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Kintaro- YAY I will use him to Kill Goro...
Tanya- YAY As a fan favorite from MK4 I wonder why she has been
excluded since then... MKA doesn't count.
Tanya- YAY As a fan favorite from MK4 I wonder why she has been
excluded since then... MKA doesn't count.

Kintaro: Yay. My favorite Shokan and the BEST boss kharacter ever in MK. I prefer Kintaro over that boring Goro any day.for I absolutely hate Goro.
Tanya: You know what my answer will be. Yay.
Tanya: You know what my answer will be. Yay.
Kintaro: Yay- better than Goro. Since we already have Goro, no need for another.
Tanya: Yay- more interesting than Kitana.
Umm...she was in MKD. Guess you haven't played that one?
Tanya: Yay- more interesting than Kitana.
MKfan99 Wrote:
Tanya- YAY As a fan favorite from MK4 I wonder why she has been excluded since then... MKA doesn't count.
Tanya- YAY As a fan favorite from MK4 I wonder why she has been excluded since then... MKA doesn't count.
Umm...she was in MKD. Guess you haven't played that one?
Kintaro: no
Tanya: Sure why the hell not
Tanya: Sure why the hell not

Kintaro - Nay
Tanya - Yay
Tanya - Yay

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Kintaro - yay
Tanya - nay
Tanya - nay

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Kintaro: Yay, was always my favorite shokan, however he is unlikely in the game due to Goro already being there
Tanya: Yay, but she needs a revamp, she was unimpressive in MK4 & MKD, so a revamp in design and play style could make me like her more
Tanya: Yay, but she needs a revamp, she was unimpressive in MK4 & MKD, so a revamp in design and play style could make me like her more

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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling
Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.
Kintaro - Nay. One playable Shokan is more than enough for me.
Tanya - Yay, only if she's revamped.
Tanya - Yay, only if she's revamped.

Kintaro - Nay. Rather see him in just the comic.
Tanya - Nay. Her character never appealed to me.
Tanya - Nay. Her character never appealed to me.

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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589
Kintaro: Nay. He was so bad ass in MK2, but then they gave him a weird kitty cat face in MK9 and I've never been able to look at him the same way since. He needs to sit out. Maybe even leave him out of this game's story entirely.
Tanya: Nay. I like that she's a sort of sneaky, underhanded character. I do. But overall, what does she really have going for her besides being an ambassador that turns out to be evil? She's the woman that wears black and yellow (well, D'vorah kinda does that now too).
Her moves are your garden variety teleport / flip kick / projectile variety, so she has nothing really unique there. She's not a god or a wandering swordsman or a demon or a wraith or a military person or an elemental of a ninja or a monk or a master or a beast or an assassin or anything else that really says "here's a great starting point. Build from here."
You can rebuild a move set. You can fine tune a story to make a character more interesting. You can reimagine a character's look to make them stand out. But to have to do all three? You're basically rebuilding a character from scratch at this point and for what?
Tanya fans, tell me what I'm missing out on here, please. I see a lot of love for her on this board and I don't get it. I don't hate her, I don't really anything her, which is kinda why I don't see the need for her.
Tanya: Nay. I like that she's a sort of sneaky, underhanded character. I do. But overall, what does she really have going for her besides being an ambassador that turns out to be evil? She's the woman that wears black and yellow (well, D'vorah kinda does that now too).
Her moves are your garden variety teleport / flip kick / projectile variety, so she has nothing really unique there. She's not a god or a wandering swordsman or a demon or a wraith or a military person or an elemental of a ninja or a monk or a master or a beast or an assassin or anything else that really says "here's a great starting point. Build from here."
You can rebuild a move set. You can fine tune a story to make a character more interesting. You can reimagine a character's look to make them stand out. But to have to do all three? You're basically rebuilding a character from scratch at this point and for what?
Tanya fans, tell me what I'm missing out on here, please. I see a lot of love for her on this board and I don't get it. I don't hate her, I don't really anything her, which is kinda why I don't see the need for her.
Kintaro- No.
Tanya- Yes, would love to see her be badass.
Tanya- Yes, would love to see her be badass.

