Fatality types that we havent really seen yet
posted08/17/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)by
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06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
Self-explanatory title. I think there's still some uncharted territory for fatalities.

X-Ray: Like the Streets' stage fatality in MK9. It could be taken further. Reptile, Khameleon or a new chemistry-based character, could have a fatality of this nature. Reptile/Khameleon would barf acid down the victim's throat, the chemistry-based character would force the victim to drink something, and it would result in the opponent's organs melting from the inside, which we'd see in it's all it's gory glory.

Suffocation: The opponents being choked to death, and the camera would focus on their face as they are getting the life squeezed out of them. Stages featuring water, like the waterfront, could have a fatality where the victims are drowned. Could be combined with the X-Ray variation.

Another idea for one is Bo Rai Cho passing out drunk and falling on his opponent, who eventually suffocate due to Bo's weight.

Buried alive: For the graveyard, if it made a return. Jade's deserts could involve moving sands. The graveyard one would not see the victims die. They'd get knocked out, and wake up in a coffin deep underground, and scream in horror. Alternately, any stages featuring sand could see the opponent buried neck-deep.

First-person: from the victim's POV. If the Subway stage came back, we could see the train arrive at full-speed, then the camera would cut to the victim's terrorized expression, and we'd see the train, from their POV, run them over. Either the screen would go dark when you hear the "clank" sound, or the victim would go flying far, and land besides the rails, and we'd see the train passes as the screen slowly goes dark. Or, they land on the rails, and the screen goes dark when the train runs the victim over after she/he futilely tries to get up.

Another one, again involving the graveyard, would see the victim thrown/knocked into an hole, and from their POV, we see dirt being poured on them, until the screen is almost completely covered in it.

Could work for the Pit 2, too. When knocked off the pit, we first see their terrified expression on their faces, then we'd see the rest of the fall entirely from their eyes, and the screen would go dark when they hit the pavement.

Off-screen/dark: The screen going dark isn't new, as it happened in UMK3/MKT during Classic Sub-Zero's spine rip and Scorpion's legion fatalities, but it and going offscreen could be used in a much more disturbingly effective way, imo. In this case, unlike the first-person category, the screen would go dark before they die.
08/14/2014 03:03 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Self-explanatory title. I think there's still some uncharted territory for fatalities.

X-Ray: Like the Streets' stage fatality in MK9. It could be taken further. Reptile, Khameleon or a new chemistry-based character, could have a fatality of this nature. Reptile/Khameleon would barf acid down the victim's throat, the chemistry-based character would force the victim to drink something, and it would result in the opponent's organs melting from the inside, which we'd see in it's all it's gory glory.

Suffocation: The opponents being choked to death, and the camera would focus on their face as they are getting the life squeezed out of them. Stages featuring water, like the waterfront, could have a fatality where the victims are drowned. Could be combined with the X-Ray variation.

Another idea for one is Bo Rai Cho passing out drunk and falling on his opponent, who eventually suffocate due to Bo's weight.

Buried alive: For the graveyard, if it made a return. Jade's deserts could involve moving sands. The graveyard one would not see the victims die. They'd get knocked out, and wake up in a coffin deep underground, and scream in horror. Alternately, any stages featuring sand could see the opponent buried neck-deep.

First-person: from the victim's POV. If the Subway stage came back, we could see the train arrive at full-speed, then the camera would cut to the victim's terrorized expression, and we'd see the train, from their POV, run them over. Either the screen would go dark when you hear the "clank" sound, or the victim would go flying far, and land besides the rails, and we'd see the train passes as the screen slowly goes dark. Or, they land on the rails, and the screen goes dark when the train runs the victim over after she/he futilely tries to get up.

Another one, again involving the graveyard, would see the victim thrown/knocked into an hole, and from their POV, we see dirt being poured on them, until the screen is almost completely covered in it.

Could work for the Pit 2, too. When knocked off the pit, we first see their terrified expression on their faces, then we'd see the rest of the fall entirely from their eyes, and the screen would go dark when they hit the pavement.

