Dont Tell Me!!!!!!
posted05/24/2009 07:22 AM (UTC)by
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
Look if it bothers you when people type the title in all caps-Get a life. Also il type how I want, cuz im not on here worrying about tryin to type so perfectly 4 ppl especially here, if you can read it shouldn't matter how u type meaning usin periods and commas. If ur smart you still can determine words and letters so i can care less about how you want me 2 type WHO DIED AND MADE SOME OF YOU BOSSES( exactly NO ONE!!!!) So Dont tell me what 2 do, cuz u know what u can do ??? off! with a k at the end. Plus all my ideas r great so really who cares if you see my post, its not 4 u its 4 midway or boon to see if they do. Plus yall dont make mk games so these post are not designed for your liking, only midway can react on my post, so thats who its for, besides nothin but a bunch of cryin holes in here anyway that b?tch at everything you type if its not them posting. But some of you hav great ideas, and others .........!
05/23/2009 11:59 PM (UTC)
dude usually i would agree with you about the rules of this site and the ppl enforcing the rules in an exagerated manner, but u my friend are an @$$hole and i am pretty sure midway has nothing to do with this sight and we can only hope the mk team looks at it. as far as im conserned write in all caps cuz i dont think its a rule. but u just put this bull$*it thread somewhere it doesnt belong and it is prolly gonna get closed. personaly i think its kinda funny and i also think ur pretty dumb
05/24/2009 12:40 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Look if it bothers you when people type the title in all caps-Get a life. Also il type how I want, cuz im not on here worrying about tryin to type so perfectly 4 ppl especially here, if you can read it shouldn't matter how u type meaning usin periods and commas. If ur smart you still can determine words and letters so i can care less about how you want me 2 type WHO DIED AND MADE SOME OF YOU BOSSES( exactly NO ONE!!!!) So Dont tell me what 2 do, cuz u know what u can do ??? off! with a k at the end. Plus all my ideas r great so really who cares if you see my post, its not 4 u its 4 midway or boon to see if they do. Plus yall dont make mk games so these post are not designed for your liking, only midway can react on my post, so thats who its for, besides nothin but a bunch of cryin holes in here anyway that b?tch at everything you type if its not them posting. But some of you hav great ideas, and others .........!

This makes me laugh. Here's the thing, people here who are in control of monitoring this site, are technically bosses, and if there's rules, they need to enforce it, even if majority of the rules here seem pretty pointless, but in a way makes sense.

You on the other hand, are annoying. You keep thinking that your ideas are so great, that the MK team will ask you one day if they can buy your idea off of you, well here's the thing... people in the MK team probably don't even know that this site exists, Boon never sees anything on this site and probably won't now how Midway is going through the money issues.

You don't make MK games either, so who are you to tell us that we cannot critisize your opinions... that's what people here do on this site majority of the time. You wanted people to see your thread, even advertise the damn things, so there you go. Be lucky anyone even notices that you exist on this site.

So here's the thing before you get warned or banned here, yes, rules are completely dumb to follow, but no matter where you go in life you have to deal with rules whether or not. Doing things like this is asking you to get banned or something. And yes, people here are a little strict, but who fucking cares, it's the internet, we're all jerks in a way.

You though, need to take an extreme chill pill before you get kicked outta here. Just saying, because people who call everyone here assholes on threads like these, are assholes themselves to be honest.
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05/24/2009 07:22 AM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:


If you're having a problem with something or someone on this site, pm me, or one of the other mods about it next time, k? Don't make a thread blasting anyone about it, it never gets received well, or resolved that way.

The no caps rule is an implied internet rule. This doesn't really matter where you are on the net. All caps makes things harder to read for some folks because typing that way becomes offensive. That's, just what it is man. Try to stay away from doing that from here on out.

There is a soft consequence for ignoring this in the form of a mod like myself editing your post. If you continue to do it, we issue skulls for doing it until you point out of your membership on this site.


@ Coty and Icebaby:

No need to attack the guy, try direction next time. No skulls or anything this go round.

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