EGM statements are nothing but the truth! Face it midway (MK is just about done)
posted02/05/2008 04:16 AM (UTC)by
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09/07/2005 04:41 AM (UTC)
I love mk but boy has it sucked lately i totaly agree with this guys reveiw.
Midway don't want them to rate their games cause they are speaking the truth (spot on)

I hope the game i grew up to love will make a thundering return
01/29/2008 03:43 AM (UTC)
Hasn't this already been mentioned before?
01/29/2008 03:46 AM (UTC)
mentioned or not i have not seen a reveiw posted just thought i would spill some beans cause i have seen alot of people bitching about EGM all that was said in the other post was about egm being banned and for what the truthfurious
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01/29/2008 04:17 AM (UTC)
So why not post in the other topic?
01/29/2008 04:26 AM (UTC)
1st .off that thread is pretty much dead
2nd .that thread is full of if they don't like mk they can go to hell
.. so this thread is for those who agree with EGM
As well as i don't post much and thought i would just start some ruckus that ok with you?furious
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01/29/2008 04:49 AM (UTC)
Yea, it's OK with me.

Fuck yes I agree with EGM. Midway should make better games, then people won't say that they suck.
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01/29/2008 04:56 AM (UTC)
I wanted to see one of these I'm really kinda glad you brought it up again.

I don't see an "unjust" problem with this review. It seems right on for what most people on the supporting websites have been saying for some years now...

There is a problem however, and it's just-that-disc. It's the game they're talking about, specifically MkA.

Everything I read in there was super old forum news. It was a watered down regurgitation of what fans have been talking about again and again over time.


On the flip side of this, I'm really optimistic about Boon getting that promotion a while ago, the usage of the UR3 Engine, and now Midway deciding to make less, better games.

Says that we are in fact getting change(hopefully the change we've been bitching about), I just think it's taken a while for fans to see the result of this in an actual game. My advise to all is just to wait to see what happens around Mk8(the game, a movie maybe, merchindise....and let the sales and game rave talk.)

So I'm pretty much left where I started.

"Let's see what you can do Midway//Mortal Kombat."

I REALLY hope they don't screw up this next game, it would about put the nail in the coffin for Mk. All of the notoriety, nostalgia, and projections could go out the window.


And oh, I should say that I support MK in their decision to negate negative reviews. If anything, it's a business decision that's allowing them to keep "a big MK boom" on the hush-hush juuust a little bit longer.

Think $$
01/29/2008 05:00 AM (UTC)
It's actually not all about money. Its cynical to think money has everything to do with it.

Alot of time actually goes into making these characters. And as for EGM, they are nothing but crap, so count me as someone who has lost all respect for them.
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01/29/2008 08:02 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
It's actually not all about money. Its cynical to think money has everything to do with it.

Alot of time actually goes into making these characters. And as for EGM, they are nothing but crap, so count me as someone who has lost all respect for them.

Well, I'm not without I don't think it's All about money. But the company is old dude. The franchise Mortal Kombat is old by comparison to most others...

I'm saying Midway has been loosing money since I believe it was 1999? Correct me if I'm wrong right there.

Everything has something to do with money at this point for Midway. The fact that they "banned" EGM is a money issue in it's essence, because reviews have the power to affect sales. Yknow?

If people only see good things about MK, but don't know about this banning incident, they'll be more inclined off just name recognitions, and past experiences to just go buy the game.

So I'm not being cynical by saying "Think $$", I'm exercising business practicality, by now re-asserting that "They're not just fighting over the principal of a bad review from EGM".
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01/29/2008 10:20 AM (UTC)
Well, I guess the point of your EGM thread and the point of my EGM thread were two very different things. Yes, like you said, I posted the thread to let people know that EGM wouldn't be getting any up to date news on MK. True. But I wasn't bashing EGM because they don't like MK. Far from it. If they think the last three games were crap, despite what 90% of what other print and online media said (most simply said they were decent to good, but not great), then fine. No problem.

But listen, I've been reading EGM off and on again for over 10 years. So it's not like I was talking out of my butt or anything. It's just a matter of opinion and here's mine: EGM, over the last several years has becoming increasingly cynical, petty, picky and antagonistic not only towards MK or Assassins Creed or Sony Sports games, but to a vast majority of games as well as their very own readers.