Off-screen/dark: The screen going dark isn't new, as it happened in UMK3/MKT during Classic Sub-Zero's spine rip and Scorpion's legion fatalities, but it and going offscreen could be used in a much more disturbingly effective way, imo. In this case, unlike the first-person category, the screen would go dark before they die.

Sorry, but most of these really cross the line and are far too realistic. MK gets away with a lot in terms of Fatalities and gore because it's over-the-top and pretty unrealistic.

You start suffocating people or burying them alive or drowning/waterboarding them on screen, you're going to find yourself knee-deep in a media shitstorm and very much on the ESRB's bad side...
08/14/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure how to explain this, but I kind of want more fatalities that incorporate supernatural or magical themes, like I understand the gore factor of having decapitations and limbs severed, but for instance if Shang Tsung were in the game, I was beyond pissed that he didn't have his trademark Soul Steal fatality...instead putting in the fatality from MKvsDC that they had to tone down.
08/14/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
I'd like for one of the female characters wearing high heels to take off one of their shoes and slam the pointy heel several times into the opponent's skull until it breaks and brain mass starts to flow out.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/14/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Self-explanatory title. I think there's still some uncharted territory for fatalities.

X-Ray: Like the Streets' stage fatality in MK9. It could be taken further. Reptile, Khameleon or a new chemistry-based character, could have a fatality of this nature. Reptile/Khameleon would barf acid down the victim's throat, the chemistry-based character would force the victim to drink something, and it would result in the opponent's organs melting from the inside, which we'd see in it's all it's gory glory.

Suffocation: The opponents being choked to death, and the camera would focus on their face as they are getting the life squeezed out of them. Stages featuring water, like the waterfront, could have a fatality where the victims are drowned. Could be combined with the X-Ray variation.

Another idea for one is Bo Rai Cho passing out drunk and falling on his opponent, who eventually suffocate due to Bo's weight.

Buried alive: For the graveyard, if it made a return. Jade's deserts could involve moving sands. The graveyard one would not see the victims die. They'd get knocked out, and wake up in a coffin deep underground, and scream in horror. Alternately, any stages featuring sand could see the opponent buried neck-deep.

First-person: from the victim's POV. If the Subway stage came back, we could see the train arrive at full-speed, then the camera would cut to the victim's terrorized expression, and we'd see the train, from their POV, run them over. Either the screen would go dark when you hear the "clank" sound, or the victim would go flying far, and land besides the rails, and we'd see the train passes as the screen slowly goes dark. Or, they land on the rails, and the screen goes dark when the train runs the victim over after she/he futilely tries to get up.

Another one, again involving the graveyard, would see the victim thrown/knocked into an hole, and from their POV, we see dirt being poured on them, until the screen is almost completely covered in it.

Could work for the Pit 2, too. When knocked off the pit, we first see their terrified expression on their faces, then we'd see the rest of the fall entirely from their eyes, and the screen would go dark when they hit the pavement.

Off-screen/dark: The screen going dark isn't new, as it happened in UMK3/MKT during Classic Sub-Zero's spine rip and Scorpion's legion fatalities, but it and going offscreen could be used in a much more disturbingly effective way, imo. In this case, unlike the first-person category, the screen would go dark before they die.

Sorry, but most of these really cross the line and are far too realistic. MK gets away with a lot in terms of Fatalities and gore because it's over-the-top and pretty unrealistic.

You start suffocating people or burying them alive or drowning/waterboarding them on screen, you're going to find yourself knee-deep in a media shitstorm and very much on the ESRB's bad side...

This. A classic MK fatality is Raiden's new one. It's gory and its vicious but its not realistic.

Being buried alive is horrific. If that was in the game, I'd turn off fatalities, same for being buried up to the neck in sand
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/14/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'd like for one of the female characters wearing high heels to take off one of their shoes and slam the pointy heel several times into the opponent's skull until it breaks and brain mass starts to flow out.

I could of seen Mileena doing that in MK9, then slurping up the brain matter. Beats the hell outta the Rip Off.
08/14/2014 04:04 PM (UTC)
I'd like some fatalities involving brutal heart attacks.

