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The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

04/27/2011 11:38 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mileena is the actual heir to the throne. There could be a war for supremacy in Kahn and Sindel's absence, but Reiko shouldn't logically be involved. It would be between the Tarkatans, the Shokans, and the Centaurs. And the Tarkatans are likely to take Mileena's side.

Exactly what I see happening.
04/28/2011 09:31 PM (UTC)
Well, if there was going to be an empress of outworld in the next game, then Mileena would definitely fit that role. However, i'd much rather like to see Reiko become the new Emperor because I think it would fit well and would give the MK staff the opportunity to make Reiko a stud-ly bad guy. But... I also like the idea of Outworld being in chaos in the next game, with Tarkatans, Centaurs, and Shokan all fighting eachother. And Mileena, Reiko, Baraka, Reptile and others all fighting eachother too. Another thing, if they decide to bring Shang Tsung back, maybe he could finally be ruler? Or since Outworld is such a vast realm full of evil and powerful characters, then maybe a new bad guy will be created? I'm not sure what's going to happen, but I feel like there are much more interesting and cooler options then just having Mileena be Empress. Thoughts?
05/10/2011 05:16 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn's death left a power vacuum that many could and want to be the one that filled the vacancy:

-Mileena: The heiress, the closest thing Shao Kahn have to a daughter, evil just like him, so by family she is his natural successor.

-Overlord Zeffero: Once an advisor to Shao Kahn who broke away and rule a small city in Outworld known as Lei Chen. The city had to be walled because Tarkatans attack on Kahn's order. But with Kahn death, Zeffero may want to expand his control to the whole realm.

-Bo Rai Cho: Maybe Raiden want to install a puppet ruler or whether Bo just want to rule Outworld, so he can bring peace within the realm again and have good relations with Earthrealm.

-Hotaru: I think storyline wise, by this time Shujinko have already went to Outworld once, and have been asked by Zeffero to bring Hotaru from Seido Realm to aid and bring order to his city. Of course, all of us who played MK:Deception, knows that Hotaru not only bring aid and order, but also control, essentially establish martial law in the city. With Shao Kahn's death, will Hotaru try to rule the whole realm?

There are others but just some on top of my head right now. Be back later, when I have time to write others.
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"Pyscho Crusher!!!!!!!!!!" - M.Bison 1992-2010

05/10/2011 10:31 PM (UTC)
Mileena simply shocked me once again as the "ruler of Outworld" storyline based on her MKD days. But seriously if anyone deserves the throne for once... it's Goro. He has been through hell and back trying to please both Shinnok, Shang Tsung, AND Shao Kahn that it makes no sense for the big guy not to have a little sort of power *outside of being the king of the Shokan*
05/14/2011 07:36 PM (UTC)
i would rather see that when she becames empress, reiko takes the oportunity to become emperor, defeats her and takes the throne.

by the way what's the deal with the teddy bears?

cbertellotti11 Wrote:
But... I also like the idea of Outworld being in chaos in the next game, with Tarkatans, Centaurs, and Shokan all fighting eachother. And Mileena, Reiko, Baraka, Reptile and others all fighting eachother too.

Goro: we, shokans deserve the control of outworld
(shokans rise their arms and scream)
Baraka: we tarkatans are the true outworld soldiers:
(tarkatans show the blades and prepare for kombat)
centaur general: we centaurs are the best specie, therefore we must rule
(an army of centaurs appears behind him)
reptile: we Saurians will take the throne, by force if necesary.
(cricket sounds)
05/15/2011 07:01 AM (UTC)
salbeinit Wrote:
i would rather see that when she becames empress, reiko takes the oportunity to become emperor, defeats her and takes the throne.

by the way what's the deal with the teddy bears?

cbertellotti11 Wrote:
But... I also like the idea of Outworld being in chaos in the next game, with Tarkatans, Centaurs, and Shokan all fighting eachother. And Mileena, Reiko, Baraka, Reptile and others all fighting eachother too.

