Mileena is one of the more interesting female characters in the series - Yay.
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Mileena - Nay(her boobs have run their course).

Fujin Yay
Kira Nay
Noob Nay
Shang Tsung Nay
Kenshi Nay
BoRaiCho Nay
Mileena Nay
Kira Nay
Noob Nay
Shang Tsung Nay
Kenshi Nay
BoRaiCho Nay
Mileena Nay

About Me
"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham
Mileena - Yay, more than any other character.
Reiko (Yes)
Fujin (Yes)
Bo' Rai Cho (NO)
Kenshi (NO)
Frost (yes)
Noob Saibot (yes)
Shang Tsung (NO)
Liu Kang (NO)
Kira (no)
Mileena (yes)
Fujin (Yes)
Bo' Rai Cho (NO)
Kenshi (NO)
Frost (yes)
Noob Saibot (yes)
Shang Tsung (NO)
Liu Kang (NO)
Kira (no)
Mileena (yes)
Mileena- Nay, although she'll be in.

Mileena: Nay. Though I'm almost certain she'll be in, no matter what I have to say about it.
About Me
... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.
Mileena - Yay

About Me
Shang Tsung Yay he is a key figure in MK, the original boss & with the variations could be interesting
Kenshi Yay he would have an awesome move set with th variations, one could be telekinesis, one could use his hologram from Mk9, one could use his sword
BoRaiCho Yay He is a character that given a serious reboot could be good, his story was good they just need to take his novelist serious, no puking and farting etc
Mileena Yay but I won't be upset if she doesn't make it as she did nothing for me in MK9 even though I played her a lot in MK3 & MKD
About Me
Mileena - Yay

About Me
Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.
Lovely signature by MINION
Mileena - Yay/Yes obviously. For more reasons than any other returning character:
1. Her role as heir to Outworld at the end of MK9. (Alive nonetheless)
2. Character redemption, from the ridiculous portrayal of her "childish" personality to a more matured and wiser, deadly femme fatale.
3. Her costumes always bring it. I just pray this time they give her a long high pony. I hate her ugly bob. Also, I hope her facial features (eyes and nose) more so resemble the current Kitana.
4. Strong female villain lead/antagonist.
5. Plays a role in the outworld civil war.
6. Unexplored relationship with Kitana, who needs a counterpart/antagonist now that she's in the game
7. Gameplay opportunities.
8. She's basically the female embodiment of Mortal Kombat itself.
Kira - Yay
She's my second favorite since Deception. I hoped she could rival Cassie Cage in this new timeline with a moveset redesign, but that hope is pretty much crushed if they are gonna pair Cassie off with Frost.
She's Black Dragon, which seem to have some sort of role in the game.
1. Her role as heir to Outworld at the end of MK9. (Alive nonetheless)
2. Character redemption, from the ridiculous portrayal of her "childish" personality to a more matured and wiser, deadly femme fatale.
3. Her costumes always bring it. I just pray this time they give her a long high pony. I hate her ugly bob. Also, I hope her facial features (eyes and nose) more so resemble the current Kitana.
4. Strong female villain lead/antagonist.
5. Plays a role in the outworld civil war.
6. Unexplored relationship with Kitana, who needs a counterpart/antagonist now that she's in the game
7. Gameplay opportunities.
8. She's basically the female embodiment of Mortal Kombat itself.
Kira - Yay
She's my second favorite since Deception. I hoped she could rival Cassie Cage in this new timeline with a moveset redesign, but that hope is pretty much crushed if they are gonna pair Cassie off with Frost.
She's Black Dragon, which seem to have some sort of role in the game.
About Me
Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel
Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88
Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)
Alright im noticing some posts with past chars.... If you want your votes to count you must make a formal request to have a character recalled for another day and there must be a 2nd and 3rd to that request from other ppl for it to pass.
Anyways Mileena seems to be rather popular still so no surprise she starting out ranking high in this game! Ranks as follows....
1. Reiko (+24)
1. Fujin (+24)
3. Mileena (+11)
4. Bo' Rai Cho (+7)
5. Kenshi (+3)
6. Frost (-6)
6. Noob Saibot (-6)
6. Shang Tsung (-6)
9. Liu Kang (-8)
10. Kira (-18)
Todays characters..... Kintaro & Tanya!
Anyways Mileena seems to be rather popular still so no surprise she starting out ranking high in this game! Ranks as follows....
1. Reiko (+24)
1. Fujin (+24)
3. Mileena (+11)
4. Bo' Rai Cho (+7)
5. Kenshi (+3)
6. Frost (-6)
6. Noob Saibot (-6)
6. Shang Tsung (-6)
9. Liu Kang (-8)
10. Kira (-18)
Todays characters..... Kintaro & Tanya!
Kintaro - nay. We only need one shokan.
Tanya - nay. Most pointless character in mk.
Tanya - nay. Most pointless character in mk.
About Me
I will rock you.
Kintaro - Nope we do not need him since we have Goro. (Nay)
Tanya - Yes I really liked her on MK4. (Yay)
Tanya - Yes I really liked her on MK4. (Yay)
Kintaro - NAY
Tanya - YAY
Tanya - YAY
About Me
Kintaro - Nay
Tanya - Yay
Tanya - Yay
About Me
"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.
Kintaro - Nay - Would have him over Goro, but they chose Goro so we dont need Kintaro now. We had both in the last game, and both of them were east 2 kill.
Tanya - Nay.
Tanya - Nay.
Kintaro - Nay. Cool seeing him again in MK9, but I don't think he has much else to offer, especially not to take up a character slot.
Tanya - Nay. Tanya is about as interesting to me as watching yellow and black paint dry.
Tanya - Nay. Tanya is about as interesting to me as watching yellow and black paint dry.

Kintaro - Nay
Tanya - Yay
Tanya - Yay

About Me
Kintaro - Yay - *shrug* I like Kitty-Goro better than regular Goro.
Tanya - Yay - My favorite evil female in the series, and this is the time when she'd be most relevant.
Tanya - Yay - My favorite evil female in the series, and this is the time when she'd be most relevant.

Kintaro - Best sub-boss in my opinion.. but NAY
Tanya - YAY
Tanya - YAY
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