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04/10/2015 12:28 PM (UTC)
I have kids named Taven, Jax & Katana Jade of course I would buy it!
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04/10/2015 12:50 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Given how MKX does not take care even when it comes to its own prequel/tie-in comics.... the best bet would be a fan/third party compilation.

Start from the time when Shang Tsung was called The emperor and Sub-Zero was Tundra and finish with MKX while mentioning every bit of retcon, alt idea etc. on the way.

On the other hand, you are not going to get a detailed world, because they have always worked with broad strokes. This is not Song of Ice and Fire with hyperdetailed background info....

Some people would want it to be, but I do not think MK could sustain all of that. Dunno.


Given how the lore is, I kind of expected this. However, with something like one of these encyclopedias, fans would have the real information of the canon at their finger tips, vs debating it on forums. It would finally give us a concrete bit of information on the updated story line along with what's really going on with the characters.

Obviously something like this would give the major players in the story (Scorpion, Sub Zero, Kitana, Kang, Raiden, Etc) like 4 page spreads, vs Mokap, Hsu Hao and Chameleon who would only get like a half page. But something like this would be absolutely amazing and priceless to new and old fans alike.
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04/10/2015 01:19 PM (UTC)
I made a timeline of Mortal Kombat that pretty much covers the entire lore.
I don't know if it's great but I did my best.
Youtube won't really let me use the songs I wanted, so if you're from the US you won't be able to see it unless you use IP changer or something.

Have fun!

Uppercut Editions
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/10/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
Excellent stuff! How long did that take to make, just curious... Edit: Kittelson said DC and DK publishing know where to find him if they want to make such a book. Now we just need to let those two publishers know we want that.
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04/10/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
Excellent stuff! How long did that take to make, just curious...

Edit: Kittelson said DC and DK publishing know where to find him if they want to make such a book. Now we just need to let those two publishers know we want that.

It took me quite a long time, but I enjoyed seeing it finally done (and getting the likes on youtube tongue )
I think I haven't made any mistakes, but if you find some, please let me know.
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/11/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)
Given how something like this would probably follow the same format as dk publishing's encyclopedia series, what all would you guys be looking for in that? I'm thinking precious timeline and current, background lore, etc...
04/11/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I have kids named Taven, Jax & Katana Jade of course I would buy it!

I raise my glass to your awesome naming abilities. :B
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/11/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I have kids named Taven, Jax & Katana Jade of course I would buy it!

I raise my glass to your awesome naming abilities. :B

Honestly there aren't many names in the canon that work for every race.

Anyway...Would you guys be open to maybe hitting up @kittelson on twitter and letting him know you guys are interested too?
04/11/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
mattteo Wrote:
I made a timeline of Mortal Kombat that pretty much covers the entire lore.
I don't know if it's great but I did my best.
Youtube won't really let me use the songs I wanted, so if you're from the US you won't be able to see it unless you use IP changer or something.

Have fun!


Thats awesome man! Im from europe but it cant see the video? It says that its deleted. I would really whant to see this, is it still possible to watch the video?
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/11/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
Maybe I should attach a poll to the main post to see if we can get more #s? Generally to generate enough interest, we'd need 100+ posts or whatever.
04/11/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
Maybe I should attach a poll to the main post to see if we can get more #s? Generally to generate enough interest, we'd need 100+ posts or whatever.

Yeah, that might help.
04/11/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
I would love to see a book like this for "MK." It's had such a long journey since the early 90s, and there's so much that could be covered, between the games' various story lines, characters, etc. and then all the behind the scenes stuff...
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/11/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
This thread would have to get a ton of love to actually be considered something. Think we can do it?
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04/11/2015 11:27 PM (UTC)
I'd most definitely purchase it. It'd be awesome to have.
04/12/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
I would purchase immediately.
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/12/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
If we got one, I'd hope they possibly covered scrapped or rumored characters possibly, like nimbus/Tiamat/belokk etc
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I have kids named Taven, Jax & Katana Jade of course I would buy it!