Goro: we, shokans deserve the control of outworld
(shokans rise their arms and scream)
Baraka: we tarkatans are the true outworld soldiers:
(tarkatans show the blades and prepare for kombat)
centaur general: we centaurs are the best specie, therefore we must rule
(an army of centaurs appears behind him)
reptile: we Saurians will take the throne, by force if necesary.
(cricket sounds)

I actually like this. That's where I was going with my idea about a lot of claimants to Shao Kahn's throne. It be interesting to see a civil strife between the many races. Consequences of merging too many realms and subduing many races? lol But seriously, interesting how this will play out. Maybe it will continue until Onaga returns.
05/15/2011 12:43 PM (UTC)
Spoilers ahead. This is my theory plus a little ranting.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Mileena? Empress of Outworld? PAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You honestly have to be kidding? No one would follow her, she's a complete nut job and most of the powerful Enforcers, like Goro are much too loyal to Shao Kahn for that kind of monkey business.

The throne of Outworld is essentially dead, until the canonical (And unchanged) return of Onaga. With Shao kahn gone, none of the other races are going to stand by Mileena. Shao Kahn was a battle proven warlord, who had brought all of Outworlds races together by force himself. She will most likely become the queen of the Tarkatans, with Baraka as her only enforcer since I doubt the Shokans or the Centaurs will stay by her side.

Sheng Tsung, as the forgotten dark horse of this race, will either stay as Mileenas aide or form an alliance with Shinnok and Quan Chi, completing the Deadly Alliance once again until Onagas fateful return to Outworld.
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Look, now Baraka has grown hair and beard! Shit, the time does fly...

05/15/2011 02:33 PM (UTC)
The one worthy replace for Shao Kahn as the ruler of Outworld was Shang Tsung, until he suffered the most pointless of deaths in the storyline. He and, maybe Onaga.

Mileena is among the most twisted villains, true, but she has, and will always have, a personality of a henchman. Her ambitiousness can barely compare to that of, e.g. Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, or even Reptile. Plus, I never thought of her as of the sharpest tool in the box.
05/25/2011 06:46 PM (UTC)
shaggysorceror Wrote:
The one worthy replace for Shao Kahn as the ruler of Outworld was Shang Tsung, until he suffered the most pointless of deaths in the storyline. He and, maybe Onaga.

Mileena is among the most twisted villains, true, but she has, and will always have, a personality of a henchman. Her ambitiousness can barely compare to that of, e.g. Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, or even Reptile. Plus, I never thought of her as of the sharpest tool in the box.

She led Kitana's armies and proved to have potential as a leader.
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05/25/2011 09:43 PM (UTC)
YingYeung Wrote:
shaggysorceror Wrote:
The one worthy replace for Shao Kahn as the ruler of Outworld was Shang Tsung, until he suffered the most pointless of deaths in the storyline. He and, maybe Onaga.

Mileena is among the most twisted villains, true, but she has, and will always have, a personality of a henchman. Her ambitiousness can barely compare to that of, e.g. Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, or even Reptile. Plus, I never thought of her as of the sharpest tool in the box.

She led Kitana's armies and proved to have potential as a leader.

Yes but that one was a calculating bitch with a facial deformity and psychotic obsession with identities. This Mileena is a manchild hedonist predator. The current Mileena would be implausible for me to walk a schemer road.

Not that it is impossible, there are some good game/literary characters that are both, a male example would be Lord Sliscus (unholy combination of the Joker, Caligula and Vlad Tepes) or Lucius the Eternal (Hannibal Lector as a 8 feet tall supersoldier in armor that can withstand being stepped on by walking cathedrals. Functionally eternal, all those who kill him transform into him in due time. Hedonist, enjoys death, be it others or himself) in Warhammer 40K.

