strong, fast and cunning as Goro, and whose only advantage is the ability to throw a scratching pigmy (not to mention that Goro has fireballs and probably he will have a dragon variation focused on that)... Seriously, they were robbed the "best big dude in the game" title the second Goro was announced, and big dudes that aren't even the best at what they do usually become really boring.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

10/13/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Yeah, I'm probably most intrigued by F/T and Kotal Kahn, but I'm psyched for all of the new characters.

Could not agree more when talking about all the new character till this point. I'm really happy with their unique and different looking powers which has been an issue in MK during time. Taven, Daegon, Kobra, and earlier on even Kai... All were given fire based characters which was a lack of creativity if you ask me. Tanya returned in Deception and she also was given fire powers. Really dissappointing.

Ferra/Torr is not my favorite out of the 4 new kombatants announced but I'm really interested. Wanna see the background story and how this duo will play. Torr even seems pretty fast for a big hulking guy. Some say they look out of place. Well, maybe. It's really different. and i'm all for that. Will give full opinion after playing MKX for a while. And that's quite some time away.

Also, why are people comparing newbees to veterans? All about personal opinions. If you think FT sucks, so be it. If you think FT has more potential then Kitana, so be it. It's fun how people pushing their opinion down the forums. Much fun to read.
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10/13/2014 06:14 PM (UTC)
I don't care about Ferra/Torr or D'Vorah.

Ferra is annoying.
10/13/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
I'm digging them so far. They have several things going for them:

-Big brute character that's playable
-Tandem (2 characters being used in 1)
-Guardian and little girl dynamic
-Not magic/chi/powers based

I think it's really going to depend on their relevance and role in story mode. If they aren't just a simple background character, they have the foundation of set for standing out and being popular enough. Id take them over a decent number of the MK4-MKA characters, a lot of who don't really "stand out" IMO.
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10/13/2014 07:43 PM (UTC)
I think they are related to Kotal Kahn, most likely his henchmen.
10/13/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
Didn't like them at first, but they grew on me. They seem pretty badass.
10/14/2014 11:38 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
FT: Ugly design, lame name, and most likely hard to use. Yup, I don't care for this character at all.

But you are a simple Kitana (good girl, princess peach) guy, such creatures have little interest in the more original characters, and never care for the bad-guys, because they are evil to their favorite little princess.

BLERGH! I hate such vermin.

Ferra/Torr is one of my favorites, I don't care that I probably never play as them, I'm more into the stories than gameplay anyway, and these two seem to really fit in and i'm curious at their story.

They probabaly have a bettter story than Sonya and Kitana combined, and are hated for that.

10/14/2014 01:03 PM (UTC)
And here we go.............. AGAIN!

Another stupid prick has nothing nice and definite to say about a not so popular new character, so he proceeds with bashing other peoples favorites, namely Sonya and Kitana.

DVorah Wrote:
They probabaly have a bettter story than Sonya and Kitana combined, and are hated for that.

^ This statement is not even a speculation. It lacks basic logic and happens to be an anachronism.

Cretins and trolls are usurping this board and there's no one to stop them. Is Mick the only moderator? Does anyone care?...

Fine.It was nice meeting some of you guys, but I can't take the stupidity anymore. Goodbye.
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