An old idea of mine for the Shadow Priest is a fatality where he prays, and the opponent bleeds out. I'm thinking they could X-Ray it partially.

Another old fatality idea of mine, originally for Reptile, is one where the opponent's skin starts rotting, and chunks of their skin, eyeballs, teeths and the tongue all drop on the ground. Imagine the skin peeling itself off from the victim's POV.

Speaking of POV (and the rest of this post is dedicated to this fatality type, just so you know), I think certain character's visions, like Kano's due to his infra-red eye, or the cyborgs', should be different. POV fatalities done on Kenshi should instantly become "dark screen" ones as well.

Instead of the screen going dark at the end of POV fatalities, the screen could turn red for most characters, and a different color for certain characters like Reptile.

One idea for a POV fatality, for James Bond (yes, a guest, get over it already): None other than the James Bond movie intro, with the appropriate blood color for every characters, and a completely dark screen for Kenshi that gets covered with red blood.

A slight alteration for the Pit 2 POV stage fatality, is the camera cutting right back to the victim's front as they land on the pavement, like Sonya in Jarek and Jax's MK4 endings when Jarek throws her off the cliff. This change could be triggered by pressing certain buttons, like you could in MK2 during the deadpool/kombat tomb stage fatalities.
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08/14/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I'm not sure how to explain this, but I kind of want more fatalities that incorporate supernatural or magical themes, like I understand the gore factor of having decapitations and limbs severed, but for instance if Shang Tsung were in the game, I was beyond pissed that he didn't have his trademark Soul Steal fatality...instead putting in the fatality from MKvsDC that they had to tone down.

That really wasn't necessary for them to do. In some cases less is more, and I think just a bullet straight through the head is more effective than having half of the head explode like that. I definitely agree that he should have had his soul steal instead.
08/14/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
See I actually like most of these ideas. I think the gorier and more messed up the better. The only ones im not sure of is burying alive, and not because its messed up but because it would be anti-climactic IMO we would see from their POV looking out of the hole, we might hear them panic and scream while trying to get out and then the dirt keeps coming in and eventually fills up which leads to the black screen, I can just picture it now. I just think it would be kind of boring lol
Now the drowning one could work, especially if they did in similar to the Hell stage in MK9 , you stomp their head into the water and they are fighting to get up but cant because you are stepping on them, you can hear the water gurgle and some faint screams while there arms are flailing violently and stuff then they just stop....Fatality lol would be kind of cool.

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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/14/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
Most of these ideas sounds like you want Fatalities to go back to Teen rating.

Black outs?
Screen turning colors?!
First person view falls?

Where's the gore? Where's the cringe?

The key that makes a Fatality is showing the opponent with serious bodily harm.
And then you're talking about screen alternations which either doesn't show or barely shows the Fatality performance. To simply put it, very anti-climactic.
08/14/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Most of these ideas sounds like you want Fatalities to go back to Teen rating.

Black outs?
Screen turning colors?!
First person view falls?

Where's the gore? Where's the cringe?

The key that makes a Fatality is showing the opponent with serious bodily harm.
And then you're talking about screen alternations which either doesn't show or barely shows the Fatality performance. To simply put it, very anti-climactic.

You seem to think that over-the-top fatalities are the only ones that can be brutal and disturbing. Or perhaps you think "suffercating" (LOL!) isn't an unpleaseant experience, heh? Even if we showed the victim's facial expression while they're drowning?

Maybe you think seeing someone being thrown with great force against a wall wouldn't be cringe-worthy either, if we didn't see any visible injuries. Never mind any impactful sounds of bones being broken and the body slammed hard against the wall. Nah, they probably should explode, like they pointlessly did in the MK:SM version of Liu Kang's cartwheel fatality and Baraka's impale one. Speaking of that game, I absolutely loved Liu Kang's bone breaking fatality, and I'd love to see it make a return (not that it has to be his, though).
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-sig by MINION

08/14/2014 05:29 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
You seem to think that over-the-top fatalities are the only ones that can be brutal and disturbing. Or perhaps you think "suffercating" (LOL!) isn't an unpleaseant experience, heh?
Right, being strangled is probably one of the more disturbing and violent ways to go. There could be a lot of struggle involved. It could be very brutal if it ends in a neck snap.