Do you have to keep Bi-Han and Hanzo from fighting a lot?
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/12/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
I posted the same thing on other MK sites. Would love to see this get more play and more posts, comments on what you guys would want in something like this?
04/12/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I have kids named Taven, Jax & Katana Jade of course I would buy it!

I raise my glass to your awesome naming abilities. :B

I personally find it highly suspect that he misspelled his daughter's name.
04/12/2015 05:55 PM (UTC)
If only because it would allow them to settle some disputes and fill in some blanks in the canon. If it does that I'd buy 2!
04/12/2015 07:10 PM (UTC)
I have mixed feelings...

I would absolutely love and cherish a quality MK Encyclopedia/Compendium... but... nitpicky fan that I am, I'm skeptical that if they made one, it would be of sufficient quality, lol...

The Marvel books by DK you cited, aren't without their flaws when scrutinized.

They often have errors or don't quite connect the dots of certain entries correctly. Glossing over details to create the wrong impression. But some of that could be attributed to the complex/retconny nature of the comic book stories they're summarizing. Some of that might also apply to MK, because MK is also complicated and retconny in its story telling. Not to mention all those half-true what-if endings muddying the waters.

The DK books are often kept very general, and don't go into a lot of detail. They give you a paragraph summary of most events/characters... not the type of in-depth info a hardcore geek might actually want.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd want like... an in-depth summary of what every character was doing during every game. A full summary of their story, as deep as we could possibly get with it for each character. Now I wouldn't expect we'd get like... info on Hsu Hao during MK1, for instance, but say... Sheeva. Her wherabouts/goings on during Deadly Alliance were explained during that game's Konquest mode. I'd want that to be in there, but I'm skeptical it would be. I feel like they'd just gloss over her major role in MK3 as Sindel's protector, then move on.

I feel like we'd be more likely to get general blurb descriptions for each character, much like the MK9 character bios. Things that tell us the broad details we all know and have heard 100 times, with none of the fine detail.

The way DK does it, Guys like Scorpion would certainly get a whole page or two, but the lesser characters would just be a half page and a paragraph. Which strikes me as lame. Frankly I don't need to know more about Scorpion, he gets enough attention. I'd LOVE to get more friggin' backstory on Chameleon though... which I doubt they'd put in there.

The artwork is also very often hit and miss in DK's books... I question some of their choices. I for one prefer a nice clean full-body render/drawing when it comes to that sort of thing... showing the character off well, but... DK usually gets really across the board, showing a broad variety of art. Which is good in some instances, but it others makes you go, "This picture sucks, why did they choose this one?"

SO... I dunno...

I love the idea in theory.
I'm skeptical it would live up to my expectations in practice.

I actually bought the MK: Armageddon guide hoping it might be a little like this. I was hoping there would be a biographical blurb for each character at least, so that some info might finally arise for guys like Meat and Chameleon. But nope. That guide sucked.

I also just bought the first MKX comic trade paperback, just because it had some extra concept art in the back... despite the fact I already own all the paper and several of the digital comics, lol...

SO ANYWAY YEAH... Super interested... but doubtful it would live up to my high expectations.
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04/13/2015 01:25 AM (UTC)
I completely understand why some people would be...apprehensive to handling mk lore given all the retcons and no one ever dying and whatnot, but I gotta say having everything in one book would be my dream.
04/13/2015 02:10 AM (UTC)
I would love one, and would totally buy it. I don't expect it to come to fruition, however.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/13/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
*Race Origins and Breakdowns
*Lore of the Realms
*ALL Finisher Inputs
*One Being vs Elder Gods Scripture
*Character Biographies (including NPCs and One-Shots such as Argus, Elemental Gods, Orin, Skarlet, Delia, ect.)
*Obituaries Throughout the Series
*Character's Weapons Masteries
*Old, Decrepit, Unused Concept Art
*Stage Lore
**Character Whereabouts During Tournaments (continuation of Bios)
*Timeline for a decent perspective of events in the MKU
*Character Relationships (Allies, Bloodlines/Kin, Friends, Enemies, Lovers, Rivals)

Just off the top of my head for now.
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Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

04/13/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
I kind of wish you were authoring the book....haha
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