Sadly this Mileena isn't one.
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05/26/2011 03:19 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
YingYeung Wrote:
shaggysorceror Wrote:
The one worthy replace for Shao Kahn as the ruler of Outworld was Shang Tsung, until he suffered the most pointless of deaths in the storyline. He and, maybe Onaga.

Mileena is among the most twisted villains, true, but she has, and will always have, a personality of a henchman. Her ambitiousness can barely compare to that of, e.g. Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, or even Reptile. Plus, I never thought of her as of the sharpest tool in the box.

She led Kitana's armies and proved to have potential as a leader.

Yes but that one was a calculating bitch with a facial deformity and psychotic obsession with identities. This Mileena is a manchild hedonist predator. The current Mileena would be implausible for me to walk a schemer road.

Not that it is impossible, there are some good game/literary characters that are both, a male example would be Lord Sliscus (unholy combination of the Joker, Caligula and Vlad Tepes) or Lucius the Eternal (Hannibal Lector as a 8 feet tall supersoldier in armor that can withstand being stepped on by walking cathedrals. Functionally eternal, all those who kill him transform into him in due time. Hedonist, enjoys death, be it others or himself) in Warhammer 40K.

Sadly this Mileena isn't one.

While I'm unfamiliar with the Warhammer references, I agree that people envisioning an "Empress Mileena" aren't taking Mileena's personality retcon into account. I suppose anything is possible but I highly doubt current Mileena has any sort of aspirations of rulership. If her arcade ending is any sort of indicator (which seems doubtful), at best Mileena's character motivation could be one of vengeance towards Raiden.

Let's be real though, Mileena is most likely to reprise a " savage henchman" role for whatever big baddies take center stage.
05/26/2011 05:21 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
YingYeung Wrote:
shaggysorceror Wrote:
The one worthy replace for Shao Kahn as the ruler of Outworld was Shang Tsung, until he suffered the most pointless of deaths in the storyline. He and, maybe Onaga.

Mileena is among the most twisted villains, true, but she has, and will always have, a personality of a henchman. Her ambitiousness can barely compare to that of, e.g. Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, or even Reptile. Plus, I never thought of her as of the sharpest tool in the box.

She led Kitana's armies and proved to have potential as a leader.

Yes but that one was a calculating bitch with a facial deformity and psychotic obsession with identities. This Mileena is a manchild hedonist predator. The current Mileena would be implausible for me to walk a schemer road.

I guess you're right
05/27/2011 09:37 AM (UTC)
I think Mileena would make the perfect empress of Outworld, despite the fact that her mental state and personality are entirely unfit for a ruler, and she seems to have no desire to do so in the first place. Here's why:

It would be a different and unique story for the series if Mileena took the throne simply because she was told to do so, and being the child like person that she is now, she'd simply shrug it off and agree. That's when a power struggle occurs behind the scenes as several big players in Outworld attempt to manipulate her in her immature state. They use her as a figurehead as the heir to the throne, while they all try to impose their will on her. With all these different influences and people trying to tell her what to do, Mileena will react the way a child would, by throwing a fit and making a horrible decision. The consequence of trying to manipulate the empress is some kind of drastic political disaster that none of them wanted or saw coming. Shaking things up quite a bit for the future story of the denizens of Outworld. At this point, Mileena begins her transformation into the calculating manipulator she was originally, with her off beat perspective and the difficulty of communicating with her throwing the others off their game, and like a child would(I spend all my time around children, they are the most manipulative and selfish creatures in existence) she would take that opportunity to get what she really wants from the real powers behind her rule, but we would actually get to see it happen as opposed to rehashing her Kitana obsession to no end.
06/06/2011 03:58 PM (UTC)
I think Rekio should be Emperor then Scorpion kills Reiko and Scorpion takes over making Outworld hell where there is no Empress.gringringrin
06/06/2011 05:11 PM (UTC)
...What possible reason would Scorpion have to want to take over Outworld?
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