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02/16/2007 08:04 AM (UTC)
Stryker straps dynamite to his opponents body, and when it explodes, they could have the body all mangled like when the T1000 exploded in terminator 2, and then stryker just pushes them over .

Another one for stryker, he takes out his gun, blows of both of ur arms, and one leg. The character falls down and tries to shrimp away with his one leg, then stryker blows that one off. The enemy screams and stryker just emptys a shit load of lead into the opponents face until theres nothing left but chunks of bone and brain.

Kano could take a heart rip to a new level. He grabs the opponent and breaks their jaw and put them on their knees, then his whole arm down their throat, he then hauls out a bunch of flesh, looks at it, gets pissed, and flicks it on the ground. Then he reaches back in and, "AHA!!", rips out the heart, and crushes it right in front of their face, I mean whithin inches of their face.

Another one for kano, he could punch you in the stomache so hard that his fist comes out your back holding your spin. He then clearly starts to crush your spin in his hand and you legs twitch more and more until "crunch!" and then fall and flop. He then drops you and leaves you crawling away dragging you legs behind you.

Jarek could use his two lazer eyes again and do two diagonal swipes. Going from the right side of your neck to ur left arm pit, the other going from your left armpit to ur right hip. And your body would fall apart thusly after a few seconds.

Something else he could do is use his little spinny blade thing he had in MK4. He would use it to slash your stomache open and ur intestines would fall out and youd freak out trying to put them back in. Then he would swipe againand cut your throat and leave you. And it would end with you slowly bleeding to death and puking up blood and vomit from the gaping hole in your throat.

Meat would have to be very very gory. He would haul out his own intestines or the opponents and strangle them with it until they are dazed and nearly uncontious and they fall to their knees, then he would back away still hold the intestines and yank the opponents head off. And then he would wear the intestines around his neck like a scarf and bow to the camera.

Another one for meat, He would literally rip out his opponents bottom jaw, then he would do an uppercut that puts his fist clear through the bottom of their head and explodes through the top. With this stuck to his arm, he puts his foot against the torso and rips it off, and there would be this horrible ripping sound like hauling up alot of grass and a cracking sound to show that the neck was slowly ripping off. This would leave the jawless head around his wrist like a bracelet, and he would hold it up to his face looking eye to eye, and he would give it a kiss, then maybe whip it at the screen. The kiss would have to be there for morbid dramatic effect, it would make it all the more macabre. Now that's a demented awesome fatalitity. I know Midway isn't completely against intestines, cuz they had intestine sprites in the explosions in the 2D Mortal kombats, and if Manhunt can use it, mortal kombat can.
02/17/2007 05:05 PM (UTC)
Another cool one for Meat. He'd skin the opponent alive so that all that's left is the meaty torso, much like Meat. . Then he'd take off his head and switch it with the opponent's, then put his arm around the opponent and stare into the camera for a second like a photo opportunity, to show the resemblance between Meat and his opponent. And then he would kick through their torso, sending the opponent's body parts flying everywhere. Meat's head would then roll across the floor and end up at his feet, where he'd pick it up and replace it on his body, readjusting it for dramatic purposes.
02/17/2007 08:58 PM (UTC)
Baraka dose the up and down shred move until there is a big hole in the opponents torsogrin

02/19/2007 02:32 PM (UTC)
My idea of a fatality is a feature where you can turn the Kreate-A-Fatality on or off in the options menu. And my other one is if you have an eye toy you can do the motion of your fatalitygrinsmile
02/22/2007 12:32 AM (UTC)
Here's one that someone posted in a fatality thread along time ago, and i thought it was badass.

Baraka-Wrist Bone Decapitation
Baraka begins by drawing his forearm blades and slits his opponents wrists. He then breaks there wrists so that there broken wrist bones protrude out of the wounds. Baraka then impales the wrist bones into his opponents neck, lifts them in the air by there broken wrists and pull horizontally in opposite directions, thus decapitating his opponent with there own broken bones.
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02/22/2007 05:30 PM (UTC)
I think they should bring back the Animalities but make them darker and put more effort in them so it's not scorpion the penguin or half a dozen carnivores biting at the other guy's balls.

