female scorpion
posted10/17/2006 09:01 PM (UTC)by
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if we are all gods children what is so special about jesus he got to die for our sins we just have to die

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02/24/2006 12:49 AM (UTC)
we need a female scorpion there is a female sub zero(frost)

and please dont say tanya!furious
03/21/2006 11:33 PM (UTC)

No we don't.

We already have Tanya.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
03/22/2006 12:39 PM (UTC)
No. Its too stereotypical.
03/22/2006 01:58 PM (UTC)
Randy Wrote:
No. Its too stereotypical.

Not stereotypicial at all, but it would be unoriginal and boring.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
03/22/2006 02:22 PM (UTC)
It is. It would be sterotypical of Midway to create a female Sub-Zero after doing the same thing with Sub Zero.
03/22/2006 10:03 PM (UTC)
Sorry, no. I don't like the idea and I don't think Midway should do that.
03/23/2006 12:17 AM (UTC)
i agree
04/08/2006 01:35 AM (UTC)
no that would be dumb we have a female sub zero (frost) a female rain (millena) and a female liu kang (kittana) making a female scopion would be so un original
04/08/2006 01:40 AM (UTC)
Are you stupid? Mileena is not a female Rain, Kitana is not a female Liu Kang, Jade is not a female Reptile or whatever the hell you think in your screwed up little mind. No more ninjas! HOW BOUT ORIGINAL CHARACTERS? No cuz dey iis tol kool en wez ned moor of dem!
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
04/08/2006 10:28 AM (UTC)
hotx67 Wrote:
no that would be dumb we have a female sub zero (frost) a female rain (millena) and a female liu kang (kittana) making a female scopion would be so un original

First of all dont bump threads
Secondly, Just becuase they are the same colour as each other doesnt mean they are counterparts.
Thirdly as Legacy said, no more ninjas....please!
04/09/2006 02:27 AM (UTC)
I agree furious
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04/09/2006 04:27 PM (UTC)
hotx67 Wrote:
no that would be dumb we have a female sub zero (frost) a female rain (millena) and a female liu kang (kittana) making a female scopion would be so un original

Frost was a female sub-zero as noted by the fact that they had the same basic powers
But Mileena is not a female rain there powers are not alike at all and Mileena was around first.
Kitana is not a female liu kang there powers are totally different.
A female scorpion would be annoying...
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04/10/2006 01:32 AM (UTC)
I guess, female Sub-Zero is fine (Frost).
04/13/2006 11:33 AM (UTC)
wow wow wow. alrite stop. evry body stop! first things first no female scorpion if midway did it i wouldnt refuse but i wudnt ask 4 it. second thing no more ninjas! wat r u guys talkin about ninjas r the backbone of mortal kombat so leave the ninjas alone alll the ninjas have been descent so far so leave them alone! scorpion absolutely amazin sub-zero the same,younger sub-zero not as cool as older but still awsome,rain amzin,reptile amzin n ermac (if u like him in the ninja class) amzin,n last but nost least frost the female sub-zero is good.
n b4 u strt arrgunin agian milleana is the oppisite of kitana n the female baraka. sheeva is the female goro so theyve done a lot of female oppisite(sex or other wise.) so stop complainin. but no female scorpion.just no.furious
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04/16/2006 10:18 PM (UTC)
What would be the point of making someone just like scorpion but female? But then you may argue what would be the point of making someone exactly like sub zero but female, but for some reason frost is actually one of my favourite ever characters. But if you think mileena is a female rain on the basis of their outfit colour then tanya is defo the female scorpion, i mean on top of being yellow she has white eyes and plays with fire! But if your still not satisfied, then I made this just for you!
04/19/2006 10:27 PM (UTC)
i agee.
people don't you know your mk lore, it would be impossible for a female scorpion to make an apperance, the shirai ryu was wiped out by old sub-zero and quanchi, it was because of this that the ninja spectre scorpion became to be and owes his existence to thus if you want a female scorpion you have to undo the original scorpion. furious
04/19/2006 11:51 PM (UTC)
No that would be so lame
04/21/2006 08:20 PM (UTC)
there should be .there was a femal sub-zero there should be A female scorpion
04/21/2006 10:06 PM (UTC)
If you look through all the MK Media, you'll find that there was already a female scorpion. Her name was Parone.

But if they should make another MK Game after Armageddon, the "Female Scorpion" should most definately be present, with a name of something closely related to science. In my opinion, her name should be...


