Fatality Ideas
posted05/05/2007 11:23 AM (UTC)by
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10/12/2006 10:35 AM (UTC)
I will post some ideas later but,feel free to post pics,descriptions or ideas on the fatality system.
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|||||||*|SUCK IT!
01/25/2007 11:28 AM (UTC)
I think they should keep the Kreate-A-Fatalities and add at least 1 original character fatality for the fighters as well.
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01/25/2007 01:34 PM (UTC)
Kitana chops off opponents legs with her fans. An opponent falls down and begins to crawl away crying "No, No!" Then Kitana slowly comes up to the victim, closes her fans and thrusts them into opponent's eyes!

Bo Rai Cho:
He sits on your face until you die from lack of oxygen, then he bust on your face.

Thank you have a nice day!

01/26/2007 04:11 AM (UTC)
Nefrit Wrote:
Bo Rai Cho:
He sits on your face until you die from lack of oxygen, then he bust on your face.

Thank you have a nice day!


I reckon it should stick to KAF, but make it gorier and more complex, with alot more finishings. Also characters could have specific finishers. eg Kitana could get out her fans and slice them in half.

Also make it more realistic, like if you pull out a heart or brain, then that should be the end of the chain, rather than have the victim still standing for the next 10 seconds. Just doesn't look right.
01/27/2007 10:48 AM (UTC)
i would really like for the original fatality system to return but if they keep the new kaf system they really need more to it than just torso tears,heart rips,arm rips,ect....they need to get more creative....like keep all the other stuff yes,but add one or two character speciffic enders...
most characters can do enders like the head rip,the head crush,the torso rip,ect.....but lets say reptile for example...what if he could do his traditional touge lash and eat the guys head or give the guy an acid bath leaving him in bones and ooze like his classic fatalities and still have the other traditional enders like decapitation and limb severing....also make it so that some enders are unlockable depending on how many are made for each character.

a rough idea of a button combo using a three hit fatality for an example on a special ender button taps:
toward (x2),triangle + up (x2),triangle + toward (x2),back,down,circle

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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/27/2007 08:39 PM (UTC)
I never want to see the shitty "create-a-fatality" system return. Most of the moves were non-sensical anyway. How the fuck do you rip out somebody's brain and not kill them?
01/28/2007 04:42 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I never want to see the shitty "create-a-fatality" system return. Most of the moves were non-sensical anyway. How the fuck do you rip out somebody's brain and not kill them?

exactly, and besides, the KAF was probably in MKA becuase it was the last for the old generation, therefore i really beleive that there will never again be another KAF, it sucked. may it finally rest in pieces!
01/28/2007 09:35 PM (UTC)
Hook sword Character (Either Kabal or Mavado)

They start off face to face and then the hook sword character gets his hook sword and slowly cuts through the character. Starting with the head down through the throat. When it get to the ribs there should be a slight jerking motion as they snap one by one.
02/01/2007 12:50 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung: he Morphs in to a chainsaw and spits the oponet in half.
02/01/2007 08:22 PM (UTC)
KAF sucked andi hope it never comes back, even if each person only has 1 ffatality its better then that shit
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
02/01/2007 10:40 PM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
I never want to see the shitty "create-a-fatality" system return. Most of the moves were non-sensical anyway. How the fuck do you rip out somebody's brain and not kill them?

I agree. I despise the creation system. It's the worst thing they could have done and it should never return. I really do hope they manage to step up the Fatalities for the next generation. We need some originality and depth in them. There needs to be realistic blood and realistic screams and a dark and menacing aura surrounding the Fatalities.

You guys should take a look at this thread I made. I never got the chance to finish it but might remake it. It was there to explore the Fatalities and the things that made them great.
About Me

Why care about people if they're not bloody and on your carpet right now?

02/04/2007 04:01 AM (UTC)
I did kind of like the KAF system. I want it to come back, but not in it's exact form. It would be great if every character had a base fatality, but pressing a button at a certain time within the kill would alter it.
They could even make unlockables out of the cues, if they could keep their mouths shut about the feature. Just have a bunch of pictures to unlock, and nobody knows what they are until someone explains them in story mode.
02/04/2007 01:29 PM (UTC)
K-A-F should not return.

Personally I'd like each character to have atleast 1 (preferably 2) 'normal fataliatty' a humiliation fatality (see below) and, depending on the fight mechanic, a mid-fight fatality.

The (normal) Fatalities should be deliberate, violent, and somewhat shocking -if it means a high rating, who cares, its mortal kombat for fucks sake. No slow buildup or lack of climax. sometimes the simplest solution would be most effect.
Raiden simply summoning a continual stream of lightning from the heavens to the tourment of his opponent as they whither, scream and melt.
Kenshi holding his sword then thrusting it (telekintically) into the opponents throat, and as they drop to their knees you hear them choke on blood as it runs from their neck, finally ending it by raising his hand upwards, as the sword slices through their skull.

Simple, deliberate, violent, shoking. Thats all thats needed.

As for humilation fatalities (humaliations? dishonourable fatalities?), these would be (note: idea taken from old thread, not my own) unique to the victim, not victor. The victor would need to know the specific input to use on the victim to achieve this fatality. Once input, they would kill the opponent in a way unique to the person.
Twisting both of Baraka's hands behind him (dislocating them at the socets, then pointing them at the rear of his head, with a sharp chop to both forearms/elbows the blades instinctively draw peicing the back of his own head.
Beheading kenshi with his own sword. (simply but it could be done to look awesome)
Forcing Scorpion to the prone position (leaning forward) the taking the loose end from his spear and tieing it around his neck, then forcing his arm up and firing the spear into the roof, jolting himself upward, snapping his neck.