For example have the Animalities bite off body parts or rip things off. For example:

Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and rips off the opponent's arms. He then starts biting off the stomach and chest with the opponent still screaming until he rips off the head.
02/22/2007 11:03 PM (UTC)
Gunner_Gunter Wrote:
I think they should bring back the Animalities but make them darker and put more effort in them so it's not scorpion the penguin or half a dozen carnivores biting at the other guy's balls.

For example have the Animalities bite off body parts or rip things off. For example:

Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and rips off the opponent's arms. He then starts biting off the stomach and chest with the opponent still screaming until he rips off the head.

A polar bear? What the Fuckconfused
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02/23/2007 02:00 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero: F, F, D, F, B, HP (1 step away)
Sub-Zero smashes his fist through the opponent's stomach and grabs them by the spine, freezing it instantly, turning it extremely rigid. As the point screams, Sub-Zero pulls back several times before ripping the spine out completely through the front, tearing the person open and causing their entire body to fall in backwards to the floor.

Kabal: D, F, D, B, F, HK (Outside sweep, 4 steps away)
Using the his high speed dash, Kabal blows past the enemy to the other side of the screen, increasing the distance between him and his opponent. Getting into a squatting stance, he then gathers up a bunch of plasma energy into wherever he shoots it from and then unleashes a full storm of plasma fire at the spinning opponent, blowing off various body parts such as the arms, legs, feet, torso, and then letting the head drop down in the already formed pool of blood.
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02/23/2007 04:05 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Sub-Zero: F, F, D, F, B, HP (1 step away)
Sub-Zero smashes his fist through the opponent's stomach and grabs them by the spine, freezing it instantly, turning it extremely rigid. As the point screams, Sub-Zero pulls back several times before ripping the spine out completely through the front, tearing the person open and causing their entire body to fall in backwards to the floor.

I like that one it's a pretty cool twist on a classic. grin
02/23/2007 06:16 AM (UTC)
Tylergancos Wrote:
Gunner_Gunter Wrote:
I think they should bring back the Animalities but make them darker and put more effort in them so it's not scorpion the penguin or half a dozen carnivores biting at the other guy's balls.

For example have the Animalities bite off body parts or rip things off. For example:

Sub-Zero turns into a polar bear and rips off the opponent's arms. He then starts biting off the stomach and chest with the opponent still screaming until he rips off the head.

A polar bear? What the Fuckconfused

You think thats fucked up? Reptile turns into a freakin' monkey lol ! Well anyway, I have one called Riot Javelin. It is for Stryker...

Riot Javelin
Stryker takes out his gun shoot the opponent's legs.They drop too the floor and Stryker comes over to the knocked down opponent as they try to crawl away, grabs the opponents arm as he waves it to get another grasp of moving up. Breaks the arm and shoots the broken bone. And then he points the gun down at the opponents head as if if the camera was the vision of the newly going to die sad opponent. Fatality!
02/24/2007 09:39 PM (UTC)
KAF did suck, I think that it should go back to the way fatalities were in Deception, each character has two fatalities and a Hari-Kiri.
03/02/2007 03:57 AM (UTC)
Noob: Throw frozen ninja stars to freeze then spine rip
Lui Kang: Shoot fireball to take off legs then jump to shoot fireball and explode
Kung Lao: A LOT OF SLICES and fall into pieces
Rain: Bring Back Trilogy Lightning fatality
Cyrax: Use the net to disentigrate them
Scorpion: Backflip kick to take off head
03/02/2007 07:12 AM (UTC)

Gruesome Gauntlets

Darrius kicks his opponent in the face with a high kick. They stumble back a bit, and Darrius gets his gauntlets ready. He then punches a hole right in the opponents stomach. He punches his gauntlets through the same place about 10 times, and then finally, he cuts their head off. Intestines, organs and guts come pouring out of the place where the stomach used to be, and blood comes gushing from the neck. Darrius bows.