Kintaro- YAY cause i prefer his catlike design over the other shokans
Tanya- YAY cause she does Cammy drill move and Chunli split kick much better. I would also love it if we saw two variations regarding her kobu jutsu and boomerang
Tanya- YAY cause she does Cammy drill move and Chunli split kick much better. I would also love it if we saw two variations regarding her kobu jutsu and boomerang

About Me
"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham
Kintaro - Nay.
Tanya - Extreme yay.
Tanya - Extreme yay.
Kintaro - Yay - The more Shokan the better and I am tired of seeing them walled off as boss characters. But maybe next time idiots, don't give him a kitten face and maybe think of a more imposing feline to take attributes from like ooooh I don't know a TIGER OR LION!
Tanya - I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Tanya - I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Kintaro Nay
Tanya Nay
I was a bit 50/50 on both these characters tbh.
I was never a fan of Tanya during MK4 or MKD, but there is something about her..... I would like to see her developed a bit more. Right now she is a generic evil henchman with kinda generic moves and no real overall purpose. Also since Kitana/Sindel didnt free Edenia during the MK9 timeline (at least it seems unlikely to have happened) I dont really see what purpose she has now. She was introduced to be an edenian traitor, a means to let Shinnok enter the realm. Will that even happen. Will her character be completely rewritten? If so maybe theyd just be as well introducing a completely new character. I think she could work given the write development but with the limited space on the roster, I think others are more deserving of spots. DLC could totally happen for Tanya.
Kintaro I have liked since MK2 and also think he is underdeveloped, but we have Goro and I have a feeling we'll see another Shokan in the mix, so again, with the limited roster spots I think he should just be left out.
Tanya Nay
I was a bit 50/50 on both these characters tbh.
I was never a fan of Tanya during MK4 or MKD, but there is something about her..... I would like to see her developed a bit more. Right now she is a generic evil henchman with kinda generic moves and no real overall purpose. Also since Kitana/Sindel didnt free Edenia during the MK9 timeline (at least it seems unlikely to have happened) I dont really see what purpose she has now. She was introduced to be an edenian traitor, a means to let Shinnok enter the realm. Will that even happen. Will her character be completely rewritten? If so maybe theyd just be as well introducing a completely new character. I think she could work given the write development but with the limited space on the roster, I think others are more deserving of spots. DLC could totally happen for Tanya.
Kintaro I have liked since MK2 and also think he is underdeveloped, but we have Goro and I have a feeling we'll see another Shokan in the mix, so again, with the limited roster spots I think he should just be left out.
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Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88
Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)
Sorry been working all day and internet not working right and i only got a min now....
Ill have an official update soon. Til then Kintaro and Tanya will remain active along with Nightwolf, Ashrah, Drahmin.
Again sorry, just been busy but official update soon..
Ill have an official update soon. Til then Kintaro and Tanya will remain active along with Nightwolf, Ashrah, Drahmin.
Again sorry, just been busy but official update soon..
No to both of them. Kintaro was actually pretty intimidating and sinister-looking back in the 90:s, where he still resembled a hulking demon. All that went away when they gave him a feline appearance. I know that this was their intention all along, but it made him look stupid - especially with that "cute" little snout. Seems as if the designers agree with this, given the character's recent babality.
And Tanya...visually I find her bland and uninspiring. Regarding her moveset...heh well, I don't even remember it all that clearly, which is bad enough. I believe her moves were fire-based, which I've seen too many times anyway.
And Tanya...visually I find her bland and uninspiring. Regarding her moveset...heh well, I don't even remember it all that clearly, which is bad enough. I believe her moves were fire-based, which I've seen too many times anyway.
Kintaro Nay, I would pick him over Goro 10.000 times, but with goro already in the game he won't be there anyway
Tanya Yay! most needed MK4 character, but not as much as Havik though.
Nightwolf Yay! But in werewolf, darker form.
Ashrah Nay, never really cared for her, another voodoo character would be fun.
Drahmin nay, boring.
Tanya Yay! most needed MK4 character, but not as much as Havik though.
Nightwolf Yay! But in werewolf, darker form.
Ashrah Nay, never really cared for her, another voodoo character would be fun.
Drahmin nay, boring.
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