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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/15/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
This is really pathetic though. We are so desperate right now, we haveanother fatality thread. I don't mind at all because it's an effective distraction, but it's still kind of sad lol.

Anyway, Quan Chi summons a skeleton from the ground and the skeleton proceeds to thrust its hand through opponents neck, rips his/her head off, hands it over to Quan Chi who then raises the head while sending the skeleton back to where it belongs. FATALITY
08/15/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
I wanna see someone put their thumbs right through their eyes n see them scream n then crush their.vocal cords n.snap their neck

I would like this as well. It reminds me of Kratos vs Poseidon when he forced his thumbs into his eye sockets then snapped his neck. I would mind seeing that in MK but not from a POV with something extra, maybe after the neck is snapped he can keep pulling and yanking while his thumbs are still in the eye sockets until the head comes completely off, something like that. I love the over the top violence MK has delivered over the years but I wouldn't mind seeing some more cringe worthy fatalities as well.
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All and all that`s all we all are.

08/15/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)

Sub-Zero ices ground. Skates and brakes snow unto opponent freezing them. Pulls out a puck and stick and smash.
Kotal Kahn takes opponent and throws them like a javelin into the background.
Kai décapitates opponent and dribbles head like a soccer ball.
Scorpion spins opponent with his spear like a ball and chain toss.
Raiden throws body into a skeet launching type machine and throws bolts at the different body parts flying in the air. This could become a mini-game.
Kano cuts body into five standing pièces. Knocks it down like a bowling ball.

Feel free to add....

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/15/2014 12:59 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I would just like to see more magic type fatalities.

Speciality confirmed.

Hey..I like that..

I hope it's true. Any other -ality that comes to my mind sounds silly. Hack n' slash is great but I agree and would also really enjoy it if more characters used their special abilities.
About Me

All and all that`s all we all are.

08/15/2014 01:06 AM (UTC)
Screen fades to black. From the victim's POV, his hands brush away sand reveiling winner burying him alive with a shovel. Winner discovers he's awoken, approaches and knocks him on the head with the shovel rendering the screen blurry. screen goes to red/black. Fatality.

From victim's POV. He looks down. Hands rip through his belly. They pull out intestines with squishy sounds. Peace sign from hand turns into double eye-poke. Black screen. Fatality.

These are gruesome but can be made more palatable (sp?) or comical with the right sound effects.

I would love to see things come out of backgrounds. It would be a stage fatality, but placement would be important.

A large snake from the jungle swallows the loser.

A pack of wolves....

Octopus/Kraken from the wave stage.

Lava or hot oïl pouring down.

Could redo the piranha fatality from : Deception.

A log filled with spikes swinging from a tree.
Anybody ever play Eternal Champions? They had stuff like that.
08/15/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
I would like to see more environmental fatalities.The forest was good,the street was awesome,and the Subway is tied for my fav stage fatality with MK 2's bridge fatality where u just crack on the rocks(done right with x-ray,that could be dirty now!).I was thinking something horrible could come out of the swamp n mess u up.I can't believe in the arena in mk9,that u couldn't see the Tormentor break loose for a stage fatality or in Goros stage,letting the ONI loose on ya.Also,someone mentioned more magical deaths from our favorite mages n demons.I def agree.Im hoping for something like the brutality,maybe an extended x ray where u just get beat to death(very stylish though!)
08/15/2014 08:46 AM (UTC)
Hm.. i think every MK-Game has his topic. MK2011 has dismembering, MKX has holes :)

I'm also worried to see not enough magical fatalities. Because of the characters they already Show and disappointed me in some way (Sub Zero uses his power of ice only in the beginning of his fatality).

The fatalities are pretty good and much better than in MK2011. Because they fit, til now, every character instead of MK2011 (hello Sonya...).

I don't want similar fatalities like Kanos MK2011 fatalities. This is boring as hell. I want variety.
08/15/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
I'd love a fatality involving a washing machine.

An idea for a new ality I once posted in the future MK games board is oldalities (or better yet "Senalities"). Which, in MKX, would actually be fitting. Characters getting old and being affected by it. Here's a few. It will be a little offensive, just so you know.

Quan Chi: tries to conjure a spell but forgets what he's suppose to say, which results in him aging even further, until he's reduced to a skeleton.

Cyrax: his armor is old and worn out. He tries to fire a grenade from his chest only for it to get stuck and explode.

Liu Kang: attempts a flying kick by jumping but he falls on his coccyx and breaks it.

Kabal: tries to run but trips.

Johnny: does a split a la Walter Matthau in Dennis the Menace. Hilarity ensues.

Scorpion: tries to throw his spear at his opponent but can never throw it far enough.

Shinnok: ends up in a retirement home, and rants about being a god as he is taken to his room by staff members.

Reptile: tries to stick out his tongue at his opponent, but it drops and rolls off the floor.

Bo Rai Cho: looking even older and now bald, he lies on the ground, wearing nothing but a diaper, and farts uncontrollably.

Shang Tsung: He's got some big trouble in little China, if you know what I mean.

Onaga: Oh, he's puffin'! Here it comes, here it comes! A... whole lot of smoke.

Mileena: seen from behind her back, she turns around and we see that she has no teeth left! She then cackles maniacally, and walks toward the camera waving her hands as it (the camera) backs away.
08/15/2014 03:26 PM (UTC)
I like the idea of more magic fatalities, but I'd also like to see more broken bones. Like a fatality idea I had for Johnny Cage.

He would grab the opponents arm and break their elbows, the elbows would jut out the skin. He would then kick their knees in and an xray zoom shows he shatters them maybe bones jut out the back. Then he charges his fist and uppercuts the opponents head as scream their tongue gets bitten off as their head comes off.

One magic-ish I thought for quan.chi is.that he makes them hurt themselves. Thry would rip out their eyes, then commit sepekku. Another is that he would nutter an incantation and they begin to hold their stomach. An xray shows their stomach burst and acid burns a hole in them. Their heart starys to beat faster as the insides melt. Then zoom in again and the heart explodes
08/15/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
I just wanna see someones lungs ripped out. Is that too much to ask for?! glasses
08/16/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
I think human criminal-types like Kano and Hsu Hao (yes, I know he's not coming back), in any stages featuring water, should have a unique stage fatality where they knock out their opponents, and we then see the victims wake up, their hands tied, and their feet are encased in a concrete block! They are then thrown or pushed into the water.

I could imagine Kano laughing as it all happens. "You're gonna go for a swim, mate!" (babe when it's a woman) or "You're gonna hit rock bottom, ha ha ha ha!" or "swim, Forrest, swim!".

Hsu Hao, however, would be completely quiet, but with that creepy smile on his face.
08/17/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
Would it be too realistic if a character cut or hacked off their opponents hands and feet to let them bleed out? Also, have the opponent shrivel a bit and turn blue-ish because of the amount of blood loss.
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