04/13/2015 03:38 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
Given how something like this would probably follow the same format as dk publishing's encyclopedia series, what all would you guys be looking for in that? I'm thinking precious timeline and current, background lore, etc...

EVERYTHING lol I want character creation, concepts, inspirations, lore, bios and endings from every game, you name it. If this were to happen (I really hope it will one day) it will probably be the only one we get so I want it to cover absolutely everything, have that b**** be like an inch and a half or two inches thick lol

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04/13/2015 04:20 AM (UTC)
Just asked Kittelson how much noise we would have to make to have this actually happen...

"Rumblings. Tremor style!"

So, who wants to start the petition?
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04/13/2015 04:26 AM (UTC)
Hell yes.
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04/13/2015 05:05 AM (UTC)

Please sign and pass it on. Put it in signatures. I don't care. Let's get this thing moving!
04/13/2015 06:25 AM (UTC)
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/13/2015 02:07 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
I kind of wish you were authoring the book....haha

Lol thanks. I'd definitely place my faith in someone like Shawn, Vogel, or Tobias for the bulk of those topics instead of me. Nobody knows their own child more than the parents. Although Tobias probably looks at it like his mutated radioactive child these days.

I could come up with a wicked Table of Contents though! ;D

Going to sign that petition once I get home. Busy busy today! Have to pick up my PS4, sign up for Gamestop's Tournament, and get my man cave squared away for the best possible experience.

Oh my lawd guys...I can't believe it's finally time!
04/13/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
This would be bad idea waiting to happen.

As some folks have already stated, the creative team can barely keep their own shit together in the games. There are so many headscratchers and plot holes it'd make the book read like some trashy fanfiction, and that's not to point out that some characters will get really generic, obvious bios (like some folks have mentioned) because they were bit notes across the franchise.

The only way this shit would be worth reading is if the fans themselves did it online. Not a Wiki, we have one of those and it's retarded. But let the fans fill in some blanks and explain why the MK9 tournament makes no sense.
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04/13/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
This is why we're asking kittelson to do it, so maybe he could fill in some blanks and actually author the official canon of this lore. Him and Vogel would probably do a nice job and I think getting this done is the first real step to fixing things in the lore and answering questions.
04/13/2015 03:12 PM (UTC)
Will be signing this, maybe those with twitter can bug the shit out of Ed Boon about it as well lol
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04/13/2015 04:39 PM (UTC)
He won't answer given how close to launch the game is. He's got tons of other stuff to do.

Any one who can spread this petition around and get a bunch of signatures would be a huge help though!
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04/14/2015 09:16 AM (UTC)
Got a couple more signatures at launch!

We need to keep this thing bumping guys. 1000 should get it done!
04/14/2015 10:05 AM (UTC)
I would be

I have the street fighter encyclopedia and the new updated one ( only difference in the updated one besides the hardcover is the fact that the Illuminati is now referred to as the 'Secret society'....)

Anyway, I would like at least 1 A4 page to every playable character and boss throughout the series, info on arenas and realms.

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04/14/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
That's what I'm getting at. Street Fighter, and even KI to some degree, have a book/encyclopedia to expand upon the lore and essentially prove as a compendium if you will.

This is something we need as MK fans.
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04/15/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
Bumping this up...We reached 80 signatures today. Maybe 100 by tomorrow!
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04/16/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
Coming up on 100. Come on guys. We need to make this a thing.
04/16/2015 06:52 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
Coming up on 100. Come on guys. We need to make this a thing.
Good stuff! It might take some time but eventually it will reach 1000.

Seriously Tobias and vogel need to be involved. Tobias created most of the characters and realms we know, he should atleast do something with it. Could someone contact tobias and ask him if hes even willing to do something like this?

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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/16/2015 07:15 PM (UTC)
We just need more than one person spreading the link to the survey...

Can some of you guys help me out?
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04/17/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
I want this so bad

Petition has been signed tongue
04/17/2015 02:48 AM (UTC)
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04/17/2015 03:03 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
I have mixed feelings...

I would absolutely love and cherish a quality MK Encyclopedia/Compendium... but... nitpicky fan that I am, I'm skeptical that if they made one, it would be of sufficient quality, lol...

The Marvel books by DK you cited, aren't without their flaws when scrutinized.

They often have errors or don't quite connect the dots of certain entries correctly. Glossing over details to create the wrong impression. But some of that could be attributed to the complex/retconny nature of the comic book stories they're summarizing. Some of that might also apply to MK, because MK is also complicated and retconny in its story telling. Not to mention all those half-true what-if endings muddying the waters.

