Everything Predator-related
posted04/06/2015 01:47 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)
I believe we need a thread to discuss everything about the Predator and how it's gameplay should be handled, and one thing I want to bring up is the Predator's thermal vision.

Do you want it to be featured in some capacity?

I think that opponents in some intros should be seen from the Predator's POV when they talk, with the distorted voices and all. There was also this idea I've read once of the Predator's X-Ray being in infra-red, which to me would be good. Even better, why not see the opponent's bones being broken in the first-person?

Another detail is the helmet. Should the Predator always wear it, or should it come off at some point?

To me, the helmet could be knocked off during X-Rays and alities, and perhaps it should be able to remove it at will during gameplay.

Two more things to conclude: One, I think the announcer should say "finish it" when the Predator loses and two that if Animalities return, the Predator's should be an Alien (Xenomorphs).
03/22/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)

Yeah it would be cool to see the thermal vision worked in at some point, I like the idea of seeing the opponent from it's POV in thermal vision during the intros and the distorted voices thing.

The Infrared X ray sounds kind of cool too, im sure they could still do the x-ray but with the infrared color effects too

Now for the last question, im personally a helmet guy when it comes to the Yautja. I think they look 20x cooler with their helmets on but even so I think this Predator should have a helmetless/maskless variation for the people that prefer them with no helmet.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

03/22/2015 11:44 PM (UTC)
I do agree the fatalities should take some inspiration from the AVP 2010 game in terms of POV and the infra-red X-Rays. Distorted voices would be a wonderful additional feature.

Melee attacks can utilize their Wrist Blades and Combi-Stick (As shown in Predator 2). Perhaps the Smart-Disk could be allocated to close range combat much like how Danny Glover used it.

The predator zones through firing one or two blades attached on their wrist device, nets, plasma (Blue, gold and yellow variations), throwing mines, spears, Smart-Disks or Shurikens.

Weapons that I do not want to see include the Xenomorph whip and individual swords. No to animalities.
03/22/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
I think the predators three variations will a one on one up close style mostly hard hits wristblade and no mask sorta like the ending of predator

Another will be ranged projectiles like the smart disk plasma caster and the net

And the third will be a mid ranged spear wielding version similar to jade but more brutal
03/23/2015 12:36 AM (UTC)
One variation has to have his mask off cuz he looks badass with it off.
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03/23/2015 12:47 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
One variation has to have his mask off cuz he looks badass with it off.

Agreed. It'd probably be his rushdown variation. I can't wait to see his gameplay, I think I'm more excited to see him than I was Mileena.
03/23/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:

I think I'm more excited to see him than I was Mileena.

I can relate, I'm actually more excited to see Predator than any other character at this point :).
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03/23/2015 12:52 AM (UTC)
If Pred doesn't say "you're one ugly motherfucker" to reptile, then I will be mildly sad.
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03/23/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:

I think I'm more excited to see him than I was Mileena.

I can relate, I'm actually more excited to see Predator than any other character at this point :).

I think it's because with the other characters, we had a frame of reference and context from last games since they have precedent as fighting game characters. With Predator though the guesswork leads to even more anticipation.
Not my idea, but I saw someone say that Predator's intros should be mocking the fighters by copying their voice or another character's.
03/23/2015 01:36 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
If Pred doesn't say "you're one ugly motherfucker" to reptile, then I will be mildly sad.

I think Johnny Cage should say that to the Predator in his pre-fight intro if the Predator is in his maskless variation. The Predator can mumble back "what the hell are you." So many great quotes in that movie; "stick around", "I ain't got time to bleed", "if it bleeds we can kill it" etc. NRS can probably find spots to use most of them.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2015 01:43 AM (UTC)
Honestly the only reason I know the little that I do about the Predator is purely due to him being a pop culture icon. I'm aware of his awesome look, weapons, invisible abilities and such but I never really watched the movies nor did I ever care to. *gasp* I know, I know. Hope at least he's fun to play and congrats to those that wanted him in!
03/23/2015 02:06 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Honestly the only reason I know the little that I do about the Predator is purely due to him being a pop culture icon. I'm aware of his awesome look, weapons, invisible abilities and such but I never really watched the movies nor did I ever care to. *gasp* I know, I know. Hope at least he's fun to play and congrats to those that wanted him in!

Watch the first movie with Arnold for sure, you can skip the rest if you desire. Predator 2 has cool moments and you get to see him slicing through Jamaican and Colombian drug cartels with some bad ass weapons. It's a decent sequel. Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one. They're not well done and the stories are lame and feel forced. Predators was okay, about on par with Predator 2. This is all just my opinion though, but one thing that is almost universally agreed upon is how awesome the first movie is. Watch it!!!

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03/23/2015 02:11 AM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
If Pred doesn't say "you're one ugly motherfucker" to reptile, then I will be mildly sad.

I think Johnny Cage should say that to the Predator in his pre-fight intro if the Predator is in his maskless variation. The Predator can mumble back "what the hell are you." So many great quotes in that movie; "stick around", "I ain't got time to bleed", "if it bleeds we can kill it" etc. NRS can probably find spots to use most of them.

Actually, I 100% agree with your idea. It makes more sense this way, as it fits both personalities. Good call.
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... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

03/23/2015 02:17 AM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Honestly the only reason I know the little that I do about the Predator is purely due to him being a pop culture icon. I'm aware of his awesome look, weapons, invisible abilities and such but I never really watched the movies nor did I ever care to. *gasp* I know, I know. Hope at least he's fun to play and congrats to those that wanted him in!