A scorpion is in the Amphibian family, but the name of it's class sounds kinda femanine. STORYLINE While the warrior known as Scorpion is now serving on a new mission due by the Elder Gods, his lost cocupine and child were awakened by an unknown force. In the heavens, Raiden was in the midst of executing an earthrealm warrior for blantantly defying him. The outrage was so great that there was a great beacon of light that split open the heavens that let loose a great amount of souls that were awaiting judgement in the pergatory. The soul of a mother would land into an anchient graveyard, but the soul of her offspring would not be with her. She takes the body form of a woman who was slain during a vicious battle that took place in the Armageddon tournament, and sets off on her own personal mission to find her son. On her way, she meets the ninja spectre, her former husband, the Elder God's Soul Reaver, Scorpion. With a breif moment of love, they embrace, with the woman taking nearly half of his imense power. When the both of them release eachother, her appearance is altered and new, as well as her name. To seal the moment, Scorpion gives his wife one of the three Mugai Ryus that he always carries. Now there is nothing that can stop her from finding the soul of their child. FIGHTING STYLES Baji Quan Eagle Claw Mugai Ryu SPECIAL MOVES Throw Move: Amphibian spawns a scorpion's tail that stings the opponents chest and slams them over to the other side of the arena head first. Breath Of Fire: Amphibian blasts at her opponent with a fireball from her mouth. Tail Grab: Amphibian spawns a scorpion's tail and lashes it at her opponent's chest to bring them in for a good hiding, screaming "Come Over Here!" Telecorpse: Amphibian disappears in a puff of flame, reappearing on the other side of her opponent with a diving punch to the head. Tail Sweep: Amphibian turns to spawn her tail and whip it at the opponent's legs, sweeping them off their feet. FINISHING MOVES> Target Practice: Amphibian stings the opponent with her tail, slams them to the other side, and tosses them at high heights. Then she sends a vertical fireball from her mouth that hits her opponent, causing them to explode on contact with flamming remains. Tail Rack: Spawning her tail again, she sends it at her opponent's chest, impaling them. She then lifts the opponent up and brings them close to her. While her tail holds her opponent in the air, the opponent's feet are near her face, which is the perfect range for her to rip the legs off with her hands and fling the top half of their body away, leaving her to hold the legs up like a pair of trophies.
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04/21/2006 10:46 PM (UTC)
can u say

noobie fest? tongue
04/21/2006 11:59 PM (UTC)
nsobo Wrote:
can u say

noobie fest? tongue

Noobie fest!
Female Scorpion?

10/17/2006 03:01 AM (UTC)
UH..."sigh" No, first off there would be no storyline for a female Scorpion...Uh DUH his wife died ages ago. Sorpions son however would be good, check out my thread please, it's about the story that I want...and could be very very possible storyline for MK:8 very possible
10/17/2006 03:00 PM (UTC)
Armaggon Wrote:
If you look through all the MK Media, you'll find that there was already a female scorpion. Her name was Parone.

But if they should make another MK Game after Armageddon, the "Female Scorpion" should most definately be present, with a name of something closely related to science. In my opinion, her name should be...


A scorpion is in the Amphibian family, but the name of it's class sounds kinda femanine.

While the warrior known as Scorpion is now serving on a new mission due by the Elder Gods, his lost cocupine and child were awakened by an unknown force. In the heavens, Raiden was in the midst of executing an earthrealm warrior for blantantly defying him. The outrage was so great that there was a great beacon of light that split open the heavens that let loose a great amount of souls that were awaiting judgement in the pergatory. The soul of a mother would land into an anchient graveyard, but the soul of her offspring would not be with her. She takes the body form of a woman who was slain during a vicious battle that took place in the Armageddon tournament, and sets off on her own personal mission to find her son. On her way, she meets the ninja spectre, her former husband, the Elder God's Soul Reaver, Scorpion. With a breif moment of love, they embrace, with the woman taking nearly half of his imense power. When the both of them release eachother, her appearance is altered and new, as well as her name. To seal the moment, Scorpion gives his wife one of the three Mugai Ryus that he always carries. Now there is nothing that can stop her from finding the soul of their child.

Baji Quan
Eagle Claw
Mugai Ryu


Throw Move: Amphibian spawns a scorpion's tail that stings the opponents chest and slams them over to the other side of the arena head first.

Breath Of Fire: Amphibian blasts at her opponent with a fireball from her mouth.

Tail Grab: Amphibian spawns a scorpion's tail and lashes it at her opponent's chest to bring them in for a good hiding, screaming "Come Over Here!"

Telecorpse: Amphibian disappears in a puff of flame, reappearing on the other side of her opponent with a diving punch to the head.

Tail Sweep: Amphibian turns to spawn her tail and whip it at the opponent's legs, sweeping them off their feet.


Target Practice: Amphibian stings the opponent with her tail, slams them to the other side, and tosses them at high heights. Then she sends a vertical fireball from her mouth that hits her opponent, causing them to explode on contact with flamming remains.

Tail Rack: Spawning her tail again, she sends it at her opponent's chest, impaling them. She then lifts the opponent up and brings them close to her. While her tail holds her opponent in the air, the opponent's feet are near her face, which is the perfect range for her to rip the legs off with her hands and fling the top half of their body away, leaving her to hold the legs up like a pair of trophies.


Scorpion's aren't amphibians. They are of the class Arachnida, order Scorpiones. They're more closely related to spiders than amphibians. They are invertabrate creatures with an external skeleton.

Ampbibians are coldblooded vertabrates, including frogs and salamanders. Amphibians typically go through a metamorphasis, from an aquatic stage, to a stage that can live on land (although, most amphibians live near water and swim).

And no. We don't need a female Scorpion. I don't really think we needed a female Sub-Zero. And a female Scorpion would just be overdoing it.
10/17/2006 03:49 PM (UTC)
justaguy Wrote:
UH..."sigh" No, first off there would be no storyline for a female Scorpion...Uh DUH his wife died ages ago. Sorpions son however would be good, check out my thread please, it's about the story that I want...and could be very very possible storyline for MK:8 very possible

Scorpion's son is dead too.

I used to think Quan Chi turning Scorpion's wife into a spectre to use against him would've been a good character...provided her moves were nothing like Scorpion's. However, the Scorpion/Quan Chi feud really needs to end and Scorpion needs a new purpose beyond pining for his family...so I no longer feel as strongly about the idea.
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