Dropping the series?
posted06/13/2011 06:02 AM (UTC)by
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02/13/2008 02:13 PM (UTC)
Ok, guys and girls, this is an honest question for you:
are you going to drop the franchise entirely if the story spoilers are true (they probably are)?
Sure as hell I am, this story is going to suck way to hard for my taste. I don't care what amount of gushing can be done about gameplay, graphics or nice packaging, the story sucks too bad and, for me, this is the finishing blow. It's sad but I have to admit XiahouDun84 was right all along, I was willing to give this game a try, but it walked on my face with high heels, dammit!
So, how about you? Feel free to flame me all you want, I'm beyond caring at this point.
03/11/2011 07:20 PM (UTC)
Not me, I'm gonna be a Mortal Kombat fan until the Apocalypse.
Or whenever I'm going to die, whichever comes first. I do understand your pain and anger, however.
03/11/2011 07:51 PM (UTC)
I wanna see how it plays out to be honest.

Reading a text file and playing the game are two different things.
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03/13/2011 11:35 AM (UTC)
Having one of the key elements in the game being screwed up does pose a threat to my purchase. But, I have to play it first. I like the whole of Mortal Kombat so, even if one of the biggest reasons I want to buy this product is "bleh", I'm not to the point yet where I want to dismiss the other parts of the game that may also offer me enjoyment...not just on the one part.
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03/13/2011 01:52 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I wanna see how it plays out to be honest.

Reading a text file and playing the game are two different things.

I agree. But in response to dropping it: Fuck no, I love Mortal kombat straight to the end. As long as there are no super heros. tongue
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03/13/2011 03:10 PM (UTC)
T0asty Wrote:
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
I wanna see how it plays out to be honest.

Reading a text file and playing the game are two different things.

I agree. But in response to dropping it: Fuck no, I love Mortal kombat straight to the end. As long as there are no super heros. tongue

I understand what you are saying, but how much more can we take? Years of story and character development we were attacched to, just poof! Retconned into oblivion and replaced with something vastly inferior. As much as it pains me, how much longer can I just be "loyal" to something I like, if it keeps disappointing, when there are millions of other buttons around to smash?
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03/13/2011 04:03 PM (UTC)
Look at it this way.

I supported this series through MK4-MKA. I consider four of those four the worst four of the series.

I supported this series with MKvsDC. Seriously? You guys are seriously doing this? How hard up for cash ARE you?

This game, on the other hand (referring to Mortal Kombat [2011]), looks amazing to play.

To get rid of me at this point they'd have to custom tailor a storyline that went out of its way to insult and belittle me personally.

And even then, I'd still give it a shot of the gameplay was good.

I've been playing Mortal Kombat for 19 years. No reason to stop now.

In fact, less reason to stop than ever.
03/13/2011 09:16 PM (UTC)
Absolutely not. I love what I have read from the leaks. The storyline hasn't disappointed me at all. ^^
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03/14/2011 05:48 AM (UTC)
I'm still curious as to why nobody expected MAJOR changes to the canon when they expressly said that their were going to be MAJOR changes to the canon. Maybe come April after I've seen it in action (because i refuse to read the spoilers) I'll be on your side of things but as of right now, I'm still on the side of change.
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03/14/2011 12:48 PM (UTC)
Well, major changes is a thing, a total stinker is another.
03/15/2011 03:59 AM (UTC)
Bezou Wrote:

I supported this series through MK4-MKA. I consider four of those four the worst four of the series.

MK4 was awesome.
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03/15/2011 11:45 PM (UTC)
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
Bezou Wrote:

I supported this series through MK4-MKA. I consider four of those four the worst four of the series.

MK4 was awesome.

