Ed Boon has presented MK9 to WB
posted01/02/2010 04:56 AM (UTC)by
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07/19/2008 09:39 AM (UTC)
From Hector Sanchez' twitter account:
"watching Ed give a presentation on MK9 to WB Marketing really makes the last year of trials and tribulations seem like a drop in the bucket"

Well at least it's news :P
Source: http://twitter.com/hecterrific
12/16/2009 09:55 PM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
From Hector Sanchez' twitter account:
"watching Ed give a presentation on MK9 to WB Marketing really makes the last year of trials and tribulations seem like a drop in the bucket"

Well at least it's news :P
Source: http://twitter.com/hecterrific

When he said, "a drop in the bucket" is that good or bad? confused
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12/16/2009 11:36 PM (UTC)
lol I had to look it up too.

Definitions of "a drop in the bucket" on the Web:

* An effort or action having very little overall influence, especially as compared to a huge problem.

That sounds like the problems they had dont seem like a big deal
hope it all goes good for them!
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12/17/2009 01:00 AM (UTC)
Good! At least we know the ball is rolling! This may be small news, but something is happening!
12/17/2009 01:16 AM (UTC)
Don't they have to get the greenlight before development?

I thought they already worked on a bunch of fatalities and stuff.

Or maybe the presentation was for something else. Too bad it's very vague, like a lot of news from Twitter.
12/17/2009 12:57 PM (UTC)
Hope Ed presents MK9 to us too.. We are going to buy it after all. Our opinion is more important than WB's..
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

12/17/2009 05:45 PM (UTC)
wrong, basically their sayin, after all the bullshit fans were sayin bout mk vs dc the other year, after ed boon just presented mk9 which its been in production directly after mk vs dc, ( 4 those who didnt know) the presentation made mk vs dc bullshit talk look like a small ass spec on the ground. So that means mk9 is FLAWLESS VICTORY!!!and commin soon, plus i swear the other day i was playing mk vs dc onlin and they were testing mk9, in a locked special title room.
So when they came 2 the messege area we all were askin bout the game, he said it still some things they need 2 add but its nearly complete an commin soon. thats y they were testin it onlin.
Everytime they would post it would be in a long paragraph and we couldnt messege til theirs was gone.
Adam Ronin
12/17/2009 07:37 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
plus i swear the other day i was playing mk vs dc onlin and they were testing mk9, in a locked special title room.
So when they came 2 the messege area we all were askin bout the game, he said it still some things they need 2 add but its nearly complete an commin soon. thats y they were testin it onlin.
Everytime they would post it would be in a long paragraph and we couldnt messege til theirs was gone.

Can you elaborate more on this? What exactly do you mean? Sorry, I don't play online much so I don't know exactly what you are saying. Were you talking to developers and such? Details please.

This is good news. Here is hoping we see something soon. I am dying.
Adam Ronin
12/17/2009 07:45 PM (UTC)
"a drop in the bucket"
An insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required.

This doesn't look like it means anything good. Uh oh.
12/17/2009 11:00 PM (UTC)
nice to hear "some" news finally
12/18/2009 04:09 AM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
lol I had to look it up too.

Definitions of "a drop in the bucket" on the Web:

* An effort or action having very little overall influence, especially as compared to a huge problem.

That sounds like the problems they had dont seem like a big deal
hope it all goes good for them!

Oh I hope it's good too.
12/18/2009 08:29 AM (UTC)
Some of you are taking the drop in a bucket line as bad news or there being a problem...clearly it was meant to reflect on his thoughts towards the previous game they made(MK vs DC).
As for my thoughts on this...if Boon was presenting MK9 than that probably means there is more than likely a base game or demo. Maybe at least a video presentation. hmmm
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12/18/2009 11:34 AM (UTC)
I honestly think that this is what they need.

The story of MKDA, MKD and MKA are awsome. The plot is the driver of this game. But now..

Its time for somebody to point out to them jus thow high the bar is and we wont accept anything short of spectacular this time. A bit of constructive criticism is good at this point.

Its like the maple leafs in NHL. or Metallica in music. Being HEAVILY criticised and demanding the most after a downward spiral is part of the process to Return to what was once a very big impact. And to produce that on a new level.

I am confident that WB being a bit of assholes and shutting ED'd hardwork down to a "drop in the bucket" is gonna make them bust their ass.

No more half'assed wake-up attacks, no more retarded exploits, no more cliche rivalries. It is going to be pure plot and amazing gameplay. If the somehow bring back tobias, I would expect this to be the best game since MK3.

Vogel, Beran and Boon are gonna sleep like babies after this is done.... and I am not going to sleep at all.