They make fun of games they review or just talk about way too often and as an MK fan, yeah I get annoyed with a magazine that I used to have a subscription to says that my favorite game has a "porno quality storyline." Of course, as I said, it goes way beyond Mortal Kombat. They pick angry letters from readers and then they bash them in their letters section all the time. Their scores are almost always below the media's average. You might call it choosy, I call it being snobby.

Again though, it's just a matter of opinion. I think that the MK team has every right to pull coverage and not want to get crapped on by a snobby magazine. It potentially hurts their sales and well, it's their work, they can do what they want with it. If Ed Boon came out tomorrow and said that the MK team is only releasing their game in Egypt. I wouldn't like it, but they can do it because it's their product.

So yeah, if you enjoy reading an antagonizing rag of pure sarcasm and elitist BS, then by all means go for it. Again, we're just differing in opinion here and that's fine man. I'm not trying to personally attack you. Really. I just think that EGM is a shell of what it used to be and perhaps that angers me the most because I really used to like that magazine.
01/29/2008 10:42 PM (UTC)
Why act like babies and just deal with a score that the game gets? That's what I would do. If the game sucked, well, make something better. That's basically what I will do.
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01/30/2008 01:25 AM (UTC)
the problem with EGM, isnt the bad reviews, its unnecessary jabs they take for Example: Claiming MK has a "Porno quality storyline" when they could have just said it was laughable or just plain bad, but porno quality is going a bit far.
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01/30/2008 03:08 AM (UTC)
Sub-Frost055 Wrote:
Why act like babies and just deal with a score that the game gets? That's what I would do. If the game sucked, well, make something better. That's basically what I will do.

Why not? Because it doesn't consider different peoples creativity. What that says is, "be like them or you won't get a good review.

Which is pretty much an unfair review if it is really like that.

On the other hand, I understand that overall, MKA was all I'm saying is, respect each game for what it is...Not bash the shit out of it just because it was bad this time.

People who review the games don't make the games...that warrants respect all on it's own, and without going all into it.

I mean give the review, recommend for or against the game...even write creatively about the likes and dislikes, but blatant bashing (unless the game really is that know what I'm talking about) is unnecessary.

The implication about these magazine titles, is that they're just "down-reviewing" games for pure amusement, and at the expense of the games they don't like more than others. Which is an arguably incorrect standpoint as a writer//reviewer.

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01/30/2008 06:50 AM (UTC)
This is all nothing new. EGM has been increasingly abusive of their journalistic power over the years. If they PERSONALLY don't care for a game, don't expect the game to get a good review even if it is a great game. Games they do like, you can expect them to camp out on the developer's nuts and say good things about it (Street Fighter IV.....and yes the likelyhood of SFIV being awesome is pretty good, but they were definatly kissing ass throughout that opinion)

Anyway, I thought they've had bad feelings towards midway since they gave an mk exclusive to game informer instead of egm. I could be wrong on that though.
02/05/2008 01:55 AM (UTC)
EGM=garbage, the worst vid mag for reviews especially when it comes to Ubisoft, Midway games and some sony games..

Please, their reviews a joke and hardly objective you really read and comprehend how they state their views...compared to say Gameinformer or GP mags that are way better for objective, fair reviews then the shit EGM posts...

Also, you know what's hilarious...other day one was ripped open laying there while I was reading reviews of Burnout 5, they gave it a good review but it wasn't as good as other mags gave it...I found that a little interesting, but here's the kicker...I read on another page about the new Mario Kart coming out...they said the most retarded thing ever like they wanted to see how the new Mario Kart Wii turns out yet complained about "the duel seating" not being in it, they knocked that little fact about the game yet it's A. not even out yet and B. umm hell EGM, if you pay attention(which you have not clearly) most Mario Kart fans hated that duel kart with two characters racing in the GC version....they act as if since they went oldschool again with single racers in a kart " it would kill the game" please...are you kidding me?sleep
02/05/2008 01:59 AM (UTC)
Shadowcat, I hate to tell you this, but MK is long from over.
02/05/2008 03:37 AM (UTC)
outworld222 Wrote:
Shadowcat, I hate to tell you this, but MK is long from over.

I wouldn't say long from over but your opinion is always welcome outworld
peace to yawink
02/05/2008 04:16 AM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
outworld222 Wrote:
Shadowcat, I hate to tell you this, but MK is long from over.

I wouldn't say long from over but your opinion is always welcome outworld
peace to yawink

Same to you too brothawink
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