Leg Spine Rip

Darrius gets his gauntlets out again. This time, he stabs his right gauntlet into the opponents right foot, and the left one into their left foot. He then does sort of a handstand, bringing his legs to the opponent's neck. He chokes them for about 3 seconds, then he rips the spine out, and sends it flying across the room.


Glacier Drop

Sub-Zero does a short kata, forming ice in his hands. Then he forms a giant glacier over the opponent's head. The opponent realizes what's going on, try to run, then BAM! Squished.

Kori Labotomy

Sub-Zero does an extremely fast vertical cut down the opponent's torso with his Kori Blade. He then reaches his hands towards them, and rips apart the cut. Guts and blood and organs and intestines go everywhere, and the opponent's skin and skeleton just stands there, dead. Sub-Zero grabs the skeleton with one hand, freezes it with the other, and smashes it on the ground. Fatality.
03/04/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
No Hari Karis those sucked!

Frost should have a cool one

dont make fun for attemtping first try here

probably tweak her old finisher in DA a bit, instead of kicking it to pieces, why not just spear right into it, having all the blood cover her making it more gory then what she did before or having something completely new

have her like i dunno, freeze one of her opponent's arm and rip it right out of the socket then use it to beat the guy down until he's nothing more then a rag like Quan Chi did in his fatality in MK4, I'm sorry i loved that fatality.

yeah, they're lame go ahead laugh it up laugh it up, like i said it was my first attempt.
03/04/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)
kaf should NEVER return, ever...

u all know how good the mk team is at fixing mistakes..sigh...

bring back the original fatality format.. it is one of the very best koncepts that mk has!!


NO animalities or friendships!!
03/04/2007 08:50 PM (UTC)
titanwarrior Wrote:

NO animalities or friendships!!
03/05/2007 09:37 PM (UTC)
As we all know the reason why KAF was done was because there was way too many charactors to do a fatality each so this was the easy way to go around it. As the next game won't have nearly as many characters I hope 2 unique fatalities and a animality for each charactor should do it. Also if you fall of a cliff or on to a spike in the 1st round then it should be end of fight or if not make it that you can only do a a stage fatality on the second round, that way it makes it more realistic. Another thing is that everyone is making all these fatalities up for the characters but most of these characters won't be in the next game. Great to see everyone using they're imagination though. Keep them coming!!!wink
03/10/2007 05:13 PM (UTC)
Frost: Keep the MKDA finisher. It's cool.
03/14/2007 08:03 PM (UTC)
I think that they should keep the 2 ( or maybe they shoud make it 3), I was really thrilled when I did the KAF, and I loved it,, but if I have to give a thought, I prefer the classic ones because they were character specific.If Midway intends to keep the oriinal fatality system, they shoyld add the nuymber of them, and make them more bloody,sadistic, involve torture and gruesome ( that will show the gore that is been behind MK...)
03/16/2007 11:15 PM (UTC)
Jax: He rips the skin off the oponets body then kicks them down.grin and i'm 9! (gonna be 10.)smile
04/28/2007 01:41 AM (UTC)
frost:she gets hit by the other guy then gets up mad pulls out a sword then freezes it by now the guy is running away she throws it and it stabs through his knee all the way through he falls down and freezes the she jumps on him and shatters him then picks up the frozen sword!!!!

PLEASE comment
04/28/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
sub-zero:he pulls out a sword and sticks it through his head freezes thier legs kicks them the legs shatter the guy falls down spins around then he steps on them shoving the sword all the way through thier head!!!!!!!!!!!!

04/28/2007 04:55 AM (UTC)
la_boy08 Wrote:
Jax: He rips the skin off the oponets body then kicks them down.grin and i'm 9! (gonna be 10.)smile

... Good for you.
04/29/2007 09:16 PM (UTC)
i think a character named carnivore should pull down lower portion of his mask,[like scorpion]and just dig in on the oppon ents chest-his name says everything.furious
05/03/2007 09:42 PM (UTC)
1 4 meat will be
he takes out is cleavers skins em uppercuts the VS chops of the lims
wile wiggeling away meat decapitates um

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