Personally I've always been a fan of the quick and dirty fatality subscribing to the idea that you want to kill your opponent. I know originally from a design point of view they were put in to humiliate you at the arcade but it's 2014 and fatalities aren't hard to discover hidden inputs to make you a local legend at your arcade; they're how we finish whoever we're fighting.
08/14/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
I wanna see someone put their thumbs right through their eyes n see them scream n then crush their.vocal cords n.snap their neck
Sonya since 92
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Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

08/14/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
I wanna see someone put their thumbs right through their eyes n see them scream n then crush their.vocal cords n.snap their neck

Seek help lol
08/14/2014 09:28 PM (UTC)
SlickRick82 Wrote:
creed200569 Wrote:
I wanna see someone put their thumbs right through their eyes n see them scream n then crush their.vocal cords n.snap their neck

Seek help lol

lmao I saw the eye part in a movie recently, cant remember the name but it was crazy. Hey like blowing up someone's testicles isn't bad right haha I know Im gonna cringe seeing that lol
08/14/2014 09:34 PM (UTC)
I've never like the idea of POV fatalities so I disagree there, other than that these all seem a bit too realistic. I'd like to see more magic based fatalities personally.
08/14/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
ReptileFinally Wrote:
I've never like the idea of POV fatalities so I disagree there, other than that these all seem a bit too realistic. I'd like to see more magic based fatalities personally.

Im all for magic fatalities. Shang Tsungs Soul Steal would look awesome on next gen, this is why I seriously hope they come out with a classic fatality pack this time. This new gore tech looks so awesome, I wanna see more finishing moves added n other stuff like Friendships for old times
08/14/2014 10:17 PM (UTC)
I really hope NRS doesn't take this thread seriously...as I really don't want Fatalities to turn into realistic torture porn.

Short and to the point is how a Fatality should inherently be.

Scream a foe's skin off.

Send a laser through their skull.

Or even rip them in half with unnatural strength.

But can we not bury an opponent alive while they struggle and beg for mercy, or zoom in on an opponents face so we can bask in their expression of terror just before they expire and their life drains from their eyes? wow

That kind of stuff doesn't belong in MK, imo.
I would just like to see more magic type fatalities. Raiden's new fatality is pretty cool, but some originality would be nice. Like him phasing through the opponent, basically like his teleport except he zaps through them multiple times. Like the person is being slowly fried while Raiden is quickly teleporting back and forth through them on each side. They slowly get burnt to a crisp.
08/14/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
WeaponTheory Wrote:...

You seem to think that over-the-top fatalities are the only ones that can be brutal and disturbing. Or perhaps you think "suffercating" (LOL!) isn't an unpleaseant experience, heh? Even if we showed the victim's facial expression while they're drowning?
Maybe you think seeing someone being thrown with great force against a wall wouldn't be cringe-worthy either, if we didn't see any visible injuries. Never mind any impactful sounds of bones being broken and the body slammed hard against the wall. Nah, they probably should explode, like they pointlessly did in the MK:SM version of Liu Kang's cartwheel fatality and Baraka's impale one. Speaking of that game, I absolutely loved Liu Kang's bone breaking fatality, and I'd love to see it make a return (not that it has to be his, though).

I think Weapon was accurate in saying it would be 'anti-climactic'. I think these ideas are just boring. Not that there can't be some shock value from facial expressions and the sounds of bones cracking, but I don't see a fatality devoid of any real performance being exciting. Not to mention it'd be plain silly watching any MK character drowning or being buried alive when half of them teleport.

As a side note, I hope you were kidding when you referenced 'suffercating'.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/14/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
You seem to think that over-the-top fatalities are the only ones that can be brutal and disturbing. Or perhaps you think "suffercating" (LOL!) isn't an unpleaseant experience, heh? Even if we showed the victim's facial expression while they're drowning?