12/18/2009 06:08 PM (UTC)
i think what he meant was he thought it was a lot of work doing mk vs dc compare 2 the work that they r putting into mk9 the work that they put into mk vs dc was a drop in the bucket because it so much more hard work that they r putting into mk9. that's what i'm hoping he meant by that comment.
12/18/2009 07:11 PM (UTC)
Uh guys? I hate to offer yet ANOTHER view on what he said, but I am pretty sure the "trials and tribulations" they went through regards the bankruptcy, the economy, and the overall transfer to WB, which I am sure wore on them at least a little bit.
I doubt MK vs DC had many "trials and tribulations" associated with it other than negative comments.
12/18/2009 08:10 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:

I am confident that WB being a bit of assholes and shutting ED'd hardwork down to a "drop in the bucket" is gonna make them bust their ass.

No more half'assed wake-up attacks, no more retarded exploits, no more cliche rivalries. It is going to be pure plot and amazing gameplay. If the somehow bring back tobias, I would expect this to be the best game since MK3.

Vogel, Beran and Boon are gonna sleep like babies after this is done.... and I am not going to sleep at all.


I wish I was psychic too
12/18/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)
Skaven13 Wrote:
Uh guys? I hate to offer yet ANOTHER view on what he said, but I am pretty sure the "trials and tribulations" they went through regards the bankruptcy, the economy, and the overall transfer to WB, which I am sure wore on them at least a little bit.
I doubt MK vs DC had many "trials and tribulations" associated with it other than negative comments.

This is what I think too
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/19/2009 12:02 AM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
Skaven13 Wrote:
Uh guys? I hate to offer yet ANOTHER view on what he said, but I am pretty sure the "trials and tribulations" they went through regards the bankruptcy, the economy, and the overall transfer to WB, which I am sure wore on them at least a little bit.
I doubt MK vs DC had many "trials and tribulations" associated with it other than negative comments.

This is what I think too

Not to mention that this year from now until next holiday season(if they follow the pattern from years passed) is the final year of development for the game, which means business will be doing nothing but picking up from here on out. Good Luck MK team.
12/19/2009 04:39 AM (UTC)
To me I'm taking that as : After all the shit we went through making MK9 , its nothing compared to the shit we have to put up with trying to get WB to give us the go ahead with out changing everything.

We'll see, but this sounds bad to me.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
12/19/2009 06:41 AM (UTC)
I wish I was psychic too

It's more of a forshadowing from the quote we have heard. I would like to see dead people thoughtongue
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12/21/2009 05:06 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I think that either Shaven13 has it right or perhaps he misused the expression. It sounded like he was expressing relief to be at the point where they actually have something to present after all of the garbage with the bankruptcy, WB stepping in, not knowing who would still have jobs etc.

I don't know if he meant "a drop in the bucket" or "water under the bridge" becuase to me it sounds like he would mean the latter. The drop in the bucket phrase means small by comparison. As in, "all the stuff we've gone through in the last year is nothing compared to the difficulty of doing this presentation." That doesn't sound like relief, that sounds like nervous apprehension.

Now a more "water under the bridge" type of phrase would be something like "it's nice to see that after this year of trials and tribulations, we're coming out the other end and now we actually have something to show for the hard work and dedication." To me, that's relief.

I dunno, as others have said, it's vague and while I can't believe I'm dissecting a freaking twitter post without having seen a single screenshot of this game yet, it's still nice to know that the game is moving forward!
Historical Favorite
12/21/2009 09:30 AM (UTC)
fedegita Wrote:
Casselman Wrote:

I am confident that WB being a bit of assholes and shutting ED'd hardwork down to a "drop in the bucket" is gonna make them bust their ass.

No more half'assed wake-up attacks, no more retarded exploits, no more cliche rivalries. It is going to be pure plot and amazing gameplay. If the somehow bring back tobias, I would expect this to be the best game since MK3.

Vogel, Beran and Boon are gonna sleep like babies after this is done.... and I am not going to sleep at all.


I wish I was psychic too

I knew you were going to say that.
12/21/2009 10:23 AM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
To me I'm taking that as : After all the shit we went through making MK9 , its nothing compared to the shit we have to put up with trying to get WB to give us the go ahead with out changing everything.

We'll see, but this sounds bad to me.

That's how it sounds to me too, like the WB team are their biggest adversaries yet - 'selling' the game to them without significantly losing the vision Ed et al original had is like the biggest problem they've faced so far. Definitely not good tidings. Can you imagine, after all this, the idea of WB censoring an MK game?
12/21/2009 11:50 AM (UTC)
I dont know, it sounds like they are more worried about being the new guys in a very large company and they are trying to impress the WB guys.
12/21/2009 05:49 PM (UTC)
you guys are reading too much into it. They presented the game, and since MK sells, WB is going to produce it. MK9 is coming baby
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