In-Fight Fatalities (brutalities, perhaps) could occur, depending on how the new fight system ends up, during the last round or on a weekend vulnerable opponent in some way. these could be somewhat more 'realistic' such as Kenshi twisting an opponents arm to force them to their knees, then slicing their head off with a sword or Kung Lao removing his hat as he turns his back, holding it ready to throw and 'charging up' before turning to slingshot it (almost discus-style throw but with only 180 degree turn) at the opponent, slicing themin half.
02/04/2007 02:27 PM (UTC)
i believe they should go back to the original fatalties, as that imo was much more fun. They should really make it evil and dark, thugh, so that MK8 pushes the rating of "M" to a new high.
02/04/2007 09:40 PM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:
i believe they should go back to the original fatalties, as that imo was much more fun. They should really make it evil and dark, thugh, so that MK8 pushes the rating of "M" to a new high.

The darkest of dark, the eviliest of evil... the Bloodiest of the Gore factory hell yeah I want to see the original fatalites. Showing most of the organs flowing out of the wounds, having brain matter drip onto the ground. I'll stop
02/05/2007 03:51 AM (UTC)
For Kabal

He does Raging Flash (Spining Run) back and forth about 4 times, and each culumitive time, more body parts go flying, until your opponent stops spining, just bones, flesh, organs, and blood...
02/05/2007 05:24 AM (UTC)
great ideas guys keep em coming...

baraka stabs the opponent in the head violently,than he lifts the opponent up as the legs twitch and dangle...baraka than turns his head to look at his other blade retract and than swings and slices the opponents head off...the body falls twitching and spraying blood everywhere...baraka raises the blade with the head on it posing for his victory.

(Any old or if new shokans) the opponent gets raised in the air by one set of arms as the other set rips the opponents limbs off one by one...than with one limb left the shokan smashes the opponent on the ground repeatedly ....no posing it just keeps going kinda like quan chis old fatality when he beats the guy with his own limb lol....he just keeps beating away

About Me

02/05/2007 01:28 PM (UTC)
Read this one!!!

She strangles her opponent with her own braid!! Isn't this cool?
02/06/2007 01:27 PM (UTC)
Mortaro (with Two Legs): He Goes In The Mouat Stance And Kicks The Oponets Torso Off.
02/07/2007 03:36 PM (UTC)
I would like something in same fashion as the K-A-F function to return but done completley different. I like that idea that you can interact with your fatality, the thing that let me down in Armageddon was that everyone did the same shit when u pressed a certain combination.

Each combination should have a different animation to it, for example if you were Sub-Zero you input one movement scheme and you have a choice of digging your hand in the opponents spine, or if you input something else you can freeze the opponent, or charge up an ice spike, or whatever. From there you have the option of doing something that is exclusive to that character only. And I would have it just be the press of the punch and kick buttons so you can add long strings and not be so confused with the up down back shit, that really drew me off in armageddon.

02/08/2007 03:53 AM (UTC)
I got one:

lets say Rain walks over and impales the opponet in the stomach with his hand, pulls out his intestines, raps it around the opponents neck and chocks them to death :)
02/08/2007 07:43 AM (UTC)
Let see here umm...OK here's one, NightWolf walks up to his opponent and takes out his hachet and puts it right infront of there face to show them what there in for. He then begins to use the Hachet and hits their knee cap causing the hachet to get stuck in his oppponents leg, he then moves the hachet causing it to moveup and down. finally the hachet comes out of his opponents leg. while there standing their in pain Nightwolf raise's one of his arms while the other is holding on to his opponents head, he then chops their head off. Nightwolf raise's it high in the air for the victory.

Scorpion's turn. As the opponent is standing there, Scorpion then aim's the spear at his opponents leg. Once the spear has gone through their leg and still behind the opponent the spear then comes from the back and aim's at their other leg. Once the spear has gone through both their legs Scorpion then grabs hold on both the ends of his spear and pulls causing them to fall, Scorpion then tugs three times causing both of their opponents leg to come off. Scorpion then walks over, looks at his helpless opponent and pulls his mask off burning fire on the helpless opponent. The opponent then screams some more dieing in pain.

So what do yout think? This is my first time describing my own fatality.
02/12/2007 11:19 AM (UTC)
since quan chi is somthing like a necromancer
he would summon a group of zombies to eat hes opponent alive.
the zombies would be tarring the victoms guts out and eating them right in front of the victom. blood would be gushing of the victoms mouth
as he coughs and screams while watching in agony

02/12/2007 02:44 PM (UTC)
Raiden- similar to his special grab and shock move but longer...he walks up to the opponent grabs him and electocutes him til he begins to smoke...than the opponents body starts catching on fire...as he keeps electrifying the opponent...the opponents limbs,torso and head spontaniously combust or explode.

Cyrax- like his old special move but when the laser net hits the opponent it goes right through the opponents body...cyrax turns and poses as his opponent falls to the ground cubed up in pieces.

Kung Lao- similar to one of his old fatalities wear his slices the guy in half down the middle of his body but in the middle of the fatality the hat gets stuck at the torso and he than tugs a few times and pulls the hat back out of the body...the body flops as the opponent falls to his knees an than the ground.

Liu Kang- he turns into a dragon and breathes a quick breath of fire on the opponent....the opponent runs around screaming a bit and than the dragon swipes the opponent with his tail and than while holding down the still screaming half on fire opponent...ripping the fighter in half the dragon eats the legs an pelvis region of the opponent...liu morphs back and bows for his victory.
threads like this rule because u can be creative and shit.

scorpion: spears them, toasties them, kicks their skelliton, and bones fly everywhere.

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