I guess I'm just overall desensitized to watching a video game character dying in Mortal Kombat?? If anything, I would more likely to laugh at the thing depending how it's executed.
And a simple SUFFOCATION isn't going to do it for me. Watching a character struggle in MK9 Deadpool didn't do it for me and they're melting. Facial expressions and all. No, I tried, I watched a two minute video of the female characters dying. Nothing.
Then I watched a four minute Rain compilation of his Bubble Burst Fatality.

Not feeling anything.

You can only do so little with facial animation.
Then take account on trying to focus on a face that's constantly moving and body moving and maybe arm flailing. I cannot imagine this visually working out in terms of your idea. Especially in water where the water may visually distort what's supposed to be the important focus point.

DG1OA Wrote:
Maybe you think seeing someone being thrown with great force against a wall wouldn't be cringe-worthy either, if we didn't see any visible injuries. Never mind any impactful sounds of bones being broken and the body slammed hard against the wall. Nah, they probably should explode

Probably not. All I can think about is the MKA Wasteland Death Trap. And you can't be more forced into a wall than a catapult launching you. I find it overall silly. But whatever, that was back then...
Exploding bodies is dumb.

DG1OA Wrote:
Speaking of that game, I absolutely loved Liu Kang's bone breaking fatality

Same. I wanted it to be in MK9. But I was leaning towards how it could have been a X-Ray. Going internal to the body and watching every-fucking-important bone break.
08/14/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
D'Vorah should get a fatality where bugs go inside the opponent, and devour (heh) the organs.

Smoke, if he returns, should have a fatality where he completely fills the opponent's lungs with smoke, causing the opponent to violently cough several times before dropping dead. We'd see the lungs getting blacker and blacker.

Remember Raiden's censored fatality in the SNES version of MK1, where he reduced his opponent to ash, save for the skull? I'd like to see that make a comeback. As well as electrocution fatalities that don't end with the opponent exploding. Like Nightwolf's lightning fatality from MK3, only it should have some effect on the opponent, like spiking up their hair. Which, on Kano's hairy body, could be hilarious.

If we got the Joker as a guest character (I know it won't happen), one of his fatalities should see him reducing his victim to a charred skeleton with the joy buzzer like in the 89 movie (Raiden could do it too, with only his bare hands), and another the smilex gas where the opponents laugh uncontrollably before dropping dead with a big smile on their face. Shang Tsung, if he returned, could always turn into a clown again for one of his fatalities and spray the gas (which wouldn't be referred as Smilex, duh). No reason we should wait for another crossover with the DC universe for such a fatality.

If we got a new Medusa-like character or Medusa herself, she should obviously turn the opponent to stone in one fatality. When that happens, the only part not turned to stone should be the eyes, and the inside. With the opponent's face frozen in a expression of agony, we see them move their eyes in all directions.

My crudest idea yet: a fatality where the opponent's head is shoved up their butt. Would suit Johnny, Kano or Hsu Hao rather well. Johnny could then shadow kick his opponent, causing the opponent's head to come out of their butt flying offscreen.

Another one for Johnny: he kicks his opponent's leg from behind, resulting in a leg coming out of their leg. You might get it if you know your wrestling well.

To conclude, inflation fatalities like Kitana's kiss of death should show the muscles and ligaments inside the victim's body getting torn.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/14/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I would just like to see more magic type fatalities.

Speciality confirmed.
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
I would just like to see more magic type fatalities.

Speciality confirmed.

Hey..I like that..
08/15/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
One that I would like to see is, for a lack of better terms, a Vitality. A chance for the defeated character to enter a command and regain 10% of his/her life bar.

There could be a couple ways to pull it off and make it look awesome.

#1. If a fatality and a vitality are pulled off at the same time, the 2 players can wager part or all of their stamina bar so their move will overcome the other. While this is going on, the characters struggle on the screen.

#2. If the loser activates their Vitality unmolested, the opposing character is pushed across the screen to create space between the two. After a second has passed, the fight resumes.
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