Watch the first movie with Arnold for sure, you can skip the rest if you desire. Predator 2 has cool moments and you get to see him slicing through Jamaican and Colombian drug cartels with some bad ass weapons. It's a decent sequel. Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one. They're not well done and the stories are lame and feel forced. Predators was okay, about on par with Predator 2. This is all just my opinion though, but one thing that is almost universally agreed upon is how awesome the first movie is. Watch it!!!

I was introduced to the Predator franchise through the first Alien vs Predator film and then I watched Predators. I know about the first two films but I have yet to watch them in their entirety.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
Will do! I'll take your word for it!
03/23/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
03/23/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Honestly the only reason I know the little that I do about the Predator is purely due to him being a pop culture icon. I'm aware of his awesome look, weapons, invisible abilities and such but I never really watched the movies nor did I ever care to. *gasp* I know, I know. Hope at least he's fun to play and congrats to those that wanted him in!

Watch the first movie with Arnold for sure, you can skip the rest if you desire. Predator 2 has cool moments and you get to see him slicing through Jamaican and Colombian drug cartels with some bad ass weapons. It's a decent sequel. Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one. They're not well done and the stories are lame and feel forced. Predators was okay, about on par with Predator 2. This is all just my opinion though, but one thing that is almost universally agreed upon is how awesome the first movie is. Watch it!!!

Whoa hold up just a second "Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one." are you implying AVP: Requiem is better than the first AVP confused

I know that's your opinion and I respect it, I have just never heard that before :)

Anyway as for the Predator series, definitely watch the first one as the poster above said, and if you like it I would also watch P2 and Predators as well.

If you like everything you see in those, you could watch the AVP movies too, they aren't great, but they are fun to watch. The story isn't the best, but it was cool to see the Xenomorphs from the Alien series and Yautja clash.

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03/23/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
AvP 2 was one of the few movies I stopped watching halfway through because it was so awful. I personally enjoyed the first AvP, and Predators wasn't bad.

The first two are far and away the best, the first being my leading choice.
03/23/2015 03:33 AM (UTC)
Finish it?

Isn't it canon in The Predator universe that the one's that do the Hunting are actually the females?

The males are the ones left behind on the homeworld to care for the household.

I remember reading that somewhere but I'm not 100% on that.
03/23/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Finish it?

Isn't it canon in The Predator universe that the one's that do the Hunting are actually the females?

The males are the ones left behind on the homeworld to care of the household.

I remember reading that somewhere but I'm not 100% on that.

Uh, what? confused
03/23/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Finish it?

Isn't it canon in The Predator universe that the one's that do the Hunting are actually the females?

The males are the ones left behind on the homeworld to care of the household.

I remember reading that somewhere but I'm not 100% on that.

Uh, what? confused

(Alien vs. Predator: Prey) Female predators are apparently not hunters, but are still none-the-less equals in Yautja society and mentality. "Lou-dte kalei" was a derogatory term that was sometimes used to refer to females, it literally meant "child-maker." The warrior Dachande had never heard the name spoken to a female's face.

It was apparently considered a very unwise thing to do or even consider, for an insulted and angry Yautja female was not something even a not-too-wise male wanted to create. Apparently an angered Yautja female is far stronger than even an armed male.

Yeah so this was originally why I was under that impression.

(Predator: Forever Midnight) The Hish are sequential hermaphrodites. They phase between genders involuntarily. Hish are known to always have 6 offspring, called spawnlings at a time. The different genders are almost unidentifiable but females can be told apart from their brighter colored flesh braids (dreadlocks) and purple mottling around the jaw.

Also apparently Predators can be Male or Female whenever their body decides to be.
03/23/2015 04:04 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Will do! I'll take your word for it!

Good man. You can thank me later. glasses
03/23/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
RyanSeabass Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Honestly the only reason I know the little that I do about the Predator is purely due to him being a pop culture icon. I'm aware of his awesome look, weapons, invisible abilities and such but I never really watched the movies nor did I ever care to. *gasp* I know, I know. Hope at least he's fun to play and congrats to those that wanted him in!

Watch the first movie with Arnold for sure, you can skip the rest if you desire. Predator 2 has cool moments and you get to see him slicing through Jamaican and Colombian drug cartels with some bad ass weapons. It's a decent sequel. Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one. They're not well done and the stories are lame and feel forced. Predators was okay, about on par with Predator 2. This is all just my opinion though, but one thing that is almost universally agreed upon is how awesome the first movie is. Watch it!!!

Whoa hold up just a second "Skip the AvP movies, especially the first one." are you implying AVP: Requiem is better than the first AVP confused

I know that's your opinion and I respect it, I have just never heard that before :)

Anyway as for the Predator series, definitely watch the first one as the poster above said, and if you like it I would also watch P2 and Predators as well.

If you like everything you see in those, you could watch the AVP movies too, they aren't great, but they are fun to watch. The story isn't the best, but it was cool to see the Xenomorphs from the Alien series and Yautja clash.

Yeah for me Requiem is the lesser if two evils, hence bad movies. The predators were far too easy to kill in AvP and that bothered me a lot. One xenomorph should not be able to kill two predators within five minutes of each other. There's different stuff I don't like about both movies, but I'd rather praise the awesomeness of the predator character itself, even if some of the movies and spin-offs weren't that great. The first movie is one of my all time favorites and I'm so happy he's in MKX, especially since he inspired some of the characters and the most famous fatality in the series, Sub-Zero's spine rip. A lot of MK fans don't like guest characters, but if one ever deserved a spot it's the inter galactic hunter.grin
03/23/2015 04:56 AM (UTC)
Yeah, for those unfamiliar with the character, you should at the very least see the first film, it's definitely a classic
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