The DK books are often kept very general, and don't go into a lot of detail. They give you a paragraph summary of most events/characters... not the type of in-depth info a hardcore geek might actually want.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd want like... an in-depth summary of what every character was doing during every game. A full summary of their story, as deep as we could possibly get with it for each character. Now I wouldn't expect we'd get like... info on Hsu Hao during MK1, for instance, but say... Sheeva. Her wherabouts/goings on during Deadly Alliance were explained during that game's Konquest mode. I'd want that to be in there, but I'm skeptical it would be. I feel like they'd just gloss over her major role in MK3 as Sindel's protector, then move on.

I feel like we'd be more likely to get general blurb descriptions for each character, much like the MK9 character bios. Things that tell us the broad details we all know and have heard 100 times, with none of the fine detail.

The way DK does it, Guys like Scorpion would certainly get a whole page or two, but the lesser characters would just be a half page and a paragraph. Which strikes me as lame. Frankly I don't need to know more about Scorpion, he gets enough attention. I'd LOVE to get more friggin' backstory on Chameleon though... which I doubt they'd put in there.

The artwork is also very often hit and miss in DK's books... I question some of their choices. I for one prefer a nice clean full-body render/drawing when it comes to that sort of thing... showing the character off well, but... DK usually gets really across the board, showing a broad variety of art. Which is good in some instances, but it others makes you go, "This picture sucks, why did they choose this one?"

SO... I dunno...

I love the idea in theory.
I'm skeptical it would live up to my expectations in practice.

I actually bought the MK: Armageddon guide hoping it might be a little like this. I was hoping there would be a biographical blurb for each character at least, so that some info might finally arise for guys like Meat and Chameleon. But nope. That guide sucked.

I also just bought the first MKX comic trade paperback, just because it had some extra concept art in the back... despite the fact I already own all the paper and several of the digital comics, lol...

SO ANYWAY YEAH... Super interested... but doubtful it would live up to my high expectations.

This so freakin much! The idea itself is awsome, but I wouldn't count on them to do it right. Most nerd encyclopedias are incredibly underwhelming. I agree with wanderer as well.
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04/17/2015 12:47 PM (UTC)
NinjaTweak Wrote:
I'd buy it, even if it cost $200-$250, but there aren't enough like me to make it a priority to a mega-corp who owns the property rights.

The problem is that physical books are dead. They aren't cheap, they certainly aren't cheaper with electronic competition and less demand now, and the more affordable you try to make it by cutting content, the less appeal they have.

It's a lose-lose if they aim for large volumes of sales. I'm not upset NRS isn't doing an artbook. I'm more sad that there's no official strategy guide for MKX, but even that is understandable.

I think its best chance is to do a limited run only. That, or only print copies after they're ordered. Neither of those will be cheap.

I wouldn't be so sure. MK has a rather large fanbase. I just got my Uncharted Art book from Naughty Dog yesterday that I ordered back in Feb. if they did that and did preorders, they wouldn't have to over produce the book. Set the price at $50-$75, Give it an absurd amount of content. Don't short the people. Make an extra 1000 copies outside of the preorder. Make each book numbered. Make it a real Limited Edition and take your money to the bank. I'd buy it right now
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04/17/2015 12:52 PM (UTC)
They did the same thing with the art of journey, and God of war ascension. It is possible for this type of thing.
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04/18/2015 05:02 AM (UTC)
Had our post/petition favorited by DK publishing and Shawn Kittelsen today. It reached 112 signatures.

They are also watching this forum post.
04/18/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
I can't see such a book being anything more than the same regurgitated character bios and concept art, with most of it centering around Scorpion and Sub-Zero, of course, while many lesser characters will almost certainly get the shaft.
And like a previous poster said, the storytelling has become so out of whack. I'd like to see how that's going to be worked in with this new timeline eschewing nineteen years' worth of backstory.
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04/18/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
Why shit on it though? Like, why not sign it? What harm does it do to you, as a fan to have these things actually put into concrete form. Something that NRS really can't back out of or retcon without having it at hand.

I think a ton of these retcons happen because they don't have the lore/encyclopedia mapped out in something like this.

I mean honestly, if John Vogel and Shawn Kittelsen sit down and do this, and actually put the facts and whatnot into it, it actually DOES help the canon alot.
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