MK4 is an abysmal mess on just about every level from gameplay to narrative. How anyone enjoyed that garbage is beyond me. It's still the only MK game I won't go back and play.
03/16/2011 06:54 AM (UTC)
It was the atmosphere of the game comrade, the atmosphere.
03/16/2011 02:19 PM (UTC)
I go back and play MK4 all the time. I love the roster, sound effects, music, and Fatalities. I think I like that game even more than MK2 and 3.
03/16/2011 02:57 PM (UTC)
I never played MK4 as far as I remember.
*crosses fingers for MK10*
03/17/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
Warlady, you are as pretty as you are correct, but keep in mind that the MK universe throughout the years has encountered as many holes in the storyline as the brain of a drunken red-neck. It is only because there have been so many games that it has lead to confusion and mistakes. This may be a chance to wipe the slate clean and wash away all the dissappointment we have ALL experienced thoughout the years.
MK=A was a massive blow to MK fans everywhere, so we waited. Now what did we get? MK VS DC (another kick to the balls).
Now I see MK9 as a chance for the creaters to finally give us the game we have been waiting for. This is the third strike and sadly if they mess this up, I'll sadly have to agree with you and leave the MK forever. Perhaps we'll sit on the fence with the more smarter, non-conformist, real and classic fans of MK.
I was there at the first MK when I was a child, now I'm older I can tell if someone is trieing to flog me a dead horse.
Peace and never trust a hippy.
03/17/2011 03:53 AM (UTC)
So, let me get this right, not liking the old storyline doesn't make you a REAL fan of Mortal Kombat? Um, wow. What a low blow.
03/17/2011 04:09 AM (UTC)
Spider804 do you have anything nice to say?
You seem to pass out negative comments like some who has been holding in a big turd that won't come out, but you can't help farting and making noices. Lol.
You seem to play MK because you like to take out your anger by killing non-existant people, while most of us just want to play a good game.
I understand that you want to have your say, but what come out is nothing more than a collection of negative feedback and foolish unthought slurs which only makes you look like a totalitarian dictator who is losing control of his mind and control over a country which was never his to begin with(big words for you to comprehend I'm sure).
When a woman is willing to take you under her wing, I'm sure you will return with a smile and something nice to say, big man.
You should start shaking hands with people and making friends, instead of shaking your willie by yourself in a darkened room by yourself, hoping your Mum won't hear. Lol.
03/17/2011 04:15 AM (UTC)
Jct1984 Wrote:
Spider804 do you have anything nice to say?

You were saying? lol So, you're comparing me to Hitler, a known Totalitarian, because I don't share the same views as you, even though I'm a 21 year old american, not some asshole Nazi dictator preaching for the genocide of the Jewish people, am I getting that right?
03/17/2011 04:29 AM (UTC)
Lol. Merely saying nothing really. I just wish that you don't have to say negative things when ever someone has a point of some sort. By the way Totalitarism is not just based with the Nazi's. Quite the opposite on the account that they failed to keep power over a sort period of time which a desent totalitarian state would have held for many centaries (I.e. Shao Khan). Your not a facist. You'r too young to know what anger really is.
Beside this collection of attacks against each is other is only driving us away from the main concept from what the original disscussion was all about.
You started it, but I was foolish to counteract, from which I'm sorry. Peace.
Now go and lick your wounds.
03/17/2011 04:32 AM (UTC)
Apology accepted.
And fascism sucks balls. grin
Now no more Cyber-Zero!
03/17/2011 04:37 AM (UTC)
You never know. I would prefer a cyber Sub-Zero rather than a human Smoke.
Besides if the original Sub-Zero is taking over the main role, what must be done with the younger brother. We just can't retire him and make him the tea-maker can we now. I do feel a bit annoyed that they are disposing of a character that we have all grown to love and respect as a noble, kick ass warrior. As the Jap's say "He has big balls".
03/17/2011 04:39 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't worry about Subz' fate that much, MK fans are some of the most vocal in the world. wink
03/17/2011 07:47 AM (UTC)
Warlady Wrote:I understand what you are saying, but how much more can we take? Years of story and character development we were attacched to, just poof! Retconned into oblivion and replaced with something vastly inferior. As much as it pains me, how much longer can I just be "loyal" to something I like, if it keeps disappointing, when there are millions of other buttons around to smash?

I can see where you're coming from. This is reminding me of Heroes. First season was awesome, the second was okay, then it quickly went to hell in season 3. They tried fixing it towards the end, and then destroyed it again. Most people gave up on it. I sticked it out and watched till the end. And I'll do the same with MK. I've owned every MK game (except 4, which a friend owned), and I'll own all future games. The story might be complete crap in this game, but everything else looks great. And I can always pretend that the story is one long dream that Raiden has and completely not canon.
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03/17/2011 11:28 AM (UTC)
I don't know that I'm going to drop it cold, but they certainly seem to be working hard to get rid of a fan like me.

Armageddon was disappointing as a product, but I thought the story gave them a lot of opportunity moving forward. MKvsDC was an understandable but disappointing deviation into a degree of irrelevance. The new game certainly has a lot more content to offer to fans of different types, but as someone who has primarily been interested in the characters and storylines in as much as they were implied over the last twenty years, I'm not terribly interested.

To be a fan from the original game and enjoy the bulk of the series until MKA and then drop it suddenly seems somewhat unlikely. The last six or seven years have been increasingly unconvincing, though. It's a series I'd hate to miss once it hits the bargain bins, but I don't know how long that priority lasts when other series are doing a better job to keep me engaged.
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